PPG reports third quarter 2024 financial results

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PPG reported record third quarter 2024 financial results with reported earnings per diluted share (EPS) of $2.00 and adjusted EPS of $2.13. Net sales were $4.6 billion, with organic sales flat versus the prior year. Segment margins improved 60 basis points year over year, marking eight consecutive quarters of margin expansion. The company repurchased approximately $200 million in shares during the quarter and $500 million year to date.

Performance Coatings segment saw a 1% increase in net sales to $2,921 million, with segment income up 13% to $513 million. Industrial Coatings segment experienced a 6% decrease in net sales to $1,654 million, with segment income down 19% to $199 million. PPG maintains its full-year 2024 guidance, expecting organic sales to be flat and adjusted EPS to be at the low end of the $8.15 to $8.30 range.

PPG ha riportato risultati finanziari record nel terzo trimestre del 2024 con utili per azione diluiti (EPS) di $2,00 e EPS rettificato di $2,13. Le vendite nette sono state di $4,6 miliardi, con vendite organiche invariate rispetto all’anno precedente. I margini di segmento sono migliorati di 60 punti base su base annua, segnando otto trimestri consecutivi di espansione dei margini. L'azienda ha riacquistato circa $200 milioni in azioni durante il trimestre e $500 milioni dall'inizio dell'anno.

Il segmento dei Rivestimenti Decorativi ha registrato un aumento dell'1% delle vendite nette, raggiungendo i $2.921 milioni, con un utile di segmento aumentato del 13% a $513 milioni. Il segmento dei Rivestimenti Industriali ha subito una diminuzione del 6% delle vendite nette, a $1.654 milioni, con un utile di segmento in calo del 19% a $199 milioni. PPG mantiene le previsioni per l'intero anno 2024, aspettandosi che le vendite organiche rimangano stabili e che l'EPS rettificato si attesti all'estremità bassa del range di $8,15 a $8,30.

PPG reportó resultados financieros récord en el tercer trimestre de 2024 con ganancias por acción diluidas (EPS) de $2.00 y EPS ajustado de $2.13. Las ventas netas fueron de $4.6 mil millones, con ventas orgánicas sin cambios en comparación con el año anterior. Los márgenes por segmentos mejoraron en 60 puntos básicos año tras año, marcando ocho trimestres consecutivos de expansión de márgenes. La compañía recompró aproximadamente $200 millones en acciones durante el trimestre y $500 millones en lo que va del año.

El segmento de Recubrimientos de Rendimiento vio un aumento del 1% en las ventas netas a $2,921 millones, con ingresos de segmento que aumentaron un 13% a $513 millones. El segmento de Recubrimientos Industriales experimentó una disminución del 6% en las ventas netas a $1,654 millones, con ingresos de segmento en baja del 19% a $199 millones. PPG mantiene su guía para el año completo 2024, esperando que las ventas orgánicas permanezcan estables y que el EPS ajustado esté en el extremo inferior del rango de $8.15 a $8.30.

PPG는 2024년 3분기 기록적인 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 희석 주당순이익(EPS)은 $2.00, 조정된 EPS는 $2.13이었습니다. 순매출은 $46억으로, 유기적 매출은 전년 대비 변동이 없었습니다. 세그먼트 마진은 전년 대비 60bp 개선되었으며, 이는 8분기 연속 마진 확장을 의미합니다. 회사는 이번 분기 동안 약 2억 달러의 자사주를 매입했으며, 연초부터 총 5억 달러를 매입했습니다.

성능 코팅 세그먼트는 순매출이 1% 증가하여 $29억 2,100만에 이르렀으며, 세그먼트 소득은 13% 증가하여 $5억 1,300만에 도달했습니다. 산업 코팅 세그먼트는 순매출이 6% 감소하여 $16억 5,400만에 이르렀으며, 세그먼트 소득은 19% 감소하여 $1억 9,900만이었습니다. PPG는 2024 전체 연도에 대한 전망을 유지하며, 유기적 매출이 평탄하고 조정된 EPS가 $8.15에서 $8.30 범위의 하단에 있을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

PPG a rapporté des résultats financiers records pour le troisième trimestre 2024 avec un bénéfice par action (EPS) dilué de 2,00 $ et un EPS ajusté de 2,13 $. Les ventes nettes se sont élevées à 4,6 milliards de dollars, avec des ventes organiques stables par rapport à l'année précédente. Les marges des segments ont augmenté de 60 points de base d'une année sur l'autre, marquant ainsi le huitième trimestre consécutif d'expansion des marges. L'entreprise a procédé à un rachat d'actions d'environ 200 millions de dollars durant le trimestre et 500 millions de dollars depuis le début de l'année.

