Polestar Delivers First Customer Polestar 4 SUV Coupes in Europe

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Polestar has begun delivering its first Polestar 4 SUV Coupes in Europe, expanding its lineup from one to three car models. Initial deliveries have taken place in Germany, Norway, and Sweden, with other European markets to follow soon. This milestone marks Polestar's growing global presence, following earlier deliveries in China.

CEO Thomas Ingenlath emphasized the significance of this expansion, positioning Polestar as a design-led premium luxury electric car brand in the global EV market. The company plans to start Polestar 4 production in South Korea in 2025, further increasing its manufacturing capabilities.

The Polestar 4 combines coupe aerodynamics with SUV spaciousness, featuring minimalist Scandinavian design. Customer deliveries in North America and Australia are expected to begin in Q4 2024. Polestar aims to have a lineup of five performance EVs by 2026, including the upcoming Polestar 5 and Polestar 6 models.

Polestar ha iniziato a consegnare i suoi primi Polestar 4 SUV Coupes in Europa, ampliando la sua gamma da un modello a tre. Le prime consegne si sono svolte in Germania, Norvegia e Svezia, con altri mercati europei che seguiranno a breve. Questo traguardo segna la crescente presenza globale di Polestar, dopo le precedenti consegne in Cina.

Il CEO Thomas Ingenlath ha sottolineato l'importanza di questa espansione, posizionando Polestar come un marchio di auto elettriche di lusso premium orientato al design nel mercato globale dei veicoli elettrici. L'azienda prevede di avviare la produzione del Polestar 4 in Corea del Sud nel 2025, aumentando ulteriormente le sue capacità di produzione.

Il Polestar 4 combina l'aerodinamica da coupé con la spaziosità di un SUV, caratterizzandosi per un design minimalista scandinavo. Le consegne ai clienti in Nord America e Australia sono previste per il Q4 2024. Polestar mira ad avere una gamma di cinque veicoli elettrici ad alte prestazioni entro il 2026, inclusi i prossimi modelli Polestar 5 e Polestar 6.

Polestar ha comenzado a entregar sus primeros Polestar 4 SUV Coupes en Europa, ampliando su gama de uno a tres modelos de coche. Las primeras entregas se han realizado en Alemania, Noruega y Suecia, y otros mercados europeos seguirán pronto. Este hito marca la creciente presencia global de Polestar, tras las entregas anteriores en China.

El CEO Thomas Ingenlath enfatizó la importancia de esta expansión, posicionando a Polestar como una marca de coches eléctricos de lujo premium enfocada en el diseño en el mercado global de vehículos eléctricos. La compañía planea comenzar la producción de Polestar 4 en Corea del Sur en 2025, aumentando aún más sus capacidades de fabricación.

El Polestar 4 combina la aerodinámica de un coupé con la amplitud de un SUV, presentando un diseño escandinavo minimalista. Se espera que las entregas a clientes en América del Norte y Australia comiencen en el Q4 de 2024. Polestar tiene como objetivo contar con una gama de cinco vehículos eléctricos de alto rendimiento para 2026, incluidos los próximos modelos Polestar 5 y Polestar 6.

폴스타가 유럽에서 첫 번째 폴스타 4 SUV 쿠페의 배달을 시작하면서 자동차 모델 수가 하나에서 세 개로 확대되었습니다. 초기 배달은 독일, 노르웨이, 스웨덴에서 이루어졌으며, 곧 다른 유럽 시장으로 확대될 예정입니다. 이 이정표는 중국에서의 이전 배달에 이어 폴스타의 글로벌 존재감이 커지고 있음을 보여줍니다.

CEO 토마스 인겐라스는 이 확장의 중요성을 강조하며, 폴스타를 글로벌 전기차 시장에서 디자인 중심의 프리미엄 럭셔리 전기차 브랜드로 자리매김하고 있습니다. 회사는 2025년 한국에서 폴스타 4 생산을 시작할 계획으로, 생산 능력을 더욱 강화할 예정입니다.

폴스타 4는 쿠페의 공기역학성과 SUV의 넓은 공간감을 결합하여 미니멀한 스칸디나비아 디자인을 특징으로 합니다. 북미와 호주에서 고객 배송은 2024년 4분기 시작될 것으로 예상됩니다. 폴스타는 2026년까지 다섯 개의 성능 전기차 라인업을 보유하는 것을 목표로 하며, 곧 출시될 폴스타 5와 폴스타 6 모델을 포함할 예정입니다.

