Post Holdings Reports Avian Influenza at Third-Party Contracted Facility and Affirms Fiscal Year 2025 Adjusted EBITDA Outlook
Post Holdings (NYSE: POST) reported an avian influenza outbreak at a Michael Foods' third-party contracted egg-laying facility in Iowa, affecting approximately 4.5 million egg-laying hens, representing 12% of Post's controlled supply. Despite this incident, the company has affirmed its fiscal year 2025 Adjusted EBITDA guidance of $1,410-$1,460 million, stating that the financial impact falls within the projected range. The guidance assumes no significant expansion of avian influenza within Post's network. The company will only provide updates on future incidents if their cumulative effect exceeds an additional 5% of Post's controlled supply.
Post Holdings (NYSE: POST) ha riportato un focolaio di influenza aviaria in un stabilimento di allevamento di uova di terzi contratto da Michael Foods in Iowa, coinvolgendo circa 4,5 milioni di galline ovaiole, che rappresentano il 12% dell'offerta controllata da Post. Nonostante questo incidente, l'azienda ha confermato la sua guida per l'EBITDA rettificato per l'anno fiscale 2025, compresa tra $1.410 e $1.460 milioni, affermando che l'impatto finanziario rientra nei limiti previsti. La guida presume che non vi sia un'espansione significativa dell'influenza aviaria all'interno della rete di Post. L'azienda fornirà aggiornamenti solo su eventuali incidenti futuri se il loro effetto cumulativo supera un ulteriore 5% dell'offerta controllata da Post.
Post Holdings (NYSE: POST) informó sobre un brote de influenza aviar en una instalación de producción de huevos de terceros contratada por Michael Foods en Iowa, afectando aproximadamente a 4.5 millones de gallinas ponedoras, lo que representa el 12% del suministro controlado por Post. A pesar de este incidente, la compañía ha confirmado su guía de EBITDA ajustado para el año fiscal 2025 de $1,410 a $1,460 millones, afirmando que el impacto financiero se encuentra dentro del rango proyectado. Esta guía asume que no habrá una expansión significativa de la influenza aviar dentro de la red de Post. La compañía solo proporcionará actualizaciones sobre incidentes futuros si su efecto acumulativo excede un 5% adicional del suministro controlado por Post.
Post Holdings (NYSE: POST)는 아이오와에 위치한 Michael Foods의 계약 계란 생산 시설에서 조류 독감 발병을 보고하였으며, 약 450만 마리의 산란용 닭이 영향을 받았고, 이는 Post가 통제하는 공급의 12%에 해당합니다. 이러한 사건에도 불구하고 회사는 2025 회계 연도의 조정 EBITDA 가이던스를 14억 1천만 달러에서 14억 6천만 달러로 유지한다고 밝혔으며, 재정적 영향이 예상 범위 내에 있다고 전했습니다. 이 가이던스는 Post의 네트워크 내에서 조류 독감이 심각하게 확산되지 않을 것이라는 가정을 기반으로 합니다. 회사는 사건의 누적 영향이 Post의 통제된 공급의 추가 5%를 초과할 경우에만 향후 사건에 대한 업데이트를 제공할 것입니다.
Post Holdings (NYSE: POST) a signalé une épidémie de grippe aviaire dans une installation d’élevage d'œufs sous contrat avec Michael Foods dans l'Iowa, touchant environ 4,5 millions de poules pondeuses, soit 12 % de l’approvisionnement contrôlé par Post. Malgré cet incident, la société a confirmé ses prévisions d'EBITDA ajusté pour l'exercice 2025, qui se situent entre 1,410 et 1,460 millions de dollars, en déclarant que l’impact financier se situe dans la fourchette projetée. Ces prévisions supposent qu'il n'y aura pas d'expansion significative de la grippe aviaire dans le réseau de Post. L'entreprise ne fournira des mises à jour sur les incidents futurs que si leur effet cumulatif dépasse 5 % supplémentaires de l'approvisionnement contrôlé par Post.
