United Parks & Resorts Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2024 Results
United Parks & Resorts (NYSE: PRKS) reported its Q4 and fiscal 2024 results, showing mixed performance. Q4 attendance decreased by 79,000 to 4.9 million guests, with total revenue declining 1.2% to $384.4 million. Net income fell by $12.2 million to $27.9 million.
For fiscal 2024, attendance slightly decreased by 0.3% to 21.5 million guests, while total revenue dipped 0.1% to $1,725.3 million. Net income decreased 2.9% to $227.5 million. The company achieved record in-park per capita spending of $36.46 and total revenue per capita of $80.07.
Weather significantly impacted results, with Hurricanes Debby, Helene, and Milton affecting approximately 432,000 guests throughout the year. The company completed a significant share repurchase program, buying back 9.4 million shares (15% of outstanding) for $482.9 million, and refinanced Term Loans resulting in $8 million annual interest savings.
United Parks & Resorts (NYSE: PRKS) ha riportato i risultati del quarto trimestre e dell'anno fiscale 2024, mostrando una performance mista. Le presenze nel quarto trimestre sono diminuite di 79.000 a 4,9 milioni di ospiti, con un fatturato totale in calo dell'1,2% a 384,4 milioni di dollari. L'utile netto è sceso di 12,2 milioni di dollari a 27,9 milioni di dollari.
Per l'anno fiscale 2024, le presenze sono leggermente diminuite dello 0,3% a 21,5 milioni di ospiti, mentre il fatturato totale è sceso dello 0,1% a 1.725,3 milioni di dollari. L'utile netto è diminuito del 2,9% a 227,5 milioni di dollari. L'azienda ha raggiunto un record di spesa pro capite nei parchi di 36,46 dollari e un fatturato totale pro capite di 80,07 dollari.
Le condizioni meteorologiche hanno avuto un impatto significativo sui risultati, con gli uragani Debby, Helene e Milton che hanno colpito circa 432.000 ospiti durante l'anno. L'azienda ha completato un significativo programma di riacquisto di azioni, riacquistando 9,4 milioni di azioni (15% del totale) per 482,9 milioni di dollari, e ha rifinanziato prestiti a termine risparmiando 8 milioni di dollari all'anno in interessi.
United Parks & Resorts (NYSE: PRKS) informó sus resultados del cuarto trimestre y del ejercicio fiscal 2024, mostrando un rendimiento mixto. La asistencia en el cuarto trimestre disminuyó en 79,000 a 4.9 millones de visitantes, con ingresos totales cayendo un 1.2% a 384.4 millones de dólares. La renta neta cayó en 12.2 millones de dólares a 27.9 millones de dólares.
Para el ejercicio fiscal 2024, la asistencia disminuyó ligeramente en un 0.3% a 21.5 millones de visitantes, mientras que los ingresos totales cayeron un 0.1% a 1,725.3 millones de dólares. La renta neta disminuyó un 2.9% a 227.5 millones de dólares. La compañía logró un récord de gasto per cápita en el parque de 36.46 dólares y un ingreso total per cápita de 80.07 dólares.
El clima impactó significativamente en los resultados, con los huracanes Debby, Helene y Milton afectando aproximadamente a 432,000 visitantes a lo largo del año. La compañía completó un importante programa de recompra de acciones, recomprando 9.4 millones de acciones (15% de las acciones en circulación) por 482.9 millones de dólares, y refinanció préstamos a plazo, resultando en ahorros anuales de intereses de 8 millones de dólares.
유나이티드 파크스 & 리조트 (NYSE: PRKS)는 4분기 및 2024 회계연도 결과를 발표하며 혼합된 성과를 보여주었습니다. 4분기 방문객 수는 79,000명 감소하여 490만 명에 이르렀고, 총 수익은 1.2% 감소하여 3억 8,440만 달러에 달했습니다. 순이익은 1,220만 달러 감소하여 2,790만 달러로 줄어들었습니다.
2024 회계연도에는 방문객 수가 0.3% 감소하여 2,150만 명에 이르렀고, 총 수익은 0.1% 감소하여 17억 2,530만 달러에 달했습니다. 순이익은 2.9% 감소하여 2억 2,750만 달러로 줄어들었습니다. 회사는 공원 내 1인당 지출에서 36.46달러라는 기록을 세우고, 1인당 총 수익은 80.07달러에 달했습니다.
