Progress Sitefinity Insight Certified as One of the Strongest CDPs for CMS and the Web by Customer Data Platform Institute

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Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) announced that its Sitefinity Insight customer data platform (CDP) has been certified as a RealCDP™ by the Customer Data Platform Institute. This certification recognizes Sitefinity Insight's strong capabilities in managing and utilizing customer data effectively, particularly for CMS and web-based applications.

Key highlights include:

  • Sitefinity Insight combines an intuitive user interface with essential CDP capabilities
  • It offers AI-driven content optimization and campaign performance analysis
  • The platform enables marketers to deliver personalized content and achieve desired business outcomes
  • RealCDP certification validates Progress's commitment to providing a robust and reliable data management solution

This recognition underscores the growing importance of CDPs in delivering personalized customer experiences, effective data management, and compliance with data privacy regulations.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) ha annunciato che la sua piattaforma di dati cliente Sitefinity Insight (CDP) è stata certificata come RealCDP™ dall'Institute of Customer Data Platform. Questa certificazione riconosce le forti capacità di Sitefinity Insight nella gestione e nell'utilizzo efficace dei dati dei clienti, in particolare per applicazioni CMS e web.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Sitefinity Insight combina un'interfaccia utente intuitiva con le capacità essenziali di un CDP
  • Offre ottimizzazione dei contenuti guidata dall'AI e analisi delle performance delle campagne
  • La piattaforma consente ai marketer di offrire contenuti personalizzati e ottenere risultati aziendali desiderati
  • La certificazione RealCDP convalida l'impegno di Progress nel fornire una soluzione di gestione dei dati robusta e affidabile

Questo riconoscimento sottolinea l'importanza crescente dei CDP nel fornire esperienze cliente personalizzate, una gestione dei dati efficace e conformità alle normative sulla privacy dei dati.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) anunció que su plataforma de datos de clientes Sitefinity Insight (CDP) ha sido certificada como RealCDP™ por el Customer Data Platform Institute. Esta certificación reconoce las fuertes capacidades de Sitefinity Insight en la gestión y el uso efectivo de los datos de clientes, particularmente para aplicaciones de CMS y basadas en la web.

Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Sitefinity Insight combina una interfaz de usuario intuitiva con capacidades esenciales de CDP
  • Ofrece optimización de contenido impulsada por IA y análisis del rendimiento de las campañas
  • La plataforma permite a los profesionales de marketing entregar contenido personalizado y lograr los resultados comerciales deseados
  • La certificación RealCDP valida el compromiso de Progress de proporcionar una solución de gestión de datos robusta y confiable

Este reconocimiento subraya la creciente importancia de los CDP en la entrega de experiencias personalizadas al cliente, la gestión efectiva de datos y el cumplimiento de las regulaciones de privacidad de datos.

프로그레스(나스닥: PRGS)는 자사의 고객 데이터 플랫폼(CDP)인 사이트피니티 인사이트(Sitefinity Insight)가 고객 데이터 플랫폼 인스티튜트(Customer Data Platform Institute)에서 RealCDP™로 인증받았다고 발표했습니다. 이 인증은 CMS 및 웹 기반 애플리케이션에서 고객 데이터를 효과적으로 관리하고 활용하는 사이트피니티 인사이트의 강력한 기능을 인정합니다.

주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 사이트피니티 인사이트는 직관적인 사용자 인터페이스와 필수 CDP 기능을 결합합니다
  • AI 기반 콘텐츠 최적화 및 캠페인 성과 분석을 제공합니다
  • 이 플랫폼은 마케팅 담당자가 개인화된 콘텐츠를 제공하고 원하는 비즈니스 결과를 달성할 수 있도록 지원합니다
  • RealCDP 인증은 프로그레스의 강력하고 신뢰할 수 있는 데이터 관리 솔루션 제공에 대한 약속을 검증합니다

이 인정은 고객 개인화 경험 제공, 효과적인 데이터 관리 및 데이터 프라이버시 규정 준수의 중요성이 높아지고 있음을 강조합니다.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) a annoncé que sa plateforme de données clients Sitefinity Insight (CDP) a été certifiée RealCDP™ par l'Institut des plateformes de données clients. Cette certification reconnaît les puissantes capacités de Sitefinity Insight à gérer et à utiliser efficacement les données clients, en particulier pour les applications CMS et web.

Les points clés incluent :

  • Sitefinity Insight combine une interface utilisateur intuitive avec des fonctionnalités essentielles de CDP
  • Elle propose une optimisation de contenu pilotée par l'IA et une analyse des performances des campagnes
  • La plateforme permet aux marketeurs de fournir du contenu personnalisé et d'atteindre les résultats commerciaux souhaités
  • La certification RealCDP valide l'engagement de Progress à fournir une solution de gestion des données robuste et fiable

Cette reconnaissance souligne l'importance croissante des CDP pour offrir des expériences clients personnalisées, une gestion efficace des données et le respect des réglementations sur la protection des données.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) hat bekannt gegeben, dass seine Customer Data Platform (CDP) Sitefinity Insight vom Customer Data Platform Institute als RealCDP™ zertifiziert wurde. Diese Zertifizierung erkennt die starken Fähigkeiten von Sitefinity Insight in der effektiven Verwaltung und Nutzung von Kundendaten an, insbesondere für CMS- und webbasierte Anwendungen.

