The Right Resources at the Right Time: Introducing Prudential’s Enhanced Employee Well-Being Solutions at the Core of Prudential’s Group Life, Disability and Supplemental Health Offering

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Prudential Group Insurance has enhanced its well-being program with a new digitally accessible hub, aligning with its Life, Absence and Disability products. The hub offers comprehensive solutions including live financial education, caregiving support, behavioral health tools, debt management, and housing counseling.

Key features include:

  • Behavioral health support through NeuroFlow partnership
  • Caregiving support via Wellthy
  • Financial education and wellness seminars
  • Credit and debt management through GreenPath

This initiative aims to increase utilization of employee support programs and provide timely access to resources during significant life events. Jessica Gillespie, Prudential's head of Group Insurance Product & Underwriting, emphasized the program's goal of creating a healthier, more engaged workforce for clients.

Il Prudential Group Insurance ha migliorato il proprio programma di benessere con un nuovo hub accessibile digitalmente, allineato con i suoi prodotti di Vita, Assenza e Invalidità. L'hub offre soluzioni complete che includono educazione finanziaria dal vivo, supporto per la cura, strumenti per la salute comportamentale, gestione del debito e consulenza abitativa.

Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Supporto per la salute comportamentale attraverso la partnership con NeuroFlow
  • Supporto per la cura tramite Wellthy
  • Educazione finanziaria e seminari sul benessere
  • Gestione del credito e del debito attraverso GreenPath

Questa iniziativa mira a incrementare l'utilizzo dei programmi di supporto per i dipendenti e fornire accesso tempestivo alle risorse durante eventi significativi della vita. Jessica Gillespie, responsabile del prodotto e della sottoscrizione per l'Assicurazione di Gruppo di Prudential, ha sottolineato l'obiettivo del programma di creare una forza lavoro più sana e coinvolta per i clienti.

Prudential Group Insurance ha mejorado su programa de bienestar con un nuevo hub accesible digitalmente, alineándose con sus productos de Vida, Ausencia e Invalidez. El hub ofrece soluciones integrales que incluyen educación financiera en vivo, apoyo para el cuidado, herramientas de salud conductual, gestión de deudas y asesoramiento en vivienda.

Las características clave incluyen:

  • Apoyo en salud conductual a través de la asociación con NeuroFlow
  • Apoyo para el cuidado a través de Wellthy
  • Educación financiera y seminarios de bienestar
  • Gestión de crédito y deudas a través de GreenPath

Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo aumentar la utilización de programas de apoyo para empleados y proporcionar acceso oportuno a recursos durante eventos significativos de la vida. Jessica Gillespie, jefa de Productos y Suscripción de Seguros de Grupo en Prudential, enfatizó el objetivo del programa de crear una fuerza laboral más saludable y comprometida para los clientes.

프루덴셜 그룹 보험은 웰빙 프로그램을 개선했습니다 새로운 디지털 접근 허브를 추가하여 생명, 결근 및 장애 제품과 일치하도록 했습니다. 이 허브는 포괄적인 솔루션을 제공하며, 여기에는 라이브 재정 교육, 간병 지원, 행동 건강 도구, 부채 관리 및 주택 상담이 포함됩니다.

주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • NeuroFlow 파트너십을 통한 행동 건강 지원
  • Wellthy를 통한 간병 지원
  • 재정 교육 및 웰빙 세미나
  • GreenPath를 통한 신용 및 부채 관리

이 이니셔티브는 직원 지원 프로그램 사용량을 증가시키는 것을 목표로 합니다 그리고 중요한 인생 사건 동안 자원에 신속하게 접근할 수 있도록 합니다. 프루덴셜 그룹 보험 제품 및 인수 담당 책임자 제시카 길레스피는 이 프로그램의 목표가 고객을 위한 더 건강하고 더 참여적인 Workforce를 창출하는 것이라고 강조했습니다.

Prudential Group Insurance a amélioré son programme de bien-être avec un nouveau hub accessible numériquement, aligné avec ses produits Vie, Absence et Invalidité. Le hub offre des solutions complètes comprenant une éducation financière en direct, un soutien aux aidants, des outils de santé comportementale, une gestion des dettes et des conseils en logement.

Les caractéristiques clés incluent :

  • Soutien à la santé comportementale grâce au partenariat avec NeuroFlow
  • Soutien aux aidants via Wellthy
  • Éducation financière et séminaires de bien-être
  • Gestion du crédit et des dettes grâce à GreenPath

Cette initiative vise à augmenter l'utilisation des programmes de soutien aux employés et à fournir un accès rapide aux ressources lors d'événements de vie significatifs. Jessica Gillespie, responsable des produits et de la souscription d'assurance de groupe chez Prudential, a souligné l'objectif du programme de créer une main-d'œuvre plus saine et plus engagée pour les clients.

Die Prudential Group Insurance hat ihr Wohlfühlprogramm verbessert und ein neues digital zugängliches Hub erstellt, das mit ihren Produkten für Leben, Abwesenheit und Behinderung in Einklang steht. Das Hub bietet umfassende Lösungen, die Live-Finanzbildung, Unterstützung bei der Pflege, Werkzeuge zur Verhaltensgesundheit, Schuldenmanagement und Wohnberatung umfassen.

Wesentliche Merkmale sind:

  • Unterstützung der Verhaltensgesundheit durch die Partnerschaft mit NeuroFlow
  • Pflegesupport über Wellthy
  • Finanzielle Bildung und Wellness-Seminare
  • Kredit- und Schuldenmanagement über GreenPath

Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Nutzung der Mitarbeiterunterstützungsprogramme zu erhöhen und einen zeitgerechten Zugang zu Ressourcen in bedeutenden Lebensereignissen zu ermöglichen. Jessica Gillespie, Leiterin von Produkt und Underwriting für die Gruppenversicherung bei Prudential, betonte das Ziel des Programms, eine gesündere und engagiertere Belegschaft für die Kunden zu schaffen.