날씨는 결과에 상당한 영향을 미쳤으며, 허리케인 데비, 헬렌, 밀턴이 연중 약 43만 2천 명의 방문객에게 영향을 미쳤습니다. 회사는 940만 주(발행 주식의 15%)를 4억 8,290만 달러에 재매입하는 중요한 자사주 매입 프로그램을 완료했으며, 만기 대출을 재융자하여 연간 800만 달러의 이자 절감을 실현했습니다.
United Parks & Resorts (NYSE: PRKS) a publié ses résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l'exercice fiscal 2024, montrant une performance mitigée. La fréquentation du quatrième trimestre a diminué de 79 000 pour atteindre 4,9 millions de visiteurs, tandis que le chiffre d'affaires total a baissé de 1,2 % pour s'établir à 384,4 millions de dollars. Le bénéfice net a chuté de 12,2 millions de dollars pour atteindre 27,9 millions de dollars.
Pour l'exercice fiscal 2024, la fréquentation a légèrement diminué de 0,3 % pour atteindre 21,5 millions de visiteurs, tandis que le chiffre d'affaires total a baissé de 0,1 % pour s'établir à 1 725,3 millions de dollars. Le bénéfice net a diminué de 2,9 % pour atteindre 227,5 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a atteint un record de dépenses par visiteur dans le parc de 36,46 dollars et un chiffre d'affaires total par visiteur de 80,07 dollars.
Les conditions météorologiques ont eu un impact significatif sur les résultats, les ouragans Debby, Helene et Milton ayant affecté environ 432 000 visiteurs tout au long de l'année. L'entreprise a complété un programme significatif de rachat d'actions, rachetant 9,4 millions d'actions (15 % des actions en circulation) pour 482,9 millions de dollars, et a refinancé des prêts à terme, ce qui a permis d'économiser 8 millions de dollars d'intérêts par an.
United Parks & Resorts (NYSE: PRKS) hat seine Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Geschäftsjahr 2024 veröffentlicht, die eine gemischte Leistung zeigen. Die Besucherzahlen im vierten Quartal sanken um 79.000 auf 4,9 Millionen Gäste, während der Gesamtumsatz um 1,2% auf 384,4 Millionen Dollar zurückging. Der Nettogewinn fiel um 12,2 Millionen Dollar auf 27,9 Millionen Dollar.
Im Geschäftsjahr 2024 sank die Besucherzahl leicht um 0,3% auf 21,5 Millionen Gäste, während der Gesamtumsatz um 0,1% auf 1.725,3 Millionen Dollar zurückging. Der Nettogewinn verringerte sich um 2,9% auf 227,5 Millionen Dollar. Das Unternehmen erzielte einen Rekord im Parkausgaben pro Kopf von 36,46 Dollar und einen Gesamtumsatz pro Kopf von 80,07 Dollar.
Das Wetter hatte einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse, da die Hurrikane Debby, Helene und Milton im Laufe des Jahres etwa 432.000 Gäste betrafen. Das Unternehmen schloss ein bedeutendes Aktienrückkaufprogramm ab und kaufte 9,4 Millionen Aktien (15% der ausstehenden Aktien) für 482,9 Millionen Dollar zurück und refinanzierte Terminkredite, was zu jährlichen Zinsersparnissen von 8 Millionen Dollar führte.
- Record in-park per capita spending of $36.46
- Term Loan refinancing saves $8M annually
- Strong share repurchase program (15% of shares)
- In-park per capita spending growth for 18 of last 19 quarters
- 2025 international sales up mid-single digits
- 2025 group bookings up double digits
- Q4 net income down $12.2M to $27.9M
- Fiscal 2024 revenue decreased 0.1% to $1,725.3M
- Attendance declined 0.3% to 21.5M guests
- Q4 revenue down 1.2% to $384.4M
- Admission per capita decreased 1.2%
United Parks & Resorts (PRKS) delivered mixed Q4 and fiscal 2024 results that reveal both operational challenges and financial resilience. The company reported Q4 revenue of $384.4 million (down 1.2%) and full-year revenue of $1,725.3 million (down 0.1%), with net income declining 2.9% to
The divergence between admission and in-park metrics tells an important story. While admission per capita declined (
Management's attribution of attendance declines primarily to weather events deserves scrutiny. While hurricanes certainly impacted operations, the precision of claiming 432,000 lost visitors seems difficult to validate. More concerning is the underlying trend: even with weather normalization, the projected 2% attendance growth would still lag inflation and industry benchmarks.
The aggressive share repurchase program (
Looking ahead, the company's 2025 booking trends show promise with international sales up mid-single digits and group bookings up double digits - potentially providing a more reliable revenue stream less dependent on weather conditions.
