Provenance Gold Intersects 0.8 g/t Gold over 154.23m from Surface Including 3.02 g/t Gold over 13.72m
Provenance Gold Corp (CSE: PAU) (OTCQB: PVGDF) has reported significant gold intersections from its Eldorado Gold Project in Malheur County, Oregon. Recent drill holes EC-02 and EC-03 have yielded notable results:
- EC-02: 0.51 g/t Au over 156.4m from surface, including 0.94 g/t Au over 32m
- EC-03: 0.8 g/t Au over 154.23m from surface, including 3.02 g/t Au over 13.72m
These results reinforce a significant NE-SW mineralized structure in the Tyee Area, with the high-grade zone extending over 25m in true thickness. The mineralization remains open in all directions. The company plans an ambitious 10,000+ meter drill program for 2025, starting in March, targeting four northeast-trending mineralized zones across the property.
Provenance Gold Corp (CSE: PAU) (OTCQB: PVGDF) ha riportato significative intersezioni d'oro dal suo Eldorado Gold Project nella contea di Malheur, Oregon. I recenti fori di perforazione EC-02 e EC-03 hanno prodotto risultati notevoli:
- EC-02: 0,51 g/t Au su 156,4m dalla superficie, inclusi 0,94 g/t Au su 32m
- EC-03: 0,8 g/t Au su 154,23m dalla superficie, inclusi 3,02 g/t Au su 13,72m
Questi risultati rafforzano una significativa struttura mineralizzata NE-SW nell'area di Tyee, con la zona ad alto grado che si estende per oltre 25m in spessore reale. La mineralizzazione rimane aperta in tutte le direzioni. L'azienda prevede un ambizioso programma di perforazione di oltre 10.000 metri per il 2025, che inizierà a marzo, mirato a quattro zone mineralizzate in direzione nord-est attraverso la proprietà.
Provenance Gold Corp (CSE: PAU) (OTCQB: PVGDF) ha reportado intersecciones significativas de oro en su Proyecto Eldorado Gold en el condado de Malheur, Oregón. Los recientes agujeros de perforación EC-02 y EC-03 han producido resultados notables:
- EC-02: 0,51 g/t Au sobre 156,4m desde la superficie, incluyendo 0,94 g/t Au sobre 32m
- EC-03: 0,8 g/t Au sobre 154,23m desde la superficie, incluyendo 3,02 g/t Au sobre 13,72m
Estos resultados refuerzan una estructura mineralizada significativa en dirección NE-SW en el área de Tyee, con la zona de alta ley extendiéndose por más de 25m en grosor real. La mineralización permanece abierta en todas las direcciones. La compañía planea un ambicioso programa de perforación de más de 10,000 metros para 2025, que comenzará en marzo, dirigido a cuatro zonas mineralizadas que se extienden hacia el noreste a través de la propiedad.
Provenance Gold Corp (CSE: PAU) (OTCQB: PVGDF)는 오리건주 말허 카운티에 있는 엘도라도 골드 프로젝트에서 중요한 금 교차점을 보고했습니다. 최근의 시추 홀 EC-02 및 EC-03에서 주목할 만한 결과가 나왔습니다:
- EC-02: 표면에서 156.4m에 걸쳐 0.51 g/t Au, 32m에 걸쳐 0.94 g/t Au 포함
- EC-03: 표면에서 154.23m에 걸쳐 0.8 g/t Au, 13.72m에 걸쳐 3.02 g/t Au 포함
이 결과는 Tyee 지역에서 NE-SW 방향의 중요한 광물화 구조를 강화하며, 고등급 구역은 실제 두께로 25m 이상 확장됩니다. 광물화는 모든 방향으로 열려 있습니다. 이 회사는 2025년 3월에 시작하여 자산 전역의 네 개의 북동쪽 방향의 광물화 구역을 목표로 하는 10,000m 이상의 시추 프로그램을 계획하고 있습니다.
Provenance Gold Corp (CSE: PAU) (OTCQB: PVGDF) a rapporté des intersections d'or significatives de son projet Eldorado Gold dans le comté de Malheur, Oregon. Les récents trous de forage EC-02 et EC-03 ont donné des résultats notables :
- EC-02 : 0,51 g/t Au sur 156,4m depuis la surface, incluant 0,94 g/t Au sur 32m
- EC-03 : 0,8 g/t Au sur 154,23m depuis la surface, incluant 3,02 g/t Au sur 13,72m
Ces résultats renforcent une structure minéralisée significative dans la zone de Tyee, avec la zone à haute teneur s'étendant sur plus de 25m d'épaisseur réelle. La minéralisation reste ouverte dans toutes les directions. L'entreprise prévoit un ambitieux programme de forage de plus de 10 000 mètres pour 2025, qui débutera en mars, ciblant quatre zones minéralisées orientées au nord-est à travers la propriété.
