Parsons Delivers Critical Milestone for NOAA’s TraCSS Program

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Parsons (NYSE: PSN) has successfully delivered Phase 1.0 of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Office of Space Commerce's (OSC) Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS) program. As the system integration and cloud management services lead, Parsons has developed a cloud-based IT system for space situational awareness (SSA) and space traffic coordination (STC).

The initial capabilities release provides 'beta users' access to conjunction data messages (CDMs) for evaluation, running parallel with Department of Defense (DoD) systems. This milestone supports the transition of safety of flight mission from DoD to the Department of Commerce. The Parsons-developed system establishes a platform for hosting services supporting the civil space SSA mission, designed to improve space traffic coordination for thousands of space vehicles.

Parsons' role includes developing the software platform, integrating third-party components, managing cloud services, cybersecurity protection, and system administration for TraCSS operations. The company has 30 years of experience in enabling SSA missions for the U.S. government and allied partners.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) ha completato con successo la Fase 1.0 del programma del Sistema di Coordinamento del Traffico Spaziale (TraCSS) dell'Ufficio del Commercio Spaziale della National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In qualità di leader nei servizi di integrazione di sistema e gestione del cloud, Parsons ha sviluppato un sistema IT basato sul cloud per la consapevolezza situazionale nello spazio (SSA) e la coordinazione del traffico spaziale (STC).

Il rilascio delle capacità iniziali offre agli 'utenti beta' accesso ai messaggi di dati di congiunzione (CDMs) per la valutazione, funzionando in parallelo con i sistemi del Dipartimento della Difesa (DoD). Questo traguardo supporta il passaggio della missione di sicurezza del volo dal DoD al Dipartimento del Commercio. Il sistema sviluppato da Parsons stabilisce una piattaforma per ospitare servizi a supporto della missione civile di SSA, progettato per migliorare la coordinazione del traffico spaziale per migliaia di veicoli spaziali.

Il ruolo di Parsons include lo sviluppo della piattaforma software, l'integrazione di componenti di terze parti, la gestione dei servizi cloud, la protezione della cybersicurezza e l'amministrazione del sistema per le operazioni di TraCSS. L'azienda ha 30 anni di esperienza nel supportare le missioni di SSA per il governo degli Stati Uniti e per i partner alleati.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) ha entregado con éxito la Fase 1.0 del programa del Sistema de Coordinación de Tráfico Espacial (TraCSS) de la Oficina de Comercio Espacial de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA). Como líder en servicios de integración de sistemas y gestión de la nube, Parsons ha desarrollado un sistema de TI basado en la nube para la conciencia situacional espacial (SSA) y la coordinación del tráfico espacial (STC).

El lanzamiento de capacidades iniciales proporciona a los 'usuarios beta' acceso a mensajes de datos de conjunción (CDMs) para evaluación, funcionando en paralelo con los sistemas del Departamento de Defensa (DoD). Este hito apoya la transición de la misión de seguridad de vuelo del DoD al Departamento de Comercio. El sistema desarrollado por Parsons establece una plataforma para alojar servicios que respaldan la misión civil de SSA, diseñado para mejorar la coordinación del tráfico espacial para miles de vehículos espaciales.

El papel de Parsons incluye el desarrollo de la plataforma de software, la integración de componentes de terceros, la gestión de servicios en la nube, la protección de ciberseguridad y la administración del sistema para las operaciones de TraCSS. La empresa tiene 30 años de experiencia en habilitar misiones de SSA para el gobierno de EE. UU. y socios aliados.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN)는 국가 해양 대기청(NOAA) 우주상업사무소(OSC)의 우주 교통 조정 시스템(TraCSS) 프로그램의 1.0 단계를 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 시스템 통합 및 클라우드 관리 서비스 책임자로서 Parsons는 우주 상황 인식(SSA) 및 우주 교통 조정을 위한 클라우드 기반 IT 시스템을 개발했습니다.

초기 기능 버전은 '베타 사용자'에게 평가를 위한 접합 데이터 메시지(CDM)에 대한 접근을 제공하며, 이는 국방부(DoD) 시스템과 병행하여 운영됩니다. 이 이정표는 비행 안전 임무를 DoD에서 상무부로 전환하는 것을 지원합니다. Parsons가 개발한 시스템은 수천 대의 우주 차량에 대한 우주 교통 조정을 개선하기 위해 설계된 민간 우주 SSA 임무를 지원하는 서비스 호스팅 플랫폼을 설정합니다.