Fourth Quarter 2024 Highlights
- Attendance was 4.9 million guests, a decrease of approximately 79,000 guests from the fourth quarter of 2023.
- Total revenue was
, a decrease of$384.4 million or$4.6 million 1.2% from the fourth quarter of 2023. - Net income was
, a decrease of$27.9 million from the fourth quarter of 2023.$12.2 million - Adjusted EBITDA[1] was
a decrease of$144.5 million from the fourth quarter of 2023.$6.0 million - Total revenue per capita[2] increased
0.4% to from the fourth quarter of 2023. Admission per capita[2] decreased$78.75 1.9% to while in-park per capita spending[2] increased$43.61 3.5% to a record from the fourth quarter of 2023.$35.14
Fiscal 2024 Highlights
- Attendance was 21.5 million guests, a decrease of approximately 59,000 guests or
0.3% from fiscal 2023. - Total revenue was
, a decrease of$1,725.3 million or$1.3 million 0.1% from fiscal 2023. - Net income was
, a decrease of$227.5 million or$6.7 million 2.9% from fiscal 2023. - Adjusted EBITDA was
, a decrease of$700.2 million or$13.3 million 1.9% from fiscal 2023. - Total revenue per capita increased
0.2% to a record from fiscal 2023. Admission per capita decreased$80.07 1.2% to a while in-park per capita spending increased$43.61 2.0% to a record from fiscal 2023.$36.46
Other Highlights
- In December 2024, the Company refinanced its Term Loans which resulted in approximately
in annual interest savings and extended debt maturities.$8 million - During fiscal 2024, the Company has repurchased 9.4 million shares of common stock (or approximately
15% of total shares outstanding)[3] at a total cost of approximately .[4]$482.9 million - During fiscal 2024, the Company came to the aid of over 600 animals in need in the wild. The total number of animals the Company has helped over its history is more than 41,000.[5]
"We are pleased to report another quarter and fiscal year of strong financial results," said Marc Swanson, Chief Executive Officer of United Parks & Resorts, Inc. "In the fourth quarter, we delivered near record attendance, record in park per capita and near record total revenue per capita despite particularly poor weather impacting the quarter. For the full year, we delivered near record revenue, record in park per capita and record total revenue per capita despite unfavorable weather during the year. We have now grown in park per capita for 18 of the last 19 quarters and total revenue per capita for 7 straight years. Our revenue strategies are working and continue to demonstrate our pricing power and the strength of consumer spending in our parks.
We've had a pretty bad run of unusually poor weather over the last couple of years. Fourth quarter and fiscal year results were impacted by meaningfully worse weather, including Hurricanes Debby in August, Helene in September and Milton in October. We estimate that the combined impact of the meaningfully worse weather was approximately 167,000 guests in the fourth quarter and 432,000 guests for the fiscal year. Adjusting for these impacts, we estimate that fourth quarter attendance would have increased approximately
We repurchased 9.4 million shares or approximately
"We are very excited about the clear opportunity we have to drive meaningfully more attendance to our parks, grow total per capita spending, manage and reduce costs and realize significant additional value from our strategic growth initiatives. We have high confidence in our ability to continue to deliver operational and financial improvements that will lead to meaningful increases in shareholder value," continued Swanson.
[1] This earnings release includes Adjusted EBITDA, Covenant Adjusted EBITDA and Free Cash Flow which are financial measures that are not calculated in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the |
[2] This earnings release includes key performance metrics such as total revenue per capita, admissions per capita and in-park per capita spending. See "Statement Regarding Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Key Performance Metrics" section for definitions and further details. |
[3] As of February 23, 2024. |
[4] The Company repurchased approximately 0.8 million shares of common stock at a total cost of approximately |
[5] In the fourth quarter of 2024, the Company came to the aid of over 100 animals in need in the wild. |
"We are excited about our plans for 2025, including the meaningful investments we have made across our parks and business and an incredible line-up of new, one-of-a kind rides and attractions, popular events, improved in park venues and offerings across our parks. We are pleased with our overall 2025 booking trends and are particularly happy to see our 2025 international sales growth up mid-single digits and our 2025 group bookings growth up double digits. Assuming no worse weather than we experienced in 2024, we expect meaningful growth and new records in revenue and Adjusted EBITDA in 2025. I want to thank our ambassadors for all their hard work and dedication as we start 2025," concluded Swanson.
