BCTCares Foundation's 2024 Pack the 'Pack Campaign Raises a Record $90,000 for Local Food-Insecure Children

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The BCTCares Foundation, a nonprofit founded by employees of BCT-Bank of Charles Town (OTC:PTBS), has raised a record $90,000 through its annual Pack The 'Pack program. This year's fundraising effort, conducted from July 1 to August 31, 2024, brings the foundation's total donations to $405,000 since inception, targeting local food-insecurity.

The funds will be equally distributed among four local backpack food charities, with each receiving $22,500. This donation will enable the filling of over 15,000 backpacks with enough food for two days per child. The campaign received contributions from bank clients, vendors, employees, Board of Directors, and community members across Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Alice P. Frazier, President and CEO of BCT, expressed pride in the team's efforts and the community's generosity. The partner charities include Berkeley County Backpack Program, Community Combined Ministries – Kidz Power Pacs, HARC/Micah's Backpack, and Fueled (formerly Loudoun Backpack Coalition).

La BCTCares Foundation, un'organizzazione non profit fondata dai dipendenti della BCT-Bank di Charles Town (OTC:PTBS), ha raccolto un record di $90.000 attraverso il suo programma annuale Pack The 'Pack. Lo sforzo di raccolta fondi di quest'anno, condotto dal 1° luglio al 31 agosto 2024, porta il totale delle donazioni della fondazione a $405.000 dalla sua nascita, mirando a combattere l'insicurezza alimentare locale.

I fondi saranno distribuiti equamente tra quattro organizzazioni benefiche locali specializzate in zaini alimentari, con ciascuna che riceverà $22.500. Questa donazione permetterà di riempire oltre 15.000 zaini con abbastanza cibo per due giorni per ogni bambino. La campagna ha ricevuto contributi da clienti della banca, fornitori, dipendenti, membri del Consiglio di Amministrazione e membri della comunità del Maryland, della Virginia e della Virginia Occidentale.

Alice P. Frazier, Presidente e CEO di BCT, ha espresso orgoglio per gli sforzi del team e per la generosità della comunità. Le organizzazioni partner includono il Berkeley County Backpack Program, Community Combined Ministries – Kidz Power Pacs, HARC/Micah's Backpack e Fueled (precedentemente Loudoun Backpack Coalition).

La Fundación BCTCares, una organización sin fines de lucro creada por empleados de BCT-Bank de Charles Town (OTC:PTBS), ha recaudado un récord de $90,000 a través de su programa anual Pack The 'Pack. El esfuerzo de recaudación de fondos de este año, realizado del 1 de julio al 31 de agosto de 2024, lleva el total de donaciones de la fundación a $405,000 desde su creación, enfocándose en la inseguridad alimentaria local.

Los fondos se distribuirán equitativamente entre cuatro organizaciones benéficas locales que proporcionan alimentos en mochilas, con cada una recibiendo $22,500. Esta donación permitirá llenar más de 15,000 mochilas con suficiente comida para dos días por niño. La campaña recibió contribuciones de clientes del banco, proveedores, empleados, miembros de la Junta Directiva y miembros de la comunidad en Maryland, Virginia y Virginia Occidental.

Alice P. Frazier, Presidenta y CEO de BCT, expresó su orgullo por los esfuerzos del equipo y la generosidad de la comunidad. Las organizaciones asociadas incluyen el Berkeley County Backpack Program, Community Combined Ministries – Kidz Power Pacs, HARC/Micah's Backpack y Fueled (anteriormente Loudoun Backpack Coalition).

BCTCares 재단은 BCT-Bank의 직원들이 설립한 비영리 단체로 (OTC:PTBS), 연례 'Pack The 'Pack 프로그램을 통해 역대 최대의 $90,000를 모금했습니다. 올해의 모금 활동은 2024년 7월 1일부터 8월 31일까지 진행되었으며, 이로 인해 재단의 총 기부금은 창립 이후 $405,000에 이르렀습니다. 이 재단은 지역의 식량 불안 문제를 해결하는 데 집중하고 있습니다.

