PURE Bioscience Announces Distribution Agreement with Madison Chemical Co., Inc.

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PURE Bioscience, Inc. (OTCQB: PURE) has entered into a multi-year distribution agreement with Madison Chemical Co., Inc. for the purchase and selling of SDC (silver dihydrogen citrate) products. This strategic partnership aims to expand the availability of PURE's innovative antimicrobial solutions in the food processing industry.

Tim Steffensmeier, VP of Sales at PURE, expressed excitement about the collaboration, highlighting Madison Chemical's expertise and loyal customer base as key factors in enhancing PURE's distribution capabilities. Andrew Sims, VP of Sales at Madison Chemical, emphasized the partnership's potential to leverage industry knowledge and meet growing demands in food processing.

The press release also explains how SDC works, noting its dual action mechanism that makes it highly effective against a broad spectrum of microbes. Unlike traditional silver-based disinfectants with short shelf lives, SDC offers a stable solution with a shelf life of several years.

PURE Bioscience, Inc. (OTCQB: PURE) ha stipulato un accordo di distribuzione pluriennale con Madison Chemical Co., Inc. per l'acquisto e la vendita di prodotti a base di SDC (citrato di diidrogeno d'argento). Questa partnership strategica ha l'obiettivo di ampliare la disponibilità delle innovative soluzioni antimicrobiche di PURE nel settore della lavorazione alimentare.

Tim Steffensmeier, VP delle Vendite di PURE, ha espresso entusiasmo riguardo alla collaborazione, sottolineando l'expertise di Madison Chemical e la sua base di clienti fedele come fattori chiave per migliorare le capacità distributive di PURE. Andrew Sims, VP delle Vendite di Madison Chemical, ha messo in risalto il potenziale della partnership per sfruttare la conoscenza del settore e soddisfare la crescente domanda nella lavorazione alimentare.

Il comunicato stampa spiega anche come funziona l'SDC, notando il suo meccanismo a doppia azione che lo rende altamente efficace contro un ampio spettro di microrganismi. A differenza dei tradizionali disinfettanti a base d'argento con una breve durata di conservazione, l'SDC offre una soluzione stabile con una durata di conservazione di diversi anni.

PURE Bioscience, Inc. (OTCQB: PURE) ha firmado un acuerdo de distribución a varios años con Madison Chemical Co., Inc. para la compra y venta de productos SDC (citrato de dihidrógeno de plata). Esta asociación estratégica tiene como objetivo expandir la disponibilidad de las innovadoras soluciones antimicrobianas de PURE en la industria de procesamiento de alimentos.

Tim Steffensmeier, VP de Ventas en PURE, expresó su entusiasmo por la colaboración, destacando la experiencia de Madison Chemical y su leal base de clientes como factores clave para mejorar las capacidades de distribución de PURE. Andrew Sims, VP de Ventas en Madison Chemical, enfatizó el potencial de la asociación para aprovechar el conocimiento de la industria y satisfacer la creciente demanda en el procesamiento de alimentos.

El comunicado de prensa también explica cómo funciona el SDC, señalando su mecanismo de acción dual que lo hace altamente efectivo contra un amplio espectro de microbios. A diferencia de los desinfectantes a base de plata tradicionales con una corta vida útil, el SDC ofrece una solución estable con una vida útil de varios años.

PURE Bioscience, Inc. (OTCQB: PURE)는 Madison Chemical Co., Inc.와 SDC(은 이수소 시트레이트) 제품의 구매 및 판매를 위한 여러 해 동안의 유통 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 전략적 파트너십은 식품 가공 산업에서 PURE의 혁신적인 항균 솔루션의 가용성을 확대하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

PURE의 영업부 부사장인 Tim Steffensmeier는 이 협력에 대해 열정을 나타내며, Madison Chemical의 전문성과 충실한 고객 기반이 PURE의 유통 능력을 향상시키는 주요 요소라고 강조했습니다. Madison Chemical의 영업 부사장인 Andrew Sims는 이 파트너십이 산업 지식을 활용하고 식품 가공에서 증가하는 수요를 충족할 수 있는 잠재력을 강조했습니다.

보도 자료는 SDC의 작동 방식도 설명하며, 다양한 미생물에 대해 매우 효과적인 이중 작용 메커니즘을 주목합니다. 짧은 유통 기한을 가진 전통적인 은 기반 소독제와 달리 SDC는 여러 년 동안 유통 기한을 제공하는 안정적인 솔루션입니다.

