Poseida Therapeutics Named to Newsweek's List of the Top 200 America's Most Loved Workplaces for 2024

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Poseida Therapeutics has been named to Newsweek's List of the Top 200 America's Most Loved Workplaces for 2024, ranking #140. This recognition highlights the company's commitment to employee satisfaction and strong workplace culture. The list, developed by Most Loved Workplace®, a division of Best Practice Institute (BPI), surveyed over 2.6 million employees from various-sized businesses.

The evaluation focused on five critical areas: employees' positive feelings about their future at the company, career achievement, alignment of employer and employee values, respect at all levels, and collaboration. Additional factors like inclusion, diversity, equity, and career development were also considered.

Poseida's president and CEO, Kristin Yarema, Ph.D., emphasized the importance of employees in achieving the company's mission to develop new cell and gene therapies. The recognition reflects Poseida's strong culture, values, and commitment to both employees and patients.

Poseida Therapeutics è stata inserita nella Classifica delle 200 Aziende più Amate d'America da Newsweek per il 2024, piazzandosi al 140° posto. Questo riconoscimento sottolinea l'impegno dell'azienda verso la soddisfazione dei dipendenti e una solida cultura lavorativa. La lista, sviluppata da Most Loved Workplace®, una divisione del Best Practice Institute (BPI), ha intervistato oltre 2,6 milioni di dipendenti di aziende di diverse dimensioni.

L'analisi si è concentrata su cinque aree critiche: sentimenti positivi dei dipendenti riguardo al loro futuro nell'azienda, soddisfazione lavorativa, allineamento dei valori tra datore di lavoro e dipendente, rispetto a tutti i livelli e collaborazione. Sono stati anche considerati fattori aggiuntivi come inclusione, diversità, equità e sviluppo professionale.

Il presidente e CEO di Poseida, Kristin Yarema, Ph.D., ha sottolineato l'importanza dei dipendenti nel raggiungere la missione dell'azienda di sviluppare nuove terapie cellulari e geniche. Questo riconoscimento riflette la forte cultura, i valori e l'impegno di Poseida sia verso i dipendenti che verso i pazienti.

Poseida Therapeutics ha sido nombrada en la Lista de los 200 Lugares de Trabajo Más Queridos de América de Newsweek para 2024, ocupando el puesto 140. Este reconocimiento destaca el compromiso de la empresa con la satisfacción de los empleados y una sólida cultura laboral. La lista, desarrollada por Most Loved Workplace®, una división de Best Practice Institute (BPI), encuestó a más de 2.6 millones de empleados de empresas de diversos tamaños.

La evaluación se centró en cinco áreas críticas: sentimientos positivos de los empleados sobre su futuro en la empresa, éxito profesional, alineación de valores entre empleador y empleado, respeto en todos los niveles y colaboración. También se consideraron factores adicionales como inclusión, diversidad, equidad y desarrollo profesional.

La presidenta y CEO de Poseida, Kristin Yarema, Ph.D., enfatizó la importancia de los empleados para lograr la misión de la empresa de desarrollar nuevas terapias celulares y génicas. Este reconocimiento refleja la sólida cultura, los valores y el compromiso de Poseida tanto con los empleados como con los pacientes.

포세이다 치료제 (Poseida Therapeutics)2024년 뉴스위크 '미국에서 가장 사랑받는 직장 200선'에 선정되었으며, 140위에 올랐습니다. 이 인정은 직원 만족도와 강력한 회사 문화를 향한 회사의 헌신을 강조합니다. 이 리스트는 베스트 프랙티스 인스티튜트(BPI)의 일부인 Most Loved Workplace®에서 개발했으며, 다양한 규모의 기업에서 260만 명 이상의 직원을 조사했습니다.

평가는 다섯 가지 중요한 분야에 초점을 맞췄습니다: 직원들이 회사에서의 미래에 대해 느끼는 긍정적인 감정, 경력 성취, 고용주와 직원 가치의 일치, 모든 수준에서의 존중, 협력입니다. 포용성, 다양성, 형평성, 경력 개발과 같은 추가 요소도 고려되었습니다.