Le segment des Revêtements de Performance a enregistré une augmentation de 1 % de ses ventes nettes à 2 921 millions de dollars, l revenu du segment ayant augmenté de 13 % pour atteindre 513 millions de dollars. Le segment des Revêtements Industriels a connu une baisse de 6 % de ses ventes nettes à 1 654 millions de dollars, avec un revenu de segment en baisse de 19 % à 199 millions de dollars. PPG maintient ses prévisions pour l'année entière 2024, s'attendant à ce que les ventes organiques restent stables et que l'EPS ajusté se situe à l'extrémité inférieure de la fourchette de 8,15 $ à 8,30 $.

PPG hat rekordverdächtige Finanzzahlen für das dritte Quartal 2024 gemeldet mit einem berichteten Gewinn pro verwässerter Aktie (EPS) von $2,00 und einem bereinigten EPS von $2,13. Der Nettoumsatz betrug $4,6 Milliarden, mit stabilen organischen Verkäufen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Die Segmentmargen verbesserten sich im Jahresvergleich um 60 Basispunkte und markierten damit das achte aufeinanderfolgende Quartal der Margenausweitung. Das Unternehmen hat im Quartal etwa $200 Millionen an Aktien zurückgekauft und im bisherigen Jahr $500 Millionen.

Der Bereich Performance Coatings verzeichnete einen Anstieg der Nettoumsätze um 1 % auf $2.921 Millionen, während das Segmentergebnis um 13 % auf $513 Millionen stieg. Der Bereich Industrial Coatings erlebte einen Rückgang der Nettoumsätze um 6 % auf $1.654 Millionen, während das Segmentergebnis um 19 % auf $199 Millionen fiel. PPG hält an den Prognosen für das Gesamtjahr 2024 fest und erwartet, dass die organischen Verkäufe stabil bleiben und das bereinigte EPS am unteren Ende der Spanne von $8,15 bis $8,30 liegt.

  • Record third quarter EPS of $2.00 (reported) and $2.13 (adjusted)
  • Segment margins improved 60 basis points year over year
  • Performance Coatings segment income increased 13% to $513 million
  • Aerospace coatings business delivered record quarterly sales with double-digit percentage organic sales growth
  • Share repurchases of $200 million in Q3 and $500 million year-to-date
  • Increased quarterly dividend by 5% in July
  • Net sales decreased 1% to $4.575 billion
  • Industrial Coatings segment net sales decreased 6% to $1,654 million
  • Industrial Coatings segment income decreased 19% to $199 million
  • Automotive OEM coatings organic sales decreased by a double-digit percentage
  • Higher effective income tax rate negatively impacted year-over-year EPS comparison by $0.08


PPG's Q3 2024 results show resilience amid mixed market conditions. Record EPS of $2.00 and adjusted EPS of $2.13 represent 12% and 3% YoY growth respectively. The company maintained its full-year guidance, expecting flat organic sales and adjusted EPS at the lower end of $8.15 to $8.30.

Key positives include:

  • Eighth consecutive quarter of margin expansion, up 60 basis points YoY
  • Strong performance in aerospace, refinish and architectural coatings
  • Continued share repurchases ($200 million in Q3, $500 million YTD)

Challenges persist in the Industrial Coatings segment, with weakness in automotive OEM and general industrial production. The higher effective tax rate impacted EPS by $0.08. Investors should monitor the pending silicas products divestiture and the strategic review of the U.S. and Canada architectural coatings business, which could reshape PPG's portfolio.

PPG's Q3 results reflect divergent market trends across its segments. The Performance Coatings segment showed resilience with 2% volume growth, driven by aerospace, refinish and architectural coatings. This contrasts with the Industrial Coatings segment's 6% sales decline, impacted by weakening automotive OEM build rates and soft industrial production.

