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Proxim Wireless Corporation has unveiled the ORiNOCO® AP9200R, a dual-radio outdoor access point designed for extreme weather conditions. This product aims to provide reliable connectivity for outdoor hotspots, industrial applications, and temporary deployments. The AP9200R is IP67-rated, ensuring functionality in harsh conditions, including high temperatures and dust. With Bluetooth capabilities for quick setup, it enhances ease of installation. Proxim continues to lead in outdoor wireless solutions, solving connectivity challenges where wired systems are impractical.
Proxim Wireless has opened a new assembly and testing facility in San Jose, California, aimed at enhancing service to the North American market and reducing lead-times. The facility is UL certified, with initial production focusing on the 10100 and 10200 series products. Plans include catering to export markets in South America, Europe, and South Asia. CEO Fred Huey emphasized the need for flexibility in sourcing due to disruptions from the pandemic, stating that local production was a necessary step to improve customer experience.