포세이다의 사장 겸 CEO인 크리스틴 야레마 (Kristin Yarema), Ph.D.는 직원들이 회사의 새로운 세포 및 유전자 치료제 개발의 임무를 달성하는 데 중요하다고 강조했습니다. 이 인정은 포세이다의 강력한 문화, 가치 및 직원과 환자 모두에 대한 헌신을 반영합니다.

Poseida Therapeutics a été nommé dans la Liste des 200 Lieux de Travail les Plus Aimés d'Amérique par Newsweek pour 2024, se classant au 140e rang. Cette reconnaissance souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la satisfaction des employés et une culture de travail solide. La liste, élaborée par Most Loved Workplace®, une division du Best Practice Institute (BPI), a sondé plus de 2,6 millions d'employés issus d'entreprises de différentes tailles.

L'évaluation a porté sur cinq domaines critiques : les sentiments positifs des employés concernant leur avenir dans l'entreprise, la réussite professionnelle, l'alignement des valeurs entre employeurs et employés, le respect à tous les niveaux et la collaboration. Des facteurs supplémentaires tels que l'inclusion, la diversité, l'équité et le développement professionnel ont également été pris en compte.

La présidente et CEO de Poseida, Kristin Yarema, Ph.D., a souligné l'importance des employés pour atteindre la mission de l'entreprise de développer de nouvelles thérapies cellulaires et géniques. Cette reconnaissance reflète la forte culture, les valeurs et l'engagement de Poseida tant envers les employés que les patients.

Poseida Therapeutics wurde in die Top 200 der beliebtesten Arbeitsplätze in Amerika von Newsweek für 2024 aufgenommen und belegt den 140. Platz. Diese Auszeichnung hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter und eine starke Arbeitsplatzkultur hervor. Die Liste, die von Most Loved Workplace®, einer Abteilung des Best Practice Institute (BPI), erstellt wurde, befragte über 2,6 Millionen Mitarbeiter aus Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Größe.

Die Bewertung konzentrierte sich auf fünf kritische Bereiche: positive Gefühle der Mitarbeiter über ihre Zukunft im Unternehmen, berufliche Erfolge, die Übereinstimmung der Werte von Arbeitgebern und Mitarbeitern, Respekt auf allen Ebenen und Zusammenarbeit. Weitere Faktoren wie Inklusion, Vielfalt, Chancengleichheit und berufliche Entwicklung wurden ebenfalls berücksichtigt.

Die Präsidentin und CEO von Poseida, Kristin Yarema, Ph.D., betonte die Bedeutung der Mitarbeiter für die Erreichung der Unternehmensmission, neue Zell- und Gentherapien zu entwickeln. Diese Anerkennung spiegelt die starke Kultur, die Werte und das Engagement von Poseida sowohl gegenüber den Mitarbeitern als auch gegenüber den Patienten wider.

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Inclusion on list recognizes Poseida for employee sentiment and satisfaction

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Poseida Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: PSTX), a clinical-stage allogeneic cell therapy and genetic medicines company advancing differentiated non-viral treatments for patients with cancer and rare diseases, today announced its inclusion in Newsweek Magazine's annual America's Top Most Loved Workplaces® list, developed by Most Loved Workplace®, a division of Best Practice Institute (BPI).

"At Poseida, our employees are essential to achieving our mission to boldly develop a new class of cell and gene therapies with the capacity to cure," said Kristin Yarema, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of Poseida Therapeutics. "This recognition is a testament to our outstanding and exceptionally talented team at Poseida. It is an honor to be named to Newsweek's list of top workplaces, which reflects our strong culture and values combined with our commitment to our employees, as well as patients."

The results were determined after surveying more than 2.6 million employees from businesses with workforces varying in size from less than 50 to more than 10,000. The list recognizes companies that put respect, caring, and appreciation for their employees at the center of their business model and, in doing so, have earned the loyalty and respect of the people who work for them. 

