Opill® extends mission of breaking down birth control barriers with launch of multi-state college tour and expansion of partnerships
Opill®, the first over-the-counter birth control pill in the U.S., announced a major educational initiative including a multi-state college tour and expanded partnership with the WNBA. The initiative, called Level The Court, is developed in collaboration with the Black Women's Health Imperative (BWHI) to improve reproductive health education and access.
The college tour will visit 15 institutions, prioritizing states with restrictive reproductive health laws, including Texas, Tennessee, Indiana, and Arkansas. The University of South Carolina will host a WNBA event on February 25, 2025. The initiative includes the establishment of the BWHI Opill® Access Fund, providing three-month supplies to Black women facing challenges.
Stand-up comedian Hannah Berner joins the campaign to promote awareness about over-the-counter birth control options. The program targets nearly six million students in states with reproductive restrictions, featuring campus events, player appearances, and educational resources.
Opill®, la prima pillola anticoncezionale da banco negli Stati Uniti, ha annunciato un'importante iniziativa educativa che include un tour universitario in più stati e un partenariato ampliato con la WNBA. L'iniziativa, chiamata Level The Court, è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con il Black Women's Health Imperative (BWHI) per migliorare l'educazione e l'accesso alla salute riproduttiva.
Il tour universitario visiterà 15 istituzioni, dando priorità agli stati con leggi restrittive sulla salute riproduttiva, tra cui Texas, Tennessee, Indiana e Arkansas. L'Università della Carolina del Sud ospiterà un evento WNBA il 25 febbraio 2025. L'iniziativa include l'istituzione del BWHI Opill® Access Fund, che fornisce forniture di tre mesi a donne nere che affrontano difficoltà.
La comica Hannah Berner partecipa alla campagna per promuovere la consapevolezza sulle opzioni anticoncezionali da banco. Il programma si rivolge a quasi sei milioni di studenti negli stati con restrizioni riproduttive, con eventi nel campus, apparizioni di giocatori e risorse educative.
Opill®, la primera píldora anticonceptiva de venta libre en EE. UU., ha anunciado una importante iniciativa educativa que incluye un tour universitario en varios estados y una asociación ampliada con la WNBA. La iniciativa, llamada Level The Court, se desarrolla en colaboración con el Black Women's Health Imperative (BWHI) para mejorar la educación y el acceso a la salud reproductiva.
El tour universitario visitará 15 instituciones, priorizando estados con leyes restrictivas sobre la salud reproductiva, incluyendo Texas, Tennessee, Indiana y Arkansas. La Universidad de Carolina del Sur albergará un evento de la WNBA el 25 de febrero de 2025. La iniciativa incluye el establecimiento del BWHI Opill® Access Fund, que proporciona suministros de tres meses a mujeres negras que enfrentan dificultades.
La comediante Hannah Berner se une a la campaña para promover la conciencia sobre las opciones de anticoncepción de venta libre. El programa tiene como objetivo a casi seis millones de estudiantes en estados con restricciones reproductivas, con eventos en el campus, apariciones de jugadores y recursos educativos.
Opill®, 미국 최초의 일반의약품 피임약이, WNBA와의 협력을 확대하는 다주간 대학 투어를 포함한 대규모 교육 이니셔티브를 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 흑인 여성 건강 이니셔티브(BWHI)와 협력하여 생식 건강 교육과 접근성을 개선하기 위해 개발된 Level The Court입니다.
대학 투어는 텍사스, 테네시, 인디애나, 아칸소와 같은 생식 건강 법률이 제한적인 주들을 우선으로 하여 15개 기관을 방문할 예정입니다. 사우스캐롤라이나 대학교는 2025년 2월 25일에 WNBA 이벤트를 개최합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 BWHI Opill® Access Fund를 설립하여 어려움에 직면한 흑인 여성들에게 3개월 분량의 공급을 제공합니다.
Opill®, la première pilule contraceptive en vente libre aux États-Unis, a annoncé une initiative éducative majeure comprenant une tournée dans plusieurs universités et un partenariat élargi avec la WNBA. L'initiative, appelée Level The Court, a été développée en collaboration avec le Black Women's Health Imperative (BWHI) afin d'améliorer l'éducation à la santé reproductive et l'accès à celle-ci.
La tournée universitaire visitera 15 établissements, en donnant la priorité aux États ayant des lois restrictives en matière de santé reproductive, notamment le Texas, le Tennessee, l'Indiana et l'Arkansas. L'Université de Caroline du Sud accueillera un événement de la WNBA le 25 février 2025. L'initiative comprend la création du BWHI Opill® Access Fund, qui fournira des approvisionnements de trois mois aux femmes noires confrontées à des difficultés.
La comédienne Hannah Berner rejoint la campagne pour sensibiliser aux options de contraception en vente libre. Le programme cible près de six millions d'étudiants dans des États avec des restrictions reproductives, incluant des événements sur les campus, des apparitions de joueurs et des ressources éducatives.
Opill®, die erste rezeptfrei erhältliche Antibabypille in den USA, hat eine umfangreiche Bildungsinitiative angekündigt, die eine landesweite College-Tour und eine erweiterte Partnerschaft mit der WNBA umfasst. Die Initiative mit dem Titel Level The Court wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Black Women's Health Imperative (BWHI) entwickelt, um die Aufklärung über sexuelle Gesundheit und den Zugang dazu zu verbessern.
