PPG recognized for sustainability progress by FTSE4Good for sixth consecutive year

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PPG (NYSE:PPG) has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series for the sixth consecutive year, recognizing its strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. The company reported significant progress towards its 2030 sustainability targets, including:

  • 44% of sales from sustainably advantaged products
  • 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 and 2)
  • 12% reduction in value chain emissions (scope 3)
  • 45% of process waste reused, recycled, or recovered
  • 13% reduction in water intensity in water-stressed areas
  • 97% of key suppliers assessed against sustainability criteria

PPG has also received recognition from EcoVadis, MSCI, Barron's, Corporate Knights, Newsweek, and JUST Capital for its sustainability efforts.

PPG (NYSE:PPG) è stato incluso per il sesto anno consecutivo nell'FTSE4Good Index Series, riconoscendo le sue forti pratiche in materia di ambientale, sociale e di governance (ESG). L'azienda ha riportato progressi significativi verso i suoi obiettivi di sostenibilità per il 2030, tra cui:

  • 44% delle vendite da prodotti sostenibili
  • Riduzione del 10% delle emissioni di gas serra (scopo 1 e 2)
  • Riduzione del 12% delle emissioni della catena di approvvigionamento (scopo 3)
  • 45% dei rifiuti di processo riutilizzati, riciclati o recuperati
  • Riduzione del 13% dell'intensità idrica in aree a stress idrico
  • 97% dei fornitori chiave valutati in base a criteri di sostenibilità

PPG ha ricevuto anche riconoscimenti da EcoVadis, MSCI, Barron's, Corporate Knights, Newsweek e JUST Capital per i suoi sforzi di sostenibilità.

PPG (NYSE:PPG) ha sido incluido en la Serie de Índices FTSE4Good por sexto año consecutivo, reconociendo sus sólidas prácticas ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG). La empresa informó sobre avances significativos hacia sus metas de sostenibilidad para 2030, que incluyen:

  • 44% de las ventas provenientes de productos con ventajas sostenibles
  • Reducción del 10% en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (alcance 1 y 2)
  • Reducción del 12% en las emisiones de la cadena de valor (alcance 3)
  • 45% de los residuos de proceso reutilizados, reciclados o recuperados
  • Reducción del 13% en la intensidad del agua en áreas de estrés hídrico
  • 97% de los proveedores clave evaluados según criterios de sostenibilidad

PPG también ha recibido reconocimiento de EcoVadis, MSCI, Barron's, Corporate Knights, Newsweek y JUST Capital por sus esfuerzos en sostenibilidad.

PPG (NYSE:PPG)는 FTSE4Good Index Series에 여섯 번째 연속으로 포함되어 환경, 사회 및 지배구조 (ESG) 관행이 강하게 인정받고 있습니다. 회사는 2030 지속 가능성 목표에 대한 중요한 진전을 보고했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 판매의 44%가 지속 가능한 제품에서 발생
  • 온실가스 배출량 10% 감소(범위 1 및 2)
  • 가치 사슬 배출량 12% 감소(범위 3)
  • 공정 폐기물의 45%가 재사용, 재활용 또는 회수됨
  • 물 부족 지역에서 물 사용의 13% 감소
  • 주요 공급업체의 97%가 지속 가능성 기준에 따라 평가됨

PPG는 EcoVadis, MSCI, Barron's, Corporate Knights, NewsweekJUST Capital로부터 지속 가능성 노력에 대한 인정을 받았습니다.

PPG (NYSE:PPG) a été inclus dans la Série d'Indices FTSE4Good pour la sixième année consécutive, reconnaissant ses fortes pratiques environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG). L'entreprise a signalé des progrès significatifs vers ses objectifs de durabilité pour 2030, notamment :

  • 44 % des ventes provenant de produits à avantage durable
  • Réduction de 10 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (portée 1 et 2)
  • Réduction de 12 % des émissions de la chaîne de valeur (portée 3)
  • 45 % des déchets de processus réutilisés, recyclés ou récupérés
  • Réduction de 13 % de l'intensité en eau dans les zones en stress hydrique
  • 97 % des fournisseurs clés évalués selon des critères de durabilité

PPG a également reçu des reconnaissances de la part de EcoVadis, MSCI, Barron's, Corporate Knights, Newsweek et JUST Capital pour ses efforts en matière de durabilité.

