PublicSquare & Sticker Mule Announce Strategic Partnership to Empower Businesses & Consumers in the Patriot Economy

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PSQ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PSQH), operating as PublicSquare, has announced a strategic partnership with Sticker Mule, a custom printed products company. This collaboration aims to provide exclusive discounts to PublicSquare merchants and consumers, highlighting the economic potential of values-aligned commerce.

The partnership follows Sticker Mule Cofounder Anthony Constantino's public support for conservative values and free speech. PublicSquare's CEO, Michael Seifert, emphasized the shared commitment to liberty and the benefits this collaboration will bring to the PublicSquare Marketplace. The partnership is positioned as a stand against political intimidation and in support of diverse viewpoints in business and politics.

PSQ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PSQH), operante come PublicSquare, ha annunciato una partnership strategica con Sticker Mule, un'azienda di prodotti personalizzati stampati. Questa collaborazione mira a fornire sconti esclusivi ai commercianti e ai consumatori di PublicSquare, mettendo in evidenza il potenziale economico del commercio allineato ai valori.

La partnership segue il sostegno pubblico del cofondatore di Sticker Mule, Anthony Constantino, ai valori conservatori e alla libertà di espressione. Il CEO di PublicSquare, Michael Seifert, ha sottolineato l'impegno condiviso per la libertà e i benefici che questa collaborazione porterà al Marketplace di PublicSquare. La partnership è posizionata come una risposta contro l'intimidazione politica e a sostegno di punti di vista diversificati nel commercio e nella politica.

PSQ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PSQH), que opera como PublicSquare, ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con Sticker Mule, una empresa de productos impresos personalizados. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo ofrecer descuentos exclusivos a los comerciantes y consumidores de PublicSquare, destacando el potencial económico del comercio alineado con valores.

La asociación sigue al apoyo público del cofundador de Sticker Mule, Anthony Constantino, a los valores conservadores y la libertad de expresión. El CEO de PublicSquare, Michael Seifert, enfatizó el compromiso compartido con la libertad y los beneficios que esta colaboración aportará al Mercado de PublicSquare. La asociación se posiciona como una respuesta contra la intimidación política y en apoyo a diversas opiniones en los negocios y la política.

PSQ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PSQH), PublicSquare로 운영되며, Sticker Mule(맞춤형 인쇄 제품 회사)와 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이번 협업의 목적은 PublicSquare의 상인들과 소비자들에게 독점 할인을 제공하는 것으로, 가치에 부합하는 상업의 경제적 잠재력을 강조합니다.

이번 파트너십은 Sticker Mule의 공동 창립자 앤서니 콘스탄티노가 보수적 가치와 언론의 자유에 대한 공개 지지를 표명한 이후에 이루어졌습니다. PublicSquare의 CEO 마이클 세이퍼트는 자유에 대한 공동의 헌신과 이 협업이 PublicSquare 마켓플레이스에 가져올 혜택을 강조했습니다. 이 파트너십은 정치적 위협에 대한 반대와 비즈니스 및 정치에서 다양한 관점을 지지하는 입장을 나타냅니다.

PSQ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PSQH), opérant sous le nom de PublicSquare, a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec Sticker Mule, une entreprise de produits imprimés sur mesure. Cette collaboration vise à offrir des réductions exclusives aux commerçants et consommateurs de PublicSquare, mettant en avant le potentiel économique du commerce aligné sur des valeurs.

Ce partenariat fait suite au soutien public du cofondateur de Sticker Mule, Anthony Constantino, aux valeurs conservatrices et à la liberté d'expression. Le PDG de PublicSquare, Michael Seifert, a souligné l'engagement commun envers la liberté et les avantages que cette collaboration apportera au marché PublicSquare. Le partenariat se positionne comme une résistance à l'intimidation politique et en faveur de points de vue diversifiés dans les affaires et la politique.

