ProPhase Labs Announces Collaboration with Forward Healthcare Consultants to Aid in the Commercialization of its Billion Dollar Potential BE-Smart Esophageal Cancer Test

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ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) has announced a collaboration with Forward Healthcare Consultants (FHC) to commercialize its BE-Smart esophageal cancer test. FHC will focus on clinical validation, market access, coverage, pricing, and coding. The partnership aims to leverage FHC's extensive network of physician relationships to drive commercialization success.

CEO Ted Karkus expressed excitement about the collaboration, highlighting the potential for BE-Smart to become a billion-dollar-valued cancer test. Dr. Irfan Shafique, President of FHC, emphasized the test's importance in filling a gap in esophageal cancer detection. FHC's consultants bring decades of experience in commercializing healthcare technologies and have previously helped companies achieve market capitalizations in the billions.

ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) ha annunciato una collaborazione con Forward Healthcare Consultants (FHC) per commercializzare il proprio test per il cancro esofageo BE-Smart. FHC si concentrerà sulla validazione clinica, accesso al mercato, copertura, pricing e codificazione. L'obiettivo della partnership è di sfruttare la vasta rete di relazioni con i medici di FHC per guidare il successo della commercializzazione.

Il CEO Ted Karkus ha espresso entusiasmo per la collaborazione, evidenziando il potenziale del BE-Smart di diventare un test per il cancro valutato un miliardo di dollari. Il Dr. Irfan Shafique, Presidente di FHC, ha sottolineato l'importanza del test nel colmare una lacuna nella rilevazione del cancro esofageo. I consulenti di FHC portano con sé decenni di esperienza nella commercializzazione di tecnologie sanitarie e hanno precedentemente aiutato aziende a raggiungere capitalizzazioni di mercato nell'ordine dei miliardi.

ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) ha anunciado una colaboración con Forward Healthcare Consultants (FHC) para comercializar su prueba para el cáncer esofágico BE-Smart. FHC se centrará en la validación clínica, el acceso al mercado, la cobertura, el precio y la codificación. El objetivo de la asociación es aprovechar la extensa red de relaciones con médicos de FHC para impulsar el éxito de la comercialización.

El CEO Ted Karkus expresó su entusiasmo por la colaboración, destacando el potencial de BE-Smart para convertirse en una prueba de cáncer valorada en miles de millones de dólares. El Dr. Irfan Shafique, presidente de FHC, enfatizó la importancia de la prueba en el llenado de una brecha en la detección del cáncer esofágico. Los consultores de FHC aportan décadas de experiencia en la comercialización de tecnologías sanitarias y han ayudado previamente a las empresas a alcanzar capitalizaciones de mercado de miles de millones.

ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH)는 BE-Smart 식도암 테스트를 상업화하기 위해 Forward Healthcare Consultants (FHC)와 협력한다고 발표했습니다. FHC는 임상 검증, 시장 접근, 보장, 가격 책정 및 코딩에 집중할 것입니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 FHC의 방대한 의사 네트워크를 활용하여 상업화 성공을 촉진하는 것입니다.

CEO 테드 카르쿠스는 협력에 대한 기대감을 표명하며 BE-Smart가 10억 달러 가치의 암 테스트가 될 잠재력에 대해 강조했습니다. FHC의 사장인 이르판 샤피크 박사는 이 테스트가 식도암 발견의 공백을 메우는 것이 얼마나 중요한지를 강조했습니다. FHC의 컨설턴트들은 헬스케어 기술 상업화에 대한 수십 년의 경험을 보유하고 있으며 이전에 기업들이 수십억 달러의 시장 가치를 달성하도록 도왔습니다.

ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) a annoncé une collaboration avec Forward Healthcare Consultants (FHC) pour commercialiser son test de cancer de l'œsophage BE-Smart. FHC se concentrera sur la validation clinique, l'accès au marché, la couverture, la tarification et la codification. L'objectif de ce partenariat est de tirer parti du vaste réseau de relations médicales de FHC pour favoriser le succès commercial.

