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Poverty Dignified, Inc., soon to be renamed VirExit Technologies, Inc. (OTC PINK:PVDG), has secured a deal with Gymboree Play & Music for their product, The Personal Protection Mask™, designed to protect against harmful bacteria and airborne viruses. The masks will feature Gymboree's logo and will be available soon at their Washington, D.C. location. The company is launching a Safer Place Marketplace for safety and hygiene products, expanding their offerings to businesses and consumers.

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VirExit Technologies, Inc. (PVDG) has announced a partnership with Onthemuv to launch the miniTREAD, a seated treadmill, as part of its upcoming Safer Place Marketplace. This online platform aims to provide safety and hygiene products. The miniTREAD targets individuals who wish to exercise at home or work without sharing equipment, emphasizing safety during the ongoing health crisis. With a focus on accessibility for older adults and those with mobility limitations, the miniTREAD is designed to provide similar cardiovascular benefits as traditional treadmills while promoting a healthier lifestyle.

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Poverty Dignified, Inc., soon to be renamed VirExit Technologies, Inc. (OTC PINK: PVDG), has appointed Brooke Greenwald as Chief Marketing Officer. Greenwald brings over 30 years of marketing expertise to the role. The company is preparing to launch the Safer Place Marketplace, focusing on health and hygiene products to combat viruses and germs. This strategic move aims to enhance safety amid ongoing health concerns. James C. Katzaroff, President and CEO, highlights the necessity of effective sanitation in preventing the spread of illnesses.

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Poverty Dignified, Inc. (PVDG) has appointed David Croom as the new Chief Operating Officer, effective immediately. Croom brings over 30 years of operations and finance experience, aiming to support businesses in sectors like travel and education. The company plans to launch the Safer Place Marketplace, offering verified health and hygiene products to promote safety amid the ongoing pandemic. The impending renaming to VirExit Technologies, Inc. reflects its commitment to innovative safety solutions. The company emphasizes the importance of hygiene in today's environment.

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Poverty Dignified, Inc. (OTC PINK: PVDG) has finalized its acquisition of Safer Place Technologies, as previously announced on October 26, 2020. This follows the acquisition of Virexit Technologies in July, enhancing the company’s strength in protective products and services.

The new Safer Place Market Hub will serve as an online marketplace for protective solutions, responding to COVID-19 and future health threats. The platform aims for a launch in early 2021 and seeks to aggregate innovative technologies to create safer environments across various sectors.

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