EveryLife and PublicSquare Partner to Support Families Affected by Hurricane Helene

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EveryLife, America's fastest-growing diaper company and a subsidiary of PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH), is partnering with PublicSquare to aid families affected by Hurricane Helene. Through October 4, every $50 'Buy For a Cause' bundle purchased will be sent directly to families in need, providing a month's supply of diapers and wipes.

EveryLife is collaborating with local churches, fire rescue teams, pregnancy resource centers, and organizations like Freedom House, Convoy of Hope, Operation Airdrop, and Asheville Dream Center to ensure efficient delivery of supplies. The initiative aims to support families navigating the challenges brought by the devastating storm, demonstrating the American spirit of coming together during times of need.

EveryLife, la compagnia di pannolini in più rapida crescita in America e una sussidiaria di PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH), sta collaborando con PublicSquare per aiutare le famiglie colpite dall'uragano Helene. Fino al 4 ottobre, ogni pacchetto 'Acquista per una causa' da 50 dollari acquistato sarà inviato direttamente alle famiglie in difficoltà, fornendo un mese di pannolini e salviette.

EveryLife sta collaborando con chiese locali, équipe di soccorso antincendio, centri di risorse per la gravidanza e organizzazioni come Freedom House, Convoy of Hope, Operation Airdrop e Asheville Dream Center per garantire una consegna efficiente delle forniture. L'iniziativa mira a sostenere le famiglie che affrontano le sfide portate dalla devastante tempesta, dimostrando lo spirito americano di unirsi nei momenti di bisogno.

EveryLife, la compañía de pañales de más rápido crecimiento en América y una subsidiaria de PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH), se está asociando con PublicSquare para ayudar a las familias afectadas por el Huracán Helene. Hasta el 4 de octubre, cada paquete 'Compra por una Causa' de 50 dólares comprado será enviado directamente a las familias necesitadas, proporcionando un suministro de un mes de pañales y toallitas.

EveryLife está colaborando con iglesias locales, equipos de rescate de incendios, centros de recursos para el embarazo y organizaciones como Freedom House, Convoy of Hope, Operation Airdrop y Asheville Dream Center para garantizar la entrega eficiente de suministros. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo apoyar a las familias que enfrentan los desafíos que trae la devastadora tormenta, demostrando el espíritu americano de unirse en tiempos de necesidad.

EveryLife는 미국에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 기저귀 회사로 PublicSquare(뉴욕 증권 거래소: PSQH)의 자회사입니다. EveryLife는 PublicSquare와 협력하여 허리케인 헬렌에 피해를 입은 가족들을 돕고 있습니다. 10월 4일까지, 50달러 '원인을 위한 구매' 패키지 하나가 판매될 때마다, 도움이 필요한 가족에게 바로 전달되어 한 달 분량의 기저귀와 물티슈를 제공합니다.

EveryLife는 지역 교회, 소방 구조대, 임신 자원 센터 및 Freedom House, Convoy of Hope, Operation Airdrop, Asheville Dream Center와 같은 조직과 협력하여 효율적인 공급 전달을 보장하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 파괴적인 폭풍으로 인해 어려움에 처한 가족을 지원하기 위한 것으로, 필요할 때 함께하는 미국의 정신을 보여주고 있습니다.

EveryLife, la société de couches à la croissante la plus rapide aux États-Unis et une filiale de PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH), s'associe à PublicSquare pour aider les familles touchées par l'ouragan Helene. Jusqu'au 4 octobre, chaque lot 'Achetez pour une cause' de 50 dollars acheté sera envoyé directement aux familles dans le besoin, fournissant un mois de couches et lingettes.

EveryLife collabore avec des églises locales, des équipes de sauvetage en cas d'incendie, des centres de ressources pour la grossesse et des organisations comme Freedom House, Convoy of Hope, Operation Airdrop et l'Asheville Dream Center pour garantir une livraison efficace des fournitures. L'initiative vise à soutenir les familles confrontées aux défis posés par la tempête dévastatrice, démontrant l'esprit américain de solidarité en période de besoin.

EveryLife, das am schnellsten wachsende Windelunternehmen in Amerika und eine Tochtergesellschaft von PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH), arbeitet mit PublicSquare zusammen, um Familien zu helfen, die vom Hurrikan Helene betroffen sind. Bis zum 4. Oktober wird jedes gekaufte 'Kaufe für einen guten Zweck'-Paket im Wert von 50 Dollar direkt an bedürftige Familien gesendet und bietet einen Monatsvorrat an Windeln und Tüchern.

