AM Best Assigns Issue Credit Rating to Prudential Financial, Inc.’s Senior Unsecured Medium-Term Notes
AM Best has assigned an 'a-' (Excellent) Long-Term Issue Credit Rating to Prudential Financial's $750 million senior unsecured medium-term notes, due 2035, with a 5.2% interest rate. The outlook is stable.
The company plans to use the proceeds for general corporate purposes, including refinancing medium-term notes maturing through 2026. While debt leverage is expected to increase slightly in the medium term, it should return to pre-issuance levels after 2026.
Financial highlights include:
- Parent company holds $4.6 billion in highly liquid assets (year-end 2024)
- Full-year 2024 pre-tax adjusted operating income: $5.9 billion
- Net income attributable to PFI: $2.7 billion
- Global asset management business contributed $875 million in fee-based pre-tax earnings
AM Best ha assegnato un rating di credito a lungo termine 'a-' (Eccellente) ai 750 milioni di dollari di obbligazioni senior non garantite a medio termine di Prudential Financial, in scadenza nel 2035, con un tasso d'interesse del 5,2%. L'outlook è stabile.
L'azienda prevede di utilizzare i proventi per scopi aziendali generali, inclusa la rifinanziamento delle obbligazioni a medio termine in scadenza entro il 2026. Sebbene si preveda un leggero aumento dell'indebitamento nel medio termine, dovrebbe tornare ai livelli precedenti all'emissione dopo il 2026.
I punti salienti finanziari includono:
- La società madre detiene 4,6 miliardi di dollari in attivi altamente liquidi (fine anno 2024)
- Reddito operativo rettificato ante imposte per l'intero anno 2024: 5,9 miliardi di dollari
- Utile netto attribuibile a PFI: 2,7 miliardi di dollari
- Il business di gestione patrimoniale globale ha contribuito con 875 milioni di dollari in utili ante imposte basati su commissioni
AM Best ha asignado una calificación de crédito a largo plazo de 'a-' (Excelente) a los 750 millones de dólares en notas senior no garantizadas a mediano plazo de Prudential Financial, con vencimiento en 2035 y una tasa de interés del 5.2%. La perspectiva es estable.
La compañía planea utilizar los ingresos para fines corporativos generales, incluyendo el refinanciamiento de notas a mediano plazo que vencen hasta 2026. Aunque se espera que el apalancamiento de la deuda aumente ligeramente a mediano plazo, debería volver a los niveles anteriores a la emisión después de 2026.
Los aspectos financieros destacados incluyen:
- La empresa matriz posee 4.6 mil millones de dólares en activos altamente líquidos (fin de 2024)
- Ingreso operativo ajustado antes de impuestos para el año completo 2024: 5.9 mil millones de dólares
- Ingreso neto atribuible a PFI: 2.7 mil millones de dólares
- El negocio de gestión de activos global contribuyó con 875 millones de dólares en ganancias antes de impuestos basadas en comisiones
AM Best는 프루덴셜 파이낸셜의 7억 5천만 달러 규모의 만기 2035년 중기 무담보 채권에 대해 'a-' (우수) 장기 신용 등급을 부여했습니다. 이자율은 5.2%이며, 전망은 안정적입니다.
회사는 2026년까지 만기가 도래하는 중기 채권의 재융자를 포함하여 일반 기업 용도로 수익금을 사용할 계획입니다. 중기적으로 부채 레버리지가 약간 증가할 것으로 예상되지만, 2026년 이후에는 발행 전 수준으로 돌아올 것으로 보입니다.
재무 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 모회사 보유액: 46억 달러의 고유동성 자산 (2024년 연말 기준)
- 2024년 전체 연도 조정 세전 운영 수익: 59억 달러
- PFI에 귀속된 순이익: 27억 달러
- 글로벌 자산 관리 사업이 세전 수수료 기반 수익으로 8억 75백만 달러 기여
AM Best a attribué une note de crédit à long terme de 'a-' (Excellente) aux 750 millions de dollars d'obligations senior non garanties à moyen terme de Prudential Financial, échéant en 2035, avec un taux d'intérêt de 5,2%. Les perspectives sont stables.