In 2024, the Company received numerous industry accolades including SeaWorld Orlando being voted as #3 Nation's Best Amusement Park by
For 2025, the Company has an outstanding line-up of new rides and attractions, popular events and new and improved in park venues and offerings across its parks. The Company's new rides and attractions include the following:
- SeaWorld Orlando: A revolutionary, immersive family-friendly attraction that takes guests on a breathtaking journey to the top of the world and beneath the sea.
- Jewels of the Sea (SeaWorld San Diego): A captivating aquarium featuring multiple galleries, including one of the largest jelly cylinders in the country, as well as a multi-media experience. Also, Journey to
Atlantis , SeaWorld San Diego's first coaster will be reinvented, paying tribute to the original beloved version while adding new elements to create a more exciting and immersive experience than ever before. - Rescue Jr. (SeaWorld San Antonio): An all-new kid friendly realm featuring animal rescue-themed rides and a water play area.
- Wild Oasis (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay): An all-new realm featuring the sights and sounds of the rainforest, a newly reimagined drop tower featuring digital and sound effects, an interactive water-play wonderland, a multi-level climbing canopy and an all-new, multi-species animal habitat for up-close encounters.
- The Big Bad Wolf: The Wolf's Revenge (Busch Gardens Williamsburg): The longest family inverted coaster in
North America will take riders through over 2,500 feet of track at speeds up to 40 miles per hour. - Sesame Place's 45th Birthday Celebration (Sesame Place Philadelphia): This birthday celebration will kick off in Spring 2025, featuring furry birthday fun all spring and summer long. Fan-favorite entertainment across the park will be transformed with birthday-themed twists, including the return of the spectacular, fan-favorite Sesame Street Birthday Parade.
- High Tide Harbor (Water Country
USA ): An all-new multi-level water play structure designed for families to explore together. This exciting area features over 100 interactive water elements, including cannons, sprayers, and tipping fountains, ensuring endless fun for kids of all ages. With vibrant and dynamic water activities, High Tide Harbor promises to be the ultimate family-friendly destination for staying cool.
Fourth Quarter 2024 Results
In the fourth quarter of 2024, the Company hosted approximately 4.9 million guests, generated total revenues of
The decrease in total revenue of
Three Months Ended December 31, | Variance | |||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | % | ||||||||||
(Unaudited, in millions, except per share and per capita amounts) | ||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | 384.4 | $ | 389.0 | (1.2) | % | ||||||
Net income | $ | 27.9 | $ | 40.1 | (30.3) | % | ||||||
Earnings per share, diluted | $ | 0.50 | $ | 0.62 | (19.4) | % | ||||||
Adjusted EBITDA | $ | 144.5 | $ | 150.4 | (4.0) | % | ||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities | $ | 112.5 | $ | 106.5 | 5.6 | % | ||||||
Attendance | 4.88 | 4.96 | (1.6) | % | ||||||||
Total revenue per capita | $ | 78.75 | $ | 78.42 | 0.4 | % | ||||||
Admission per capita | $ | 43.61 | $ | 44.46 | (1.9) | % | ||||||
In-Park per capita spending | $ | 35.14 | $ | 33.96 | 3.5 | % |
Fiscal 2024 Results
In fiscal 2024, the Company hosted approximately 21.5 million guests and generated total revenues of
The decrease in total revenue of
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, | Variance | |||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | % | ||||||||||
(Unaudited, in millions, except per share and per capita amounts) | ||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | 1,725.3 | $ | 1,726.6 | (0.1) | % | ||||||
Net income | $ | 227.5 | $ | 234.2 | (2.9) | % | ||||||
Earnings per share, diluted | $ | 3.79 | $ | 3.63 | 4.4 | % | ||||||
Adjusted EBITDA | $ | 700.2 | $ | 713.5 | (1.9) | % | ||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities | $ | 480.1 | $ | 504.9 | (4.9) | % | ||||||
Attendance | 21.55 | 21.61 | (0.3) | % | ||||||||
Total revenue per capita | $ | 80.07 | $ | 79.91 | 0.2 | % | ||||||
Admission per capita | $ | 43.61 | $ | 44.16 | (1.2) | % | ||||||
In-Park per capita spending | $ | 36.46 | $ | 35.75 | 2.0 | % |
Share Repurchases
The Company repurchased approximately 0.8 million shares of common stock at a total cost of approximately
Balance Sheet
In December 2024, the Company refinanced approximately
Rescue Efforts
In the fourth quarter of 2024, the Company came to the aid of over 100 animals in need in the wild. The total number of animals the Company has helped over its history is more than 41,000.