Post Holdings (NYSE: POST) berichtete von einem Ausbruch der Vogelgrippe in einer von Michael Foods beauftragten Eierlegestätte in Iowa, die etwa 4,5 Millionen Legehennen betroffen hat, was 12% des von Post kontrollierten Angebots entspricht. Trotz dieses Vorfalls hat das Unternehmen seine EBITDA-Prognose für das Geschäftsjahr 2025 von 1.410 bis 1.460 Millionen US-Dollar bestätigt und erklärt, dass der finanzielle Einfluss innerhalb des vorausgesagten Rahmens liegt. Die Prognose geht davon aus, dass sich die Vogelgrippe innerhalb des Netzwerks von Post nicht erheblich ausbreitet. Das Unternehmen wird nur dann zukünftige Vorfälle aktualisieren, wenn deren kumulativer Effekt 5% des von Post kontrollierten Angebots übersteigt.
- Maintained FY2025 Adjusted EBITDA guidance of $1,410-$1,460 million despite avian flu incident
- Loss of 12% of controlled egg supply (4.5 million hens) due to avian influenza outbreak
- Risk of potential significant expansion of avian influenza within network
Avian Influenza Discussion
A Michael Foods third-party contracted egg-laying flock in
Fiscal Year 2025 Outlook
Post management affirmed its outlook for fiscal year 2025 Adjusted EBITDA of
The APHIS division of the USDA and individual states track and report individual incidents of avian influenza. Post does not expect to provide additional updates on specific incidents unless the cumulative effect of subsequent incidents exceeds an additional
Post provides Adjusted EBITDA guidance only on a non-GAAP basis and does not provide a reconciliation of its forward-looking Adjusted EBITDA non-GAAP guidance measure to the most directly comparable GAAP measure due to the inherent difficulty in forecasting and quantifying certain amounts that are necessary for such reconciliation, including adjustments that could be made for income/expense on swaps, net, gain/loss of extinguishment of debt, net, integration and transaction costs, mark-to-market adjustments on commodity and foreign exchange hedges, mark-to-market adjustments and impairments on equity securities and investments, equity method investment adjustment and other charges reflected in Post's reconciliations of historical numbers, the amounts of which, based on historical experience, could be significant. For additional information regarding Post's non-GAAP measure, see the related explanation presented under "Post's Use of Non-GAAP Measure."
Post's Use of Non-GAAP Measure
Post uses Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP measure, to supplement the financial measures prepared in accordance with
Prospective Financial Information
Prospective financial information is necessarily speculative in nature, and it can be expected that some or all of the assumptions underlying the prospective financial information described above will not materialize or will vary significantly from actual results. For further discussion of some of the factors that may cause actual results to vary materially from the information provided above, see "Forward-Looking Statements" below. Accordingly, the prospective financial information provided above is only an estimate of what Post's management believes is realizable as of the date of this release. It also should be recognized that the reliability of any forecasted financial data diminishes the farther in the future that the data is forecasted. In light of the foregoing, the information should be viewed in context and undue reliance should not be placed upon it.
Reliance on Third-Party Information
With respect to the references to APHIS and state tracking systems of avian influenza, Post acknowledges that such third parties make no representation or warranty concerning the content, accuracy, completeness, availability or timeliness of any information contained therein. Post makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any schedule, report or other information provided by such third parties. Post has not independently verified any of the data from third-party sources nor has it ascertained the underlying facts on which such data is based.
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain matters discussed in this press release are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made based on known events and circumstances at the time of release, and as such, are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. These forward-looking statements include Post's Adjusted EBITDA outlook for fiscal year 2025. Such statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements made herein. These risks and uncertainties include the recent avian influenza outbreak in the
About Post Holdings, Inc.
Post Holdings, Inc., headquartered in
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Tara Gray
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Daniel O'Rourke
(314) 806-3959
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