Provenance Gold Corp (CSE: PAU) (OTCQB: PVGDF) hat signifikante Gold-Intersektionen aus seinem Eldorado Gold-Projekt im Malheur County, Oregon, gemeldet. Die aktuellen Bohrlöcher EC-02 und EC-03 haben bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse geliefert:
- EC-02: 0,51 g/t Au über 156,4m von der Oberfläche, einschließlich 0,94 g/t Au über 32m
- EC-03: 0,8 g/t Au über 154,23m von der Oberfläche, einschließlich 3,02 g/t Au über 13,72m
Diese Ergebnisse stärken eine signifikante NE-SW mineralisierte Struktur im Tyee-Gebiet, wobei die hochgradige Zone über 25m in echtem Durchmesser reicht. Die Mineralisierung bleibt in alle Richtungen offen. Das Unternehmen plant ein ehrgeiziges Bohrprogramm von über 10.000 Metern für 2025, das im März beginnen soll und vier nordostwärts gerichtete mineralisierte Zonen auf dem Grundstück anvisiert.
- Strong gold grades: 0.8 g/t Au over 154.23m including 3.02 g/t Au over 13.72m
- Mineralization remains open in all directions, indicating expansion potential
- Fully funded 10,000+ meter drill program planned for 2025
- Multiple high-grade zones discovered, confirming significant gold-bearing structure
- Drill equipment issues and difficult conditions led to significant core loss
- Both holes unable to reach intended target depth
- Assay results likely underrepresent actual gold content due to core loss
EC-02 assayed 0.51 g/t Au over 156.4m from surface and EC-03 assayed 0.8 g/t Au over 154.23m from surface including 3.02 g/t Au over 13.72m.
Reinforces the NE-SW mineralized structure previously discovered in ED-04 as a significant gold bearing structure in the Tyee Area, confirming the high-grade zone is over 25m in true thickness within a broad mineralized zone, and remains open in all directions.
The assay results support the model of the interpreted mineralized structures as coherent and open along strike and at-depth.
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 28, 2025) - Provenance Gold Corp. (CSE: PAU) (OTCQB: PVGDF) (the "Company" or "Provenance") is pleased to report assay results for EC-02 and EC-03 at its Eldorado Gold Project in Malheur County, Oregon. EC-02 and EC-03 tested the NE-SW mineralized structure previously discovered in ED-04 in the Tyee Area. (see press release dated July 18, 2023).
- Hole EC-02 intersected 156 meters that assayed 0.501 g/t gold including 32 meters of 0.94 g/t gold.
- Hole EC-03 intersected 154 meters of 0.8 g/t gold, including 13.7 meters that assayed 3.02 g/t gold and 12.2 meters containing 2.57 g/t gold, which represent new high-grade zones. This newly recognized higher-grade area is open both down dip and in both directions.
The results from EC-02 and EC-03 are consistent with the presence of the broad mineralized zone found in RC hole ED-04 and support the model that the NE-SW mineralized structure is a significant gold bearing structure, punctuated with multiple higher-grade intervals approximately 25m in true thickness (Figures 1-2). The mineralization remains open in all directions.
As part of its maiden 2024 three-hole core drilling program, the Company drilled holes EC-02 and EC-03 (HQ) to depths of 156.4 meters and 200.6 meters, respectively. Drill equipment issues and difficult drilling conditions through the heavily faulted, fractured, and brecciated zones in this area resulted in significant loss of core and both holes were unable to reach the intended target depth. Given the nature of the core loss, it is suspected that the assay results from EC-02 and EC-03 underrepresent the coarse gold fraction that was seen in ED-04. The strongest gold values are typically associated with gold and pyrite fracture coatings in the heavily fractured and sheared host diorite. Further, around holes ED-04, EC-02 and EC-03, the breakage and core loss were preferentially along the mineralized fractures associated with the weakest and most erodible rock that hosts the majority of the gold mineralization, based on observation and historic studies.
The Company has gained valuable insight into the orientation of the gold bearing structures by drilling these two core holes. The results from holes EC-02 and EC-03 support the interpretation that the structure remains coherent and is open both down-dip and along strike. These findings further validate the continuity of gold mineralization within the diorite, potentially extending along a structure that continues through the Tyee Area and beyond. This continues to expand the exploration potential for the upcoming 2025, 10,000+ meter drill program.
Provenance CEO Rauno Perttu commented "The results achieved by our modest three-hole core drilling program this past fall, coupled with our aggressive upcoming drilling program, should enable us to expand the mineralized footprint of the property considerably. We expect this to be a very exciting and strong year of advancement for Provenance Gold as we move diligently to unearth this projects' maximum potential."
