PPG Board of Directors ranks among top ten in study of governance capacity
PPG (NYSE: PPG) has achieved a notable recognition as its board of directors ranked among the top ten boards out of more than 650 American corporations, according to JamesDruryPartners' ninth annual 'The Weight of America's Boards' study. This marks the board's eighth appearance in the top ten list since the study's inception in 2011.
The study evaluated boards based on business accomplishments, leadership roles, and the relative value of their experience. The assessment focused on the largest U.S. public companies by revenue and market capitalization, aiming to provide an objective view of corporate governance capacity.
Tim Knavish, PPG chairman and CEO, emphasized that this recognition reflects the board's exceptional governance and its role in strengthening the company's strategic direction and shareholder value. The current PPG Board of Directors consists of eleven members, including leaders with diverse executive experience from companies such as Amyris, Procter & Gamble, Marathon Petroleum, and Trane Technologies.
PPG (NYSE: PPG) ha ottenuto un riconoscimento notevole poiché il suo consiglio di amministrazione è stato classificato tra i primi dieci consigli di oltre 650 società americane, secondo lo studio annuale di JamesDruryPartners intitolato 'Il peso dei consigli americani'. Questo segna l'ottava apparizione del consiglio nella lista dei primi dieci dalla nascita dello studio nel 2011.
Lo studio ha valutato i consigli in base ai risultati aziendali, ai ruoli di leadership e al valore relativo della loro esperienza. La valutazione si è concentrata sulle più grandi aziende pubbliche statunitensi per fatturato e capitalizzazione di mercato, con l'obiettivo di fornire una visione obiettiva della capacità di governance aziendale.
Tim Knavish, presidente e CEO di PPG, ha sottolineato che questo riconoscimento riflette l'eccezionale governance del consiglio e il suo ruolo nel rafforzare la direzione strategica dell'azienda e il valore per gli azionisti. L'attuale Consiglio di Amministrazione di PPG è composto da undici membri, inclusi leader con diverse esperienze esecutive provenienti da aziende come Amyris, Procter & Gamble, Marathon Petroleum e Trane Technologies.
PPG (NYSE: PPG) ha logrado un reconocimiento notable, ya que su junta directiva se clasificó entre las diez mejores de más de 650 corporaciones estadounidenses, según el noveno estudio anual de JamesDruryPartners titulado 'El peso de las juntas de América'. Esta es la octava vez que la junta aparece en la lista de los diez mejores desde el inicio del estudio en 2011.
El estudio evaluó a las juntas en función de los logros empresariales, roles de liderazgo y el valor relativo de su experiencia. La evaluación se centró en las empresas públicas más grandes de EE. UU. por ingresos y capitalización de mercado, con el objetivo de proporcionar una visión objetiva de la capacidad de gobernanza corporativa.
Tim Knavish, presidente y CEO de PPG, enfatizó que este reconocimiento refleja la excepcional gobernanza de la junta y su papel en el fortalecimiento de la dirección estratégica de la empresa y el valor para los accionistas. La actual Junta Directiva de PPG está compuesta por once miembros, incluidos líderes con diversas experiencias ejecutivas de empresas como Amyris, Procter & Gamble, Marathon Petroleum y Trane Technologies.
PPG (NYSE: PPG)는 비즈니스 성과, 리더십 역할, 경험의 상대적 가치를 기준으로 평가된 650개 이상의 미국 기업 중 상위 10개 이사회에 선정되었다는 점에서 주목할 만한 인정을 받았습니다. 이는 2011년 연구 시작 이후 이사회가 상위 10위에 오른 여덟 번째 사례입니다.
이 연구는 수익 및 시장 자본화에 따라 미국의 가장 큰 상장 기업을 대상으로 하여 기업 거버넌스 능력에 대한 객관적인 관점을 제공하는 것을 목표로 했습니다.
PPG의 회장 겸 CEO인 Tim Knavish는 이 인식이 이사회의 뛰어난 거버넌스와 회사의 전략적 방향 및 주주 가치를 강화하는 데 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 반영한다고 강조했습니다. 현재 PPG 이사회는 Amyris, Procter & Gamble, Marathon Petroleum 및 Trane Technologies와 같은 다양한 경영 경험을 가진 11명의 구성원으로 이루어져 있습니다.
PPG (NYSE: PPG) a obtenu une reconnaissance notable, son conseil d'administration étant classé parmi les dix meilleurs conseils de plus de 650 sociétés américaines, selon la neuvième étude annuelle de JamesDruryPartners intitulée 'Le poids des conseils américains'. C'est la huitième fois que le conseil figure dans le top dix depuis le lancement de l'étude en 2011.