Noteworthy market insights:

  • Aerospace coatings: Record sales with a $290 million order backlog
  • Automotive refinish: Mid-single-digit growth despite lower industry collision claims
  • Architectural coatings: Improving trends in Europe after several declining quarters
  • Geographic performance: Solid growth in China and India, weakness in U.S. and Europe

The company's ability to expand margins in this environment is commendable. However, the industrial sector's weakness, particularly in automotive, warrants close attention as a potential leading indicator for broader economic trends.

  • Record reported earnings per diluted share (EPS) of $2.00 and adjusted EPS of $2.13
  • Net sales of $4.6 billion; organic sales flat versus prior year
  • Segment margins improved 60 basis points year over year, marking eight consecutive quarters of margin expansion
  • Share repurchases of approximately $200 million in the quarter; $500 million year to date

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- PPG (NYSE:PPG) today reported financial results for the third quarter 2024.

Third Quarter Consolidated Results

$ in millions, except EPS

3Q 2024

3Q 2023

YOY change

Net sales




Net income




Adjusted net income(a)








Adjusted EPS(a)




(a) Reconciliations of reported to adjusted figures are included below

Chairman and CEO Comments

Tim Knavish, PPG chairman and chief executive officer, commented on the quarter:

We delivered record third quarter EPS driven by positive volume growth in seven of our ten businesses, including strong growth in several of our key technology businesses and despite deterioration in automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM) build rates during the quarter. Our reported EPS was $2.00, and adjusted EPS of $2.13 grew 3% year over year even with an unfavorable impact from a higher effective income tax rate, which reduced the year-over-year EPS comparison by $0.08. The third quarter was our seventh consecutive quarter of adjusted EPS growth. Our aggregate segment margin improved 60 basis points year over year aided by business mix and lower costs, marking our eighth consecutive quarter of increases.

We delivered year-over-year sales volume growth of 2% in the Performance Coatings segment, offset by increasingly challenged global industrial production, which constrained demand in the Industrial Coatings segment. Performance Coatings growth was catalyzed by sustained strength in aerospace demand, refinish coatings share gains, and strong performance in the architectural coatings Americas and Asia Pacific business. This growth was offset by Industrial Coatings segment declines in Europe and the U.S. where automotive OEM build rates weakened, especially late in the quarter and general industrial production remained soft. In the Asia-Pacific region, both reporting segments delivered solid sales growth in China and India, driven by our share gains.

During the quarter, we extended our heritage of rewarding our shareholders. We repurchased approximately $200 million of stock during the third quarter and have repurchased about $500 million year to date. In July, we increased our quarterly dividend by 5%, and we paid about $160 million in dividends in the quarter with approximately $465 million paid year to date. Our balance sheet remains strong, which continues to provide us with the financial flexibility to drive shareholder value creation going forward.

Looking ahead, we maintain our full-year 2024 sales and EPS guidance, expecting organic sales to be flat and adjusted earnings per share to be at the low end of the $8.15 to $8.30 range. The pending closure of the silicas products business divestiture and the architectural coatings U.S. and Canada strategic review reflects the execution of our enterprise growth strategy to focus our resources on businesses where we have the greatest growth and margin opportunities. Finally, we remain committed to our heritage of strong cost management and improved productivity that reinforces our ability to maintain momentum in driving higher margins and earnings growth.

This strong performance would not be possible without the dedication of our employees to deliver growth for PPG. Thank you to our PPG team around the world who make it happen and deliver on our purpose every day: We protect and beautify the world®.

Third Quarter 2024 Reportable Segment Financial Results

Performance Coatings segment

$ in millions

3Q 2024

3Q 2023

YOY change

Net sales




Segment income




Segment income %




Sales volumes




Selling prices




Foreign currency translation








Performance Coatings net sales increased, as higher sales volumes and selling prices were partially offset by the divestitures of the non-North American portion of the traffic solutions business and unfavorable foreign currency translation.