The Company is a leader in animal rescue. Working in partnership with state, local and federal agencies, the Company's rescue teams are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Consistent with its mission to protect animals and their ecosystems, rescue teams mobilize and often travel hundreds of miles to help ill, injured, orphaned or abandoned wild animals in need of the Company's expert care, with the goal of returning them to their natural habitat.
Conference Call
The Company will hold a conference call today, Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 9 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss its fourth quarter and fiscal 2024 financial results. The conference call will be broadcast live on the Internet and the release and conference call can be accessed via the Company's website at www.UnitedParksInvestors.com. For those unable to participate in the live webcast, a replay will be available beginning at approximately 12 p.m. Eastern Time on February 26, 2025, under the "Events & Presentations" tab of www.UnitedParksInvestors.com. A replay of the call can also be accessed telephonically from 12 p.m. Eastern Time on February 26, 2025, through 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on March 5, 2025, by dialing (877) 344-7529 from anywhere in the
Statement Regarding Non-GAAP Financial Measures
This earnings release and accompanying financial statement tables include several non-GAAP financial measures, including Adjusted EBITDA, Covenant Adjusted EBITDA and Free Cash Flow. Adjusted EBITDA, Covenant Adjusted EBITDA and Free Cash Flow are not recognized terms under GAAP, should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for a measure of financial performance or liquidity prepared in accordance with GAAP and are not indicative of net income or loss or net cash provided by operating activities as determined under GAAP.
Adjusted EBITDA, Covenant Adjusted EBITDA, Free Cash Flow and other non-GAAP financial measures have limitations that should be considered before using these measures to evaluate a company's financial performance or liquidity. Adjusted EBITDA, Covenant Adjusted EBITDA and Free Cash Flow as presented, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies due to varying methods of calculation.
Management believes the presentation of Adjusted EBITDA is appropriate as it eliminates the effect of certain non-cash and other items not necessarily indicative of the Company's underlying operating performance. Management uses Adjusted EBITDA in connection with certain components of its executive compensation program. In addition, investors, lenders, financial analysts and rating agencies have historically used EBITDA-related measures in the Company's industry, along with other measures, to estimate the value of a company, to make informed investment decisions and to evaluate companies in the industry.
Management believes the presentation of Covenant Adjusted EBITDA for the last twelve months is appropriate as it provides additional information to investors about the calculation of, and compliance with, certain financial covenants in the Company's credit agreement governing its Senior Secured Credit Facilities and the indentures governing its Senior Notes and First-Priority Senior Secured Notes (collectively, the "Debt Agreements"). Covenant Adjusted EBITDA is a material component of these covenants.
Management believes that Free Cash Flow is useful to investors, equity analysts and rating agencies as a liquidity measure. The Company uses Free Cash Flow to evaluate its ability to generate cash flow from business operations. Free Cash Flow does not represent the residual cash flow available for discretionary expenditures, as it excludes certain expenditures such as mandatory debt service requirements, which are significant. Free Cash Flow is not defined by GAAP and should not be considered in isolation or as an alternative to net cash provided by (used in) operating, investing and financing activities or other financial data prepared in accordance with GAAP. Free Cash Flow as defined above may differ from similarly titled measures presented by other companies.
This earnings release includes several key performance metrics including total revenue per capita (defined as total revenue divided by attendance), admission per capita (defined as admissions revenue divided by attendance) and in-park per capita spending (defined as food, merchandise and other revenue divided by attendance). These performance metrics are used by management to assess the operating performance of its parks on a per attendee basis and to make strategic operating decisions. Management believes the presentation of these performance metrics is useful and relevant for investors as it provides investors the ability to review financial performance in the same manner as management and provides investors with a consistent methodology to analyze revenue between periods on a per attendee basis. In addition, investors, lenders, financial analysts and rating agencies have historically used similar per-capita related performance metrics to evaluate companies in the industry.
About United Parks & Resorts Inc.
United Parks & Resorts Inc. (NYSE: PRKS) is a global theme park and entertainment company that owns or licenses a diverse portfolio of award-winning park brands and experiences, including SeaWorld®, Busch Gardens®, Discovery Cove, Sesame Place®, Water Country
Copies of this and other news releases as well as additional information about United Parks & Resorts Inc. can be obtained online at www.unitedparks.com. Shareholders and prospective investors can also register to automatically receive the Company's press releases, SEC filings and other notices by e-mail by registering at that website.