Parsons의 역할에는 소프트웨어 플랫폼 개발, 제3자 구성 요소 통합, 클라우드 서비스 관리, 사이버 보안 보호 및 TraCSS 운영을 위한 시스템 관리가 포함됩니다. 이 회사는 미국 정부와 동맹국을 위한 SSA 임무를 지원하는 데 30년의 경험을 가지고 있습니다.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) a réussi à livrer la Phase 1.0 du programme de Système de coordination du trafic spatial (TraCSS) du Bureau du commerce spatial de la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). En tant que leader des services d'intégration de systèmes et de gestion du cloud, Parsons a développé un système informatique basé sur le cloud pour la conscience situationnelle spatiale (SSA) et la coordination du trafic spatial (STC).

La version initiale des capacités fournit aux 'utilisateurs bêta' un accès aux messages de données de conjonction (CDMs) pour évaluation, fonctionnant en parallèle avec les systèmes du Département de la Défense (DoD). Cette étape importante soutient la transition de la mission de sécurité des vols du DoD au Département du Commerce. Le système développé par Parsons établit une plateforme pour héberger des services soutenant la mission civile de SSA, conçu pour améliorer la coordination du trafic spatial pour des milliers de véhicules spatiaux.

Le rôle de Parsons comprend le développement de la plateforme logicielle, l'intégration de composants tiers, la gestion des services cloud, la protection de la cybersécurité et l'administration du système pour les opérations de TraCSS. L'entreprise a 30 ans d'expérience dans la facilitation des missions de SSA pour le gouvernement américain et les partenaires alliés.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) hat erfolgreich Phase 1.0 des Programms des Verkehrskontrollsystems für den Weltraum (TraCSS) des Büros für Weltraumkommerz der National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) abgeschlossen. Als führendes Unternehmen für Systemintegration und Cloud-Management-Dienste hat Parsons ein cloud-basiertes IT-System zur Raumlagebewusstsein (SSA) und Raumverkehrskoordinierung (STC) entwickelt.

Die anfängliche Freigabe der Funktionen bietet 'Beta-Nutzern' Zugang zu Konjunktionsdatenmeldungen (CDMs) zur Evaluierung, die parallel zu den Systemen des Verteidigungsministeriums (DoD) laufen. Dieser Meilenstein unterstützt die Übergabe der flugsicherheitlichen Mission vom DoD zum Handelsministerium. Das von Parsons entwickelte System schafft eine Plattform für Hosting-Dienste zur Unterstützung der zivilen SSA-Mission, die darauf abzielt, die Raumverkehrskoordinierung für Tausende von Raumfahrzeugen zu verbessern.

Die Rolle von Parsons umfasst die Entwicklung der Softwareplattform, die Integration von Drittanbieterelementen, das Management von Cloud-Diensten, den Schutz der Cybersicherheit und die Systemadministration für die TraCSS-Operationen. Das Unternehmen hat 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Unterstützung von SSA-Missionen für die US-Regierung und alliierte Partner.

  • Successful delivery of Phase 1.0 for NOAA's TraCSS program
  • Establishes foundational platform for civil space SSA mission
  • Improves space traffic coordination for thousands of space vehicles
  • 30 years of experience in SSA missions for U.S. government and allies
  • None.


The successful delivery of Phase 1.0 for NOAA's TraCSS program marks a significant advancement in space traffic management. This cloud-based system will enhance space situational awareness and coordination, important for the growing number of satellites and space debris in orbit. The transition from DoD to the Department of Commerce signifies a shift towards more civilian and commercial involvement in space traffic management.

The system's ability to provide conjunction data messages to beta users is a critical step in developing a robust space traffic coordination infrastructure. This capability will help satellite operators avoid potential collisions, thereby protecting valuable space assets and maintaining a safer orbital environment. The agile development approach and integration of third-party software components suggest a flexible system that can adapt to evolving space traffic challenges.

For Parsons, this milestone reinforces their position in the space domain and could lead to long-term revenue opportunities as the space economy expands. However, the impact on immediate financials may be , as government contracts often have long development cycles and gradual revenue recognition.

