Parsons Awarded Position on $4B Defense Threat Reduction Agency Contract

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Parsons (NYSE: PSN) has been awarded a position on a $4 billion Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) contract to support Countering Weapons Of Mass Destruction (CWMD) objectives. The indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) multiple award task order contract (MATOC) includes a five-year base period and one five-year option period.

Under this contract, Parsons will compete for task orders to perform various services including research, development, testing and evaluation, procurement, maintenance, and systems engineering. The company aims to deliver scientific and technological solutions meeting the Department of Defense's priority CWMD objectives.

This contract continues Parsons' long-standing support of DTRA, which includes global projects addressing chemical weapons destruction, nuclear security, and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In 2023, Parsons also announced two task order awards under DTRA's Assessment, Exercise, Modeling and Simulation, and Support (AEMSS) IDIQ MATOC.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) ha ricevuto un incarico su un contratto del valore di 4 miliardi di dollari con la Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) per supportare gli obiettivi di Contrasto alle Armi di Distruzione di Massa (CWMD). Il contratto di ordinazione di attività a consegna indefinita e quantità indefinita (IDIQ) prevede un periodo base di cinque anni e un'opzione di cinque anni.

In base a questo contratto, Parsons parteciperà a bandi per effettuare vari servizi, tra cui ricerca, sviluppo, test e valutazione, approvvigionamento, manutenzione e ingegneria dei sistemi. L'azienda mira a fornire soluzioni scientifiche e tecnologiche che soddisfino gli obiettivi prioritari di CWMD del Dipartimento della Difesa.

Questo contratto continua il lungo supporto di Parsons alla DTRA, che include progetti globali per la distruzione di armi chimiche, la sicurezza nucleare e la non proliferazione delle armi di distruzione di massa. Nel 2023, Parsons ha anche annunciato due premi di ordinazione per attività nell'ambito dell'IDIQ MATOC AEMSS della DTRA, riguardanti Valutazione, Esercitazione, Modellazione e Simulazione, e Supporto.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) ha sido adjudicado un contrato por un valor de 4 mil millones de dólares con la Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) para apoyar los objetivos de Contrarresto a las Armas de Destrucción Masiva (CWMD). El contrato de órdenes por entrega indefinida y cantidad indefinida (IDIQ) incluye un período base de cinco años y una opción de cinco años.

Bajo este contrato, Parsons competirá por órdenes de trabajo para realizar varios servicios, incluyendo investigación, desarrollo, pruebas y evaluación, adquisición, mantenimiento e ingeniería de sistemas. La empresa tiene como objetivo ofrecer soluciones científicas y tecnológicas que cumplan con los objetivos prioritarios de CWMD del Departamento de Defensa.

Este contrato continúa el apoyo prolongado de Parsons a la DTRA, que incluye proyectos globales relacionados con la destrucción de armas químicas, la seguridad nuclear y la no proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva. En 2023, Parsons también anunció dos premios de órdenes de trabajo bajo el IDIQ MATOC de AEMSS de la DTRA, que incluyen Evaluación, Ejercicio, Modelado y Simulación, y Soporte.

파슨스(주식 코드: PSN)는 국방위협축소청(DTRA)와 40억 달러 규모의 계약을 체결하여 대량파괴무기(CWMD) 목표를 지원합니다. 이 무기 계약은 인도불명, 수량불명의(IDIQ) 다중 수상 작업 주문 계약(MATOC)으로, 5년의 기본 기간과 5년의 선택 기간을 포함합니다.

이 계약에 따라 파슨스는 연구, 개발, 테스트 및 평가, 조달, 유지보수 및 시스템 엔지니어링을 포함한 다양한 서비스를 수행하기 위한 작업 주문을 경쟁하게 됩니다. 이 회사는 국방부의 주요 CWMD 목표를 충족하는 과학적이고 기술적인 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이번 계약은 파슨스가 DTRA에 대한 오랜 지원을 지속하는 것으로, 여기에는 화학 무기 파괴, 핵 보안 및 대량파괴무기 확산 방지를 다루는 글로벌 프로젝트가 포함됩니다. 2023년에는 DTRA의 평가, 훈련, 모델링 및 시뮬레이션 및 지원(AEMSS) IDIQ MATOC에 따라 두 개의 작업 주문 수상을 발표했습니다.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) a obtenu un contrat de 4 milliards de dollars avec la Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) pour soutenir les objectifs de lutte contre les armes de destruction massive (CWMD). Le contrat d'ordre de tâche à livraison indéfinie et quantité indéfinie (IDIQ) comprend une période de base de cinq ans et une option de cinq ans.