Forward-Looking Statements
In addition to historical information, this press release contains statements relating to future results (including certain projections and business trends) that are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. The Company generally uses the words such as "might," "will," "may," "should," "estimates," "expects," "continues," "contemplates," "anticipates," "projects," "plans," "potential," "predicts," "intends," "believes," "forecasts," "future," "guidance," "targeted," "goal" and variations of such words or similar expressions in this press release and any attachment to identify forward-looking statements. All statements, other than statements of historical facts included in this press release, including statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, expectations, beliefs, business strategies, future events, business conditions, results of operations, financial position, business outlook, earnings guidance, business trends and other information are forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and are based upon current expectations, beliefs, estimates and projections, and various assumptions, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and beyond management's control. All expectations, beliefs, estimates and projections are expressed in good faith and the Company believes there is a reasonable basis for them. However, there can be no assurance that management's expectations, beliefs, estimates and projections will result or be achieved and actual results may vary materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors, many of which are beyond management's control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this press release, including among others: various factors beyond our control adversely affecting attendance and guest spending at our theme parks, including, but not limited to, weather, natural disasters, labor shortages, inflationary pressures, supply chain delays or shortages, foreign exchange rates, consumer confidence, the potential spread of travel-related health concerns including pandemics and epidemics, travel related concerns, adverse general economic related factors including increasing interest rates, economic uncertainty, and recent geopolitical events outside of
Investor Relations:
Matthew Stroud
Investor Relations
Nicole Bott
United Parks & Resorts Inc.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For the Three Months Ended | Change | For the Year Ended | Change | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | $ | % | 2024 | 2023 | $ | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net revenues: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Admissions | $ | 212,863 | $ | 220,541 | $ | (7,678) | (3.5) | % | $ | 939,629 | $ | 954,083 | $ | (14,454) | (1.5) | % | ||||||||||||||||
Food, merchandise and other | 171,521 | 168,424 | 3,097 | 1.8 | % | 785,672 | 772,504 | 13,168 | 1.7 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | 384,384 | 388,965 | (4,581) | (1.2) | % | 1,725,301 | 1,726,587 | (1,286) | (0.1) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Costs and expenses: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cost of food, merchandise and other revenues | 29,086 | 29,835 | (749) | (2.5) | % | 131,407 | 131,697 | (290) | (0.2) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Operating expenses (exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown separately below) | 187,272 | 184,664 | 2,608 | 1.4 | % | 749,690 | 758,874 | (9,184) | (1.2) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Selling, general and administrative expenses | 49,872 | 45,085 | 4,787 | 10.6 | % | 216,898 | 221,237 | (4,339) | (2.0) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Severance and other separation costs (a) | — | 295 | (295) | ND | 577 | 816 | (239) | (29.3) | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 42,398 | 39,812 | 2,586 | 6.5 | % | 163,438 | 154,208 | 9,230 | 6.0 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total costs and expenses | 308,628 | 299,691 | 8,937 | 3.0 | % | 1,262,010 | 1,266,832 | (4,822) | (0.4) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Operating income | 75,756 | 89,274 | (13,518) | (15.1) | % | 463,291 | 459,755 | 3,536 | 0.8 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Other (income) expense, net | (23) | (38) | 15 | 39.5 | % | 64 | (18) | 82 | NM | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Interest expense | 49,917 | 36,259 | 13,658 | 37.7 | % | 167,762 | 146,666 | 21,096 | 14.4 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Loss on early extinguishment of debt and write-off of debt issuance costs and discounts (b) | 1,487 | — | 1,487 | ND | 3,939 | — | 3,939 | ND | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Income before income taxes | 24,375 | 53,053 | (28,678) | (54.1) | % | 291,526 | 313,107 | (21,581) | (6.9) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(Benefit from) provision for income taxes | (3,522) | 13,000 | (16,522) | NM | 64,029 | 78,911 | (14,882) | (18.9) | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income | $ | 27,897 | $ | 40,053 | $ | (12,156) | (30.3) | % | $ | 227,497 | $ | 234,196 | $ | (6,699) | (2.9) | % | ||||||||||||||||
