Permianville Royalty Trust Announces Monthly Cash Distribution

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Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL) has announced a cash distribution of $0.014000 per unit to unitholders, payable on October 15, 2024. This distribution is based on reported oil production for June 2024 and natural gas production for May 2024, including accrued costs from July 2024. The Trust's underlying properties recorded oil cash receipts of $3.0 million at an average price of $77.69/Bbl, down $0.3 million from the previous month. Natural gas cash receipts totaled $0.6 million at $1.69/Mcf, up $0.1 million. Total accrued operating expenses increased by $0.6 million to $2.5 million, while capital expenditures decreased by $0.2 million to $0.4 million.

Il Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL) ha annunciato una distribuzione in contante di $0.014000 per unità agli unitholders, pagabile il 15 ottobre 2024. Questa distribuzione è basata sulla produzione di petrolio riportata per giugno 2024 e sulla produzione di gas naturale per maggio 2024, inclusi i costi accumulati di luglio 2024. Le proprietà sottostanti del Trust hanno registrato incassi in contante da petrolio di $3.0 milioni a un prezzo medio di $77.69/Bbl, con un calo di $0.3 milioni rispetto al mese precedente. Gli incassi in contante da gas naturale sono ammontati a $0.6 milioni a $1.69/Mcf, con un aumento di $0.1 milioni. Le spese operative accumulate totali sono aumentate di $0.6 milioni a $2.5 milioni, mentre le spese in conto capitale sono diminuite di $0.2 milioni a $0.4 milioni.

Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL) ha anunciado una distribución en efectivo de $0.014000 por unidad a los unitholders, pagadera el 15 de octubre de 2024. Esta distribución se basa en la producción de petróleo reportada para junio de 2024 y la producción de gas natural para mayo de 2024, incluyendo los costos acumulados de julio de 2024. Las propiedades subyacentes del Trust registraron ingresos en efectivo por petróleo de $3.0 millones a un precio promedio de $77.69/Bbl, una disminución de $0.3 millones respecto al mes anterior. Los ingresos en efectivo por gas natural totalizaron $0.6 millones a $1.69/Mcf, un aumento de $0.1 millones. Los gastos operativos acumulados totales aumentaron en $0.6 millones a $2.5 millones, mientras que los gastos de capital disminuyeron en $0.2 millones a $0.4 millones.

Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL)는 2024년 10월 15일에 단위당 $0.014000의 현금 배당금을 유닛 보유자에게 지급한다고 발표했습니다. 이 배당금은 2024년 6월의 보고된 석유 생산량과 2024년 5월의 자연가스 생산량을 기준으로 하며, 2024년 7월의 발생 비용을 포함합니다. Trust의 기본 자산은 $3.0 백만의 석유 현금 수입을 평균 가격 $77.69/Bbl로 기록했으며, 이는 지난 달보다 $0.3 백만 감소한 수치입니다. 자연가스 현금 수입은 총 $0.6 백만이며, 가격은 $1.69/Mcf로, $0.1 백만 증가했습니다. 총 발생 운영비는 $2.5 백만으로 $0.6 백만 증가했으며, 자본 지출은 $0.4 백만으로 $0.2 백만 감소했습니다.

Le Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL) a annoncé une distribution en espèces de $0.014000 par unité pour les porteurs de parts, payable le 15 octobre 2024. Cette distribution est basée sur la production de pétrole rapportée pour juin 2024 et la production de gaz naturel pour mai 2024, y compris les coûts accumulés de juillet 2024. Les propriétés sous-jacentes du Trust ont enregistré des recettes en espèces provenant du pétrole de $3.0 millions à un prix moyen de $77.69/Bbl, en baisse de $0.3 millions par rapport au mois précédent. Les recettes en espèces provenant du gaz naturel ont totalisé $0.6 millions à $1.69/Mcf, en hausse de $0.1 millions. Les dépenses d'exploitation totales accumulées ont augmenté de $0.6 millions pour atteindre $2.5 millions, tandis que les dépenses en capital ont diminué de $0.2 millions pour s'établir à $0.4 millions.

Der Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL) hat eine Barausschüttung von $0.014000 pro Einheit an die Unithalter angekündigt, die am 15. Oktober 2024 zahlbar ist. Diese Ausschüttung basiert auf der gemeldeten Ölproduktion für Juni 2024 und der Erdgasproduktion für Mai 2024, einschließlich aufgelaufener Kosten aus Juli 2024. Die zugrunde liegenden Vermögenswerte des Trusts verzeichneten Ölbarzahlungen von $3.0 Millionen zu einem Durchschnittspreis von $77.69/Bbl, was einen Rückgang von $0.3 Millionen im Vergleich zum Vormonat darstellt. Die Barzahlungen aus Erdgas beliefen sich auf insgesamt $0.6 Millionen bei $1.69/Mcf, ein Anstieg von $0.1 Millionen. Die insgesamt angefallenen Betriebsausgaben erhöhten sich um $0.6 Millionen auf $2.5 Millionen, während die Investitionen um $0.2 Millionen auf $0.4 Millionen sanken.

  • Natural gas cash receipts increased by $0.1 million from the prior month
  • Capital expenditures decreased by $0.2 million to $0.4 million
  • Oil cash receipts decreased by $0.3 million from the prior month
  • Total accrued operating expenses increased by $0.6 million to $2.5 million
  • Oil production volumes decreased from 41,469 Bbls to 38,579 Bbls
  • Natural gas production volumes decreased from 394,278 Mcf to 374,304 Mcf

The $0.014 per unit cash distribution announced by Permianville Royalty Trust is a routine monthly payout, reflecting the Trust's operational performance. While the distribution provides income for unitholders, it's important to note the decrease in oil production (-7%) and natural gas production (-5%) compared to the previous month. This decline, coupled with lower oil prices (-2.3%), suggests potential challenges in maintaining future distribution levels.