모금된 기금은 네 개의 지역 배낭 음식 자선 단체에 고르게 분배될 예정이며, 각 단체는 $22,500를 받게 됩니다. 이 기부 덕분에 15,000개 이상의 배낭이 두 아이의 하루 분량의 음식을 채우는 데 도움이 될 것입니다. 이 캠페인에는 은행 고객, 공급업체, 직원, 이사회 구성원 및 메릴랜드, 버지니아, 웨스트버지니아 전역의 지역 사회 구성원들이 기여했습니다.

BCT의 회장 겸 CEO인 앨리스 P. 프레지어는 팀의 노력과 지역 사회의 관대함에 대해 자부심을 표명했습니다. 파트너 자선 단체에는 Berkeley County Backpack Program, Community Combined Ministries - Kidz Power Pacs, HARC/Micah's Backpack 및 Fueled(구 Loudoun Backpack Coalition)가 포함됩니다.

La Fondation BCTCares, une organisation à but non lucratif fondée par des employés de la BCT-Bank de Charles Town (OTC:PTBS), a réussi à récolter un montant record de 90 000 $ grâce à son programme annuel Pack The 'Pack. L'opération de collecte de fonds de cette année, qui s'est déroulée du 1er juillet au 31 août 2024, porte le total des dons de la fondation à 405 000 $ depuis sa création, visant à lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire locale.

Les fonds seront répartis équitablement entre quatre organismes de bienfaisance locaux qui fournissent des sacs à dos alimentaires, chacun recevant 22 500 $. Ce don permettra de remplir plus de 15 000 sacs à dos avec suffisamment de nourriture pour deux jours par enfant. La campagne a reçu des contributions de clients de la banque, de fournisseurs, d'employés, de membres du conseil d'administration et de membres de la communauté dans le Maryland, la Virginie et la Virginie-Occidentale.

Alice P. Frazier, présidente et directrice générale de BCT, a exprimé sa fierté quant aux efforts de l'équipe et à la générosité de la communauté. Les organismes partenaires comprennent le Berkeley County Backpack Program, Community Combined Ministries – Kidz Power Pacs, HARC/Micah's Backpack et Fueled (anciennement Loudoun Backpack Coalition).

Die BCTCares-Stiftung, eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die von Mitarbeitern der BCT-Bank in Charles Town (OTC:PTBS) gegründet wurde, hat über ihr jährliches Pack The 'Pack-Programm einen Rekord von 90.000 $ gesammelt. Die diesjährige Spendenaktion, die vom 1. Juli bis 31. August 2024 durchgeführt wurde, bringt die Gesamtsumme der Spenden der Stiftung auf 405.000 $ seit ihrer Gründung, um die lokale Lebensmittelunsicherheit zu bekämpfen.

Die Mittel werden gleichmäßig auf vier lokale Rucksack-Nahrungsmittelorganisationen verteilt, wobei jede 22.500 $ erhält. Diese Spende ermöglicht es, über 15.000 Rucksäcke mit genügend Lebensmitteln für zwei Tage pro Kind zu füllen. Die Kampagne erhielt Beiträge von Bankkunden, Anbietern, Mitarbeitern, Mitgliedern des Vorstandes und Gemeindemitgliedern aus Maryland, Virginia und West Virginia.

Alice P. Frazier, Präsidentin und CEO von BCT, drückte ihren Stolz über die Anstrengungen des Teams und die Großzügigkeit der Gemeinde aus. Zu den Partnerorganisationen gehören das Berkeley County Backpack Program, die Community Combined Ministries – Kidz Power Pacs, HARC/Micah's Backpack und Fueled (ehemals Loudoun Backpack Coalition).

  • Record $90,000 raised for local food-insecure children
  • Total donations reached $405,000 since inception
  • Each of the four partner charities received $22,500
  • Over 15,000 backpacks to be filled with food for children
  • None.

CHARLES TOWN, W.Va., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The BCTCares Foundation, a nonprofit founded and operated by employees of BCT-Bank of Charles Town (OTC:PTBS), also known as The Community's Bank, announced Wednesday, September 25, 2024, that it raised a record $90,000 through its annual Pack The 'Pack program. Since its inception, the BCTCares Foundation has donated $405,000 targeting local food-insecurity. The program's mission is to support four in-market backpack food charities focused on providing nourishing food to food-insecure children, individuals, and families. The donation equaled $22,500 for each of the partner charities and will provide crucial funding for food purchases that will result in over 15,000 backpacks being filled with enough food for two days (weekend) per child. The fundraising effort was from July 1, 2024 through August 31, 2024. Contributions were solicited and received from the bank's clients, vendors, employees, and Board of Directors along with citizens from the communities surrounding BCT's branches and offices in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.