PURE Bioscience, Inc. (OTCQB: PURE) a conclu un accord de distribution pluriannuel avec Madison Chemical Co., Inc. pour l'achat et la vente de produits SDC (citrate de dihydrogène argentique). Ce partenariat stratégique vise à élargir la disponibilité des solutions antimicrobiennes innovantes de PURE dans l'industrie de la transformation alimentaire.

Tim Steffensmeier, vice-président des ventes chez PURE, a exprimé son enthousiasme à propos de la collaboration, mettant en avant l'expertise de Madison Chemical et sa clientèle fidèle comme des facteurs clés pour améliorer les capacités de distribution de PURE. Andrew Sims, vice-président des ventes chez Madison Chemical, a souligné le potentiel du partenariat pour tirer parti des connaissances sectorielles et répondre à la demande croissante dans la transformation alimentaire.

Le communiqué de presse explique également le fonctionnement du SDC, notant son mécanisme à double action qui le rend très efficace contre un large éventail de micro-organismes. Contrairement aux désinfectants à base d'argent traditionnels, qui ont une courte durée de conservation, le SDC offre une solution stable avec une durée de conservation de plusieurs années.

PURE Bioscience, Inc. (OTCQB: PURE) hat eine mehrjährige Vertriebsvereinbarung mit Madison Chemical Co., Inc. für den Kauf und Verkauf von SDC (Silberdihydrogencitrat) Produkten unterzeichnet. Diese strategische Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Verfügbarkeit von PUREs innovativen antimikrobiellen Lösungen in der Lebensmittelverarbeitungsindustrie zu erweitern.

Tim Steffensmeier, VP für Vertrieb bei PURE, äußerte sich begeistert über die Zusammenarbeit und hob die Expertise von Madison Chemical sowie die loyale Kundenbasis als entscheidende Faktoren zur Verbesserung der Vertriebsfähigkeiten von PURE hervor. Andrew Sims, VP für Vertrieb bei Madison Chemical, betonte das Potenzial der Partnerschaft, branchenspezifisches Wissen zu nutzen und die wachsende Nachfrage in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung zu befriedigen.

Die Pressemitteilung erklärt auch, wie SDC funktioniert und hebt seinen Wirkmechanismus mit doppelter Wirkung hervor, der es sehr effektiv gegen ein breites Spektrum von Mikroben macht. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen silberbasierten Desinfektionsmitteln mit einer kurzen Haltbarkeit bietet SDC eine stabile Lösung mit einer Haltbarkeit von mehreren Jahren.

  • Multi-year distribution agreement signed with Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
  • Expanded distribution capabilities for PURE's SDC products in the food processing industry
  • Partnership with an established leader in cleaning and sanitation solutions
  • Potential for increased market reach and opportunities in the food industry
  • None.

EL CAJON, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- PURE Bioscience, Inc. (OTCQB: PURE) (“PURE,” the “Company” or “we”), creator of the patented non-toxic silver dihydrogen citrate (SDC) antimicrobial, and Madison Chemical Co., Inc. (“Madison Chemical”), have entered into a multi-year distribution agreement for the purchase and selling of SDC products under special terms and conditions.

PURE is thrilled to sign a strategic distribution agreement with Madison Chemical, a well-known and established leader in providing cleaning and sanitation solutions for the food processing industry. This partnership aims to expand the availability of PURE's innovative products, ensuring that food processing clients have access to high-quality solutions that meet industry requirements for safety and efficiency.

“We are happy to partner with Madison Chemical,” said Tim Steffensmeier, VP of Sales at PURE. “This collaboration enhances our distribution capabilities and aligns our commitment to delivering top-tier products and unique solutions to the food processing sector. With Madison’s extensive expertise and loyal customer base, this partnership allows for greater reach and increased opportunities to offer our game-changing technology to the food industry.”

Madison Chemical specializes in developing custom chemical solutions and cleaning products specifically designed for the food processing and manufacturing sectors. Strongly emphasizing quality and regulatory compliance, it has built a reputation for delivering effective sanitation solutions that ensure food safety and operational excellence.

“This partnership allows us to leverage Madison’s industry knowledge and experience while enhancing our ability to meet the growing demands of the food processing industry,” added Andrew Sims, VP of Sales at Madison Chemical. “We look forward to collaborating closely with their team to continue providing unmatched service and innovation to our customers.”