However, the increase in natural gas prices (+21.6%) partially offsets these negatives. The $0.6 million increase in operating expenses and $0.2 million decrease in capital expenditures indicate potential shifts in operational strategy. Investors should monitor these trends closely, as they may impact the Trust's ability to sustain distributions in the long term.

The reported figures reveal interesting dynamics in the Permian Basin. The decline in oil and gas production volumes could be attributed to natural field depletion or temporary operational issues. However, the contrasting price movements of oil and natural gas are noteworthy. The slight dip in oil prices aligns with broader market trends, while the significant jump in natural gas prices (21.6%) is particularly intriguing.

This price divergence could lead to a shift in production focus towards natural gas-rich areas within the Trust's portfolio. The reduction in capital expenditures might indicate a cautious approach or completion of major projects. Investors should watch for any strategic changes in the Trust's operations that could capitalize on the favorable natural gas pricing environment.

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE: PVL, the “Trust”) today announced a cash distribution to the holders of its units of beneficial interest of $0.014000 per unit, payable on October 15, 2024 to unitholders of record on September 30, 2024. The net profits interest calculation represents reported oil production for the month of June 2024 and reported natural gas production during May 2024. The calculation includes accrued costs incurred in July 2024.

The following table displays reported underlying oil and natural gas sales volumes and average received wellhead prices attributable to the current and prior month recorded net profits interest calculations.



Underlying Sales Volumes


Average Price





Natural Gas




Natural Gas











(per Bbl)


(per Mcf)

Current Month










$ 77.69


$ 1.69

Prior Month










$ 79.53


$ 1.39

Recorded oil cash receipts from the oil and gas properties underlying the Trust (the “Underlying Properties”) totaled $3.0 million for the current month on realized wellhead prices of $77.69/Bbl, down $0.3 million from the prior month’s oil cash receipts.

Recorded natural gas cash receipts from the Underlying Properties totaled $0.6 million for the current month on realized wellhead prices of $1.69/Mcf, up $0.1 million from the prior month.

Total accrued operating expenses for the period were $2.5 million, a $0.6 million increase month-over-month. Capital expenditures decreased $0.2 million from the prior period to $0.4 million.

About Permianville Royalty Trust

Permianville Royalty Trust is a Delaware statutory trust formed to own a net profits interest representing the right to receive 80% of the net profits from the sale of oil and natural gas production from certain, predominantly non-operated, oil and gas properties in the states of Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. As described in the Trust’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), the amount of the periodic distributions is expected to fluctuate, depending on the proceeds received by the Trust as a result of actual production volumes, oil and gas prices, the amount and timing of capital expenditures, and the Trust’s administrative expenses, among other factors. Future distributions are expected to be made on a monthly basis. For additional information on the Trust, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements and Cautionary Statements

This press release contains statements that are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements contained in this press release, other than statements of historical facts, are “forward-looking statements” for purposes of these provisions. These forward-looking statements include the amount and date of any anticipated distribution to unitholders. The anticipated distribution is based, in large part, on the amount of cash received or expected to be received by the Trust from the Sponsor with respect to the relevant period. The amount of such cash received or expected to be received by the Trust (and its ability to pay distributions) has been and will continue to be directly affected by the volatility in commodity prices, which can fluctuate significantly as a result of a variety of factors that are beyond the control of the Trust and the Sponsor. Low oil and natural gas prices will reduce profits to which the Trust is entitled, which will reduce the amount of cash available for distribution to unitholders and in certain periods could result in no distributions to unitholders. Other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include expenses of the Trust, reserves for anticipated future expenses, and public health concerns, such as the COVID‑19 pandemic. In addition, future monthly capital expenditures may exceed the average levels experienced in 2023 and prior periods, which could reduce the amount of cash available for distribution to unitholders and in certain periods could result in no distributions to unitholders. Statements made in this press release are qualified by the cautionary statements made in this press release. Neither the Sponsor nor the Trustee intends, and neither assumes any obligation, to update any of the statements included in this press release. An investment in units issued by the Trust is subject to the risks described in the Trust’s filings with the SEC, including the risks described in the Trust’s Annual Report on Form 10‑K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on March 22, 2024. The Trust’s quarterly and other filed reports are or will be available over the Internet at the SEC’s website at

Permianville Royalty Trust

The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee

601 Travis Street, 16th Floor

Houston, Texas 77002

Sarah Newell 1 (512) 236-6555

Source: Permianville Royalty Trust


What is the cash distribution amount per unit for Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) in October 2024?

Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) announced a cash distribution of $0.014000 per unit, payable on October 15, 2024 to unitholders of record on September 30, 2024.

How did oil and natural gas cash receipts change for Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) in the current month?

Oil cash receipts decreased by $0.3 million to $3.0 million, while natural gas cash receipts increased by $0.1 million to $0.6 million in the current month.

What were the average wellhead prices for oil and natural gas for Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) in the current month?

The average wellhead price for oil was $77.69 per barrel, and for natural gas, it was $1.69 per Mcf in the current month.

How did operating expenses and capital expenditures change for Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) in the current period?

Total accrued operating expenses increased by $0.6 million to $2.5 million, while capital expenditures decreased by $0.2 million to $0.4 million in the current period.

Permianville Royalty Trust


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Oil & Gas E&P
Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas
United States of America