Earnings per share: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Earnings per share, basic | $ | 0.51 | $ | 0.63 | $ | 3.82 | $ | 3.66 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Earnings per share, diluted | $ | 0.50 | $ | 0.62 | $ | 3.79 | $ | 3.63 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weighted average common shares | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Basic | 55,060 | 63,955 | 59,546 | 63,955 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Diluted (c) | 55,478 | 64,699 | 60,010 | 64,494 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For the Three Months Ended | Change | For the Year Ended | Change | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | $ | % | 2024 | 2023 | $ | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income | $ | 27,897 | $ | 40,053 | $ | (12,156) | (30.3) | % | $ | 227,497 | $ | 234,196 | $ | (6,699) | (2.9) | % | ||||||||||||||||
(Benefit from) provision for income taxes | (3,522) | 13,000 | (16,522) | NM | 64,029 | 78,911 | (14,882) | (18.9) | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Loss on early extinguishment of debt and write-off of debt issuance costs and discounts | 1,487 | — | 1,487 | ND | 3,939 | — | 3,939 | ND | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interest expense | 49,917 | 36,259 | 13,658 | 37.7 | % | 167,762 | 146,666 | 21,096 | 14.4 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 42,398 | 39,812 | 2,586 | 6.5 | % | 163,438 | 154,208 | 9,230 | 6.0 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Equity-based compensation expense (d) | 4,139 | 4,246 | (107) | (2.5) | % | 14,617 | 17,961 | (3,344) | (18.6) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Loss on impairment or disposal of assets and certain non-cash expenses (e) | 20,679 | 8,651 | 12,028 | 139.0 | % | 33,412 | 31,636 | 1,776 | 5.6 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Business optimization, development and strategic initiative costs (f) | 5,089 | 5,712 | (623) | (10.9) | % | 18,398 | 33,903 | (15,505) | (45.7) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Certain transaction and investment costs and other taxes (g) | 17 | 402 | (385) | (95.8) | % | 3,592 | 1,711 | 1,881 | 109.9 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
COVID-19 related incremental costs (h) | (5,565) | 316 | (5,881) | NM | (3,042) | 9,076 | (12,118) | NM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other adjusting items (i) | 1,934 | 1,984 | (50) | (2.5) | % | 6,548 | 5,223 | 1,325 | 25.4 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted EBITDA (j) | $ | 144,470 | $ | 150,435 | $ | (5,965) | (4.0) | % | $ | 700,190 | $ | 713,491 | $ | (13,301) | (1.9) | % | ||||||||||||||||
Items added back to Covenant Adjusted EBITDA as defined in the Debt Agreements: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Estimated cost savings (k) | 23,800 | 23,100 | 700 | 3.0 | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other adjustments as defined in the Debt Agreements (l) | 6,242 | 7,350 | (1,108) | (15.1) | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Covenant Adjusted EBITDA (m) | $ | 730,232 | $ | 743,941 | $ | (13,709) | (1.8) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
For the Three Months Ended | Change | For the Year Ended | Change | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | $ | % | 2024 | 2023 | $ | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities | $ | 112,468 | $ | 106,459 | $ | 6,009 | 5.6 | % | $ | 480,139 | $ | 504,916 | $ | (24,777) | (4.9) | % | ||||||||||||||||
Capital expenditures | 26,223 | 70,618 | (44,395) | (62.9) | % | 248,430 | 304,836 | (56,406) | (18.5) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Free Cash Flow (n) | 86,245 | 35,841 | 50,404 | 140.6 | % | 231,709 | 200,080 | 31,629 | 15.8 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net cash used in investing activities | $ | (26,223) | $ | (71,389) | $ | 45,166 | (63.3) | % | $ | (248,505) | $ | (305,607) | $ | 57,102 | (18.7) | % | ||||||||||||||||
Net cash used in financing activities | $ | (47,187) | $ | (3,374) | $ | (43,813) | NM | $ | (362,663) | $ | (34,707) | $ | (327,956) | NM |
As of December 31, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | $ | 115,893 | $ | 246,922 | ||||
Total assets | $ | 2,573,578 | $ | 2,625,046 | ||||
Deferred revenue | $ | 152,655 | $ | 155,614 | ||||
Long-term debt, including current maturities: | ||||||||
Term B-3 Loans | $ | 1,538,442 | $ | — | ||||
Term B Loans | — | 1,173,000 | ||||||
Senior Notes | 725,000 | 725,000 | ||||||
First-Priority Senior Secured Notes | — | 227,500 | ||||||
Total long-term debt, including current maturities | $ | 2,263,442 | $ | 2,125,500 | ||||
Total stockholders' deficit | $ | (461,540) | $ | (208,216) |
| |||||||||||||||||
For the Year Ended | Change | ||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | # | % | ||||||||||||||
Capital Expenditures: | |||||||||||||||||
Core (o) | $ | 177,718 | $ | 226,244 | $ | (48,526) | (21.4) | % | |||||||||
Expansion/ROI projects (p) | 70,712 | 78,592 | (7,880) | (10.0) | % | ||||||||||||
