Predictive Oncology Enters Biomarker Discovery Market After Successful Retrospective Ovarian Cancer Study Yields Compelling Results

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Predictive Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ: POAI) has announced its expansion into the biomarker discovery market, leveraging its AI/ML-driven drug discovery platform. This move follows successful results from a retrospective ovarian cancer study with UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital, presented at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting. The study demonstrated the company's ability to develop multi-omic machine learning models that more accurately predict patient survival outcomes compared to clinical data alone.

The company aims to discover novel biomarkers for predicting patient outcomes and drug responses in oncology, with potential applications beyond ovarian cancer. This initiative is expected to create additional revenue streams and enhance the value of Predictive Oncology's diverse patient samples and data. The total biomarker discovery market is estimated to be $51.5 billion in 2024.

Predictive Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ: POAI) ha annunciato la sua espansione nel mercato della scoperta di biomarcatori, sfruttando la sua piattaforma di scoperta di farmaci basata su AI/ML. Questa mossa segue i risultati positivi di uno studio retrospettivo sul cancro ovarico condotto con l'UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital, presentato alla riunione annuale ASCO del 2024. Lo studio ha dimostrato la capacità dell'azienda di sviluppare modelli di apprendimento automatico multi-omici che prevedono con maggiore accuratezza i risultati di sopravvivenza dei pazienti rispetto ai soli dati clinici.

L'azienda mira a scoprire nuovi biomarcatori per prevedere i risultati dei pazienti e le risposte ai farmaci in oncologia, con potenziali applicazioni oltre il cancro ovarico. Questa iniziativa dovrebbe creare ulteriori fonti di entrate e aumentare il valore dei campioni e dei dati diversificati dei pazienti di Predictive Oncology. Si stima che il mercato totale della scoperta di biomarcatori sarà di $51,5 miliardi nel 2024.

Predictive Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ: POAI) ha anunciado su expansión en el mercado de descubrimiento de biomarcadores, aprovechando su plataforma de descubrimiento de fármacos basada en IA/ML. Este movimiento sigue a los resultados exitosos de un estudio retrospectivo sobre cáncer de ovario realizado con el UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital, presentado en la Reunión Anual de ASCO 2024. El estudio demostró la capacidad de la compañía para desarrollar modelos de aprendizaje automático multi-ómicos que predicen con mayor precisión los resultados de supervivencia de los pacientes en comparación con los datos clínicos por sí solos.

La empresa tiene como objetivo descubrir nuevos biomarcadores para predecir los resultados de los pacientes y las respuestas a fármacos en oncología, con aplicaciones potenciales más allá del cáncer de ovario. Esta iniciativa se espera que genere nuevas fuentes de ingreso y aumente el valor de las diversas muestras y datos de pacientes de Predictive Oncology. Se estima que el mercado total de descubrimiento de biomarcadores alcanzará $51.5 mil millones en 2024.

Predictive Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ: POAI)는 AI/ML 기반의 신약 발견 플랫폼을 활용하여 바이오마커 발견 시장으로의 확장을 발표했습니다. 이 움직임은 2024 ASCO 연례 회의에서 발표된 UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital과 함께한 후향적 난소암 연구의 성공적인 결과에 이어 진행되었습니다. 이 연구는 회사가 임상 데이터만으로는 보다 정확하게 환자의 생존 결과를 예측하는 다중 오믹 기계 학습 모델을 개발할 수 있음을 보여주었습니다.

회사는 암 치료에서 환자 결과 및 약물 반응을 예측하기 위해 새로운 바이오마커를 발견하는 것을 목표로 하고 있으며, 이는 난소암을 넘어선 잠재적 응용 프로그램을 가질 수 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 추가 매출 경로를 생성하고 Predictive Oncology의 다양한 환자 샘플 및 데이터의 가치를 향상시킬 것으로 예상됩니다. 총 바이오마커 발견 시장은 2024년에 515억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다.

Predictive Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ: POAI) a annoncé son expansion sur le marché de la découverte de biomarqueurs, en s'appuyant sur sa plateforme de découverte de médicaments alimentée par l'IA/ML. Ce mouvement fait suite à des résultats positifs d'une étude rétrospective sur le cancer de l'ovaire réalisée avec l'hôpital UPMC Magee-Womens, présentée lors de la réunion annuelle ASCO 2024. L'étude a démontré la capacité de l'entreprise à développer des modèles d'apprentissage automatique multi-omiques qui prédisent plus précisément les résultats de survie des patients par rapport aux données cliniques seules.

L'entreprise vise à découvrir de nouveaux biomarqueurs pour prédire les résultats des patients et les réponses aux médicaments en oncologie, avec des applications potentielles au-delà du cancer de l'ovaire. Cette initiative devrait créer des sources de revenus supplémentaires et augmenter la valeur des échantillons et des données diversifiés des patients de Predictive Oncology. Le marché total de la découverte de biomarqueurs est estimé à 51,5 milliards de dollars en 2024.

