ProPhase Labs Announces Closing of $23.6 Million Sale of Pharmaloz Manufacturing to Houston-Based Private Equity Firm
ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) has completed the sale of its subsidiaries, Pharmaloz Manufacturing and Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, to a Houston-based private equity firm for approximately $23.6 million. This transaction significantly strengthens ProPhase’s balance sheet by eliminating over $20 million in debt and other financial obligations.
The sale includes:
- Receipt of approximately $2 million in cash payments
- Extinguishment of approximately $10 million in debt
- Cancellation of approximately $300,000 in accrued interest
- Paydown of $200,000 on an existing loan
- Assumption of approximately $3 million in current payables
- Buyout of an existing capital lease worth almost $2 million
- Assumption of the $3.3 million mortgage on PMI's facility
- Transfer of over $600,000 in employee annual overhead
- Avoidance of approximately $3 million in planned near-term capital expenditures
This strategic move allows ProPhase to focus on its core businesses, including the BE-Smart Esophageal Cancer Test, TK Supplements, and DNA Complete, while improving its liquidity and reducing overhead costs.
ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) ha completato la vendita delle sue controllate, Pharmaloz Manufacturing e Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, a una società di private equity con sede a Houston per circa $23,6 milioni. Questa operazione rafforza significativamente il bilancio di ProPhase eliminando oltre $20 milioni di debito e altre obbligazioni finanziarie.
La vendita include:
- Ricezione di circa $2 milioni in pagamenti in contante
- Estinzione di circa $10 milioni di debito
- Cancellazione di circa $300.000 in interessi maturati
- Rimborso di $200.000 su un prestito esistente
- Assunzione di circa $3 milioni in debiti correnti
- Acquisto di un leasing di capitale esistente del valore di quasi $2 milioni
- Assunzione del mutuo di $3,3 milioni sulla struttura di PMI
- Trasferimento di oltre $600.000 in costi generali annuali dei dipendenti
- Evitamento di circa $3 milioni in spese in conto capitale pianificate a breve termine
Questa mossa strategica consente a ProPhase di concentrarsi sulle sue attività principali, inclusi il Test per il Cancro Esofageo BE-Smart, i Supplementi TK e DNA Complete, migliorando la propria liquidità e riducendo i costi generali.
ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) ha completado la venta de sus subsidiarias, Pharmaloz Manufacturing y Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, a una firma de capital privado con sede en Houston por aproximadamente $23.6 millones. Esta transacción fortalece significativamente el balance de ProPhase al eliminar más de $20 millones en deudas y otras obligaciones financieras.
La venta incluye:
- Recepción de aproximadamente $2 millones en pagos en efectivo
- Extinción de aproximadamente $10 millones en deudas
- Cancelación de aproximadamente $300,000 en intereses acumulados
- Pago de $200,000 en un préstamo existente
- Asunción de aproximadamente $3 millones en cuentas por pagar actuales
- Compra de un arrendamiento de capital existente por casi $2 millones
- Asunción de la hipoteca de $3.3 millones sobre la instalación de PMI
- Transferencia de más de $600,000 en gastos generales anuales de empleados
- Evitación de aproximadamente $3 millones en gastos de capital planificados a corto plazo
Este movimiento estratégico permite a ProPhase centrarse en sus negocios principales, incluyendo la Prueba de Cáncer Esofágico BE-Smart, los Suplementos TK y DNA Complete, mientras mejora su liquidez y reduce los costos generales.
ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH)는 휴스턴에 본사를 둔 사모펀드에 Pharmaloz Manufacturing과 Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings 자회사를 약 $2360만에 매각했다고 발표했습니다. 이 거래는 ProPhase의 대차대조표를 대폭 개선하여 $2000만이 넘는 부채와 기타 금융 의무를 없애는 데 기여합니다.
판매에는 다음이 포함됩니다:
- 약 $200만의 현금 지급 수령
- 약 $1000만의 부채 상환
- 약 $30만의 이자 지급 취소
- 기존 대출에 대한 $20만 상환
- 약 $300만의 현재 채무 인수
- 거의 $200만의 기존 자본 리스 매수
- PMI 시설에 대한 $330만의 모기지 인수
- 직원 연간 간접비 $60만의 이전
- 단기 계획 자본 지출 약 $300만 회피
이 전략적 조치는 ProPhase가 BE-Smart 식도암 검사를 포함한 핵심 사업에 집중할 수 있도록 하여 유동성을 개선하고 간접 비용을 줄이는 데 도움을 줍니다.
ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) a finalisé la vente de ses filiales, Pharmaloz Manufacturing et Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, à une société de capital-investissement basée à Houston pour environ $23,6 millions. Cette transaction renforce considérablement le bilan de ProPhase en éliminant plus de $20 millions de dettes et d'autres obligations financières.
La vente comprend :
- Réception d'environ $2 millions de paiements en espèces
- Extinction d'environ $10 millions de dettes
- Annulation d'environ $300,000 d'intérêts accumulés
- Remboursement de $200,000 sur un prêt existant
- Assumption d'environ $3 millions de créances courantes
- Rachat d'un bail capital existant d'une valeur de près de $2 millions
- Assumption de l'hypothèque de $3,3 millions sur l'installation de PMI
- Transfert de plus de $600,000 de frais généraux annuels des employés
- Évitement d'environ $3 millions de dépenses d'investissement à court terme prévues
Ce mouvement stratégique permet à ProPhase de se concentrer sur ses activités principales, y compris le test de cancer de l'œsophage BE-Smart, les compléments TK et DNA Complete, tout en améliorant sa liquidité et en réduisant ses coûts généraux.
ProPhase Labs (NASDAQ: PRPH) hat den Verkauf seiner Tochtergesellschaften, Pharmaloz Manufacturing und Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, an eine Private-Equity-Firma mit Sitz in Houston für rund $23,6 Millionen abgeschlossen. Dieser Schritt stärkt die Bilanz von ProPhase erheblich, indem über $20 Millionen an Schulden und anderen finanziellen Verpflichtungen beseitigt werden.
Der Verkauf umfasst:
- Erhalt von etwa $2 Millionen in Barzahlungen
- Tilgung von etwa $10 Millionen an Schulden
- Stornierung von etwa $300.000 an aufgelaufenen Zinsen
- Tilgung von $200.000 eines bestehenden Darlehens
- Übernahme von etwa $3 Millionen an aktuellen Verbindlichkeiten
- Rückkauf eines bestehenden Kapitalleasing von fast $2 Millionen
- Übernahme der Hypothek von $3,3 Millionen für die Einrichtung von PMI
- Übertragung von über $600.000 an jährlichen Gemeinkosten für Mitarbeiter
- Vermeidung von etwa $3 Millionen an geplanten kurzfristigen Investitionen
Dieser strategische Schritt ermöglicht es ProPhase, sich auf seine Kernbereiche zu konzentrieren, einschließlich des BE-Smart-Test auf Speiseröhrenkrebs, der TK-Ergänzungen und DNA Complete, während die Liquidität verbessert und die Gemeinkosten gesenkt werden.
- Elimination of over $20 million in debt and financial obligations.
- Receipt of approximately $2 million in cash payments.
- Cancellation of $300,000 in accrued interest.
- Avoidance of $3 million in planned near-term capital expenditures.
- Transfer of over $600,000 in employee annual overhead to PMI.
The $23.6M sale of Pharmaloz Manufacturing represents a strategic pivot for ProPhase Labs that substantially transforms its financial position. The transaction's structure is particularly noteworthy as it addresses multiple financial pressure points simultaneously:
The elimination of the 15% interest rate debt (approximately
The deal's structure is cleverly designed to maximize balance sheet impact while minimizing cash requirements from the buyer. By including the assumption of
Looking at the strategic implications, this divestiture positions ProPhase to:
- Redirect capital toward higher-margin core businesses, particularly the promising BE-Smart Esophageal Cancer Test
- Reduce operational complexity by transferring manufacturing operations
- Improve working capital efficiency with the reduction in overhead and elimination of manufacturing-related expenses
For a company with a market cap of approximately
This divestiture marks a decisive strategic pivot that fundamentally reshapes ProPhase's business model and market positioning. The transaction's timing and structure reveal a well-conceived strategy to transition from a capital-intensive manufacturing operation to a higher-margin, research-driven biotech company.
The focus on three core businesses represents a strategic bet on higher-value market segments:
- BE-Smart Esophageal Cancer Test: Positions the company in the growing precision diagnostics market
- TK Supplements with Equivir launch: Enters the high-margin supplement market with innovative products
- DNA Complete: Taps into the expanding personalized medicine and genomics sector
This restructuring effectively transforms ProPhase from a manufacturing-centric business to a pure-play biotech and diagnostics company. The elimination of manufacturing overhead and debt burden provides the financial flexibility needed to pursue these higher-growth opportunities. The strategic timing of this move, coinciding with the planned launch of Equivir and new DNA Complete marketing initiatives, suggests a coordinated approach to repositioning the company in more valuable market segments.