Capital expenditures, total | $ | 248,430 | $ | 304,836 | $ | (56,406) | (18.5) | % |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For the Three Months Ended | Change | For the Year Ended | Change | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | # | % | 2024 | 2023 | # | % | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attendance | 4,881 | 4,960 | (79) | (1.6) | % | 21,547 | 21,606 | (59) | (0.3) | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total revenue per capita(q) | $ | 78.75 | $ | 78.42 | $ | 0.33 | 0.4 | % | $ | 80.07 | $ | 79.91 | $ | 0.16 | 0.2 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Admission per capita(r) | $ | 43.61 | $ | 44.46 | $ | (0.85) | (1.9) | % | $ | 43.61 | $ | 44.16 | $ | (0.55) | (1.2) | % | ||||||||||||||||
In-Park per capita spending(s) | $ | 35.14 | $ | 33.96 | $ | 1.18 | 3.5 | % | $ | 36.46 | $ | 35.75 | $ | 0.71 | 2.0 | % |
NM-Not meaningful. |
ND-Not determinable
(a) Reflects restructuring and other separation costs and/or adjustments. |
(b) Reflects a loss on early extinguishment of debt and write-off of discounts and debt issuance costs associated with the refinancing transactions in 2024. |
(c) During the three months and year ended December 31, 2024, there were approximately 443,000 and 488,000 anti-dilutive shares excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per share, respectively. During the three months and year ended December 31, 2023, there were approximately 474,000 and 437,000 anti-dilutive shares excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per share, respectively. |
(d) Reflects non-cash equity compensation expenses and related payroll taxes associated with the grants of equity-based compensation. |
(e) For the three months and year ended December 31, 2024, reflects approximately |
(f) For the three months and year ended December 31, 2024, reflects business optimization, development and other strategic initiative costs primarily related to: (i) |
For the year ended December 31, 2023, reflects business optimization, development and other strategic initiative costs primarily related to: (i) |
(g) For the year ended December 31, 2024, primarily relates to expenses associated with a stockholders' agreement amendment proposal and a share repurchase proposal. |
(h) For the three months and year ended December 31, 2024, primarily reflects a reversal of costs, which had previously been accrued, associated with nonrecurring contractual liabilities and respective assessments related to the previously disclosed temporary COVID-19 park closures. |
For the year ended December 31, 2023, primarily reflects costs associated with nonrecurring contractual liabilities and respective assessments, and certain legal matters related to the previously disclosed temporary COVID-19 park closures. For the three months ended December 31, 2023, primarily reflects costs associated with nonrecurring contractual liabilities related to the previously disclosed temporary COVID-19 park closures. |
(i) Reflects the impact of expenses, net of insurance recoveries and adjustments, incurred primarily related to certain matters, which we are permitted to exclude under the credit agreement governing our Senior Secured Credit Facilities due to the unusual nature of the items. |
(j)Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income (loss) before income tax expense, interest expense, depreciation and amortization, as further adjusted to exclude certain non-cash, and other items as described above. |
(k) The Company's Debt Agreements permit the calculation of certain covenants to be based on Covenant Adjusted EBITDA, as defined above, for the last twelve month period further adjusted for net annualized estimated savings the Company expects to realize over the following 24 month period related to certain specified actions, including restructurings and cost savings initiatives. These estimated savings are calculated net of the amount of actual benefits realized during such period. These estimated savings are a non-GAAP Adjusted EBITDA add-back item only as defined in the Debt Agreements and does not impact the Company's reported GAAP net income (loss). |
(l) The Debt Agreements permit the Company's calculation of certain covenants to be based on Covenant Adjusted EBITDA as defined above, for the last twelve-month period further adjusted for certain costs as permitted by the Debt Agreements including recruiting and retention expenses, public company compliance costs and litigation and arbitration costs, if any. |
(m) Covenant Adjusted EBITDA is defined in the Debt Agreements as Adjusted EBITDA for the last twelve-month period further adjusted for net annualized estimated savings among other adjustments as described in footnote (k) and (l) above. |
(n) Free Cash Flow is defined as net cash provided by (used in) operating activities less capital expenditures. |
(o) Reflects capital expenditures during the respective period for park rides, attractions and maintenance activities. |
(p) Reflects capital expenditures during the respective period for park expansion, new properties, revenue and/or expense return on investment ("ROI") projects. |
(q) Calculated as total revenues divided by attendance. |
(r) Calculated as admissions revenue divided by attendance. |
(s) Calculated as food, merchandise and other revenue divided by attendance. |
View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/united-parks--resorts-inc-reports-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-2024-results-302385681.html
SOURCE United Parks and Resorts Inc.
How did weather impact United Parks & Resorts (PRKS) attendance in fiscal 2024?
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