Polestar a commencé à livrer ses premiers Polestar 4 SUV Coupes en Europe, élargissant ainsi sa gamme d'un à trois modèles de voitures. Les premières livraisons ont eu lieu en Allemagne, en Norvège et en Suède, avec d'autres marchés européens à suivre rapidement. Cette étape marque la croissance de la présence mondiale de Polestar, après des livraisons antérieures en Chine.

Le PDG Thomas Ingenlath a souligné l'importance de cette expansion, plaçant Polestar en tant que marque de voiture électrique de luxe premium axée sur le design sur le marché mondial des véhicules électriques. L'entreprise prévoit de commencer la production du Polestar 4 en Corée du Sud en 2025, augmentant ainsi ses capacités de fabrication.

Le Polestar 4 combine l'aérodynamisme d'un coupé avec la spacieuse d'un SUV, mettant en avant un design scandinave minimaliste. Les livraisons aux clients en Amérique du Nord et en Australie devraient débuter au quatrième trimestre de 2024. Polestar vise à avoir une gamme de cinq véhicules électriques performants d'ici 2026, y compris les futurs modèles Polestar 5 et Polestar 6.

Polestar hat mit der Auslieferung seiner ersten Polestar 4 SUV Coupes in Europa begonnen und erweitert sein Modellangebot von einem auf drei Fahrzeuge. Die ersten Auslieferungen fanden in Deutschland, Norwegen und Schweden statt, weitere europäische Märkte werden bald folgen. Dieser Meilenstein markiert die wachsende globale Präsenz von Polestar, nach vorherigen Auslieferungen in China.

CEO Thomas Ingenlath betonte die Bedeutung dieser Expansion und positionierte Polestar als designorientierte Premium-Luxus-Elektroautomarke auf dem globalen Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge. Das Unternehmen plant, die Produktion des Polestar 4 in Südkorea im Jahr 2025 zu starten, um seine Produktionskapazitäten weiter zu erhöhen.

Der Polestar 4 kombiniert die Aerodynamik eines Coupés mit der Geräumigkeit eines SUVs und besticht durch ein minimalistisches skandinavisches Design. Die Auslieferungen an Kunden in Nordamerika und Australien werden für das 4. Quartal 2024 erwartet. Polestar strebt an, bis 2026 eine Palette von fünf leistungsstarken Elektrofahrzeugen anzubieten, zu denen auch die kommenden Modelle Polestar 5 und Polestar 6 gehören.

  • Expansion of product lineup from one to three car models
  • Commencement of Polestar 4 deliveries in Europe
  • Planned production expansion in South Korea by 2025
  • Positive reception from global automotive media for Polestar 4
  • Ambitious goal of five performance EV models by 2026
  • None.

Polestar's delivery of the first Polestar 4 SUV Coupes in Europe marks a significant milestone in the company's growth strategy. This expansion from a one- to three-car lineup demonstrates Polestar's commitment to diversifying its product range and strengthening its market position. The accelerated global presence could potentially lead to increased market share and revenue streams.

However, it's important to note that while this expansion is promising, the electric vehicle market is highly competitive. Polestar faces challenges from established automakers and other EV startups. The success of the Polestar 4 will depend on factors such as consumer reception, pricing strategy and production efficiency. The planned production in South Korea by 2025 could help meet global demand but may also present logistical and operational challenges.

The phased rollout of Polestar 4 across different markets indicates a strategic approach to supply chain management. Starting with China and now Europe, with North America and Australia planned for Q4, suggests a carefully orchestrated production and distribution strategy. This approach allows Polestar to manage inventory efficiently and adapt to market-specific demands.

The planned production expansion to South Korea in 2025 is a key development. It will likely enhance Polestar's manufacturing capacity and potentially reduce logistics costs for Asian markets. However, setting up production in a new country comes with risks such as regulatory challenges, workforce training and quality control. Polestar's ability to maintain consistent quality across different production sites will be important for brand reputation and customer satisfaction.

Polestar's expansion to a three-car lineup is a strategic move to capture different segments of the premium EV market. The Polestar 4, positioned as an SUV Coupe, targets a growing niche that blends performance with practicality. This diversification could help Polestar appeal to a broader customer base and potentially increase its market share in the competitive EV landscape.