Dans le cadre de ce contrat, Parsons sera en concurrence pour des ordres de tâche afin de réaliser divers services, notamment la recherche, le développement, les tests et l'évaluation, l'acquisition, la maintenance et l'ingénierie des systèmes. L'entreprise vise à fournir des solutions scientifiques et technologiques répondant aux objectifs prioritaires en CWMD du Département de la Défense.

Ce contrat poursuit le soutien de longue date de Parsons à la DTRA, qui inclut des projets globaux liés à la destruction des armes chimiques, la sécurité nucléaire et la non-prolifération des armes de destruction massive. En 2023, Parsons a également annoncé deux attributions d'ordres de tâche dans le cadre de l'IDIQ MATOC AEMSS de la DTRA, traitant de l'évaluation, de l'exercice, de la modélisation et de la simulation, et du soutien.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) hat einen Vertrag über 4 Milliarden Dollar mit der Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) erhalten, um die Ziele zur Bekämpfung von Massenvernichtungswaffen (CWMD) zu unterstützen. Der Vertrag über unbestimmte Lieferungen und Mengen (IDIQ) umfasst eine fünfjährige Grundlaufzeit sowie eine Option von fünf Jahren.

Im Rahmen dieses Vertrags wird Parsons um Aufträge zur Durchführung verschiedener Dienstleistungen konkurrieren, darunter Forschung, Entwicklung, Test und Evaluation, Beschaffung, Wartung und Systemengineering. Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, wissenschaftliche und technologische Lösungen zu liefern, die den Prioritäten der CWMD-Ziele des Verteidigungsministeriums entsprechen.

Dieser Vertrag setzt Parsons' langjähriger Unterstützung der DTRA fort, die globale Projekte zur Zerstörung chemischer Waffen, zur nuklearen Sicherheit und zur Nichtverbreitung von Massenvernichtungswaffen umfasst. Im Jahr 2023 gab Parsons zudem zwei Auftragsvergaben im Rahmen des IDIQ MATOC der DTRA für Bewertung, Übung, Modellierung und Simulation sowie Unterstützung bekannt.

  • Awarded position on a $4 billion DTRA contract
  • New work for the company, expanding its portfolio
  • Continues decades-long support of DTRA
  • Potential for additional task orders under the contract
  • Aligns with company's core strengths in global security solutions
  • None.


Parsons securing a position on this $4 billion IDIQ contract with DTRA is a significant win, potentially boosting the company's revenue and market position in the defense sector. The contract's substantial ceiling value and decade-long potential duration (including the option period) provide Parsons with a steady, long-term revenue stream and enhance its visibility in future earnings.

This award builds upon Parsons' existing relationship with DTRA, demonstrating the company's strong capabilities in countering weapons of mass destruction. The contract's focus on research, development and technological solutions aligns well with Parsons' core competencies, potentially leading to increased market share in this specialized field.

For investors, this contract represents a positive catalyst, as it:

  • Expands Parsons' footprint in high-priority defense programs
  • Strengthens the company's competitive position in the CWMD domain
  • Provides a substantial backlog, enhancing revenue predictability
However, it's important to note that as an IDIQ contract, actual revenue will depend on task orders won, introducing some uncertainty in the exact financial impact.

The award of this IDIQ MATOC to Parsons is noteworthy in the government contracting landscape. With a $4 billion ceiling, it represents a significant opportunity for Parsons to compete for high-value task orders in a critical defense area. The contract's structure as a multiple-award vehicle suggests intense competition for individual task orders, which could pressure profit margins but also incentivize innovation.

Key points for investors to consider:

  • The contract's 10-year potential duration provides long-term stability and growth prospects
  • It reinforces Parsons' position as a trusted partner in sensitive national security programs
  • The broad scope of work allows Parsons to leverage its diverse capabilities, potentially leading to synergies across its business units
While this contract is a positive development, investors should be aware that IDIQ contracts do not guarantee revenue. Success will depend on Parsons' ability to win task orders against other contract holders, which will require continued investment in R&D and maintaining a competitive edge in CWMD technologies.

CHANTILLY, Va., Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Parsons Corporation (NYSE: PSN) announced today that the company was awarded a position on an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) multiple award task order contract (MATOC) by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) to support Countering Weapons Of Mass Destruction (CWMD) objectives. The $4 billion ceiling value contract includes a five-year base period and one five-year option period and is new work for the company.

Under this contract, Parsons will compete for task orders to perform research, development, testing and evaluation, procurement, maintenance, and systems engineering to deliver scientific and technological solutions meeting the Department of Defense’s priority CWMD objectives.