Sales volumes increased 2% year over year with growth in five of the six businesses in this segment led by aerospace coatings, protective and marine coatings, and architectural coatings Americas and Asia Pacific. PPG’s aerospace coatings business delivered record quarterly sales stemming from double-digit percentage organic sales growth and ended the quarter with an order backlog of approximately $290 million, even though we improved our production capacity this year through debottlenecking and other productivity gains. Protective and marine coatings organic sales increased by a low single-digit percentage compared to the prior year, driven by share gains in Europe and Asia Pacific. Organic sales for architectural coatings Americas and Asia Pacific were higher by a low single-digit percentage, with solid volume growth in the professional contractor segment in the U.S. and Canada. PPG continues to benefit from our well-established concessionaire network in Mexico. Organic sales in automotive refinish coatings grew by a mid-single-digit percentage, including high single-digit percentage increases in U.S. collision-related products and despite lower overall industry collision claims. Year-over-year organic sales for architectural coatings Europe, Middle East and Africa were flat which is a positive trend after several quarters of declines. This was supported by growth in central and eastern Europe, offset by lower sales volumes across western Europe.

Segment income increased by 13% versus the prior year, and segment operating margin improved 190 basis points year over year to 17.6%, driven by higher sales volumes and targeted price increases partially offset by general cost inflation.

Industrial Coatings segment

$ in millions

3Q 2024

3Q 2023

YOY change

Net sales




Segment income




Segment income %




Sales volumes




Selling prices




Industrial Coatings segment net sales were lower compared to the third quarter 2023 due to lower sales volumes and lower selling prices from certain index-based customer contracts.

Automotive OEM coatings organic sales decreased more than initially forecasted, declining by a double-digit percentage due to lower U.S. and European industry build rates, which deteriorated notably late in the quarter, partly offset by PPG growth in China and Mexico. Similar to prior quarters, industrial activity in the U.S. and Europe was lackluster. As a result, industrial coatings organic sales declined by a mid-single-digit percentage, more than offsetting solid growth in emerging markets. Packaging coatings organic sales were up a low single-digit percentage year over year with improved sales volumes stemming from share gains partially offset by lower selling prices.

Segment income decreased 19%, and segment margin declined by 190 basis points compared to the third quarter 2023 driven by lower sales volumes and lower selling prices on certain index-based pricing contracts.

Additional Financial Information

  • At quarter end, the company had cash and short-term investments totaling $1.3 billion. Net debt was $5.2 billion, up $0.3 billion from the third quarter 2023.
  • Corporate expenses were $72 million in the third quarter, which was $16 million lower than the prior year due to lower incentive-based compensation and cost savings initiatives.
  • Net interest expense was $19 million in the third quarter.
  • The reported and adjusted effective tax rates were approximately 22.5% in the third quarter. The adjusted effective tax rate was 19.5% in the third quarter 2023 due to certain nonrecurring discrete tax items.

Additional information related to the third quarter financial information is posted within the Investors section of

The term organic sales as used in this press release is defined as net sales excluding the impact of currency, acquisitions and divestitures.


At PPG (NYSE:PPG), we work every day to develop and deliver the paints, coatings and specialty materials that our customers have trusted for more than 140 years. Through dedication and creativity, we solve our customers’ biggest challenges, collaborating closely to find the right path forward. With headquarters in Pittsburgh, we operate and innovate in more than 70 countries and reported net sales of $18.2 billion in 2023. We serve customers in construction, consumer products, industrial and transportation markets and aftermarkets. To learn more, visit

The PPG Logo and We protect and beautify the world are registered trademarks of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