The company's ambition to have five performance EVs by 2026 shows aggressive growth plans. However, this rapid expansion also carries risks, including potential strain on financial resources and operational capabilities. Polestar's success will depend on its ability to maintain product quality, meet production targets and effectively market its growing lineup. The Polestar 0 project, aiming for a climate-neutral production car by 2030, could be a significant differentiator in an increasingly environmentally conscious market.

GOTHENBURG, Sweden--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Polestar has delivered the first Polestar 4 SUV Coupes in Europe as it expands from a one- to three-car lineup. With Polestar 2, Polestar 3 and now Polestar 4 on European roads, the Swedish electric car brand continues to grow its offering.

Polestar 4 SUV Coupe in Gold exterior color. (Photo: Polestar)

Polestar 4 SUV Coupe in Gold exterior color. (Photo: Polestar)

Having already been delivered to customers in China, Polestar 4 first deliveries in Europe accelerates Polestar cars’ global presence, marking a significant milestone in the company’s growth. The initial vehicles have been delivered to customers in Germany, Norway and Sweden, with customer deliveries across other European markets set to accelerate in the coming weeks.

Thomas Ingenlath, CEO of Polestar says: “With Polestar 3 on the road since summer, this is the next important milestone for us in 2024 as we make our first European deliveries of Polestar 4 and give our customers even more choice. With three models, Polestar is positioning itself as the design-led premium luxury electric car brand in the global EV market.”

With Polestar 4 production set to begin in South Korea in 2025, the company’s manufacturing footprint is also expanding, increasing Polestar’s capability to produce and deliver more Polestar 4 SUV Coupes globally.

The Polestar 4 combines the aerodynamics of a Coupe and the spaciousness of an SUV while demonstrating minimalist Scandinavian design. Revered by global automotive media, Polestar 4 delivers customers a high-tech, intelligent car, which is a joy to drive.

Test drives can be booked at your local Polestar Space by visiting the following page:


Notes to editors
Polestar 4 customer deliveries in North America and Australia are expected to commence in the fourth quarter.

About Polestar
Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) is the Swedish electric performance car brand determined to improve society by using design and technology to accelerate the shift to sustainable mobility. Headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, its cars are available online in 27 markets globally across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.

Polestar plans to have a line-up of five performance EVs by 2026. Polestar 2, the electric performance fastback, launched in 2019. Polestar 3, the SUV for the electric age, launched in late 2022. Polestar 4, the SUV Coupe transformed, is launching in phases through 2023 and into 2024. Polestar 5, an electric four-door GT and Polestar 6, an electric roadster, are coming soon.

The Polestar 0 project supports the company’s ambitious goal of creating a truly climate-neutral production car by 2030. The research initiative also aims to create a sense of urgency to act on the climate crisis, by challenging employees, suppliers and the wider automotive industry, to drive towards zero.

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains statements that are not historical facts, but rather forward-looking statements within the meaning of Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include those that address activities, events or developments that Polestar or its management believes or anticipates may occur in the future. All forward-looking statements are based upon, as applicable, our current expectations, various assumptions and data available from third parties. Our expectations and assumptions are expressed in good faith and we believe there is a reasonable basis for them. However, there can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will materialize or prove to be correct as forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual future results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the future results, performance or achievements expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause actual results to differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements, including those risks and uncertainties set forth in the sections entitled “Risk Factors” and “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” in Polestar’s Form 20-F, and other documents filed, or to be filed, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission by Polestar. For any forward-looking statements contained in this or any other document, we claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and we assume no obligation to update publicly or revise any such statements in light of new information or future events, except as required by law.

Polestar PR

Graeme Lambert

Polestar Product PR

Source: Polestar


When did Polestar start delivering the Polestar 4 SUV Coupe in Europe?

Polestar has just begun delivering the first Polestar 4 SUV Coupes in Europe, with initial deliveries in Germany, Norway, and Sweden.

Where will Polestar 4 production begin in 2025?

Polestar 4 production is set to begin in South Korea in 2025, expanding the company's manufacturing footprint.

How many car models does Polestar (PSNY) now offer in Europe?

Polestar (PSNY) now offers three car models in Europe: Polestar 2, Polestar 3, and the newly delivered Polestar 4.

When are Polestar 4 deliveries expected to start in North America and Australia?

Polestar 4 customer deliveries in North America and Australia are expected to commence in the fourth quarter of 2024.

How many performance EVs does Polestar (PSNY) plan to have in its lineup by 2026?

Polestar (PSNY) plans to have a lineup of five performance EVs by 2026.

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