PSQ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PSQH), das als PublicSquare agiert, hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Sticker Mule, einem Unternehmen für individuell bedruckte Produkte, angekündigt. Ziel dieser Zusammenarbeit ist es, exklusive Rabatte für die Händler und Verbraucher von PublicSquare anzubieten und das wirtschaftliche Potenzial von werteorientiertem Handel zu verdeutlichen.

Die Partnerschaft folgt der öffentlichen Unterstützung des Sticker Mule-Mitbegründers Anthony Constantino für konservative Werte und Meinungsfreiheit. Der CEO von PublicSquare, Michael Seifert, betonte das gemeinsame Engagement für Freiheit und die Vorteile, die diese Zusammenarbeit dem PublicSquare-Marktplatz bringen wird. Die Partnerschaft wird als Standpunkt gegen politische Einschüchterung und zur Unterstützung vielfältiger Perspektiven in Wirtschaft und Politik positioniert.

  • Strategic partnership with Sticker Mule to offer exclusive discounts to PublicSquare merchants and consumers
  • Potential expansion of PublicSquare's value proposition to its user base
  • Alignment with a like-minded business partner, potentially strengthening PublicSquare's market position
  • None.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- PSQ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PSQH) (“PublicSquare,” or the “Company”), America's leading commerce and payments ecosystem valuing life, family, and liberty, and Sticker Mule, the fastest and easiest way to buy custom printed products, today announced a strategic partnership. This partnership will allow PublicSquare merchants and consumers to receive exclusive discounts from Sticker Mule, a testament to the legitimacy and economic power of values-aligned commerce we’ve established at PublicSquare.

Michael Seifert, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PublicSquare, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “We are thrilled to join forces with Sticker Mule. After the tragic death of Corey Comperatore and the attempted assassination of President Trump, Cofounder of Sticker Mule, Anthony Constantino, courageously expressed his support of Conservative values and his belief that every American deserves to share their opinion about politics, culture, or business without fear of violence or retribution. This shared value for liberty, paired with a strategic business collaboration between our entities, will significantly benefit the consumers and merchants on the PublicSquare Marketplace.”

Anthony Constantino, Cofounder of Sticker Mule, commented, “Kind-hearted people from all walks of life live in fear of admitting their support for President Trump. Sticker Mule is proud to stand against this hatred by supporting the businesses and consumers of PublicSquare.”

A link to the PublicSquare Sticker Mule discount can be found at:

About PublicSquare

PublicSquare is America's leading commerce and payments ecosystem, valuing life, family, and liberty. PublicSquare operates under three segments: Marketplace, Financial Technology, and Brands. The primary mission of the Marketplace segment is to help consumers “shop their values” and put purpose behind their purchases. PublicSquare leverages data and insights from the Marketplace to assess its customers’ needs and provide wholly-owned quality financial products and brands. PublicSquare’s Financial Technology segment comprises Credova, a consumer financing and payments company. PublicSquare’s Brands segment comprises EveryLife, a premium D2C life-affirming baby products company. The PublicSquare Marketplace is free to join for both consumers and business owners. Download the app on the App Store or Google Play, or visit to learn more.

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Source: PSQ Holdings, Inc.


What is the new partnership announced by PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH)?

PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH) has announced a strategic partnership with Sticker Mule, a custom printed products company, to provide exclusive discounts to PublicSquare merchants and consumers.

How will the partnership between PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH) and Sticker Mule benefit users?

The partnership will allow PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH) merchants and consumers to receive exclusive discounts on Sticker Mule's custom printed products, enhancing the value proposition of the PublicSquare Marketplace.

What motivated the partnership between PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH) and Sticker Mule?

The partnership was motivated by shared values, including support for conservative principles and free speech, as well as the desire to create a values-aligned commerce ecosystem.

Where can PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH) users find the Sticker Mule discount?

PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH) users can find the Sticker Mule discount at

PSQ Holdings, Inc.


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United States of America