Prospect Capital Celebrates its 20th Anniversary as a Leading Provider of Private Debt and Equity to U.S. Middle-Market Companies with Over $20 Billion Invested and More than 300 Portfolio Company Exits

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Prospect Capital (NASDAQ: PSEC) celebrates its 20th anniversary as a leading provider of private debt and equity to U.S. middle-market companies. With over $20 billion invested and more than 300 portfolio company exits, Prospect has established itself as one of the largest and longest-running publicly traded business development companies (BDCs).

Founded in 2004, Prospect has $7.9 billion in total assets as of the recent fiscal year-end. The company is managed by Prospect Capital Management, which has a nearly 37-year history spanning three major business cycles. Prospect has been a BDC industry innovator, achieving several firsts, including:

  • First BDC to achieve an investment grade rating post-Global Financial Crisis
  • First BDC to acquire another BDC
  • First BDC to complete at-market issuance programs for common stock and listed senior unsecured notes
  • First BDC to issue convertible bonds, medium-term program notes, and non-traded perpetual preferred stock

Prospect Capital (NASDAQ: PSEC) celebra il suo 20° anniversario come fornitore leader di debito privato e capitale per le aziende di medie dimensioni negli Stati Uniti. Con oltre 20 miliardi di dollari investiti e più di 300 uscite di aziende in portafoglio, Prospect si è affermata come una delle più grandi e longeve aziende di sviluppo commerciale quotate in borsa (BDC).

Fondata nel 2004, Prospect ha 7,9 miliardi di dollari in attivi totali alla fine dell'ultimo esercizio fiscale. L'azienda è gestita da Prospect Capital Management, che ha una storia di quasi 37 anni che abbraccia tre principali cicli economici. Prospect è stata un'innovatore nel settore BDC, conseguendo diversi primati, tra cui:

  • Primo BDC a ottenere un rating di investimento dopo la Crisi Finanziaria Globale
  • Primo BDC ad acquisire un altro BDC
  • Primo BDC a completare programmi di emissione al mercato per azioni comuni e note senior non garantite quotate
  • Primo BDC a emettere obbligazioni convertibili, note di programma a medio termine e azioni privilegiate perpetue non quotate

Prospect Capital (NASDAQ: PSEC) celebra su 20° aniversario como proveedor líder de deuda privada y capital para empresas de medianas dimensiones en los Estados Unidos. Con más de 20 mil millones de dólares invertidos y más de 300 salidas de empresas en cartera, Prospect se ha establecido como una de las compañías de desarrollo empresarial (BDC) cotizadas en bolsa más grandes y longevas.

Fundada en 2004, Prospect tiene 7.9 mil millones de dólares en activos totales al final del último año fiscal. La empresa es gestionada por Prospect Capital Management, que cuenta con una historia de casi 37 años abarcando tres ciclos económicos importantes. Prospect ha sido un innovador en la industria BDC, logrando varios primeros lugares, entre ellos:

  • Primer BDC en conseguir una calificación de grado de inversión tras la Crisis Financiera Global
  • Primer BDC en adquirir otro BDC
  • Primer BDC en completar programas de emisión a mercado para acciones comunes y notas senior no garantizadas cotizadas
  • Primer BDC en emitir bonos convertibles, notas de programa a medio plazo y acciones preferidas perpetuas no cotizadas

Prospect Capital (NASDAQ: PSEC)는 미국 중소기업에 사모무역과 주식을 제공하는 선도적인 회사로서 20주년 기념을 축하합니다. 200억 달러 이상 투자하고 300개 이상 포트폴리오 회사 매각을 기록하며 Prospect는 가장 크고 오랜 역사를 가진 상장 비즈니스 개발 회사(BDC) 중 하나로 자리 잡았습니다.

2004년에 설립된 Prospect는 최근 회계 연도 종료 시점에서 79억 달러의 총 자산을 보유하고 있습니다. 회사는 37년 가까운 역사로 세 번의 주요 비즈니스 사이클에 걸쳐 있는 Prospect Capital Management에 의해 운영됩니다. Prospect는 여러 혁신 최초를 달성한 BDC 산업 혁신가입니다:

  • 세계 금융 위기 이후 최초로 투자 등급 평가를 받은 BDC
  • 다른 BDC를 인수한 최초의 BDC
  • 일반 주식 및 상장된 고위험 채권에 대한 시장 발행 프로그램을 완료한 최초의 BDC
  • 전환 채권, 중기 프로그램 채권 및 비상장 영구 우선주의 발행을 수행한 최초의 BDC

Prospect Capital (NASDAQ: PSEC) célèbre son 20e anniversaire en tant que fournisseur leader de dettes privées et de capitaux pour les entreprises de taille intermédiaire aux États-Unis. Avec plus de 20 milliards de dollars investis et plus de 300 sorties de sociétés de portefeuille, Prospect s'est imposé comme l'une des plus grandes et des plus anciennes sociétés de développement commercial cotées en bourse (BDC).

