Prudential Financial launches Momentum IUL, a new life insurance product with power to adapt to life’s changes

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Prudential Financial (PRU) has launched Prudential Momentum IUL℠, a new indexed universal life insurance product designed to provide financial resiliency and adaptability. The product offers:

1. Various indexed account options based on S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100 indices
2. Potential for tax-advantaged cash value accumulation
3. Full downside market protection
4. Unique segment duration options, including one-year capped/uncapped and a first-to-market six-month option
5. Flexibility to access cash value for any purpose
6. Options to grow death benefit value
7. No-lapse guarantee
8. Optional riders for chronic and terminal illnesses, disability, and accelerated death benefit

Momentum IUL aims to help customers protect their loved ones' futures while adapting to changing financial needs.

Prudential Financial (PRU) ha lanciato Prudential Momentum IUL℠, un nuovo prodotto di assicurazione sulla vita universale indicizzata concepito per fornire resilienza finanziaria e adattabilità. Il prodotto offre:

1. Diverse opzioni di conti indicizzati basate sugli indici S&P 500 o Nasdaq 100
2. Potenziale per un accumulo di valore in contanti con vantaggi fiscali
3. Completa protezione contro i ribassi di mercato
4. Uniche opzioni di durata dei segmenti, comprese quelle a capitazione/non capitazione di un anno e una prima opzione di sei mesi sul mercato
5. Flessibilità nell'accesso al valore in contanti per qualsiasi scopo
6. Opzioni per incrementare il valore del beneficio in caso di morte
7. Garanzia di non decadenza
8. Riders opzionali per malattie croniche e terminali, disabilità e beneficio in caso di morte accelerato

Momentum IUL si propone di aiutare i clienti a proteggere il futuro dei propri cari mentre si adattano alle esigenze finanziarie in evoluzione.

Prudential Financial (PRU) ha lanzado Prudential Momentum IUL℠, un nuevo producto de seguro de vida universal indexado diseñado para proporcionar resiliencia financiera y adaptabilidad. El producto ofrece:

1. Varias opciones de cuentas indexadas basadas en los índices S&P 500 o Nasdaq 100
2. Potencial para acumulación de valor en efectivo con ventajas fiscales
3. Protección completa contra caídas del mercado
4. Únicas opciones de duración de segmento, incluidas opciones de un año con límite/sin límite y una opción de seis meses pionera en el mercado
5. Flexibilidad para acceder al valor en efectivo para cualquier propósito
6. Opciones para aumentar el valor del beneficio por fallecimiento
7. Garantía de no caducidad
8. Opciones adicionales para enfermedades crónicas y terminales, discapacidad y beneficio acelerado por fallecimiento

Momentum IUL tiene como objetivo ayudar a los clientes a proteger el futuro de sus seres queridos mientras se adaptan a las cambiantes necesidades financieras.

프루덴셜 파이낸셜(Prudential Financial, PRU)은 재정적 회복력과 적응성을 제공하기 위해 설계된 새로운 지수형 유니버설 생명 보험 상품Prudential Momentum IUL℠을 출시하였습니다. 이 상품은 다음과 같은 특징을 제공합니다:

1. S&P 500 또는 나스닥 100 지수를 기반으로 한 다양한 지수 계좌 옵션
2. 세금 혜택이 있는 현금 가치 누적 가능성
3. 시장 하락에 대한 완전 보호
4. 1년 한정/무한 옵션과 최초의 6개월 옵션을 포함한 독창적인 세그먼트 기간 옵션
5. 현금 가치에 접근할 수 있는 유연성 제공
6. 사망 급여 가치 증대 옵션
7. 소멸 보장
8. 만성 질환 및 말기 질환, 장애, 가속 사망 급여를 위한 선택적 라이더

Momentum IUL은 고객이 사랑하는 사람의 미래를 보호하면서 변화하는 재정적 요구에 적응하는 데 도움이 되는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Prudential Financial (PRU) a lancé Prudential Momentum IUL℠, un nouveau produit d'assurance vie universelle indexée conçu pour offrir une résilience financière et une adaptabilité. Le produit offre :

1. Différentes options de comptes indexés basées sur les indices S&P 500 ou Nasdaq 100
2. Potentiel d'accumulation de valeur en espèces avec avantage fiscal
3. Protection totale contre les baisses de marché
4. Options uniques de durée de segment, y compris une option plafonnée/non plafonnée d'un an et une première option de six mois sur le marché
5. Flexibilité d'accès à la valeur en espèces pour tout usage
6. Options pour faire croître la valeur du capital décès
7. Garantie de non-décès
8. Riders optionnels pour maladies chroniques et terminales, invalidité et capital décès accéléré

Momentum IUL vise à aider les clients à protéger l'avenir de leurs proches tout en s'adaptant aux besoins financiers changeants.

Prudential Financial (PRU) hat Prudential Momentum IUL℠ gestartet, ein neues indiziertes, universelles Lebensversicherungsprodukt, das darauf abzielt, finanzielle Resilienz und Anpassungsfähigkeit zu bieten. Das Produkt bietet:

1. Verschiedene indizierte Kontenoptionen, basierend auf den Indizes S&P 500 oder Nasdaq 100
2. Potenzial zur steuerbegünstigten Ansparung von Bargeldwerten
3. Vollständiger Schutz vor Marktrückgängen
4. Einzigartige Segmentlaufzeitoptionen, einschließlich einem Jahr mit Obergrenze/ohne Obergrenze und einer ersten sechsmonatigen Option auf dem Markt
5. Flexibilität, um auf den Bargeldwert für jeden Zweck zuzugreifen
6. Optionen zur Steigerung des Todesfall-Leistungswerts
7. Garantie gegen Verfall
8. Optionale Zusatzversicherung für chronische und terminale Krankheiten, Behinderungen und beschleunigte Todesfallleistung

Momentum IUL zielt darauf ab, den Kunden zu helfen, die Zukunft ihrer Lieben zu schützen und sich gleichzeitig an sich ändernde finanzielle Bedürfnisse anzupassen.