Additional Information

PPG will provide detailed commentary regarding its financial performance, including presentation-slide content, on the PPG Investor Center at at about 4:30 p.m. ET today, October 16. The company will hold a conference call to review its third quarter 2024 financial performance on October 17, at 8:00 a.m. ET. Participants can pre-register for the conference by navigating to The conference call also will be available in listen-only mode via Internet broadcast from the PPG Investor Center at A telephone replay will be available October 17, beginning at approximately 11:00 a.m. ET, through October 31, at 11:59 p.m. ET. The dial-in numbers for the replay are: in the United States, 1-866-813-9403; Canada, 1-226-828-7578; UK (Local), 0204-525-0658; international, +44-204-525-0658; passcode 759218. A web replay also will be available shortly after the call on the PPG Investor Center at, and will remain through Wednesday, October 15, 2025.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained herein relating to matters that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements reflecting PPG’s current view with respect to future events and financial performance. These matters within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, involve risks and uncertainties that may affect PPG’s operations, as discussed in the company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Accordingly, many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained herein. Such factors include statements related to global economic conditions, geopolitical issues, the effects o our business of COVID-19, the amount of future share repurchases, increasing price and product competition by our competitors, fluctuations in cost and availability of raw materials, energy, labor and logistics, the ability to achieve selling price increases, the ability to recover margins, customer inventory levels, PPG inventory levels, the ability to maintain favorable supplier relationships and arrangements, the timing of realization of anticipated cost savings from restructuring and other initiatives, the ability to identify additional cost savings opportunities, the timing and expected benefits of potential future and completed acquisitions, difficulties in integrating acquired businesses and achieving expected synergies therefrom, economic and political conditions in international markets, the ability to penetrate existing, developing and emerging foreign and domestic markets, foreign exchange rates and fluctuations in such rates, fluctuations in tax rates, the impact of future legislation, the impact of environmental regulations, unexpected business disruptions, the unpredictability of existing and possible future litigation, including asbestos litigation, and governmental investigations. However, it is not possible to predict or identify all such factors. Consequently, while the list of factors presented here and in our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K considered representative, no such list should be considered to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties. Unlisted factors may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements. Consequences of material differences in results compared with those anticipated in the forward-looking statements could include, among other things, lower sales or earnings, business disruption, operational problems, financial loss, legal liability to third parties and similar risks, any of which could have a material adverse effect on PPG’s consolidated financial condition, results of operations or liquidity.

All information in this release speaks only as of October 16, 2024, and any distribution of this release after that date is not intended and will not be construed as updating or confirming such information. PPG undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as otherwise required by applicable law.

Regulation G Reconciliation

PPG believes investors’ understanding of the company’s performance is enhanced by the disclosure of net income, earnings per diluted share from continuing operations and PPG’s effective tax rate adjusted for certain items. PPG’s management considers this information useful in providing insight into the company’s ongoing performance because it excludes the impact of items that cannot reasonably be expected to recur on a quarterly basis or that are not attributable to our primary operations. Net income, earnings per diluted share from continuing operations and the effective tax rate adjusted for these items are not recognized financial measures determined in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“U.S. GAAP”) and should not be considered a substitute for net income, earnings per diluted share, the effective tax rate or other financial measures as computed in accordance with U.S. GAAP. In addition, adjusted net income, adjusted earnings per diluted share and the adjusted effective tax rate may not be comparable to similarly titled measures as reported by other companies. PPG is not able to provide a reconciliation of full-year 2024 expected adjusted earnings per diluted share to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure without unreasonable effort because certain items that impact such measure are uncertain or cannot be reasonably predicted at this time.

Regulation G Reconciliation - Net Income and Earnings per Diluted Share

($ in millions, except per-share amounts)


Third Quarter



Third Quarter










Reported net income from continuing operations








Acquisition-related amortization expense








Business restructuring-related costs, net(b)






Portfolio optimization(c)








Adjusted net income from continuing operations, excluding certain items









Third Quarter



Third Quarter



Income Before Income Taxes


Tax Expense


Effective Tax Rate


Income Before Income Taxes


Tax Expense


Effective Tax Rate

Effective tax rate, continuing operations












Acquisition-related amortization expense





24.4 %






23.9 %

Business restructuring-related costs, net(b)



— %






22.9 %

Portfolio optimization(c)












Adjusted effective tax rate, continuing operations, excluding certain items













Earnings per diluted share is calculated based on unrounded numbers. Figures in the table may not recalculate due to rounding.


Business restructuring-related costs, net include business restructuring charges, offset by releases related to previously approved programs, which are included in Other (income)/charges, net on the condensed consolidated statement of income, accelerated depreciation of certain assets, which is included in Depreciation on the condensed consolidated statement of income, and other restructuring-related costs, which are included in Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization and Selling, general and administrative on the condensed consolidated statement of income.


Portfolio optimization includes advisory, legal, accounting, valuation, other professional or consulting fees and certain internal costs directly incurred to effect acquisitions, as well as similar fees and other costs to effect divestitures and other portfolio optimization exit actions. These costs are included in Selling, general and administrative expense on the condensed consolidated statement of income. Portfolio optimization also includes losses on the sale of certain assets, which are included in Other (income)/charges, net in the condensed consolidated statement of income, including the loss recognized in the third quarter 2023 on the sale of the company’s legacy industrial Russian operations.










