Representing Community Banks at House Small Business Committee Hearing, BCT-Bank of Charles Town's Alice Frazier Urges Regulatory and Tax Relief to Promote Lending
BCT-Bank of Charles Town (OTC:PTBS) CEO Alice P. Frazier addressed the House Small Business Committee, representing the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA). As ICBA Vice Chair, she advocated for regulatory and tax relief to enhance small business lending capabilities.
Frazier highlighted community banks' significant role in small-business lending through their relationship-based model. She urged policymakers to: provide relief from CFPB's 1071 data collection requirements, implement tiered regulations, extend Section 199A tax benefits, facilitate new community bank capital sources, and support new bank formation through the Promoting New Bank Formation Act (H.R. 478).
BCT-Banca di Charles Town (OTC:PTBS) CEO Alice P. Frazier ha intervenuto presso il Comitato per le Piccole Imprese della Camera, rappresentando gli Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA). In qualità di Vice Presidente dell'ICBA, ha sostenuto la necessità di un alleggerimento normativo e fiscale per migliorare le capacità di prestito alle piccole imprese.
Frazier ha evidenziato il ruolo significativo delle banche comunitarie nel finanziamento delle piccole imprese attraverso un modello basato sulle relazioni. Ha esortato i responsabili politici a: fornire un’esenzione dai requisiti di raccolta dati 1071 del CFPB, implementare regolamenti differenziati, estendere i benefici fiscali della Sezione 199A, facilitare nuove fonti di capitale per le banche comunitarie e supportare la formazione di nuove banche attraverso il Promoting New Bank Formation Act (H.R. 478).
BCT-Banco de Charles Town (OTC:PTBS) la CEO Alice P. Frazier se dirigió al Comité de Pequeñas Empresas de la Cámara, representando a los Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA). Como Vicepresidenta del ICBA, abogó por un alivio regulatorio y fiscal para mejorar las capacidades de préstamos a pequeñas empresas.
Frazier subrayó el papel significativo de los bancos comunitarios en el financiamiento de pequeñas empresas a través de su modelo basado en relaciones. Instó a los responsables de la formulación de políticas a: proporcionar alivio de los requisitos de recolección de datos 1071 del CFPB, implementar regulaciones escalonadas, extender los beneficios fiscales de la Sección 199A, facilitar nuevas fuentes de capital para los bancos comunitarios y apoyar la formación de nuevos bancos a través de la Ley de Promoción de Formación de Nuevos Bancos (H.R. 478).
BCT-찰스 타운 은행 (OTC:PTBS)의 CEO인 앨리스 P. 프레이저가 홀의 소기업 위원회에 참석하여 미국 독립 커뮤니티 은행가들(ICBA)을 대표했습니다. 그녀는 ICBA 부회장으로서, 소기업 대출 능력을 강화하기 위한 규제 및 세금 감면을 지지했습니다.
프레이저는 관계 기반 모델을 통해 소기업 대출에서 커뮤니티 은행의 중요한 역할을 강조했습니다. 그녀는 정책 입안자들에게 CFPB의 1071 데이터 수집 요구 사항으로부터의 면제 제공, 계층화된 규제 시행, 섹션 199A 세금 혜택 연장, 새로운 커뮤니티 은행 자본 출처 촉진, 그리고 신규 은행 설립을 지원하는 새로운 은행 설립 촉진법(H.R. 478)을 통해 지원할 것을 촉구했습니다.
BCT-Banque de Charles Town (OTC:PTBS) la PDG Alice P. Frazier s'est adressée au Comité des Petites Entreprises de la Chambre, représentant les Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA). En tant que Vice-présidente de l'ICBA, elle a plaidé en faveur d'un allègement réglementaire et fiscal pour améliorer les capacités de prêt aux petites entreprises.
Frazier a souligné le rôle significatif des banques communautaires dans le financement des petites entreprises par le biais de leur modèle basé sur les relations. Elle a exhorté les décideurs politiques à : fournir une exemption des exigences de collecte de données 1071 du CFPB, mettre en œuvre des réglementations par paliers, prolonger les avantages fiscaux de la Section 199A, faciliter de nouvelles sources de capital pour les banques communautaires et soutenir la création de nouvelles banques grâce à la loi Promoting New Bank Formation (H.R. 478).
BCT-Bank von Charles Town (OTC:PTBS) CEO Alice P. Frazier sprach vor dem Ausschuss für kleine Unternehmen des Hauses und vertrat die Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA). Als Vizepräsidentin der ICBA sprach sie sich für regulatorische und steuerliche Erleichterungen aus, um die Kreditvergabefähigkeit für kleine Unternehmen zu verbessern.
Frazier hob die wichtige Rolle der Gemeinschaftsbanken bei der Kreditvergabe an kleine Unternehmen durch ihr beziehungsorientiertes Modell hervor. Sie forderte die politischen Entscheidungsträger auf, Erleichterungen von den Anforderungen zur Datensammlung gemäß CFPB § 1071 zu gewähren, gestaffelte Vorschriften einzuführen, die steuerlichen Vorteile der § 199A zu verlängern, neue Kapitalquellen für Gemeinschaftsbanken zu erleichtern und die Gründung neuer Banken nach dem Promoting New Bank Formation Act (H.R. 478) zu unterstützen.
- None.
- None.
"The new Congress and administration present an opportunity to transform the regulatory environment for community banks, sparking economic growth in rural, suburban, and urban markets," Frazier said. "While we are ready to lend today to all qualified borrowers, our capacity could be yet further enhanced by regulatory and tax relief that would allow us to direct more resources toward helping our customers."
Noting that community banks account for an outsized share of the nation's small-business loans due to their relationship-based business model that sets them apart from larger, out-of-market lenders, Frazier encouraged policymakers to:
- Provide relief from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's 1071 small-business data collection and reporting requirements through Chairman Roger Williams' 1071 Repeal to Support Small Business Lending Act.
- Advance tiered regulations through a comprehensive update of regulatory thresholds.
- Preserve and expand a pro-growth tax environment, such as by extending Section 199A of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act for pass-through business.
- Facilitate new sources of community bank capital to support small business lending.
- Promote the formation of de novo community banks through Rep. Andy Barr's Promoting New Bank Formation Act (H.R. 478).
Ms. Frazier's complete testimony is available on the ICBA website, The ICBA's comprehensive "Repair, Reform, and Thrive" plan and open letter to the 119th Congress outline a complete set of reforms to address the nation's policy challenges.
About ICBA
The Independent Community Bankers of America® has one mission: to create and promote an environment where community banks flourish. We power the potential of the nation's community banks through effective advocacy, education, and innovation.
As local and trusted sources of credit, America's community banks leverage their relationship-based business model and innovative offerings to channel deposits into the neighborhoods they serve, creating jobs, fostering economic prosperity, and fueling their customers' financial goals and dreams. For more information, visit ICBA's website at
About BCT-Bank of
Founded in 1871, BCT - Bank of Charles Town, also known as The Community's Bank, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Potomac Bancshares, Inc. (OTC:PTBS). With approximately
The Company's shares are quoted on the OTC Pink Sheet marketplace under the symbol "PTBS." For more information about Potomac Bancshares, Inc., and the Bank, please visit our website at
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What regulatory changes did BCT-Bank (PTBS) CEO propose at the House Small Business Committee?
How does PTBS plan to enhance small business lending capacity?
What specific tax benefits is PTBS seeking to preserve?