Parsons' involvement in the TraCSS program positions the company favorably in the rapidly growing space sector. The global space situational awareness market is projected to reach $1.5 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 4.6%. This contract enhances Parsons' competitive edge in this high-growth market.

While the immediate financial impact may not be substantial relative to Parsons' $11 billion market cap, the long-term strategic value is significant. The company's 30-year experience in SSA and its role as the system integrator for TraCSS could lead to additional contracts in the space domain, both domestically and internationally.

Investors should note that government contracts, especially in cutting-edge technology areas, often lead to spin-off opportunities in the commercial sector. As space activities increase, Parsons could leverage its expertise to capture a larger share of the commercial space market, potentially driving future revenue growth and margin expansion.

CHANTILLY, Va., Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Parsons Corporation (NYSE: PSN), a leading national security solutions company in the space domain, is proud to announce the successful delivery of Phase 1.0, the initial capabilities release for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of Space Commerce's (OSC) Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS) program. Parsons is the system integration and cloud management services lead for TraCSS, a modern, cloud-based IT system that will provide space situational awareness (SSA) and space traffic coordination (STC) services to private and civil space operators.

Phase 1.0 provides the ‘beta user’ community access to conjunction data messages (CDMs) for evaluation while TraCSS runs in parallel with the Department of Defense (DoD) systems. This significant milestone supports the transition of the safety of flight mission from the DoD to the Department of Commerce.

“This important milestone is a significant step toward developing a robust and secure system for space situational awareness, which is vital for the safety of our shared space environment and its assets in orbit,” said Mike Kushin, President of Defense and Intelligence for Parsons. “OSC’s TraCSS program is a groundbreaking initiative that will navigate and deconflict the complexities of congested space traffic while driving innovation and collaboration between governments and industry in the space domain.”

The Parsons-developed system establishes the foundational platform for hosting services supporting the civil space SSA mission. These capabilities are designed to improve space traffic coordination for thousands of space vehicles, enabling safe space operations for the preservation of human lives, business assets, and the overall space environment.

"We are building TraCSS to become a foundational safety service that spacecraft operators around the world can depend on," said Dmitry Poisik, TraCSS Program Manager. "I'm thankful for the tremendously strong partnership that enabled the Parsons and OSC teams to launch this modern, reliable system."

As the system integrator, Parsons is developing the software platform for the operational TraCSS system. The company will integrate containerized, third-party software components from commercial companies into the TraCSS ecosystem. Following an agile development approach, the company is building the infrastructure for the TraCSS system that allows for continuous improvement and evolution to react to changing TraCSS mission needs. The company’s role also encompasses the management of cloud services, cybersecurity protection, and system administration for TraCSS operations.

For 30 years, Parsons has enabled the SSA mission for the U.S. government and allied partners by providing end-to-end customized mission solutions to meet customer needs in the rapidly evolving space domain. Parsons has also developed enterprise software solutions for multiple USG organizations, providing space catalog and space domain analytical services and solutions.

For more information about Parsons’ military space capabilities, please visit:

About Parsons
Parsons (NYSE: PSN) is a leading disruptive technology provider in the national security and global infrastructure markets, with capabilities across cyber and intelligence, space and missile defense, transportation, environmental remediation, urban development, and critical infrastructure protection. Please visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to learn how we're making an impact.

Media Contact:
Angie Benfield
+1 803.334.5277

Investor Relations Contact:
Dave Spille
+ 1 703.775.6191


What is Parsons' role in the NOAA TraCSS program?

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) is the system integration and cloud management services lead for NOAA's TraCSS program, developing the software platform, integrating third-party components, managing cloud services, and providing cybersecurity protection and system administration.

What does Phase 1.0 of the TraCSS program deliver?

Phase 1.0 of the TraCSS program delivers initial capabilities, providing 'beta users' access to conjunction data messages (CDMs) for evaluation while running parallel with Department of Defense systems.

How does the TraCSS program benefit space operations?

The TraCSS program improves space traffic coordination for thousands of space vehicles, enabling safe space operations for the preservation of human lives, business assets, and the overall space environment.

When did Parsons (PSN) announce the delivery of Phase 1.0 for NOAA's TraCSS program?

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) announced the successful delivery of Phase 1.0 for NOAA's TraCSS program on September 30, 2024.

Parsons Corporation


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