Fondée en 2004, Prospect dispose de 7,9 milliards de dollars d'actifs totaux à la fin de l'exercice fiscal dernier. L'entreprise est gérée par Prospect Capital Management, qui a une histoire de près de 37 ans couvrant trois grands cycles économiques. Prospect a été un innovateur dans l'industrie des BDC, réalisant plusieurs premières, notamment :

  • Premier BDC à obtenir une note de crédit investissable après la crise financière mondiale
  • Premier BDC à acquérir un autre BDC
  • Premier BDC à compléter des programmes d'émission au marché pour des actions ordinaires et des obligations senior non garanties cotées
  • Premier BDC à émettre des obligations convertibles, des billets de programme à moyen terme et des actions privilégiées perpétuelles non négociées

Prospect Capital (NASDAQ: PSEC) feiert ihr 20-jähriges Bestehen als führender Anbieter von privatem Fremd- und Eigenkapital für US-amerikanische Unternehmen des mittleren Marktes. Mit über 20 Milliarden Dollar investiert und mehr als 300 Unternehmensverkäufen hat sich Prospect als eines der größten und am längsten bestehenden börsennotierten Unternehmen im Bereich der Geschäftsentwicklung (BDC) etabliert.

Gegründet im Jahr 2004, verfügt Prospect über 7,9 Milliarden Dollar an Gesamtvermögen zum Ende des letzten Geschäftsjahres. Das Unternehmen wird von Prospect Capital Management geleitet, das auf eine fast 37-jährige Geschichte zurückblickt, die drei wesentliche Wirtschaftszyklen umfasst. Prospect war ein Innovator in der BDC-Branche und hat mehrere Erstplatzierungen erreicht, darunter:

  • Erster BDC, der nach der globalen Finanzkrise ein Investment-Grade-Rating erhielt
  • Erster BDC, der einen anderen BDC erworben hat
  • Erster BDC, der Marktbereitstellungsprogramme für Stammaktien und börsennotierte unbesicherte Anleihen abgeschlossen hat
  • Erster BDC, der wandelbare Anleihen, mittelfristige Programmanleihen und nicht gehandelte unbefristete Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben hat
  • None.
  • None.

NEW YORK, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Prospect Capital Corporation (NASDAQ: PSEC) (“Prospect”) announced Prospect has surpassed its 20th anniversary as one of the largest ($7.9 billion in total assets as of the recently completed fiscal year end) and longest running publicly traded business development companies (“BDCs”).

Prospect during its history has invested over $20 billion with more than 300 portfolio company exits.

Founded in 2004, Prospect is one of the few BDCs established prior to the Global Financial Crisis, unlike the vast bulk of other BDCs with much shorter histories and untested by severe economic downturns.

Prospect is managed by Prospect Capital Management, which has more than 120 employees and which together with predecessors has been in business since 1988, representing a nearly 37-year history spanning three major business cycles with a history of judiciously managing risk and investor capital over that time period.

Over Prospect’s lengthy 20-year history, Prospect has been a BDC industry innovator with a long list of firsts by a BDC, including:

  • First BDC to achieve an investment grade rating post the Global Financial Crisis (commencing with S&P in November 2009 and expanding to five such ratings today).
  • First BDC to acquire another BDC (Patriot Capital in December 2009).
  • First BDC to complete at the market issuance programs for common stock (beginning March 2010) and listed senior unsecured notes (beginning July 2018).
  • First BDC to issue a convertible bond (December 2010 with multiple issuances thereafter).
  • First BDC to issue medium term program notes (February 2012 and continuing today).
  • First BDC to issue senior unsecured institutional notes post the Global Financial Crisis (March 2013 with multiple issuances thereafter).
  • First BDC to issue non-traded perpetual preferred stock to unaffiliated investors (October 2020 and continuing today).
  • First and only BDC to issue traded perpetual preferred stock (July 2021).

“We are proud of our long history of providing strategically important capital to U.S. middle market businesses,” said John Barry, CEO of Prospect.

About Prospect Capital Corporation

Prospect is a business development company that focuses on lending to and investing in private businesses. Prospect’s investment objective is to generate both current income and long-term capital appreciation through debt and equity investments.

Prospect has elected to be treated as a business development company under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”). Prospect is required to comply with a series of regulatory requirements under the 1940 Act as well as applicable NASDAQ, federal and state rules and regulations. We have elected to be treated as a regulated investment company under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, whose safe harbor for forward-looking statements does not apply to business development companies. Any such statements, other than statements of historical fact, are highly likely to be affected by other unknowable future events and conditions, including elements of the future that are or are not under our control, and that we may or may not have considered; accordingly, such statements cannot be guarantees or assurances of any aspect of future performance. Actual developments and results are highly likely to vary materially from any forward-looking statements. Such statements speak only as of the time when made, and we undertake no obligation to update any such statement now or in the future.

For further information, contact:
Grier Eliasek, President and Chief Operating Officer
Telephone (212) 448-0702


What milestone did Prospect Capital (PSEC) recently celebrate?

Prospect Capital (PSEC) recently celebrated its 20th anniversary as a leading provider of private debt and equity to U.S. middle-market companies.

How much has Prospect Capital (PSEC) invested since its founding?

Prospect Capital (PSEC) has invested over $20 billion since its founding in 2004.

How many portfolio company exits has Prospect Capital (PSEC) achieved?

Prospect Capital (PSEC) has achieved more than 300 portfolio company exits over its 20-year history.

What was Prospect Capital's (PSEC) total asset value as of the recent fiscal year-end?

Prospect Capital's (PSEC) total asset value was $7.9 billion as of the recently completed fiscal year-end.

What was the first major innovation Prospect Capital (PSEC) achieved in the BDC industry?

Prospect Capital (PSEC) was the first BDC to achieve an investment grade rating post the Global Financial Crisis, starting with S&P in November 2009.

Prospect Capital Corporation


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