  • None.
  • None.

NEWARK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Prudential Group Insurance has enhanced its well-being program with the launch of a digitally accessible hub, offering a new access point to solutions and strategic partnerships that are aligned with the company’s Life, Absence and Disability products.

Based on data and feedback from clients, Prudential Group Insurance and its affiliate Prudential Workplace Solutions Group Insurance continue to innovate and find ways to bring well-being resources closer to the people who need them most. Through the launch of its new digital hub, Prudential is enhancing the access already provided to employees and members during life’s key moments such as welcoming a new child, a job change, or during a disability or leave event. Prudential’s well-being solutions include live financial education, caregiving support, behavioral health tools, debt management, and housing counseling to help develop an action plan to achieve goals.

“We continuously hear from employers that they are looking for increased utilization of programs that support their employees’ well-being,” said Jessica Gillespie, Prudential’s head of Group Insurance Product & Underwriting. “Our comprehensive program connects employees with the right resources at the right moment through alignment with our Life, Absence and Disability products. The new digital hub adds a simple way to access and utilize these tools.”

Prudential’s well-being program combines the company’s expertise in financial topics with specialized services of strategic partners. Highlights include:

  • Identification of behavioral health needs, with tailored support for all disability claimants through a partnership with NeuroFlow, a behavioral health technology and analytics company
    • Wellness guides, mood, sleep and stress trackers
    • Stress management tools
    • Pain management support
    • Depression and PTSD support
    • Maternal mental health support
    • Suicide risk detection and clinical team intervention
  • Caregiving support through a partnership with Wellthy, available as a full-spectrum caregiving concierge service in addition to no-cost care planning tools
    • Family planning
    • Aging and eldercare
    • Parenting and childcare
    • Backup care
    • Teen support
    • Complex care
    • End of life and loss
  • Financial education
    • Live financial wellness seminars with hundreds of topics covered
    • Tools and calculators to determine the appropriate amount of life or disability insurance coverage, as well as help with budgeting household expenses
    • Financial education articles to help plan for life’s events
  • Overall financial health support through a partnership with national nonprofit GreenPath
    • Credit and debt management
    • Credit report review
    • Housing counseling
    • Student debt counseling
    • Medical debt counseling

“Our goal is to help create a healthier and more engaged workforce for our clients,” added Gillespie. “We continue to enhance our well-being program to deliver innovative and relevant solutions that will have a meaningful impact for employees by providing the right access at the right time.”

For more information, visit

About Prudential

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE: PRU), a global financial services leader and premier active global investment manager with approximately $1.5 trillion in assets under management as of June 30, 2024, has operations in the United States, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Prudential’s diverse and talented employees help make lives better and create financial opportunity for more people by expanding access to investing, insurance, and retirement security. Prudential’s iconic Rock symbol has stood for strength, stability, expertise and innovation for nearly 150 years. For more information, please visit

About Group Insurance

Prudential Group Insurance manufactures and distributes a full range of group life, long-term and short-term disability, and corporate and trust-owned life insurance in the U.S. to institutional clients primarily for use within employee and membership benefit plans. The business also sells critical illness, accidental death and dismemberment, and other ancillary coverages. In addition, the business provides plan administrative services in connection with its insurance coverages, and administrative services for employee paid and unpaid leave, including FMLA, ADA and PFL.

About Prudential Workplace Solutions Group Services

Prudential Workplace Solutions Group Services, LLC (“PWSGS”) provides access to a number of Holistic Wellness products, services, seminars and tools offered by PWSGS, its affiliates or third parties. PWSGS is an affiliate of Prudential Financial, Inc. PWSGS is not a licensed insurance company, does not provide insurance products or services, and does not provide financial, investment or other advice. Individuals should consult appropriate professionals when making financial, investment and tax decisions. The Holistic Wellness offerings are made available for general financial education purposes. Access to Holistic Wellness products, services, seminars and tools is not conditioned upon the purchase of insurance or retirement products or services from any Prudential company.

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Marisa Amador

+1 973-802-8969

Source: Prudential Financial, Inc.


What new feature has Prudential Group Insurance (PRU) introduced to enhance its well-being program?

Prudential Group Insurance has introduced a digitally accessible hub as part of its enhanced well-being program, offering easier access to solutions aligned with their Life, Absence and Disability products.

What services does Prudential's (PRU) new well-being program include?

Prudential's well-being program includes live financial education, caregiving support, behavioral health tools, debt management, housing counseling, and partnerships with companies like NeuroFlow for mental health support and Wellthy for caregiving services.

How does Prudential (PRU) aim to support employee mental health in its enhanced program?

Prudential partners with NeuroFlow to provide tailored behavioral health support for disability claimants, including wellness guides, mood trackers, stress management tools, and suicide risk detection with clinical team intervention.

What financial support services does Prudential (PRU) offer in its new well-being program?

Prudential offers live financial wellness seminars, budgeting tools, insurance coverage calculators, and partners with GreenPath for credit and debt management, housing counseling, and student debt counseling.

How does Prudential (PRU) support caregivers in its enhanced well-being program?

Prudential partners with Wellthy to provide caregiving support, offering a full-spectrum caregiving concierge service and no-cost care planning tools for family planning, eldercare, parenting, and complex care situations.

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