L'étude a évalué les conseils en fonction des réalisations commerciales, des rôles de leadership et de la valeur relative de leur expérience. L'évaluation s'est concentrée sur les plus grandes entreprises publiques américaines en termes de revenus et de capitalisation boursière, visant à fournir une vue objective de la capacité de gouvernance d'entreprise.
Tim Knavish, président et CEO de PPG, a souligné que cette reconnaissance reflète l'excellente gouvernance du conseil et son rôle dans le renforcement de l'orientation stratégique de l'entreprise et de la valeur pour les actionnaires. Le conseil d'administration actuel de PPG se compose de onze membres, y compris des dirigeants ayant une expérience exécutive diversifiée provenant d'entreprises telles qu'Amyris, Procter & Gamble, Marathon Petroleum et Trane Technologies.
PPG (NYSE: PPG) hat eine bemerkenswerte Anerkennung erhalten, da sein Vorstand unter den zehn besten Vorständen von mehr als 650 amerikanischen Unternehmen eingestuft wurde, laut der neunten jährlichen Studie von JamesDruryPartners mit dem Titel 'Das Gewicht der Vorstände Amerikas'. Dies ist das achte Mal, dass der Vorstand seit Beginn der Studie im Jahr 2011 in der Top-Ten-Liste erscheint.
Die Studie bewertete die Vorstände basierend auf geschäftlichen Erfolgen, Führungsrollen und dem relativen Wert ihrer Erfahrung. Der Schwerpunkt der Bewertung lag auf den größten börsennotierten Unternehmen der USA nach Umsatz und Marktkapitalisierung, mit dem Ziel, eine objektive Sicht auf die Unternehmensführungskapazität zu bieten.
Tim Knavish, Vorsitzender und CEO von PPG, betonte, dass diese Anerkennung die außergewöhnliche Governance des Vorstands und seine Rolle bei der Stärkung der strategischen Ausrichtung des Unternehmens und des Shareholder-Values widerspiegelt. Der aktuelle Vorstand von PPG besteht aus elf Mitgliedern, darunter Führungskräfte mit vielfältiger exekutiver Erfahrung aus Unternehmen wie Amyris, Procter & Gamble, Marathon Petroleum und Trane Technologies.
- None.
- None.
The ninth annual “The Weight of America’s Boards” study scored PPG’s board among the top ten in terms of business accomplishments, leadership roles served with companies and the relative value of their experience. This is the PPG board’s eighth appearance on the top ten list for strongest
“It is an honor for PPG to have its board of directors recognized for their exceptional governance,” said Tim Knavish, PPG chairman and chief executive officer. “The board’s vast experience and proven leadership capabilities help to further strengthen PPG, guide its strategic direction, and deliver increased shareholder value.”
"The Weight of America’s Boards" study examines the boards of the largest
The PPG Board of Directors is comprised of the following:
- Timothy M. Knavish, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PPG
- Kathy L. Fortmann, Chief Executive Officer, Amyris, Inc.
Melanie L. Healey, Former Group President,
North America , The Procter & Gamble Company - Gary R. Heminger, Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
- Michael W. Lamach, Retired Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Trane Technologies plc
- Kathleen A. Ligocki, former Chief Executive Officer, Agility Fuel Solutions, LLC
- Michael T. Nally, Chief Executive Officer, Generate Biomedicines, Inc. and CEO-Partner, Flagship Pioneering
- Guillermo Novo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ashland Inc.
- Martin H. Richenhagen, Retired Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of AGCO Corporation
- Christopher N. Roberts III, Senior Vice President, Global SH&E, Ecolab Inc.
- Catherine R. Smith, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, Nordstrom, Inc.
About JamesDruryPartners
JamesDruryPartners, founded in 2001, offers board advisory services to firms in the
At PPG (NYSE:PPG), we work every day to develop and deliver the paints, coatings and specialty materials that our customers have trusted for more than 140 years. Through dedication and creativity, we solve our customers’ biggest challenges, collaborating closely to find the right path forward. With headquarters in
The PPG Logo and We protect and beautify the world are registered trademarks of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.
CATEGORY Corporate
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PG Media Contact:
Mark Silvey
Corporate Communications
Source: PPG
How many times has PPG's board been ranked in the top 10 strongest U.S. boards by JamesDruryPartners?
What criteria were used to evaluate PPG's board in the JamesDruryPartners study?
How many companies were evaluated in the 2023 JamesDruryPartners board governance study?
How many members currently serve on PPG's Board of Directors?