POET Wins “AI Innovator of the Year” Gold Prize at 2024 Merit Awards

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POET Technologies has been awarded the Gold Prize as 'AI Innovator of the Year' in the Technology category at the 2024 Merit Awards. This recognition follows their recent 'Best Optical AI Solution' honor at the 2024 AI Breakthrough Awards. The Merit Awards, established in 2022, celebrate global leaders shaping the future across various industries.

Marie Zander, Executive Director of Merit Awards, praised POET's groundbreaking advancements in photonic technology, highlighting their impact on the AI industry. Previous Merit Awards winners include industry giants like Nvidia, Intel, and Oracle.

Dr. Suresh Venkatesan, POET's Chairman & CEO, emphasized that the POET Optical Interposer™ is gaining recognition due to its commercial viability in advancing AI networking and data center performance goals. He cited recent agreements with Mitsubishi Electric, Luxshare Tech, and Foxconn Interconnect Technology as evidence of the industry's interest in POET's achievements.

POET Technologies è stata premiata con il Premio Oro come 'Innovatore dell'Anno nell'AI' nella categoria Tecnologia ai Merit Awards 2024. Questo riconoscimento segue il loro recente onorificenza come 'Migliore Soluzione AI Ottica' ai 2024 AI Breakthrough Awards. I Merit Awards, istituiti nel 2022, celebrano i leader globali che plasmano il futuro in vari settori.

Marie Zander, Direttore Esecutivo dei Merit Awards, ha elogiato i progressi rivoluzionari di POET nella tecnologia fotonica, sottolineando il loro impatto sull'industria dell'AI. Tra i precedenti vincitori dei Merit Awards figurano giganti del settore come Nvidia, Intel e Oracle.

Il Dr. Suresh Venkatesan, Presidente e CEO di POET, ha sottolineato che il POET Optical Interposer™ sta guadagnando riconoscimento grazie alla sua fattibilità commerciale nell'avanzare le reti AI e gli obiettivi di prestazione dei data center. Ha citato recenti accordi con Mitsubishi Electric, Luxshare Tech e Foxconn Interconnect Technology come prova dell'interesse del settore per i traguardi di POET.

POET Technologies ha recibido el Premio de Oro como 'Innovador del Año en IA' en la categoría de Tecnología en los Merit Awards 2024. Este reconocimiento sigue a su reciente honor como 'Mejor Solución de IA Óptica' en los 2024 AI Breakthrough Awards. Los Merit Awards, establecidos en 2022, celebran a los líderes globales que están dando forma al futuro en diversas industrias.

Marie Zander, Directora Ejecutiva de los Merit Awards, elogió los avances revolucionarios de POET en tecnología fotónica, destacando su impacto en la industria de la IA. Los ganadores anteriores de los Merit Awards incluyen gigantes de la industria como Nvidia, Intel y Oracle.

El Dr. Suresh Venkatesan, Presidente y CEO de POET, enfatizó que el POET Optical Interposer™ está ganando reconocimiento por su viabilidad comercial para avanzar en las redes de IA y los objetivos de rendimiento de los centros de datos. Citó acuerdos recientes con Mitsubishi Electric, Luxshare Tech y Foxconn Interconnect Technology como prueba del interés de la industria en los logros de POET.

POET Technologies2024 메리트 어워드 기술 부문에서 '올해의 AI 혁신가'로 골드 프라이즈를 수상했습니다. 이 증가는 그들의 최근 2024 AI 브레이크스루 어워드에서 '최고의 광학 AI 솔루션'을 수상한 것에 이어지는 것입니다. 2022년에 설립된 메리트 어워드는 다양한 산업에서 미래를 형성하는 글로벌 리더들을 기념합니다.

메리트 어워드의 총괄 이사인 마리 잔더(Marie Zander)는 POET의 혁신적인 포토닉 기술 발전을 칭찬하며, AI 산업에 미치는 영향을 강조했습니다. 이전 메리트 어워드 수상자에는 Nvidia, Intel, Oracle과 같은 산업 거인들이 포함됩니다.

POET의 회장 겸 CEO인 수레시 벵카테산(Dr. Suresh Venkatesan)은 POET Optical Interposer™가 AI 네트워킹 및 데이터 센터 성능 목표의 상업적 가능성 덕분에 인정을 받고 있다고 강조했습니다. 그는 POET의 성과에 대한 산업의 관심의 증거로 Mitsubishi Electric, Luxshare Tech 및 Foxconn Interconnect Technology와의 최근 계약을 인용했습니다.

POET Technologies a reçu le Prix d'Or en tant que 'Innovateur de l'Année en IA' dans la catégorie Technologie aux Merit Awards 2024. Cette reconnaissance fait suite à leur récente distinction de 'Meilleure Solution AI Optique' lors des 2024 AI Breakthrough Awards. Les Merit Awards, établis en 2022, célèbrent les leaders mondiaux qui façonnent l'avenir dans divers secteurs.

Marie Zander, Directrice Exécutive des Merit Awards, a loué les avancées révolutionnaires de POET dans la technologie photonique, soulignant leur impact sur l'industrie de l'IA. Parmi les précédents lauréats des Merit Awards figurent des géants de l'industrie comme Nvidia, Intel et Oracle.

Dr. Suresh Venkatesan, Président et CEO de POET, a souligné que le POET Optical Interposer™ est en train de gagner en reconnaissance en raison de sa viabilité commerciale pour faire progresser les objectifs de performance des réseaux d'IA et des centres de données. Il a cité des accords récents avec Mitsubishi Electric, Luxshare Tech et Foxconn Interconnect Technology comme preuve de l'intérêt de l'industrie pour les réalisations de POET.