(All amounts in millions except per-share data)









Three Months Ended
September 30


Nine Months Ended
September 30









Net sales












Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization












Selling, general and administrative




































Research and development, net












Interest expense












Interest income












Pension settlement charge









Other (income)/charges, net












Income before income taxes












Income tax expense












Net income attributable to controlling and noncontrolling interests












Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests












Net income (attributable to PPG)




















Earnings per common share (attributable to PPG)




















Earnings per common share (attributable to PPG) - assuming dilution




















Average shares outstanding




















Average shares outstanding - assuming dilution



















($ in millions)





Nine Months Ended
September 30





Cash from operating activities




Cash used for investing activities:




Capital expenditures




Business acquisitions, net of cash balances acquired




Cash used for financing activities:




Dividends paid on PPG common stock




Purchase of treasury stock









($ in millions)








September 30


December 31


September 30








Current assets:






Cash and cash equivalents






Short-term investments






Receivables, net












Assets held for sale




Other current assets






Total current assets












Current liabilities:






Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt






Accounts payable and accrued liabilities






Current portion of operating lease liabilities






Restructuring reserves






Liabilities held for sale




Total current liabilities












Long-term debt


























($ in millions)







September 30


December 31


September 30







Operating Working Capital (a)






As a percent of quarter sales, annualized














Operating working capital includes: (1) receivables from customers, net of allowance for doubtful accounts, (2) FIFO inventories and (3) trade liabilities.







($ in millions)










Three Months Ended
September 30


Nine Months Ended
September 30










Net sales








Performance Coatings












Industrial Coatings
































Segment income








Performance Coatings












Industrial Coatings
































Items not allocated to segments




















Interest expense, net of interest income












Business restructuring-related costs, net (a)











Portfolio optimization (b)












Legacy environmental remediation charges (c)









Pension settlement charge (d)









Insurance recovery (e)









Income before income taxes






















Business restructuring-related costs, net include business restructuring charges, offset by releases related to previously approved programs, which are included in Other (income)/charges, net on the condensed consolidated statement of income, accelerated depreciation of certain assets, which is included in Depreciation on the condensed consolidated statement of income and other restructuring-related costs, which are included in Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization and Selling, general and administrative on the condensed consolidated statement of income.











Portfolio optimization includes losses on the sale of non-core assets, including the loss recognized in the second quarter 2024 on the sale of the Company's traffic solutions business in Argentina and the loss recognized in the third quarter 2023 on the sale of the company’s legacy industrial Russian operations, which is included in Other (income)/charges, net in the condensed consolidated statement of income. Portfolio optimization also includes advisory, legal, accounting, valuation, other professional or consulting fees and certain internal costs directly incurred to effect acquisitions, as well as similar fees and other costs to effect divestitures and other portfolio optimization exit actions. These costs are included in Selling, general and administrative expense on the condensed consolidated statement of income.











Legacy environmental remediation charges represent environmental remediation costs at certain non-operating PPG manufacturing sites. These charges are included in Other (income)/charges, net in the condensed consolidated statement of income.











In the first quarter 2023, PPG purchased group annuity contracts that transferred pension benefit obligations for certain of the company’s retirees in the U.S. to third-party insurance companies, resulting in a non-cash pension settlement charge.











In the first quarter 2023, the company received reimbursement under its insurance policies for damages incurred at a southern U.S. factory from a winter storm in 2020.

CATEGORY Corporate

PPG Media Contact:

Mark Silvey

Corporate Communications


PPG Investor Contact:

Alex Lopez

Investor Relations


Source: PPG


What was PPG's reported EPS for Q3 2024?

PPG reported a record earnings per diluted share (EPS) of $2.00 for the third quarter of 2024.

How did PPG's Performance Coatings segment perform in Q3 2024?

PPG's Performance Coatings segment saw a 1% increase in net sales to $2,921 million, with segment income up 13% to $513 million in Q3 2024.

What is PPG's full-year 2024 guidance for organic sales and adjusted EPS?

PPG maintains its full-year 2024 guidance, expecting organic sales to be flat and adjusted earnings per share to be at the low end of the $8.15 to $8.30 range.

How much did PPG spend on share repurchases in Q3 2024?

PPG repurchased approximately $200 million of stock during the third quarter of 2024.

PPG Industries, Inc.


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Specialty Chemicals
Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels & Allied Prods
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