Die College-Tour wird 15 Institutionen besuchen und Priorität auf Bundesstaaten mit restriktiven Gesetzen zur reproduktiven Gesundheit legen, darunter Texas, Tennessee, Indiana und Arkansas. Die University of South Carolina wird am 25. Februar 2025 eine WNBA-Veranstaltung ausrichten. Die Initiative umfasst die Einrichtung des BWHI Opill® Access Fund, der drei Monate Langzeitversorgung für schwarze Frauen bereitstellt, die vor Herausforderungen stehen.
Die Stand-up-Komikerin Hannah Berner beteiligt sich an der Kampagne, um das Bewusstsein für rezeptfreie Verhütungsoptionen zu fördern. Das Programm richtet sich an fast sechs Millionen Studenten in Bundesstaaten mit reproduktiven Restriktionen und umfasst Campus-Veranstaltungen, Spielerauftritte und Bildungsressourcen.
- First and only FDA-approved over-the-counter birth control pill in the U.S. market
- Strategic partnership with WNBA and BWHI expands market reach
- Targeted marketing campaign reaching 6 million students in key markets
- None.
--WNBA and Opill® continue partnership with Level The Court initiative--
Experience the full interactive Multichannel News Release here: https://www.multivu.com/perrigo/9316851-en-opill-extends-mission-of-breaking-down-birth-control-barriers

- Opill® and the WNBA, in partnership with the Black Women's Health Imperative (BWHI), introduce Level The Court, a new initiative designed to educate Black women about their reproductive options and build health equity for this underserved population.
- Beginning in
Florida , a multi-state campus tour will launch with visits planned at 15 colleges and universities, including a stop at The University ofSouth Carolina for The WNBA on Campus Presented by Opill® event on February 25, 2025. - Stand-up comedian and podcast host Hannah Berner has been added to the growing list of talent working with Opill®.
"It is more important now than ever to educate about reproductive health and contraception options," said Leila Bahbah, Perrigo
Because of the crucial need to reach communities whose need for reproductive health resources is especially high, Opill®, the WNBA and BWHI have developed Level The Court –an initiative designed to build confidence, strength and health equity for Black women and girls. A dedicated webpage launched today on WNBA.com, with personal stories, answers to common reproductive health questions, and ways to access Opill® for low or no cost — all with the goal of empowering fans to determine their own sexual health journey.
"For decades, Black women have disproportionately faced barriers to accessing safe and effective reproductive health services," said Zsanai Epps, DrPH, MPH, CHES, Senior Director, Reproductive Health Initiatives at BWHI. "One way this partnership will Level The Court is by establishing the BWHI Opill® Access Fund to provide a three-month supply of Opill® to Black women facing temporary challenges."
As part of Level The Court, the WNBA will work alongside Opill® and BWHI to deliver four events at HBCUs throughout the spring.
"It is important to the WNBA that we bring Level The Court to life," said Colie Edison, Chief Growth Officer. "We look forward to having WNBA players engaging with the communities where they work and play as we continue to build our brand in line with a commitment to supporting reproductive rights."
Comedian and Giggly Squad host Hannah Berner joins team Opill® and will be on campus in
Opill® is prioritizing colleges and universities in states with the most restrictive reproductive health laws. It will include stops at campuses ranging from community colleges to large universities, with a focus on reaching some of the nearly six million students currently pursuing a degree in states with reproductive restrictions, including campuses in
Additionally, The University of
These initiatives and college stops will continue throughout the spring semester. For more information and to learn about specific event locations, follow @Opill_OTC on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Threads and X and visit WNBA.com/LevelTheCourt.
About Opill®
Opill® is the first and only over-the-counter birth control pill available in
About Perrigo
Perrigo Company plc (NYSE: PRGO), is a leading provider of Consumer Self-Care Products and over the counter (OTC) health and wellness solutions that enhance individual well-being by empowering consumers to proactively prevent or treat conditions that can be self-managed. Visit Perrigo online at www.perrigo.com.
About WNBA
Tipping off its 29th season in 2025, the WNBA celebrates and elevates the game of basketball and the culture around it. The league was ranked by Morning Consult as the fastest-growing brand in 2024, setting records for engagement on social and digital platforms, attendance, merchandise sales and unique viewers across its television partners. The WNBA's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and social responsibility is supported by the first-of-its-kind WNBA Changemakers Collective, a group of purpose-driven companies that have partnered with the WNBA to enhance the player experience and help drive the league's business transformation.
About BWHI
The Black Women's Health Imperative is a national non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the health and well-being of Black women and girls. With a 40-year history of groundbreaking advocacy and research, BWHI remains committed to addressing the unique health challenges faced by Black women and ensuring their voices are heard in healthcare policy and practice.
Media Contact
Opill®: press@Opill.com
WNBA: Sam Tager, stager@nba.com
BWHI: media@BWHI.org
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/opill-extends-mission-of-breaking-down-birth-control-barriers-with-launch-of-multi-state-college-tour-and-expansion-of-partnerships-302367658.html
SOURCE Perrigo Company plc