How SDC Works

SDC kills microorganisms by two modes of action: 1) the silver ion deactivates structural and metabolic membrane proteins, leading to microbial death; 2) the microbes view SDC as a food source, allowing the silver ion to enter the microbe. Once inside the organism, the silver ion denatures the DNA, which halts the microbe’s ability to replicate and leads to its death. This dual action makes SDC highly and quickly effective against a broad spectrum of microbes. Traditional silver-based disinfectants have short shelf lives – from hours to days. SDC is a stabilized silver ion complex with a shelf life of several years. The unique bond between the silver ions in SDC allows them to remain in solution while making them more bio-available for antimicrobial action.

About Madison

Founded in 1947 by David R. “Beano” Goodman and now operated by the third generation of Goodman family members, Madison Chemical is a leading provider of specialty cleaning and sanitation solutions for the food processing industry. With decades of experience, they focus on developing custom chemical products that ensure compliance with industry standards and enhance operational efficiency. They prioritize food safety and quality in every solution they provide. Madison will devise the right solution for the customer’s problems, even if it means altering an established product or developing a new method.

About PURE Bioscience, Inc.

PURE focuses on developing and commercializing our proprietary antimicrobial products, primarily in food safety. We provide solutions to combat the health and environmental challenges of pathogens and hygienic control. Our technology platform is based on patented, stabilized ionic silver, and our initial products contain silver dihydrogen citrate, better known as SDC. This broad-spectrum, non-toxic antimicrobial agent formulates well with other compounds. As a platform technology, SDC is distinguished from existing products in the marketplace because of its superior efficacy, reduced toxicity, and mitigation of bacterial resistance. PURE’s mailing address is 771 Jamacha Rd. #512, El Cajon, California 92019 (San Diego County area) serves as its official address for all business requirements. Additional information on PURE is available at

Forward-looking Statements: Any statements in this press release that do not describe historical facts may constitute forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements in this press release, including quotes from management, concerning the Company’s expectations, plans, business outlook, future performance, future potential revenues, and expected results of the Company’s marketing efforts, the execution of contracts under negotiation, and any other statements concerning assumptions made or expectations as to any future events, conditions, performance or other matters, are “forward-looking statements.” Forward-looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause our results to differ materially from any forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, the Company’s failure to implement or otherwise achieve the benefits of its proposed business initiatives and plans; acceptance of the Company’s current and future products and services in the marketplace, including the Company’s ability to convert successful evaluations and tests for PURE Control and PURE Hard Surface into customer orders and customers continuing to place product orders as expected and to expand their use of the Company’s products; the Company’s ability to maintain relationships with its partners and other counterparties; the Company’s ability to generate sufficient revenues and reduce its operating expenses in order to reach profitability; the Company’s ability to raise the funding required to support its continued operations and the implementation of its business plan; the ability of the Company to develop effective new products and receive required regulatory approvals for such products, including the required data and regulatory approvals required to use its SDC-based technology as a direct food contact processing aid in raw meat processing and to expand its use in OLR poultry processing; competitive factors, including customer acceptance of the Company’s SDC-based products that are typically more expensive than existing treatment chemicals; dependence upon third-party vendors, including to manufacture its products; and other risks detailed in the Company’s periodic report filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC), including its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2023, Form 10-Q for the fiscal first quarter ended October 31, 2023, Form 10-Q for the fiscal second quarter ended January 31, 2024, and Form 10-Q for the fiscal third quarter ended April 30, 2024. You should not rely on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release.

Tim Steffensmeier, Vice President of Sales

PURE Bioscience, Inc.

Phone: 619-596-8600 Ext. 170

Source: PURE Bioscience, Inc.


What is the new distribution agreement announced by PURE Bioscience (OTCQB: PURE)?

PURE Bioscience (OTCQB: PURE) has announced a multi-year distribution agreement with Madison Chemical Co., Inc. for the purchase and selling of SDC (silver dihydrogen citrate) antimicrobial products under special terms and conditions.

How does the partnership with Madison Chemical benefit PURE Bioscience (OTCQB: PURE)?

The partnership enhances PURE's distribution capabilities, expands the availability of its products in the food processing industry, and provides greater reach and opportunities to offer its technology to a wider customer base through Madison Chemical's expertise and established clientele.

What are the advantages of PURE Bioscience's (OTCQB: PURE) SDC antimicrobial product?

SDC has a dual action mechanism that makes it highly effective against a broad spectrum of microbes. It also offers a stable solution with a shelf life of several years, unlike traditional silver-based disinfectants with short shelf lives.

Who are the key executives involved in the PURE Bioscience (OTCQB: PURE) and Madison Chemical agreement?

Tim Steffensmeier, VP of Sales at PURE Bioscience, and Andrew Sims, VP of Sales at Madison Chemical, are the key executives mentioned in relation to the distribution agreement.



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