Progress Opens Applications for its 2025 Women in STEM Scholarship Series
Progress (PRGS) has opened applications for its 2025 Women in STEM Scholarship Series across three regions. The program includes:
- The Mary Székely Scholarship ($10,000) for Massachusetts women entering first-year undergraduate studies in computer science and related fields
- The Women in STEM Scholarship in Bulgaria (BGN 3,000 each, ~$1,700) for two students in their second to fourth year
- The Akanksha Scholarship in India (INR 1,50,000, ~$2,000 annually) for women pursuing undergraduate degrees in tech-related fields
Applications close on April 11, 2025. The scholarship series, established in 2019, is part of Progress' Corporate Social Responsibility program 'Progress for Tomorrow' and operates in regions where the company has significant presence.
Progress (PRGS) ha aperto le candidature per la sua serie di borse di studio Women in STEM per il 2025 in tre regioni. Il programma include:
- La Borsa di Studio Mary Székely (10.000 $) per donne del Massachusetts che iniziano il primo anno di studi universitari in informatica e settori correlati
- La Borsa di Studio Women in STEM in Bulgaria (3.000 BGN ciascuna, ~1.700 $) per due studenti nel loro secondo-quarto anno
- La Borsa di Studio Akanksha in India (1.50.000 INR, ~2.000 $ all'anno) per donne che perseguono lauree in settori tecnologici
Le candidature chiudono l'11 aprile 2025. La serie di borse di studio, istituita nel 2019, fa parte del programma di Responsabilità Sociale d'Impresa di Progress 'Progress for Tomorrow' e opera in regioni in cui l'azienda ha una presenza significativa.
Progress (PRGS) ha abierto las solicitudes para su serie de becas Mujeres en STEM para 2025 en tres regiones. El programa incluye:
- La Beca Mary Székely (10,000 $) para mujeres de Massachusetts que ingresan al primer año de estudios universitarios en ciencias de la computación y campos relacionados
- La Beca Mujeres en STEM en Bulgaria (3,000 BGN cada una, ~1,700 $) para dos estudiantes en su segundo a cuarto año
- La Beca Akanksha en India (1,50,000 INR, ~2,000 $ anuales) para mujeres que persiguen títulos de pregrado en campos relacionados con la tecnología
Las solicitudes cierran el 11 de abril de 2025. La serie de becas, establecida en 2019, es parte del programa de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de Progress 'Progress for Tomorrow' y opera en regiones donde la empresa tiene una presencia significativa.
Progress (PRGS)는 세 지역에서 2025년 STEM 분야 여성 장학금 시리즈에 대한 신청을 열었습니다. 프로그램에는 다음이 포함됩니다:
- 메리 제켈리 장학금 (10,000달러) - 매사추세츠에서 컴퓨터 과학 및 관련 분야에 첫 해 학부 과정을 시작하는 여성 대상
- 불가리아의 STEM 여성 장학금 (각 3,000 BGN, 약 1,700달러) - 2학년에서 4학년까지의 두 학생 대상
- 인도의 아칸샤 장학금 (150,000 INR, 연간 약 2,000달러) - 기술 관련 분야에서 학부 학위를 추구하는 여성 대상
신청 마감일은 2025년 4월 11일입니다. 2019년에 설립된 이 장학금 시리즈는 Progress의 'Progress for Tomorrow' 기업 사회적 책임 프로그램의 일환이며, 회사가 중요한 존재감을 가진 지역에서 운영됩니다.
Progress (PRGS) a ouvert les candidatures pour sa série de bourses Femmes en STEM pour 2025 dans trois régions. Le programme comprend :
- La Bourse Mary Székely (10 000 $) pour les femmes du Massachusetts entrant en première année d'études de premier cycle en informatique et dans des domaines connexes
- La Bourse Femmes en STEM en Bulgarie (3 000 BGN chacune, ~1 700 $) pour deux étudiantes de leur deuxième à leur quatrième année
- La Bourse Akanksha en Inde (1 50 000 INR, ~2 000 $ par an) pour les femmes poursuivant des diplômes de premier cycle dans des domaines liés à la technologie
Les candidatures se clôturent le 11 avril 2025. La série de bourses, établie en 2019, fait partie du programme de Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises de Progress 'Progress for Tomorrow' et opère dans des régions où l'entreprise a une présence significative.
Progress (PRGS) hat die Bewerbungen für seine Women in STEM Stipendienreihe für 2025 in drei Regionen eröffnet. Das Programm umfasst:
- Das Mary Székely Stipendium (10.000 $) für Frauen aus Massachusetts, die im ersten Jahr ein Studium der Informatik und verwandter Bereiche beginnen
- Das Women in STEM Stipendium in Bulgarien (3.000 BGN jeweils, ~1.700 $) für zwei Studierende im zweiten bis vierten Jahr
- Das Akanksha Stipendium in Indien (1.50.000 INR, ~2.000 $ jährlich) für Frauen, die einen Bachelor-Abschluss in technikbezogenen Bereichen anstreben
Die Bewerbungen schließen am 11. April 2025. Die Stipendienreihe, die 2019 gegründet wurde, ist Teil des Corporate Social Responsibility-Programms von Progress 'Progress for Tomorrow' und ist in Regionen tätig, in denen das Unternehmen eine bedeutende Präsenz hat.
- Corporate social responsibility initiative enhancing company's presence in key operational markets
- Strategic investment in future tech talent pipeline
- None.
Empowering future women leaders in STEM, the scholarship series supports students in the U.S., Bulgaria and India on their journey to shape computer science, software engineering, IT or related fields
BURLINGTON, Mass., March 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS), the trusted provider of AI-powered digital experience and infrastructure software, today announced that applications are now open for the 2025 Progress Women in STEM Scholarship Series in celebration of International Women’s Day. Established in 2019, the program supports students in the United States, Bulgaria and India—regions where Progress has a significant presence.
“At Progress, we recognize the critical role education plays in fostering innovation and shaping the future of the STEM industry,” said Yogesh Gupta, CEO, Progress. “Through this scholarship series, we are honored to support the academic journeys of outstanding young women who will help lead the next wave of technological advancements in STEM.”
Mary Székely Scholarship for Women in STEM (U.S.)
Honoring the legacy of Progress co-founder and pioneering software engineer Mary Székely (pronounced: “See-kay”), this renewable
Women in STEM Scholarship Program (Bulgaria)
This program awards two annual scholarships of BGN 3,000 each (approximately
Akanksha Scholarship for Women in STEM (India)
Meaning “aspire” in Sanskrit, the Akanksha Scholarship is a renewable award of up to INR 1,50,000 (approximately
A Legacy of Innovation and Social Impact
The Progress Women in STEM Scholarship Series is part of the Progress for Tomorrow Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. Past scholarship recipients have exemplified innovation and the passion to give back to society, including a student leveraging AI to address affordable housing challenges, an innovator merging technology with art and sustainability and a technologist dedicated to enhancing global health outcomes through cutting-edge solutions.
Application Details
All applications must be submitted by April 11, 2025. For eligibility requirements and application details, visit the Progress website.
About Progress
Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) empowers organizations to achieve transformational success in the face of disruptive change. Our software enables our customers to develop, deploy and manage responsible AI-powered applications and digital experiences with agility and ease. Customers get a trusted provider in Progress, with the products, expertise and vision they need to succeed. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at
Progress is a trademark or registered trademark of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
Press Contacts:
Kim Baker

What is the application deadline for Progress' 2025 Women in STEM Scholarships (PRGS)?
How much is the Mary Székely Scholarship worth for US students?
What are the scholarship amounts for Progress' STEM program in Bulgaria and India?