Le PDG Ted Karkus a exprimé son enthousiasme pour cette collaboration, soulignant le potentiel de BE-Smart pour devenir un test de cancer évalué à un milliard de dollars. Le Dr Irfan Shafique, président de FHC, a souligné l'importance de ce test pour combler une lacune dans la détection du cancer de l'œsophage. Les consultants de FHC apportent des décennies d'expérience dans la commercialisation des technologies de santé et ont précédemment aidé des entreprises à atteindre des capitalisations boursières de plusieurs milliards.

ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) hat eine Zusammenarbeit mit Forward Healthcare Consultants (FHC) angekündigt, um den BE-Smart-Test auf Speiseröhrenkrebs zu kommerzialisieren. FHC wird sich auf klinische Validierung, Marktzugang, Abdeckung, Preisgestaltung und Codierung konzentrieren. Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, das umfangreiche Netzwerk von Arztbeziehungen von FHC zu nutzen, um den kommerziellen Erfolg voranzutreiben.

CEO Ted Karkus äußerte sich begeistert über die Zusammenarbeit und hob das Potenzial von BE-Smart hervor, ein eine Milliarde Dollar hoher Krebs-Test zu werden. Dr. Irfan Shafique, Präsident von FHC, betonte die Bedeutung des Tests zur Schließung einer Lücke in der Erkennung von Speiseröhrenkrebs. Die Berater von FHC bringen Jahrzehnte an Erfahrung in der Kommerzialisierung von Gesundheitstechnologien mit und haben zuvor Unternehmen geholfen, Marktkapitalisierungen im Milliardenbereich zu erreichen.

  • Collaboration with Forward Healthcare Consultants to accelerate BE-Smart test commercialization
  • Potential for BE-Smart to become a billion-dollar-valued cancer test
  • FHC's extensive network and experience in commercializing healthcare technologies
  • Focus on clinical validation, market access, coverage, pricing, and coding for BE-Smart test
  • None.

The collaboration between ProPhase Labs and Forward Healthcare Consultants (FHC) for the BE-Smart esophageal cancer test is a significant development in cancer diagnostics. This partnership aims to accelerate the test's path to market, potentially revolutionizing early detection of esophageal cancer. The test's high sensitivity could address a critical gap in current diagnostic methods.

However, it's important to note that the billion-dollar potential mentioned is speculative. While the market for cancer diagnostics is substantial, achieving such valuation depends on various factors including clinical validation, regulatory approval and market adoption. The collaboration with FHC, given their expertise and industry connections, could indeed enhance the test's chances of success, but investors should remain cautious about overly optimistic projections.

This collaboration represents a strategic move for ProPhase Labs, potentially accelerating the commercialization of their BE-Smart test. The partnership with FHC brings valuable expertise in market access, pricing and clinical validation, which are important for the success of medical diagnostics.

However, investors should be cautious. While the potential is significant, the path to commercialization for medical tests is often long and complex. The billion-dollar valuation mentioned is speculative and not guaranteed. ProPhase's current market cap ($74.5 million as of August 2024) suggests the market is not yet fully pricing in this potential. Positive progress in clinical validation and regulatory approval could be key catalysts for the stock in the near to medium term.

The collaboration between ProPhase and FHC is strategically significant. FHC's extensive network and experience in commercializing diagnostic tests could substantially accelerate market penetration for the BE-Smart test. Their track record with companies like Guardant Health and Natera, which have achieved multi-billion dollar valuations, lends credibility to their potential impact.

However, the esophageal cancer testing market is competitive, with established players and emerging technologies. The success of BE-Smart will depend on its ability to demonstrate superior clinical utility and cost-effectiveness compared to existing methods. While the potential is promising, investors should monitor key milestones such as clinical validation results, regulatory approvals and initial adoption rates by healthcare providers to gauge the test's true market potential.

GARDEN CITY, NY, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ProPhase Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRPH), a next-generation biotech, genomics, and diagnostics company, today reported its collaboration with Forward Healthcare Consultants (FHC) to bring its BE-Smart test for esophageal cancer to market. The experts at FHC will assist with securing market access by focusing on clinical validation and commercialization planning, to include coverage, pricing, and coding. Additionally, FHC will bring its vast relationships with physician networks to drive commercialization success.