POET Technologies wurde mit dem Goldpreis als 'AI Innovator des Jahres' in der Kategorie Technologie bei den 2024 Merit Awards ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung folgt ihrer jüngsten Auszeichnung als 'Beste optische AI-Lösung' bei den 2024 AI Breakthrough Awards. Die Merit Awards, die 2022 ins Leben gerufen wurden, feiern globale Führer, die die Zukunft in verschiedenen Branchen gestalten.

Marie Zander, Geschäftsführerin der Merit Awards, lobte die bahnbrechenden Fortschritte von POET in der Photonischen Technologie und hob deren Einfluss auf die AI-Industrie hervor. Zu den früheren Gewinnern der Merit Awards gehören Branchenriesen wie Nvidia, Intel und Oracle.

Dr. Suresh Venkatesan, Vorsitzender und CEO von POET, betonte, dass der POET Optical Interposer™ aufgrund seiner kommerziellen Machbarkeit zur Verbesserung der AI-Netzwerktechnologie und der Leistungsziele von Rechenzentren Anerkennung gewinnt. Er verwies auf kürzliche Vereinbarungen mit Mitsubishi Electric, Luxshare Tech und Foxconn Interconnect Technology als Beweis für das Interesse der Branche an den Errungenschaften von POET.

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GOLD_AI-POET Technologies

TORONTO, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- POET Technologies Inc. (“POET” or the “Company”) (TSX Venture: PTK; NASDAQ: POET), the designer and developer of the POET Optical Interposer™, Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) and light sources for the data center, tele-communication and artificial intelligence markets, was recognized today as the “AI Innovator of the Year” in the Technology category of the prestigious 2024 Merit Awards. The Gold Prize adds to the Company’s recent accolades, which include recognition by the 2024 AI Breakthrough Awards honor for “Best Optical AI Solution”.

“We are thrilled to honor POET Technologies as the AI Innovator of the Year. Their groundbreaking advancements in photonic technology are setting new standards in the AI industry, pushing the boundaries of innovation and creativity. This recognition is a testament to their leadership, vision, and commitment to revolutionizing AI solutions. We congratulate the entire team at POET Technologies on this well-deserved achievement,” says Marie Zander, Executive Director, Merit Awards.

Merit Awards winners in 2023 included notable companies such as Nvidia, Intel and Oracle. Founded in 2022, the Merit Awards are judged by industry executives, Merit Awards staff, media, and consultants. The awards recognize global leaders in a range of industries who are shaping the future.

“The POET Optical Interposer™ continues to gain accolades because the commercial viability of its applications are advancing the performance goals of the leaders in the AI networking and data center industries. Our recent agreements with Mitsubishi Electric, Luxshare Tech, and Foxconn Interconnect Technology demonstrate why industry observers are impressed by what the POET team has achieved,” says Dr. Suresh Venkatesan, POET Chairman & CEO. “Winning the Gold Prize as ‘AI Innovator of the Year’ is another validation for our platform technology. We thank the organizers of the Merit Awards for the honor and for shining a light on transformative companies around the world.”

About POET Technologies Inc.
POET is a design and development company offering high-speed optical modules, optical engines and light source products to the artificial intelligence systems market and to hyperscale data centers.  POET’s photonic integration solutions are based on the POET Optical Interposer™, a novel, patented platform that allows the seamless integration of electronic and photonic devices into a single chip using advanced wafer-level semiconductor manufacturing techniques. POET's Optical Interposer-based products are lower cost, consume less power than comparable products, are smaller in size and are readily scalable to high production volumes. In addition to providing high-speed (800G, 1.6T and above) optical engines and optical modules for AI clusters and hyperscale data centers, POET has designed and produced novel light source products for chip-to-chip data communication within and between AI servers, the next frontier for solving bandwidth and latency problems in AI systems.  POET’s Optical Interposer platform also solves device integration challenges in 5G networks, machine-to-machine communication, self-contained "Edge" computing applications and sensing applications, such as LIDAR systems for autonomous vehicles.  POET is headquartered in Toronto, Canada, with operations in Allentown, PA, Shenzhen, China, and Singapore.  More information about POET is available on our website at

About Merit Awards

Designed to recognize the efforts put forth by global industries and the markets they serve, the Merit Awards will acknowledge companies that have contributed to the continued growth of the market. The Merit Awards are judged by industry executives, Merit Awards staff, members of the media and consultants. For more information please visit our website at

Media Relations Contact:
Adrian Brijbassi
Company Contact:
Thomas R. Mika, EVP & CFO

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120 Eglinton Avenue, East, Suite 1107, Toronto, ON, M4P 1E2- Tel: 416-368-9411 - Fax: 416-322-5075

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What award did POET Technologies win at the 2024 Merit Awards?

POET Technologies won the Gold Prize as 'AI Innovator of the Year' in the Technology category at the 2024 Merit Awards.

What other recent award has POET Technologies received?

POET Technologies recently received the 'Best Optical AI Solution' honor at the 2024 AI Breakthrough Awards.

What is the POET Optical Interposer™?

The POET Optical Interposer™ is POET Technologies' platform technology that is advancing performance goals in AI networking and data center industries.

Which companies has POET Technologies recently partnered with?

POET Technologies has recently entered into agreements with Mitsubishi Electric, Luxshare Tech, and Foxconn Interconnect Technology.

When were the Merit Awards founded?

The Merit Awards were founded in 2022 to recognize global leaders shaping the future across various industries.

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