PPG (NYSE:PPG) wurde zum sechsten Mal in Folge in die FTSE4Good Index Series aufgenommen, was seine starken Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Praktiken (ESG) anerkennt. Das Unternehmen berichtete über erhebliche Fortschritte bei seinen Nachhaltigkeitszielen bis 2030, einschließlich:

  • 44% des Verkaufs stammen aus nachhaltig vorteilhaften Produkten
  • 10% Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen (Bereich 1 und 2)
  • 12% Reduzierung der Emissionen der Wertschöpfungskette (Bereich 3)
  • 45% des Prozessabfalls wiederverwendet, recycelt oder verwertet
  • 13% Reduzierung der Wasserintensität in wasserbelasteten Gebieten
  • 97% der wichtigen Lieferanten wurden nach Nachhaltigkeitskriterien bewertet

PPG erhielt außerdem Anerkennung von EcoVadis, MSCI, Barron's, Corporate Knights, Newsweek und JUST Capital für seine Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen.

  • None.
  • None.

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- PPG (NYSE:PPG) today announced its inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index Series for the sixth consecutive year. Created by the global index and data provider FTSE Russell, the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices against globally recognized standards.

“Sustainability is core to how PPG provides value to its customers,” said Peter Votruba-Drzal, PPG vice president, global sustainability. “We are focused on reducing the environmental impact of our operations and providing sustainably advantaged innovations that anticipate the needs of our customers.”

The FTSE4Good indexes are used by a variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products. FTSE Russell evaluations are based on performance in areas such as corporate governance, health and safety, anti-corruption and climate change. Businesses included in the FTSE4Good Index Series meet a variety of environmental, social and governance criteria.

PPG recently reported progress against its 2030 sustainability targets, including:

  • 44% of sales from sustainably advantaged products, such as the PPG LINQ™ end-to-end digital solution for global refinish customers, allowing customers to reduce their environmental impact, optimize product consumption and reduce waste. Sustainably advantaged products are identified using PPG’s internal methodology that validates product attributes and their contribution towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • 10% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the company’s own operations (scope 1 and 2) against its 50% reduction target by 2030, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
  • 12% reduction in value chain (scope 3) emissions against its 30% reduction target by 2030, validated by SBTi, across purchased goods and services, customer processing of sold products and end-of-life treatment of sold products.
  • 45% of process waste reused, recycled or recovered.
  • 13% reduction in water intensity in water-stressed areas.
  • 97% of key suppliers assessed against sustainability and social responsibility criteria.

In addition to the FTSE4Good Index Series, PPG has earned recognition for its sustainability and ESG efforts with an EcoVadis Gold rating and an AA rating from MSCI. PPG is also listed on the Barron’s 100 Most Sustainable Companies, the Corporate Knights Clean 200, Newsweek Magazine’s America’s Most Responsible Companies, JUST Capital’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies and others.

To learn more about PPG’s sustainability progress and 2030 targets, visit

At PPG (NYSE:PPG), we work every day to develop and deliver the paints, coatings and specialty materials that our customers have trusted for more than 140 years. Through dedication and creativity, we solve our customers’ biggest challenges, collaborating closely to find the right path forward. With headquarters in Pittsburgh, we operate and innovate in more than 70 countries and reported net sales of $18.2 billion in 2023. We serve customers in construction, consumer products, industrial and transportation markets and aftermarkets. To learn more, visit

PPG LINQ is a trademark and the PPG Logo and We protect and beautify the world are registered trademarks of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

CATEGORY Sustainability

PPG Media Contact:

Greta Edgar Borza

Corporate Communications

+1 724 316 7552

Source: PPG


What sustainability index has PPG been included in for the sixth consecutive year?

PPG has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series for the sixth consecutive year, recognizing its strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

What percentage of PPG's sales come from sustainably advantaged products?

According to the press release, 44% of PPG's sales come from sustainably advantaged products.

How much has PPG reduced its greenhouse gas emissions in its own operations?

PPG has achieved a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions within its own operations (scope 1 and 2) against its 50% reduction target by 2030.

What percentage of PPG's process waste is reused, recycled, or recovered?

45% of PPG's process waste is reused, recycled, or recovered.

How many of PPG's key suppliers have been assessed against sustainability criteria?

97% of PPG's key suppliers have been assessed against sustainability and social responsibility criteria.

PPG Industries, Inc.


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Specialty Chemicals
Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels & Allied Prods
United States of America