  • Launch of a new innovative life insurance product
  • Potential for tax-advantaged cash value growth
  • Full downside market protection
  • Flexible cash value access
  • First-to-market six-month segment duration option
  • None.

Prudential's launch of Momentum IUL represents a strategic move in the competitive life insurance market. This product's flexibility and potential for tax-advantaged cash value accumulation could appeal to consumers seeking both protection and growth. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 index options offer familiar benchmarks, potentially attracting investors comfortable with these indices. The six-month segment duration is an innovative feature that could provide a competitive edge. However, the product's success will depend on its performance against competing offerings and the overall economic environment. Investors should note that while this launch may boost Prudential's product portfolio, its impact on the company's financials will take time to materialize and should be monitored in future earnings reports.

Momentum IUL reflects the evolving landscape of life insurance products, addressing the growing demand for flexibility and customization. The product's downside market protection feature is particularly noteworthy in the current volatile economic climate. The inclusion of riders for chronic and terminal illnesses aligns with industry trends towards comprehensive coverage. The no-lapse guarantee adds an extra layer of security, potentially increasing the product's attractiveness. However, the complexity of indexed universal life products may require significant consumer education and could pose challenges in terms of regulatory scrutiny. Prudential's success with this product will likely hinge on their distribution strategy and the effectiveness of their educational initiatives for both agents and consumers.

The tax-advantaged nature of Momentum IUL's cash value accumulation is a key selling point. This feature can be particularly attractive for high-income individuals looking for tax-efficient investment vehicles. The ability to access cash value for any purpose, including supplementing retirement income, offers significant tax planning opportunities. However, it's important to note that while the growth is tax-deferred, withdrawals may be subject to taxes and penalties if not structured correctly. Policyholders will need to carefully manage their withdrawals to maintain the policy's death benefit and avoid potential tax liabilities. The product's flexibility in this regard is a double-edged sword, offering opportunities for tax optimization but also requiring vigilant management to avoid unintended tax consequences.

Indexed universal life solution offers combination of protection, growth potential and flexibility to pivot.

NEWARK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Prudential Financial, Inc., has launched Prudential Momentum IUL, a new indexed universal life product issued by Pruco Life Insurance Company and Pruco Life Insurance Company of New Jersey (in NY) that provides the financial resiliency in growth and protection that customers need to withstand changing life events.

“Prudential is committed to providing our customers with the solutions they need to adapt and keep up with life’s opportunities and challenges,” says Rob Schaffer, head of Product Design & Innovation, Individual Life Insurance at Prudential. “Momentum IUL allows our customers to help protect their loved ones’ futures and grow their cash value to reach their goals, while providing them with the opportunity to pivot should their needs change.”

Momentum IUL offers a variety of indexed account options, based on the well-known S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100 indices, for the potential to accumulate tax-advantaged cash value, along with full downside market protection to manage market risk. It also introduces the choice of segment durations, including one-year capped or uncapped options and Prudential’s first-to-market six-month option. With flexibility in mind, customers can make changes as their needs evolve and can access the cash value for any purpose, including supplementing retirement income.

The solution allows for designing and adapting a policy to help meet protection needs with options to grow the value of the death benefit, a no-lapse guarantee, along with optional riders for chronic and terminal illnesses, disability, accelerated death benefit, and more.

Designed to help meet customers’ evolving financial needs, Momentum IUL provides a strong foundation to help protect what’s most important to customers, while empowering them to adapt to life’s changes.

Additional information about Momentum IUL is available online here.

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE: PRU), a global financial services leader and premier active global investment manager with approximately $1.5 trillion in assets under management as of June 30, 2024, has operations in the United States, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Prudential’s diverse and talented employees help make lives better and create financial opportunity for more people by expanding access to investing, insurance, and retirement security. Prudential’s iconic Rock symbol has stood for strength, stability, expertise and innovation for nearly 150 years. For more information, please visit

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Claire Currie

Source: Prudential Financial, Inc.


What is Prudential Momentum IUL and when was it launched by Prudential Financial (PRU)?

Prudential Momentum IUL is a new indexed universal life insurance product launched by Prudential Financial (PRU). It offers a combination of protection, growth potential, and flexibility to adapt to changing life events.

What are the key features of Prudential's Momentum IUL product?

Key features include indexed account options based on S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100 indices, potential for tax-advantaged cash value accumulation, full downside market protection, flexible segment durations, cash value access, and optional riders for various illnesses and disabilities.

How does Prudential Momentum IUL provide flexibility to policyholders?

Momentum IUL allows policyholders to make changes as their needs evolve, access cash value for any purpose, and offers options to grow the death benefit value. It also includes various segment duration choices and optional riders to customize the policy.

What unique feature does Prudential's Momentum IUL offer in terms of segment durations?

Prudential Momentum IUL introduces a first-to-market six-month segment duration option, in addition to one-year capped and uncapped options, providing more flexibility in policy design.

Prudential Financial, Inc.


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