Wichtige Highlights umfassen:

  • Sitefinity Insight kombiniert eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche mit wesentlichen CDP-Funktionen
  • Es bietet KI-gesteuerte Inhaltsoptimierung und Analyse der Kampagnenleistung
  • Die Plattform ermöglicht es Vermarktern, personalisierte Inhalte bereitzustellen und gewünschte Geschäftsergebnisse zu erzielen
  • Die RealCDP-Zertifizierung validiert das Engagement von Progress, eine robuste und zuverlässige Datenmanagementlösung bereitzustellen

Diese Anerkennung unterstreicht die wachsende Bedeutung von CDPs beim Bereitstellen personalisierter Kundenerlebnisse, effektiver Datenverwaltung und der Einhaltung von Datenschutzbestimmungen.

  • Sitefinity Insight certified as a RealCDP™ by the CDP Institute
  • Recognition as one of the strongest CDP offerings for CMS and web applications
  • AI-powered features for content optimization and campaign analysis
  • Enables personalized marketing strategies and customer experiences
  • None.

The certification of Progress Sitefinity Insight as a RealCDP™ by the Customer Data Platform Institute is moderately positive news for Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS). While it doesn't directly impact financial performance, it enhances the product's credibility in a rapidly growing market. The CDP market is expanding due to increasing demand for personalized customer experiences and data privacy compliance.

This certification may improve Sitefinity Insight's competitive position, potentially leading to increased adoption and revenue growth in the long term. However, the immediate financial impact is likely Investors should view this as a positive indicator of Progress's product quality and market positioning rather than a direct driver of short-term stock performance.

Progress Sitefinity Insight's RealCDP™ certification highlights its strong integration with CMS and web technologies. This is important as it addresses a specific niche in the CDP market. The platform's AI-powered features for content optimization and user journey analysis are particularly noteworthy, as they align with current industry trends towards AI-driven personalization.

The mention of "mature and proven best practices components" suggests a robust and reliable architecture, which is vital for handling sensitive customer data. This could be a significant differentiator in a market where data security and reliability are paramount. For investors, this indicates Progress's commitment to staying technologically relevant and competitive in the evolving digital experience landscape.

Multiple AI-powered features and seamless CMS integration influence Sitefinity Insight’s status as a RealCDP™

BURLINGTON, Mass., Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS), the trusted provider of AI-powered infrastructure software, today announced that Progress® Sitefinity Insight® customer data platform (CDP) has been certified by the Customer Data Platform (CDP) Institute as a RealCDP™ for meeting specific standards and capabilities that are essential for managing and utilizing customer data effectively.

Factors driving the rapid growth of the CDP market include the increasing importance of personalized customer experiences, the need for effective data management and the demand for compliance with data privacy regulations. CDPs help marketers by providing a unified and comprehensive view of customer data, enabling more personalized and effective marketing strategies that drive business growth.

According to the CDP Institute, “Sitefinity Insight is a unique RealCDP focused on the CMS customer experience... Mission-critical parts of Sitefinity Insight are built with mature and proven best practices components making Sitefinity Insight one of the strongest CDP offerings for CMS and the web.”

Part of the Progress Digital Experience (DX) portfolio, Sitefinity Insight combines an intuitive user interface and essential CDP data collection, profile unification and audience segmentation capabilities with user journey, campaign performance analysis and AI-driven content optimization, enabling marketers to deliver high-impact personalized content to achieve their desired business outcomes.

"Sitefinity Insight plays a crucial role in our business by harnessing customer data to create engaging and impactful customer journeys that have opened new revenue opportunities," said Jim MacNeil, Vice President, Marketing, Cambridge Innovation Institute. "It empowers us to analyze lead generation patterns and consistently capture highly likely-to-convert leads. Thanks to Sitefinity Insight, we've been able to define and collect audiences with shared interests, bridging the gap between the quantitative and qualitative aspects of our data."

RealCDP is a certification program that identifies companies that meet the product performance and functionality requirements that brands should expect from their CDP. Vendors are vetted through an intensive audit by an independent firm with the intent of helping marketers better navigate the CDP vetting process and avoid vendors who can’t truly offer the capabilities that a CDP should provide.

“We are thrilled to have achieved RealCDP certification from the CDP Institute. It’s a testament to our commitment to providing a robust and reliable platform that meets the highest standards of data management and customer experience,” said Loren Jarrett, EVP & GM, Digital Experience, Progress. “It also validates our efforts to deliver a solution that empowers businesses to unify their customer data, drive personalized marketing strategies, and achieve superior results. We are proud to offer our customers a certified CDP that they can trust to handle their data with integrity and efficiency.”

To learn more about Sitefinity Insight, visit

About Progress 
Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) empowers organizations to achieve transformational success in the face of disruptive change. Our software enables our customers to develop, deploy and manage responsible AI-powered applications and experiences with agility and ease. Customers get a trusted provider in Progress, with the products, expertise and vision they need to succeed. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at

Progress and Sitefinity Insight are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

Press Contacts:
Kim Baker
+ 1-800-213-3407


What certification did Progress Sitefinity Insight receive from the CDP Institute?

Progress Sitefinity Insight received RealCDP™ certification from the Customer Data Platform (CDP) Institute, recognizing it as meeting specific standards and capabilities essential for managing and utilizing customer data effectively.

How does Sitefinity Insight benefit marketers using Progress (PRGS) software?

Sitefinity Insight benefits marketers by providing a unified view of customer data, enabling personalized marketing strategies, offering AI-driven content optimization, and facilitating campaign performance analysis to achieve desired business outcomes.

What are the key features of Progress (PRGS) Sitefinity Insight CDP?

Key features of Sitefinity Insight include an intuitive user interface, essential CDP data collection, profile unification, audience segmentation, user journey analysis, campaign performance analysis, and AI-driven content optimization.

Why is the RealCDP certification important for Progress (PRGS) Sitefinity Insight?

The RealCDP certification is important as it validates Sitefinity Insight's capabilities, helping marketers navigate the CDP vetting process and ensuring the platform meets high standards for data management and customer experience delivery.

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