PGE reports record clean energy resources in newly released 2024 Environmental, Social and Governance Report, "Advancing Toward a Clean Energy Future"
Portland General Electric (PGE) reported significant achievements in its 2024 Environmental, Social and Governance Report. The company reached a record 45% of energy from non-carbon-emitting resources, showing a 7% compounded growth rate since 2020 toward its net-zero 2040 goal.
Key highlights include:
- Integration of new Clearwater Wind Energy Center and battery storage systems
- 24% of residential households participated in voluntary demand-shift programs
- Achieved 100-megawatt demand reduction during a July heatwave
- Ranked #1 by NREL for largest customer participation in renewable energy programs
- Record fish returns at hydro facilities
- $5.5 million in total company charitable giving
- 23,000 employee volunteer hours with 66% participation rate
Portland General Electric (PGE) ha riportato risultati significativi nel suo Rapporto Ambientale, Sociale e di Governance 2024. L'azienda ha raggiunto un record del 45% di energia da fonti non emissive di carbonio, mostrando un tasso di crescita composto del 7% dal 2020 verso l'obiettivo di zero emissioni nette entro il 2040.
I punti salienti includono:
- Integrazione del nuovo Clearwater Wind Energy Center e sistemi di stoccaggio della batteria
- Il 24% delle famiglie residenziali ha partecipato a programmi di spostamento della domanda su base volontaria
- Raggiunto un abbattimento della domanda di 100 megawatt durante un'ondata di calore a luglio
- Classificato al #1 da NREL per la maggiore partecipazione dei clienti ai programmi di energia rinnovabile
- Ritorni record di pesci presso le strutture idroelettriche
- $5,5 milioni in donazioni aziendali totali
- 23.000 ore di volontariato dei dipendenti con un tasso di partecipazione del 66%
Portland General Electric (PGE) informó logros significativos en su Informe Ambiental, Social y de Gobernanza 2024. La compañía alcanzó un récord del 45% de energía de fuentes no emisoras de carbono, mostrando una tasa de crecimiento compuesta del 7% desde 2020 hacia su meta de cero emisiones netas para 2040.
Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:
- Integración del nuevo Centro de Energía Eólica Clearwater y sistemas de almacenamiento de baterías
- El 24% de los hogares residenciales participaron en programas voluntarios de cambio de demanda
- Reducción de demanda de 100 megavatios durante una ola de calor en julio
- Clasificado #1 por NREL en participación de clientes en programas de energía renovable
- Retornos récord de peces en las instalaciones hidroeléctricas
- $5.5 millones en donaciones benéficas totales de la empresa
- 23,000 horas de voluntariado de empleados con una tasa de participación del 66%
포틀랜드 제너럴 일렉트릭 (PGE)는 2024년 환경, 사회 및 지배구조 보고서에서 중요한 성과를 보고했습니다. 이 회사는 탄소 배출이 없는 자원에서의 에너지 비율이 45%로 기록을 세우며, 2020년 이후 7%의 복합 성장률을 보여주고 있습니다. 이는 2040년까지 탄소 중립 목표를 향한 진전을 나타냅니다.
주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 새로운 클리어워터 풍력 에너지 센터 및 배터리 저장 시스템의 통합
- 주거 가구의 24%가 자발적인 수요 전환 프로그램에 참여
- 7월의 폭염 동안 100메가와트의 수요 감소 달성
- 재생 에너지 프로그램에서 고객 참여가 가장 큰 기업으로 NREL에서 1위 선정
- 수력 발전 시설에서의 어류 귀환 기록
- 총 550만 달러의 기업 자선 기부
- 23,000시간의 직원 자원봉사, 참여율 66%
Portland General Electric (PGE) a rapporté des réalisations significatives dans son Rapport 2024 sur l'Environnement, le Social et la Gouvernance. L'entreprise a atteint un record de 45% d'énergie provenant de ressources non émettrices de carbone, affichant un taux de croissance composé de 7% depuis 2020 vers son objectif de zéro émission nette d'ici 2040.