EveryLife arbeitet mit lokalen Kirchen, Feuerwehrteams, Schwangerschaftsressourcenzentren und Organisationen wie Freedom House, Convoy of Hope, Operation Airdrop und dem Asheville Dream Center zusammen, um eine effiziente Lieferung von Hilfsgütern sicherzustellen. Das Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, Familien zu unterstützen, die mit den Herausforderungen umgehen müssen, die der verheerende Sturm mit sich bringt, und das amerikanische Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl in Zeiten der Not zu demonstrieren.

  • Partnership between EveryLife and PublicSquare to provide immediate assistance to hurricane-affected families
  • Efficient distribution network established with local organizations and relief agencies
  • Potential for increased brand awareness and positive public perception through charitable efforts
  • None.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- EveryLife, America's fastest-growing diaper company and a wholly owned subsidiary of PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH), is partnering with PublicSquare to provide immediate assistance to families impacted by Hurricane Helene. Through October 4, every "Buy For a Cause" bundle purchased will be directly sent to families in urgent need as a result of the devastating storm.

Each $50 “Buy For a Cause” bundle includes an entire month’s supply of diapers and wipes, ensuring families have access to essential baby care products during this critical time.

To ensure donations reach those who need them most, EveryLife and PublicSquare are working closely with local churches, fire rescue teams, and pregnancy resource centers. Everylife is also coordinating through Freedom House with Convoy of Hope, Operation Airdrop, and Asheville Dream Center to deliver diapers and wipes to those in need via semi-truck, helicopter, horseback, ATV, and any other means necessary. This collaborative, multifaceted approach ensures that diapers and wipes are delivered efficiently to families impacted by the hurricane.

“Amid the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene, we are deeply moved by the resilience and strength of families throughout the areas affected,” said Sarah Gabel Seifert, Co-Founder and President of EveryLife. “We are proud to partner with PublicSquare to ensure we can support these families as they navigate the challenges brought by this devastating storm. Our Buy For a Cause program is a way for everyone to contribute and make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected.”

“As Americans, we come together in times of need to help one another, and this initiative with EveryLife reflects that spirit. The devastation left by Hurricane Helene is unimaginable. We are grateful for EveryLife's Buy For a Cause program, which provides all of us at PublicSquare—and people across the nation—with a way to step up and support the families in dire need of essential items like diapers and wipes,” added Michael Seifert, CEO & Founder of PublicSquare.

About EveryLife

EveryLife is America’s fastest growing diaper brand. The pro-life, direct-to-consumer baby brand stands out in the diaper industry for its commitment to support pro-life organizations, including donating diapers and wipes to crisis pregnancy centers in urgent need. EveryLife launched in July 2023 and is delivering its high-performing diapers to doorsteps in all 50 states. For more information, visit

About PublicSquare

PublicSquare is America's leading commerce and payments ecosystem, valuing life, family, and liberty. PublicSquare operates under three segments: Marketplace, Financial Technology, and Brands. The primary mission of the Marketplace segment is to help consumers “shop their values” and put purpose behind their purchases. PublicSquare leverages data and insights from the Marketplace to assess its customers’ needs and provide wholly-owned quality financial products and brands. PublicSquare’s Financial Technology segment comprises Credova, a consumer financing and payments company. PublicSquare’s Brands segment comprises EveryLife, a premium D2C life-affirming baby products company. The PublicSquare Marketplace is free to join for both consumers and business owners. Download the app on the App Store or Google Play, or visit to learn more.

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Source: PSQ Holdings, Inc.


What is EveryLife's 'Buy For a Cause' program for Hurricane Helene victims?

EveryLife's 'Buy For a Cause' program allows customers to purchase a $50 bundle containing a month's supply of diapers and wipes, which is then sent directly to families affected by Hurricane Helene. This initiative runs through October 4 and is in partnership with PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH).

How is EveryLife (PSQH) distributing aid to Hurricane Helene victims?

EveryLife is working with local churches, fire rescue teams, pregnancy resource centers, and organizations like Freedom House, Convoy of Hope, Operation Airdrop, and Asheville Dream Center to distribute diapers and wipes efficiently to families impacted by Hurricane Helene using various transportation methods including semi-trucks, helicopters, horseback, and ATVs.

What is the cost and contents of EveryLife's Hurricane Helene relief bundle?

EveryLife's Hurricane Helene relief bundle, called 'Buy For a Cause,' costs $50 and includes a full month's supply of diapers and wipes for families affected by the hurricane.

Until when is EveryLife's Hurricane Helene relief program active?

EveryLife's Hurricane Helene relief program, in partnership with PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH), is active through October 4, allowing customers to purchase 'Buy For a Cause' bundles to support affected families.

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