Ted Karkus, ProPhase’s Chief Executive Officer, commented, "ProPhase is excited to collaborate with FHC to accelerate the development of our BE-Smart esophageal cancer test as it moves closer to commercialization. We believe that the need for our breakthrough cancer assay is incredible and presents an enormous opportunity. FHC has deep and extensive connections to relevant key opinion leaders and healthcare networks, which will increase the probability of not only achieving our goal to commercialize, but also of making BE-Smart a billion-dollar-valued cancer test, similar to some of the other tests that FHC has worked on in the past. The future of ProPhase has never been brighter, and the best is yet to come under the expert guidance of FHC.”

Irfan Shafique, MD, President of FHC, added, “We are thrilled to partner with ProPhase to promote its BE-Smart assay, which fills a definite gap in the detection and diagnosis of esophageal cancer. Millions of patients will benefit from this highly sensitive test.” Dr. Shafique has been active in the diagnostic industry for more than three decades, including as a consultant for the National Institutes of Health.

The consultants at FHC have decades’ worth of combined experience in commercializing new healthcare technologies by developing clinical and economic value propositions, comprehensive market access programs, and innovative marketing strategies. They have held leadership positions in provider groups, regional health systems, a multi-state health insurance plan, diagnostic labs, and companies in the medical benefits management, healthcare IT, and precision oncology sectors. Previously serving as leaders for such companies as Eurofins, Guardant Health, Inivata, and Natera, these advisors have helped their former companies gain market access to achieve market capitalization in the billions of dollars.

In the coming months, FHC will chart pathways to clinical validation and regulatory and market adoption of ProPhase's breakthrough technology with the goal of achieving similar success to their former companies.

About ProPhase Labs

ProPhase Labs Inc. (Nasdaq: PRPH) (“ProPhase”) is a next-generation biotech, genomics and diagnostics company. Our goal is to create a healthier world with bold action and the power of insight. We’re revolutionizing healthcare with industry-leading Whole Genome Sequencing solutions, while developing potential game changer diagnostics and therapeutics in the fight against cancer. This includes a potentially life-saving cancer test focused on early detection of esophageal cancer and potential breakthrough cancer therapeutics with novel mechanisms of action. Our world-class CLIA labs and cutting-edge diagnostic technology provide wellness solutions for healthcare providers and consumers. We develop, manufacture, and commercialize health and wellness solutions to enable people to live their best lives. We are committed to executional excellence, smart diversification, and a synergistic, omni-channel approach. ProPhase Labs’ valuable subsidiaries, their synergies, and significant growth underscore our multi-billion-dollar potential.

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Forward-Looking Statements

Except for the historical information contained herein, this document contains forward looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding our strategy, plans, objectives and initiatives and the expected timeline for commercializing our BE-Smart Esophageal Cancer Test. Management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made. However, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to our ability to obtain and maintain necessary regulatory approvals, general economic conditions, consumer demand for our products and services, challenges relating to entering into and growing new business lines, the competitive environment, and the risk factors listed from time to time in our Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and any other SEC filings. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required by applicable securities laws. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements.

About Forward Healthcare Consultants

Forward Healthcare Consultants, LLC helps companies that wish to impact healthcare through facilitating market adoption and making the connections that matter. FHC offers a broad spectrum of services to give companies a strong foothold, guiding them through the complex and evolving healthcare system. For more information, email

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ProPhase Labs, Inc.

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Renmark Financial Communications
John Boidman


What is the purpose of ProPhase Labs' collaboration with Forward Healthcare Consultants?

The collaboration aims to aid in the commercialization of ProPhase Labs' BE-Smart esophageal cancer test, focusing on clinical validation, market access, coverage, pricing, and coding.

What is the potential market value of ProPhase Labs' BE-Smart esophageal cancer test?

ProPhase Labs believes the BE-Smart esophageal cancer test has the potential to become a billion-dollar-valued cancer test.

How will Forward Healthcare Consultants help ProPhase Labs (PRPH) commercialize the BE-Smart test?

FHC will leverage its extensive network of physician relationships, expertise in clinical validation, and experience in developing market access programs to drive the commercialization success of the BE-Smart test.

What experience does Forward Healthcare Consultants bring to the collaboration with ProPhase Labs (PRPH)?

FHC's consultants have decades of experience in commercializing healthcare technologies and have previously helped companies achieve market capitalizations in the billions of dollars.

ProPhase Labs, Inc.


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Diagnostics & Research
Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America