Transaction Eliminates More Than
The Company will review with shareholders at 2:00 p.m. EST, details below.
GARDEN CITY, NY, Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ProPhase Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRPH) (“ProPhase” or the “Company”), a next-generation biotech, genomics, and diagnostics company, today announced the closing of the sale of its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Pharmaloz Manufacturing Inc. and Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, Inc. (collectively “Pharmaloz” or “PMI”), to a private equity group based in Houston, Texas (“Buyer” or “Buyers”). The transaction carries an aggregate deal value of approximately
As part of this transformative deal, the Buyers are providing approximately
The transaction includes the acquisition of Pharmaloz Real Estate Holdings, with the private equity group assuming the existing
Transaction Highlights:
1. Receipt by the Company of approximately
2. Extinguishes approximately
3. Cancellation of approximately
4. Paydown of
5. Assumption of approximately
6. Buyout of an existing capital lease with a carrying value of almost
7. Assumption of the
8. Transfer of over
9. Avoidance of approximately
Executive Perspective
“The Company previously announced aggressive measures to reduce overhead and improve the balance sheet to allow the Company to focus on our core businesses. We anticipate additional updates regarding these initiatives in the near future. The sale of Pharmaloz is yet another step in this direction, bringing the Company closer to sustainable profitability,” said Ted Karkus, CEO of ProPhase Labs. “After evaluating numerous transactions, this deal made the most sense for our Company, both today and in the future. The retirement of a substantial portion of our debt significantly strengthens the balance sheet and eliminates a massive interest rate overhang that was limiting the potential growth of our three core businesses, BE-Smart Esophageal Cancer Test, TK Supplements including the near-term launch of Equivir, and DNA Complete.”
“This new approach frees us from many of the monthly debt and overhead constraints that we have now eliminated. We can now more effectively deploy capital to help nurture and grow these very exciting businesses. As we work toward a potential partnership for BE-Smart, we will remain laser-focused on our core growth opportunities. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming launch of Equivir and accelerating the growth of our new DNA Complete marketing initiatives. Additionally, the Company has initiated a highly effective new strategy for collecting substantial capital from the Covid accounts receivable and will be providing additional details in a future press release. This new A/R initiative, together with the closing of the sale of PMI suggests that the future for our Company is brighter than ever,” concluded Mr. Karkus.
The Company will present in the live Virtual Non-Deal Roadshow Series hosted by Renmark Financial Communications Inc. Ted Karkus, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, will present on Wednesday, January 22nd, at 2:00 p.m. EST.
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About ProPhase Labs
ProPhase Labs Inc. (Nasdaq: PRPH) (“ProPhase”) is a next-generation biotech, genomics and diagnostics company. Our goal is to create a healthier world with bold action and the power of insight. We’re revolutionizing healthcare with industry-leading Whole Genome Sequencing solutions, while developing potential game changer diagnostics and therapeutics in the fight against cancer. This includes a potentially life-saving cancer test focused on early detection of esophageal cancer and potential breakthrough cancer therapeutics with novel mechanisms of action. We develop, manufacture, and commercialize health and wellness solutions to enable people to live their best lives. We are committed to executional excellence, smart diversification, and a synergistic, omni-channel approach. ProPhase Labs’ valuable subsidiaries, their synergies, and significant growth underscore our potential for long-term value.
Forward Looking Statements
Except for the historical information contained herein, this document contains forward looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding our strategy, plans, objectives and initiatives, including our expectations regarding the future revenue growth potential of each of our subsidiaries, our expectations regarding future liquidity events, the success of our efforts to collect accounts receivables and anticipated timeline for any payments relating thereto, our ability to obtain funding for our operations and the sufficiency of our cash resources. Management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made. However, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to our ability to obtain and maintain necessary regulatory approvals, general economic conditions, consumer demand for our products and services, challenges relating to entering into and growing new business lines, the competitive environment, and the risk factors listed from time to time in our Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and any other SEC filings. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required by applicable securities laws. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements.
Media Relations and Institutional Investor Contact:
ProPhase Labs, Inc.
Retail Investor Relations Contact:
Renmark Financial Communications
John Boidman