“We have strong, proven technical capabilities that enable efforts by the United States and partner nations to counter and deter global threats,” said Jon Moretta, President, Engineered Systems for Parsons. “We’re proud to leverage these capabilities and our core strengths in global security solutions support and development to advance DTRA’s mission to prevent, reduce, and counter WMD and emerging threats in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment.”

This IDIQ MATOC continues Parsons’ decades-long support of DTRA, which includes global projects addressing the destruction of chemical weapons and strategic offensive arms, nuclear security, mission assurance, and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In 2023, the company announced two task order awards under DTRA’s Assessment, Exercise, Modeling and Simulation, and Support (AEMSS) IDIQ MATOC. One task order will develop solutions improving partner nation capacity to prevent proliferation attempts, and the other will provide vulnerability assessments, technical support projects, design reviews, and analyses.

DTRA provides cross-cutting solutions to enable the Department of Defense, the United States Government, and international partners to deter strategic attacks against the United States and its allies; prevent, reduce, and counter weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and emerging threats; and prevail against WMD-armed adversaries in crisis and conflict.

To learn more about Parsons’ global security and mission solutions, visit

About Parsons:
Parsons (NYSE: PSN) is a leading disruptive technology provider in the national security and global infrastructure markets, with capabilities across cyber and intelligence, space and missile defense, transportation, environmental remediation, urban development, and critical infrastructure protection. Please visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to learn how we're making an impact.

Forward-Looking Statements:
This document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations, beliefs and assumptions, and are not guarantees of future performance. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to uncertainties, risks, changes in circumstances, trends and factors that are difficult to predict, many of which are outside of our control. Accordingly, actual performance, results and events may vary materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements, and you should not rely on the forward-looking statements as predictions of future performance, results or events. Numerous factors could cause actual future performance, results and events to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements, including, among others: any issue that compromises our relationships with the U.S. federal government or its agencies or other state, local or foreign governments or agencies; any issues that damage our professional reputation; changes in governmental priorities that shift expenditures away from agencies or programs that we support; our dependence on long-term government contracts, which are subject to the government’s budgetary approval process; the size of our addressable markets and the amount of government spending on private contractors; failure by us or our employees to obtain and maintain necessary security clearances or certifications; failure to comply with numerous laws and regulations; changes in government procurement, contract or other practices or the adoption by governments of new laws, rules, regulations and programs in a manner adverse to us; the termination or nonrenewal of our government contracts, particularly our contracts with the U.S. federal government; our ability to compete effectively in the competitive bidding process and delays, contract terminations or cancellations caused by competitors’ protests of major contract awards received by us; our ability to generate revenue under certain of our contracts; any inability to attract, train or retain employees with the requisite skills, experience and security clearances; the loss of members of senior management or failure to develop new leaders; misconduct or other improper activities from our employees or subcontractors; our ability to realize the full value of our backlog and the timing of our receipt of revenue under contracts included in backlog; changes in the mix of our contracts and our ability to accurately estimate or otherwise recover expenses, time and resources for our contracts; changes in estimates used in recognizing revenue; internal system or service failures and security breaches; and inherent uncertainties and potential adverse developments in legal proceedings, including litigation, audits, reviews and investigations, which may result in materially adverse judgments, settlements or other unfavorable outcomes. These factors are not exhaustive and additional factors could adversely affect our business and financial performance. For a discussion of additional factors that could materially adversely affect our business and financial performance, see the factors included under the caption “Risk Factors” in our Registration Statement on Form S-1 and our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and speak only as of the date on which they are made. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statement made in this presentation that becomes untrue because of subsequent events, new information or otherwise, except to the extent we are required to do so in connection with our ongoing requirements under federal securities laws.

Media Contact:
Jonathan Larry
+1 706.832.7330

Investor Relations Contact:
Dave Spille
+1 703.775.6191


What is the value of the DTRA contract awarded to Parsons (PSN)?

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) contract awarded to Parsons (PSN) has a ceiling value of $4 billion.

What is the duration of the DTRA contract awarded to Parsons (PSN)?

The contract includes a five-year base period and one five-year option period, potentially lasting up to 10 years.

What services will Parsons (PSN) provide under the DTRA contract?

Parsons will compete for task orders to perform research, development, testing and evaluation, procurement, maintenance, and systems engineering to support Countering Weapons Of Mass Destruction (CWMD) objectives.

Has Parsons (PSN) worked with DTRA before?

Yes, Parsons has a decades-long history of supporting DTRA, including global projects addressing chemical weapons destruction, nuclear security, and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Parsons Corporation


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