Table 1 - Assay Results for Drill Holes EC-02 and EC-03
Hole | From | To | Length | Gold | Metal Factor | |
(m) | (m) | (m) | (g/t) | (g*m) | ||
EC-02 | 0.000 | 156.362 | 156.362 | 0.505 | 78.963 | |
"And" | 32.309 | 64.313 | 32.004 | 0.944 | 30.212 | |
"And" | 84.125 | 96.317 | 12.192 | 1.340 | 16.337 | |
EC-03 | 0.000 | 154.229 | 154.229 | 0.796 | 122.766 | |
"Including" | 53.645 | 154.229 | 100.584 | 1.084 | 109.033 | |
"Including" | 53.645 | 70.805 | 17.160 | 2.080 | 35.693 | |
"And" | 100.889 | 114.605 | 13.716 | 3.021 | 41.436 | |
"Including" | 102.413 | 106.985 | 4.572 | 5.640 | 25.786 |
Figure 1 - Drill Hole Location Map
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Figure 2 - Tyee Area: Northwest - Southwest Section (looking Northeast) +/- 40m
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2025 Planned Exploration
The 2025 10,000+ meter combination RC and diamond drill program is planned to be multi-staged and start with a fully funded RC program anticipated to commence in March.
Further work over the past several months has identified multiple additional key target areas across the property. The 2025 drill program will target the four northeast-trending mineralized zones of higher-grade mineralization that traverse the property including the main Tyee Area, the Expansion Area to the north, Striker and Boulder Targets to the west, and the Herman Area to the south (Figure1). Detailed surface mapping and geophysics support the preliminary modeling. The pending 3D Drone Magnetic survey will also help to further guide drilling and exploration into many of these high priority areas.
The program will begin to infill and expand the known mineralized areas which can be traced for several hundred meters in both northeast and southwest directions. This infill and step-out drilling will be accompanied by additional drilling to test multiple highly prospective targets across the property in addition to the Boulder Target approximately 1000m from the Tyee Area.
Further drill pad sites to access newly recognized targets are being added to the 17 drill pad locations that are currently permitted. The program is planned to start on the currently permitted locations and to transition to new sites without interruption as the Company looks to greatly expand the mineralized footprint in 2025.
To facilitate timely results for the 2025 assaying that will be used to continuously focus drill targets and drill hole placement, the 2025 assays will be completed by Paragon Geochemical of Sparks, Nevada. Additionally, the Company plans to utilize photon assaying which utilizes bigger samples for better accuracy. Initially, the photon assaying will be coupled with standard fire assays to ensure reliability and precision.
2024 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
On receipt from the drill site, the HQ-sized drill core was systematically logged for geological attributes, photographed and sampled at Provenance's core logging facility. Sample lengths as small as 0.45 m were used to isolate features of interest, otherwise a default 1.52 m downhole sample length was used. Each sample is identified by a unique sample tag number which is placed in the bag containing the core to be assayed. Once logged, the core was transported to ALS Global in Reno, Nevada, for cutting and assaying.
Once at ALS Global in Reno, the core was cut in half lengthwise along predetermined lines, with one-half (same half, consistently) collected for analysis and one-half stored as a record.
Gold was determined by fire-assay fusion of a 30-gram sub-sample with atomic absorption spectroscopy (AA23) or 30-gram sub-sample with gravimetric finish for samples assaying over 10 g/t Au (GRA21). 36 elements including silver, arsenic, and antimony are analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma (ICP41) atomic emission spectroscopy, following multi-acid digestion. ALS Global meets all requirements of International Standards ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015. ALS Global operates according to the guidelines set out in ISO/IEC Guide 25.
The Company has implemented a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program to ensure sampling and analysis of all exploration work is conducted in accordance with the National Instrument 43-101 and industry best practices. No issues with respect to the QA/QC of assays have been detected to date.
Qualified Person
The technical content disclosed in this press release was reviewed and approved by Jo Price, P.Geo., M.Sc., a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101.
About Provenance Gold Corp.
Provenance Gold Corp. is a precious metals exploration company with a focus on gold and silver mineralization within North America. The Company currently holds interests in Nevada, and eastern Oregon, USA.
Provenance is also active on social media and invites investors to follow us on X to stay up to date with our latest news and developments:
For further information please visit the Company's website at or contact:
Rauno Perttu, CEO
On behalf of the Board,
Provenance Gold Corp.
Rauno Perttu, Chief Executive Officer
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What are the latest gold drilling results from Provenance Gold's (PVGDF) Eldorado Project?
What is Provenance Gold's (PVGDF) planned exploration program for 2025?
Where is the mineralization located in PVGDF's recent drilling results?