Progress Announces Conclusion of SEC Investigation into MOVEit

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Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) has announced the conclusion of the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) investigation into the MOVEit vulnerability. The SEC's Division of Enforcement has informed Progress that it does not intend to recommend an enforcement action against the company at this time. This development follows a subpoena received by Progress on October 2, 2023, as part of a fact-finding inquiry related to the MOVEit vulnerability.

The conclusion of this investigation without enforcement action is a positive outcome for Progress, potentially alleviating concerns about regulatory risks associated with the MOVEit incident. This news may have implications for investor confidence and the company's reputation in the AI-powered infrastructure software market.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) ha annunciato la conclusione dell'indagine della Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sulla vulnerabilità di MOVEit. La Divisione Enforcement della SEC ha informato Progress che non ha intenzione di raccomandare un'azione di enforcement contro l'azienda in questo momento. Questo sviluppo segue un mandato di comparizione ricevuto da Progress il 2 ottobre 2023, come parte di un'inchiesta di accertamento dei fatti relativa alla vulnerabilità di MOVEit.

La conclusione di questa indagine senza azioni di enforcement è un esito positivo per Progress, che potrebbe alleviare le preoccupazioni sui rischi normativi associati all'incidente MOVEit. Questa notizia potrebbe avere implicazioni sulla fiducia degli investitori e sulla reputazione dell'azienda nel mercato del software per infrastrutture alimentato dall'IA.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) ha anunciado la conclusión de la investigación de la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sobre la vulnerabilidad de MOVEit. La División de Cumplimiento de la SEC ha informado a Progress que no tiene la intención de recomendar una acción de cumplimiento contra la empresa en este momento. Este desarrollo sigue a una citación recibida por Progress el 2 de octubre de 2023, como parte de una investigación de investigación de hechos relacionada con la vulnerabilidad de MOVEit.

La conclusión de esta investigación sin acción de cumplimiento es un resultado positivo para Progress, que podría aliviar las preocupaciones sobre los riesgos regulatorios asociados con el incidente MOVEit. Esta noticia podría tener implicaciones para la confianza de los inversores y la reputación de la empresa en el mercado de software de infraestructura potenciado por IA.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS)는 MOVEit 취약성에 대한 미국 증권 거래 위원회(SEC)의 조사 종료를 발표했습니다. SEC 집행 부서는 현재 Progress에 대한 집행 조치를 권고할 의도가 없다고 알렸습니다. 이 발전은 MOVEit 취약성과 관련된 사실 조사에 대한 Progress의 소환장이 2023년 10월 2일 전달 된 것에 이어진 것입니다.

이 조사 종료는 집행 조치 없이 이루어진 만큼 Progress에게 긍정적인 결과로, MOVEit 사건과 관련된 규제 위험에 대한 우려를 완화할 수 있습니다. 이 뉴스는 투자자 신뢰와 AI 기반 인프라 소프트웨어 시장에서 회사의 평판에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) a annoncé la conclusion de l'enquête de la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) concernant la vulnérabilité de MOVEit. La Division de l'exécution de la SEC a informé Progress qu'elle n'a pas l'intention de recommander une action d'application contre l'entreprise pour le moment. Ce développement fait suite à une assignation reçue par Progress le 2 octobre 2023, dans le cadre d'une enquête de vérification des faits liée à la vulnérabilité de MOVEit.

La conclusion de cette enquête sans action d'application est un résultat positif pour Progress, ce qui pourrait alléger les préoccupations concernant les risques réglementaires associés à l'incident MOVEit. Cette nouvelle pourrait avoir des implications pour la confiance des investisseurs et la réputation de l'entreprise sur le marché des logiciels d'infrastructure alimentés par l'IA.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) hat den Abschluss der Untersuchung der Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) zu der MOVEit-Sicherheitsanfälligkeit bekannt gegeben. Die Durchsetzungsabteilung der SEC hat Progress informiert, dass sie derzeit nicht beabsichtigt, eine Vollstreckungsmaßnahme gegen das Unternehmen zu empfehlen. Diese Entwicklung folgt einer Vorladung, die Progress am 2. Oktober 2023 im Rahmen einer faktischen Untersuchung zur MOVEit-Sicherheitsanfälligkeit erhalten hat.

Der Abschluss dieser Untersuchung ohne Vollstreckungsmaßnahmen ist ein positives Ergebnis für Progress, das möglicherweise Bedenken hinsichtlich regulatorischer Risiken im Zusammenhang mit dem MOVEit-Vorfall verringert. Diese Nachricht könnte Auswirkungen auf das Vertrauen der Investoren und den Ruf des Unternehmens im Markt für KI-gesteuerte Infrastruktursoftware haben.