"I am bursting with pride for our team, clients, and communities," remarked Alice P. Frazier, President and CEO of BCT. "We far exceeded our goal this year, which demonstrates a special generosity on the part of our clients and communities, and a unified focus from our employees. Thank you to everyone who contributed financially or with your time and talent. Because of you, more children are less food-insecure."

For the Pack The 'Pack campaign, BCTCares has partnered with local backpack program charities who will purchase and distribute food using the funds donated. The local backpack program partners are:

To learn more about the BCTCares Foundation and the Pack The 'Pack program, visit BCT's website at

About the Foundation
The BCTCares Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization formed in 2021 with a mission to provide direct support to food-insecure children, families, and individuals in the four primary counties served by BCT-Bank of Charles Town, also known as The Community's Bank. The Foundation is located at 111 E. Washington Street, Charles Town, WV, 25414. Visit its informational webpage at BCTCares Foundation, Inc., EIN 87-1550562. Consult your tax adviser regarding possible tax benefits for donations.

About BCT-Bank of Charles Town

Founded in 1871, BCT - Bank of Charles Town, also known as The Community's Bank, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Potomac Bancshares, Inc. (OTC:PTBS). With approximately $832 million in assets as of June 30, 2024, the Company conducts operations through its main office, an additional eight branch offices, and two loan production offices. BCT's offices are located in Jefferson and Berkeley Counties (WV), Washington County (MD), and Loudoun and Stafford Counties (VA). The Bank provides various banking products and services including free access to over 55,000 ATMs through the Allpoint® network plus another approximately 675 free access ATMs through another partnership. The Bank provides convenient online and mobile banking for individuals, businesses, and local governments. The Bank also offers commercial lines and term loans, residential and commercial construction loans, commercial real estate loans, agricultural loans, and government contractor loans. The Bank is also a Small Business Administration (SBA) Preferred Lender. The Residential Lending division offers secondary market and portfolio mortgage loans, one-time close construction to perm loans, as well as home equity loans and lines of credit. For over 70 years, BCT Wealth Advisors has provided trust services, growing into a premier financial management, investments, and estate services provider. BCT was voted the winner in the LoudounNow 2024 Loudoun's Favorites readers' poll in four categories: Bank, Mortgage Company, Banker, and Financial Planner. In 2023, American Banker selected BCT as a "Top 200 Community Bank," an annual listing of the best performing banks in the United States with assets under $2 billion. BCT was voted a "Best of the Best" winner in the 2023 Journal-News Readers' Choice Awards in four categories: Bank, Mortgage Company, Loan Services, and Financial Planning. In 2023, 2021, 2020, and 2019 the Bank was named a "Best Bank To Work For" by American Banker.

The Company's shares are quoted on the OTC Pink Sheet marketplace under the symbol "PTBS." For more information about Potomac Bancshares, Inc., and the Bank, please visit our website at

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SOURCE BCT - Bank of Charles Town


How much did BCTCares Foundation raise in its 2024 Pack the 'Pack Campaign?

The BCTCares Foundation raised a record $90,000 in its 2024 Pack the 'Pack Campaign.

What is the total amount donated by BCTCares Foundation since its inception?

Since its inception, the BCTCares Foundation has donated a total of $405,000 targeting local food-insecurity.

How many backpacks will be filled with food as a result of the 2024 campaign?

The donation will result in over 15,000 backpacks being filled with enough food for two days (weekend) per child.

Which local charities are partnered with BCTCares Foundation for the Pack The 'Pack program?

The partner charities are Berkeley County Backpack Program, Community Combined Ministries – Kidz Power Pacs, HARC/Micah's Backpack, and Fueled (formerly Loudoun Backpack Coalition).

What is the stock symbol for BCT-Bank of Charles Town?

The stock symbol for BCT-Bank of Charles Town is PTBS, traded over-the-counter (OTC).



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