Power Integrations Launches 1700 V GaN Switcher IC, Setting New Benchmark for Gallium Nitride Technology
Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI) has introduced a new InnoMux-2 power supply IC featuring the industry's first 1700V gallium nitride switch using their proprietary PowiGaN technology. The device supports 1000 VDC nominal input voltage and achieves over 90% efficiency with up to three independently regulated outputs. This advancement follows their previous 900V and 1250V launches in 2023. The IC replaces silicon carbide transistors in applications like automotive chargers and solar inverters. Pricing starts at $4.90 for 10,000-unit quantities. According to Yole Group, the Power GaN device market is expected to reach $2 billion by decade's end.
Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI) ha introdotto un nuovo IC di alimentazione InnoMux-2 che presenta il primo switch in nitruro di gallio da 1700V del settore, utilizzando la loro tecnologia proprietaria PowiGaN. Il dispositivo supporta una tensione di ingresso nominale di 1000 VDC e raggiunge oltre 90% di efficienza con fino a tre uscite indipendentemente regolabili. Questo progresso segue il lancio dei loro precedenti prodotti da 900V e 1250V nel 2023. L'IC sostituisce i transistor in carburo di silicio in applicazioni come i caricabatterie per auto e gli inverter solari. I prezzi partono da $4,90 per quantità di 10.000 unità. Secondo Yole Group, si prevede che il mercato dei dispositivi Power GaN raggiunga i 2 miliardi di dollari entro la fine del decennio.
Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI) ha presentado un nuevo IC de fuente de alimentación InnoMux-2 que cuenta con el primer interruptor de nitruro de galio de 1700V de la industria, utilizando su tecnología patentada PowiGaN. El dispositivo admite un voltaje de entrada nominal de 1000 VDC y logra más de 90% de eficiencia con hasta tres salidas reguladas de forma independiente. Este avance sigue a sus lanzamientos anteriores de 900V y 1250V en 2023. El IC reemplaza transistores de carburo de silicio en aplicaciones como cargadores de automóviles e inversores solares. El precio comienza en $4.90 para cantidades de 10,000 unidades. Según Yole Group, se espera que el mercado de dispositivos Power GaN alcance los 2 mil millones de dólares para finales de la década.
파워 인티그레이션스(NASDAQ: POWI)는 업계 최초의 1700V 질화갈륨 스위치를 사용한 새로운 InnoMux-2 전원 IC를 소개했습니다. 이 장치는 1000 VDC 명목 입력 전압을 지원하며 최대 90% 효율을 달성하고 독립적으로 조절되는 세 개의 출력까지 제공합니다. 이 발전은 2023년 900V 및 1250V 제품 출시 이후 이루어졌습니다. 이 IC는 자동차 충전기 및 태양광 인버터와 같은 응용 분야에서 실리콘 카바이드 트랜지스터를 대체합니다. 가격은 10,000개 단위 기준으로 $4.90부터 시작합니다. Yole Group에 따르면 Power GaN 장치 시장은 2030년까지 20억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다.
Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI) a introduit un nouvel IC d'alimentation InnoMux-2 qui présente le premier interrupteur en nitrure de gallium de 1700V de l'industrie, utilisant leur technologie propriétaire PowiGaN. Le dispositif prend en charge une tension d'entrée nominale de 1000 VDC et atteint plus de 90% d'efficacité avec jusqu'à trois sorties régulées de manière indépendante. Cette avancée fait suite aux lancements précédents de 900V et 1250V en 2023. L'IC remplace les transistors en carbure de silicium dans des applications telles que les chargeurs automobiles et les onduleurs solaires. Les prix commencent à 4,90 $ pour des quantités de 10 000 unités. Selon Yole Group, on s'attend à ce que le marché des dispositifs Power GaN atteigne 2 milliards de dollars d'ici la fin de la décennie.
Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI) hat ein neues InnoMux-2 Netzelement-IC vorgestellt, das den ersten 1700V Gallium-Nitrid-Schalter der Branche mit ihrer proprietären PowiGaN-Technologie umfasst. Das Gerät unterstützt eine nominale Eingangsspannung von 1000 VDC und erreicht über 90% Effizienz mit bis zu drei unabhängig geregelten Ausgängen. Dieser Fortschritt folgt auf ihre vorherigen Produkte mit 900V und 1250V, die 2023 auf den Markt kamen. Das IC ersetzt Siliziumkarbidtransistoren in Anwendungen wie Automobil-Ladegeräten und Solarwechselrichtern. Die Preise beginnen bei 4,90 $ für Bestellungen über 10.000 Einheiten. Laut Yole Group wird erwartet, dass der Markt für Power-GaN-Geräte bis Ende des Jahrzehnts 2 Milliarden Dollar erreicht.
- Industry's first 1700V GaN switch technology, surpassing previous voltage ratings
- Achieves over 90% efficiency with up to three regulated outputs
- Potential cost advantages over silicon carbide (SiC) transistors
- Each output regulated within 1% accuracy, improving system efficiency by 10%
- None.
This product launch marks a significant technological advancement in the power semiconductor industry. The 1700V GaN switcher IC represents a substantial leap forward, surpassing the previous voltage ratings of 900V and 1250V. The efficiency gains of
The addressable market is substantial, with Yole Group projecting the Power GaN market to reach
The strategic implications of this launch are compelling. By achieving a 1700V rating, POWI has established a significant competitive moat in the GaN space. The product's ability to replace more expensive SiC transistors while delivering superior performance metrics positions the company favorably in the power semiconductor market. The target applications - automotive chargers, solar inverters and industrial systems - represent high-growth sectors with substantial revenue potential.
1700 V GaN InnoMux-2 IC delivers efficiency of better than 90 percent from a 1000 VDC bus, supplying up to 60 W from three accurately regulated outputs

Power Integrations Launches 1700 V GaN Switcher IC, Setting New Benchmark for Gallium Nitride Technology (Graphic: Business Wire)
Radu Barsan, vice president of technology at Power Integrations, said, “Our rapid pace of GaN development has delivered three world-first voltage ratings in a span of less than two years: 900 V, 1250 V and now 1700 V. Our new InnoMux-2 ICs combine 1700 V GaN and three other recent innovations: independent, accurate, multi-output regulation; FluxLink™, our secondary-side regulation (SSR) digital isolation communications technology; and zero voltage switching (ZVS) without an active-clamp, which all but eliminates switching losses.”
“1700 V rating is substantially higher than any other commercially available GaN HEMT that we are aware of,” said Ezgi Dogmus, activity manager, compound semiconductors at Yole Group. “The Power GaN device market is poised to reach
Availability & Resources
Pricing for InnoMux-2 1700 V ICs starts at
(1) Source: Power GaN report, Yole Intelligence, 2024
About Power Integrations
Power Integrations, Inc., is a leading innovator in semiconductor technologies for high-voltage power conversion. The company’s products are key building blocks in the clean-power ecosystem, enabling the generation of renewable energy as well as the efficient transmission and consumption of power in applications ranging from milliwatts to megawatts. For more information, please visit www.power.com.
Power Integrations, the Power Integrations logo, InnoMux, PowiGaN, and FluxLink are trademarks, service marks or registered trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner.
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Linda Williams
Power Integrations
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Nick Foot
BWW Communications
+44-1491-636 393
Source: Power Integrations, Inc.
What is the voltage rating of Power Integrations' (POWI) new GaN switch technology?
How much does the new InnoMux-2 1700V IC from Power Integrations (POWI) cost?