L'entreprise prévoit d'utiliser les revenus à des fins d'entreprise générales, y compris le refinancement des obligations à moyen terme arrivant à échéance d'ici 2026. Bien qu'un léger accroissement de l'endettement soit prévu à moyen terme, il devrait revenir aux niveaux d'avant l'émission après 2026.
Les points saillants financiers comprennent:
- La société mère détient 4,6 milliards de dollars d'actifs hautement liquides (fin 2024)
- Revenu opérationnel ajusté avant impôt pour l'année complète 2024 : 5,9 milliards de dollars
- Bénéfice net attribuable à PFI : 2,7 milliards de dollars
- Le secteur de la gestion d'actifs mondial a contribué 875 millions de dollars de bénéfices avant impôts basés sur des frais
AM Best hat der Prudential Financial eine langfristige Kreditbewertung von 'a-' (Ausgezeichnet) für die 750 Millionen Dollar schweren unbesicherten Mittelstandsanleihen mit Fälligkeit 2035 und einem Zinssatz von 5,2% zugewiesen. Der Ausblick ist stabil.
Das Unternehmen plant, die Erlöse für allgemeine Unternehmenszwecke zu verwenden, einschließlich der Refinanzierung von Mittelstandsanleihen, die bis 2026 fällig werden. Obwohl ein leichter Anstieg der Verschuldung im mittelfristigen Zeitraum erwartet wird, sollte sie nach 2026 wieder auf das Niveau vor der Emission zurückkehren.
Finanzielle Highlights umfassen:
- Die Muttergesellschaft hält 4,6 Milliarden Dollar in hochliquiden Vermögenswerten (Jahresende 2024)
- Bereinigtes Betriebsergebnis vor Steuern für das Gesamtjahr 2024: 5,9 Milliarden Dollar
- Nettoeinkommen, das PFI zuzurechnen ist: 2,7 Milliarden Dollar
- Das globale Vermögensverwaltungsgeschäft trug mit 875 Millionen Dollar an gebührenbasierten Vorsteuergewinnen bei
- Strong liquidity position with $4.6B in highly liquid assets
- Substantial 2024 pre-tax adjusted operating income of $5.9B
- Healthy net income of $2.7B in 2024
- Significant asset management contribution of $875M in fee-based earnings
- Excellent 'a-' credit rating from AM Best
- Expected increase in debt leverage in the medium term
- Additional debt burden with new $750M notes issuance
Prudential Financial has received an "a-" (Excellent) rating from AM Best for its newly issued
The company's financial fundamentals remain solid despite the temporary leverage increase expected from this issuance. With
Importantly, while debt leverage will temporarily rise, AM Best projects it will return to pre-issuance levels following completion of refinancing activities. Interest coverage ratios are expected to remain favorable, indicating Prudential's continued ability to service debt obligations effectively.
The company's diversified business model continues delivering results, with both domestic and international segments contributing substantially to earnings. The global asset management business alone contributed approximately
For investors, this transaction confirms Prudential's continued access to capital markets on competitive terms while potentially optimizing its debt maturity profile through the refinancing of upcoming maturities.
Prudential intends to use the net proceeds from the sale of the notes for general corporate purposes, which may include refinancing its medium-term notes maturing through 2026. The impact on the company’s debt leverage is expected to elevate slightly higher over the medium term as a higher leverage ratio will be realized prior to the maturity of medium-term notes through 2026. Financial leverage is expected to decline slightly back to pre-issuance levels. Prudential’s interest coverage ratio is expected to remain favorable. Prudential’s liquidity position is strong, with the parent company holding highly liquid assets of
This press release relates to Credit Ratings that have been published on AM Best’s website. For all rating information relating to the release and pertinent disclosures, including details of the office responsible for issuing each of the individual ratings referenced in this release, please see AM Best’s Recent Rating Activity web page. For additional information regarding the use and limitations of Credit Rating opinions, please view Guide to Best's Credit Ratings. For information on the proper use of Best’s Credit Ratings, Best’s Performance Assessments, Best’s Preliminary Credit Assessments and AM Best press releases, please view Guide to Proper Use of Best’s Ratings & Assessments.
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Source: AM Best