How positive employees feel about their future at the company, career achievement, how much employer values align with employee values, respect at all levels, and the level of collaboration at the firm were the five critical areas measured to gauge employee sentiment. In addition, areas such as inclusion, diversity, equity and belonging, career development, and company leadership were identified and analyzed in relation to the five critical areas measured.

"It's inspiring to see the list expand this year to 200 companies, a clear indication that organizations are truly committed to creating workplaces where employees feel valued and connected. We're thrilled to celebrate their achievements as this recognition continues to grow," said Nancy Cooper, Newsweek's Global Editor in Chief.

This marks the fourth annual Most Loved Workplace list, and for 2024, the list has expanded to the Top 200, reflecting companies' growing commitment to prioritizing employee sentiment and creating workplaces that employees love. Poseida was ranked #140 on the list. For the full list of the 2024 America's Top 200 Most Loved Workplaces®, please visit Newsweek.

To identify the top 200 companies in this list, companies were evaluated and scored as follows: 50 percent of the initial score was based on direct employee responses to BPI's Love of Workplace Index assessment. 35 percent came from BPI's direct interviews and written responses from company officials. The final 15 percent was derived from analysis of external public ratings from sites such as Comparably, Careerbliss, Glassdoor, Indeed, and Google. Newsweek then conducted editorial research on every company before the final list of 200 companies and their rankings was completed.

About Newsweek
Newsweek is the modern global digital news organization built around the iconic, over 90-year-old American magazine. Newsweek reaches 100 million people each month with its thought-provoking news, opinion, images, graphics, and video delivered across a dozen print and digital platforms. Headquartered in New York City, Newsweek also publishes international editions in EMEA and Asia.

About Best Practice Institute
Best Practice Institute is an award-winning leadership and organization development center, benchmark research company, think tank, and solutions provider. BPI is the only certifying body for Most Loved Workplace® and conducted the original research to create the model and criteria for becoming a Most Loved Workplace®. BPI's research proves that Most Loved Workplaces® produce 3-4 times better customer service, employee performance, and retention than companies not loved by their employees. 

About Poseida Therapeutics, Inc.
Poseida Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company advancing differentiated allogeneic cell therapies and genetic medicines with the capacity to cure certain cancers and rare diseases. The Company's pipeline includes investigational allogeneic CAR-T cell therapies for both solid tumors and hematologic cancers as well as investigational in vivo genetic medicines that address patient populations with high unmet medical need. The Company's approach is based on its proprietary genetic editing platforms, including its non-viral piggyBac® DNA Delivery System, Cas-CLOVER Site-Specific Gene Editing System, Booster Molecule and nanoparticle gene delivery technologies, as well as in-house GMP cell therapy manufacturing. The Company has formed strategic collaborations with Roche and Astellas to unlock the promise of cell therapies for cancer patients. Learn more at and connect with Poseida on X and LinkedIn.

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SOURCE Poseida Therapeutics, Inc.


What recognition did Poseida Therapeutics (PSTX) receive in 2024?

Poseida Therapeutics (PSTX) was named to Newsweek's List of the Top 200 America's Most Loved Workplaces for 2024, ranking #140.

How many employees were surveyed for the 2024 America's Most Loved Workplaces list?

Over 2.6 million employees from businesses of various sizes were surveyed for the 2024 America's Most Loved Workplaces list.

What were the main areas evaluated in the Most Loved Workplace survey?

The survey evaluated five critical areas: employees' feelings about their future at the company, career achievement, alignment of employer and employee values, respect at all levels, and collaboration within the firm.

Who is the president and CEO of Poseida Therapeutics (PSTX)?

Kristin Yarema, Ph.D., is the president and chief executive officer of Poseida Therapeutics (PSTX).

What is Poseida Therapeutics' (PSTX) main focus as a company?

Poseida Therapeutics (PSTX) is a clinical-stage company focused on developing allogeneic cell therapy and genetic medicines, specifically non-viral treatments for cancer and rare diseases.

Poseida Therapeutics, Inc.


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Biological Products, (no Disgnostic Substances)
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