  • SEC concluded investigation without recommending enforcement action
  • Potential reduction in regulatory risks related to MOVEit vulnerability
  • None.

The SEC's decision not to recommend enforcement action against Progress is a significant positive development for the company. This conclusion effectively removes a major regulatory overhang that has likely been weighing on investor sentiment since the investigation began in October 2023.

From a legal perspective, this outcome suggests that Progress's handling of the MOVEit vulnerability and its subsequent disclosures were deemed satisfactory by regulators. It's important to note that while the SEC has concluded its investigation without recommending action, this doesn't preclude the possibility of civil litigation from affected parties. However, the SEC's decision may bolster Progress's position in any potential civil cases.

Investors should view this as a reduction in regulatory risk for Progress, which could positively impact the company's valuation and market perception. However, it's important to remember that cybersecurity remains a critical concern and Progress must continue to demonstrate robust security practices to maintain stakeholder confidence.

The conclusion of the SEC investigation without enforcement action is a relief for Progress and potentially the broader software industry. The MOVEit vulnerability was a significant cybersecurity incident and the SEC's decision suggests that Progress's response and disclosure practices met regulatory standards.

However, this doesn't diminish the technical challenges and reputational impact of the vulnerability. Progress will need to continue investing heavily in security measures and potentially redesign aspects of MOVEit to prevent future vulnerabilities. The incident has likely prompted many customers to reassess their data transfer practices, which could impact MOVEit's market position.

Looking forward, this event may serve as a catalyst for Progress to position itself as a leader in secure file transfer solutions. The company's handling of the vulnerability and subsequent regulatory scrutiny could be leveraged to demonstrate resilience and commitment to security, potentially strengthening customer trust in the long term.

The conclusion of the SEC investigation without enforcement action is a positive financial development for Progress. This outcome likely reduces the risk of significant financial penalties or costly mandated changes to business practices that could have resulted from SEC action.

Investors should note that while this regulatory cloud has lifted, Progress may still face financial repercussions from the MOVEit vulnerability. These could include potential litigation costs, increased cybersecurity spending and possible impacts on revenue if the incident affected customer retention or acquisition.

Looking at the broader financial picture, this resolution allows Progress to refocus on its core business without the distraction and uncertainty of an ongoing SEC investigation. This could potentially lead to improved operational efficiency and strategic focus. However, investors should closely monitor upcoming financial reports for any lingering effects of the MOVEit incident on the company's bottom line, particularly in areas such as legal expenses, cybersecurity investments and sales performance of the MOVEit product line.

BURLINGTON, Mass., Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS), the trusted provider of AI-powered infrastructure software, today announced that the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Enforcement (SEC) has concluded its fact-finding investigation into the MOVEit vulnerability. The SEC has notified Progress that it does not intend to recommend an enforcement action against the company at this time. As previously disclosed, Progress received a subpoena from the SEC on October 2, 2023, as part of a fact-finding inquiry seeking various documents and information relating to the MOVEit vulnerability.

About Progress
Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) empowers organizations to achieve transformational success in the face of disruptive change. Our software enables our customers to develop, deploy and manage responsible AI-powered applications and experiences with agility and ease. Customers get a trusted provider in Progress, with the products, expertise and vision they need to succeed. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at

Progress and Progress Software are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Any other names contained herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Press Contact(s):Investor Contact(s):
Kim BakerMichael Micciche
+ 1-800-213-3407781-850-8450


What was the outcome of the SEC investigation into Progress (PRGS) regarding the MOVEit vulnerability?

The SEC concluded its investigation and notified Progress that it does not intend to recommend an enforcement action against the company at this time.

When did Progress (PRGS) receive the SEC subpoena related to the MOVEit vulnerability?

Progress received the SEC subpoena on October 2, 2023, as part of a fact-finding inquiry into the MOVEit vulnerability.

What was the nature of the SEC's investigation into Progress (PRGS)?

The SEC conducted a fact-finding inquiry seeking various documents and information relating to the MOVEit vulnerability.

How might the conclusion of the SEC investigation affect Progress (PRGS)?

The conclusion without enforcement action may alleviate regulatory concerns, potentially boosting investor confidence and the company's reputation in the AI-powered infrastructure software market.

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Software - Infrastructure
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United States of America