Predictive Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ: POAI) hat seine Expansion in den Markt für Biomarker-Entdeckung bekannt gegeben und nutzt dabei seine KI/ML-gestützte Plattform zur Arzneimittelforschung. Dieser Schritt folgt auf erfolgreiche Ergebnisse einer retrospektiven Studie zu Eierstockkrebs mit dem UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital, die auf dem ASCO-Jahrestreffen 2024 präsentiert wurde. Die Studie bewies die Fähigkeit des Unternehmens, multi-omische maschinelle Lernmodelle zu entwickeln, die die Überlebensprognosen von Patienten im Vergleich zu klinischen Daten allein genauer vorhersagen können.

Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, neue Biomarker zur Vorhersage der Patientenergebnisse und der Medikamentenreaktionen in der Onkologie zu entdecken, mit potenziellen Anwendungen über den Eierstockkrebs hinaus. Diese Initiative wird voraussichtlich zusätzliche Einnahmequellen schaffen und den Wert der vielfältigen Patientenproben und Daten von Predictive Oncology erhöhen. Der gesamte Markt für Biomarker-Entdeckung wird für 2024 auf 51,5 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt.

  • Expansion into the lucrative biomarker discovery market, estimated at $51.5 billion in 2024
  • Successful development of multi-omic machine learning models for predicting ovarian cancer patient survival outcomes
  • Potential for additional revenue streams through biomarker discovery and development
  • Broad applicability of the technology beyond ovarian cancer to other cancer types
  • None.

Predictive Oncology's expansion into the biomarker discovery market represents a significant strategic move with substantial financial implications. The company is leveraging its existing AI/ML platform and biobank resources to tap into a market estimated at $51.5 billion in 2024. This diversification could potentially open up new revenue streams without requiring substantial additional investment.

However, investors should note that while the market size is impressive, Predictive Oncology's ability to capture a meaningful share remains uncertain. The company's success in the retrospective ovarian cancer study is promising, but translating this into commercial success will be crucial. The financial impact will depend on the company's ability to forge partnerships with biopharma companies and healthcare networks, as well as the speed at which they can develop and validate their biomarker discovery capabilities across various cancer types.

From a financial perspective, this move could potentially improve Predictive Oncology's revenue outlook and market position. However, it's important to monitor the company's R&D expenses and cash burn rate as they expand into this new area. The stock may see increased volatility as the market assesses the potential of this new venture against the backdrop of the company's current financial position.

Predictive Oncology's entry into biomarker discovery marks a significant advancement in personalized medicine for oncology. The company's success in developing multi-omic machine learning models for predicting ovarian cancer survival outcomes is particularly noteworthy. These models, which outperformed predictions based on clinical data alone, demonstrate the potential of AI/ML in enhancing prognostic accuracy.

The expansion from drug response prediction to biomarker discovery is a natural progression that could accelerate personalized treatment strategies. By identifying novel biomarkers for both overall survival and drug response, Predictive Oncology could potentially revolutionize clinical trial enrollment and drug development processes. This could lead to more targeted therapies and improved patient outcomes.

However, it's important to note that biomarker discovery is a complex field with many competitors. The company's success will depend on the robustness of their AI/ML algorithms, the quality and diversity of their biobank samples and their ability to validate findings across different cancer types. While the initial results in ovarian cancer are promising, replicating this success in other cancer types will be key to establishing Predictive Oncology as a leader in this field.

Predictive Oncology's expansion into biomarker discovery leverages cutting-edge AI and machine learning technologies, particularly in the realm of deep learning. The company's approach of applying these advanced algorithms to their diverse biobank of patient samples represents a significant technological advantage in the rapidly evolving field of precision medicine.

The use of multi-omic machine learning models is particularly noteworthy. By integrating multiple types of biological data (such as genomics, proteomics and metabolomics), these models can potentially uncover complex patterns and interactions that single-omic approaches might miss. This could lead to the discovery of more robust and clinically relevant biomarkers.

However, the success of this technology-driven approach will heavily depend on the quality of the data and the sophistication of the AI algorithms. Predictive Oncology will need to continuously refine and validate their models to ensure accuracy and reliability across different cancer types and patient populations. Additionally, as the field of AI in healthcare is rapidly evolving, the company will need to stay at the forefront of technological advancements to maintain their competitive edge.

From a technological standpoint, this move positions Predictive Oncology as an innovator in the intersection of AI and oncology. However, the true test will be in the practical application and clinical validation of their biomarker discoveries.