Les points forts incluent :
- Intégration du nouveau Centre d'Énergie Éolienne Clearwater et des systèmes de stockage par batterie
- 24% des ménages résidentiels ont participé à des programmes de changement de demande sur une base volontaire
- Réduction de la demande de 100 mégawatts pendant une vague de chaleur en juillet
- Classé #1 par NREL pour la plus grande participation des clients aux programmes d'énergie renouvelable
- Retours de poissons record dans les installations hydroélectriques
- 5,5 millions de dollars de dons caritatifs totaux de l'entreprise
- 23 000 heures de bénévolat des employés avec un taux de participation de 66%
Portland General Electric (PGE) berichtete von bedeutenden Erfolgen in ihrem Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Bericht 2024. Das Unternehmen erreichte einen Rekord von 45% Energie aus kohlenstofffreien Ressourcen und zeigt seit 2020 eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von 7% in Richtung seines Ziels, bis 2040 netto null Emissionen zu erreichen.
Wichtige Highlights sind:
- Integration des neuen Clearwater Wind Energy Centers und Batteriespeichersystemen
- 24% der Haushalte nahmen an freiwilligen Nachfrageschichtungsprogrammen teil
- Reduzierung der Nachfrage um 100 Megawatt während einer Hitzewelle im Juli
- Von NREL als #1 für die größte Kundenbeteiligung an Programmen für erneuerbare Energien eingestuft
- Rekordrückkehr von Fischen in Wasserkraftanlagen
- 5,5 Millionen Dollar an Unternehmensspenden insgesamt
- 23.000 Stunden ehrenamtlicher Arbeit von Mitarbeitern mit einer Beteiligungsquote von 66%
- Record 45% energy from non-carbon sources, up 7% since 2020
- Successfully integrated new wind and battery storage facilities
- Achieved 100MW demand reduction during peak period
- #1 ranking for customer participation in renewable energy programs
- 24% residential participation in demand-shift programs
- None.
In 2024, PGE saw increases in clean energy resources, large customer participation in voluntary clean energy programs, record fish returns at hydro facilities and increases in employee volunteerism.
The data was reported in the company's 2024 Environmental, Social and Governance Report, "Advancing Toward a Clean Energy Future," which details the company's progress in creating resilient energy, thriving communities, and ethical governance.
The increase in clean energy is partly due to new renewable resources including the Clearwater Wind Energy Center and battery storage systems which brought increased availability and reliability to PGE's energy mix. These systems, along with the rest of PGE's technology and infrastructure, work together to provide reliable, clean energy even when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine.
"While we work to meet the challenges of
The role of PGE customers in support of a modern, reliable grid also increased in 2024. Twenty-four percent of PGE's residential households participated in voluntary programs to shift energy use and lend flexibility to the grid during times of peak demand. The result, during a two-day heatwave in July, was a more than 100-megawatt reduction in demand, which PGE equated to the energy used by 90,000 homes over a four-hour period.
2024 was also the 15th year in a row in which PGE has achieved a Number One ranking from the
Additionally, strong environmental stewardship at PGE's hydro facilities led to record-setting fish returns on the
Employee and corporate giving also increased. The total company charitable giving from corporate contributions, PGE Foundation, current and retired employees and company match was
To read the full 2024 Environmental, Social and Governance Report, "Advancing Toward a Clean Energy Future," visit
About Portland General Electric Company
Portland General Electric (NYSE: POR) is an integrated energy company that generates, transmits and distributes electricity to over 950,000 customers serving an area of 1.9 million Oregonians. Since 1889, Portland General Electric (PGE) has been powering social progress, delivering safe, affordable, reliable and increasingly clean electricity while working to transform energy systems to meet evolving customer needs. PGE customers have set the standard for prioritizing clean energy with the No. 1 voluntary renewable energy program in the country. PGE was ranked the No. 1 utility in the 2024 Forrester
Contact Info:
PGE Communications,; 503-464-2067
Source: Portland General Company
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