Expands AI/ML driven offering to include novel oncology biomarker discovery to predict patient outcomes and drug response in oncology

Biomarker discovery market estimated by third party research to be $51.5 billion in 2024

PITTSBURGH, July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Predictive Oncology Inc. (NASDAQ: POAI), a leader in AI-driven drug discovery and biologics, today announced that it is expanding its AI/ML driven drug discovery platform to pursue discovery of novel biomarkers that can be used to predict patient outcomes and drug response in oncology.

Predictive Oncology’s biomarker discovery initiative stems, in part, from results obtained in the retrospective ovarian cancer study with UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital, which were presented at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. In that study, Predictive Oncology successfully developed muti-omic machine learning models that identified key features that could more accurately predict both short-term (two-year) and long-term (five-year) survival outcomes among ovarian cancer patients as compared to clinical data alone. Through this process, Predictive Oncology obtained and analyzed data that supports novel ovarian cancer biomarker discovery and development that will be further explored both independently and in partnership with biopharma companies.

“We have already demonstrated the capabilities of our active machine learning platform to selectively utilize our diverse patient samples preserved in our biobank to predict responses to drugs with a very high degree of accuracy,” said Arlette H. Uihlein, MD, SVP, Translational Medicine and Drug Discovery and Medical Director at Predictive Oncology. “We are now taking this one step further by applying state-of-the-art deep learning approaches for biomarker discovery related to both patient overall survival (OS) and drug response, which can be done with existing resources. Our platform enables us to apply deep learning to the correct patient cohorts and accelerate the initial stages of biomarker discovery.”

“We believe the identification of novel cancer biomarkers represents the next significant opportunity for the application of our platform, which leverages the substantial value inherent in the diversified patient samples and data that we possess, as well as additional potential revenue streams for our company. Our technology has broad applicability, including the development of a clinical decision support tool to screen for clinical trial enrollment, and to inform subsequent drug discovery and development,” stated Raymond Vennare, Chief Executive Officer of Predictive Oncology. “These capabilities extend well beyond ovarian cancer and can be used in the discovery of biomarkers for other cancer types as well, and we look forward to further validating these capabilities through development collaborations with leading biopharmaceutical partners and healthcare networks.”

The total biomarker discovery market is estimated by third party research to be $51.5 billion in 2024.1

Predictive Oncology also announced today the release of a new white paper that discusses its biomarker discovery capabilities in greater detail. The white paper can be accessed at:

About Predictive Oncology
Predictive Oncology is on the cutting edge of the rapidly growing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to expedite early biomarker and drug discovery and enable drug development for the benefit of cancer patients worldwide. The company’s scientifically validated AI platform, PEDAL, is able to predict with 92% accuracy if a tumor sample will respond to a certain drug compound, allowing for a more informed selection of drug/tumor type combinations for subsequent in-vitro testing. Together with the company’s vast biobank of more than 150,000 assay-capable heterogenous human tumor samples, Predictive Oncology offers its academic and industry partners one of the industry’s broadest AI-based drug discovery solutions, further complimented by its wholly owned CLIA lab and GMP facilities. Predictive Oncology is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA. 

Investor Relations Contact
Tim McCarthy  
LifeSci Advisors, LLC

Forward-Looking Statements: 
Certain matters discussed in this release contain forward-looking statements. These forward- looking statements reflect our current expectations and projections about future events and are subject to substantial risks, uncertainties and assumptions about our operations and the investments we make. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release regarding our strategy, future operations, future financial position, future revenue and financial performance, projected costs, prospects, changes in management, plans and objectives of management are forward-looking statements. The words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “would,” “target” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Our actual future performance may materially differ from that contemplated by the forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among other things, factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in our filings with the SEC. Except as expressly required by law, the company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements. 


1 Mordor Intelligence:


What is Predictive Oncology's new market expansion as announced on July 25, 2024?

Predictive Oncology (NASDAQ: POAI) announced its expansion into the biomarker discovery market, focusing on discovering novel biomarkers to predict patient outcomes and drug responses in oncology.

What were the results of Predictive Oncology's retrospective ovarian cancer study with UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital?

The study, presented at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting, showed that Predictive Oncology successfully developed multi-omic machine learning models that could more accurately predict both short-term (two-year) and long-term (five-year) survival outcomes in ovarian cancer patients compared to clinical data alone.

How large is the biomarker discovery market that Predictive Oncology (POAI) is entering?

According to third-party research cited in the press release, the total biomarker discovery market is estimated to be $51.5 billion in 2024.

What potential applications does Predictive Oncology's biomarker discovery technology have beyond ovarian cancer?

Predictive Oncology's technology can be applied to discover biomarkers for other cancer types, develop clinical decision support tools for trial enrollment, and inform drug discovery and development across various cancers.

Predictive Oncology Inc.


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