Underground Mining Halted at Kombat Mine, Namibia
Trigon Metals (TSX-V: TM; OTCQB: PNTZF) has suspended underground mining operations at its Kombat mine in Namibia following the failure of both main dewatering pumps on January 16, 2025. The pump failure is expected to result in underground mine flooding over the coming days.
The company has evacuated all personnel from affected underground areas and is removing underground equipment. Despite this setback, the previously announced transaction with Horizon is expected to proceed, as Horizon has confirmed its commitment to complete the purchase of Trigon's interest in the Kombat mine.
Both companies are working together with Trigon's partners and stakeholders to determine the path forward. The company maintains operations in Namibia, where it holds a 100% interest in the Kalahari Copperbelt Project and an 80% interest in five mining licenses in the Otavi Mountainlands, as well as copper and silver exploration projects in Morocco.
Trigon Metals (TSX-V: TM; OTCQB: PNTZF) ha sospeso le operazioni di estrazione sotterranea presso la sua miniera di Kombat in Namibia a seguito del guasto di entrambe le pompe principali di drenaggio il 16 gennaio 2025. Si prevede che il guasto delle pompe comporti inondazioni nella miniera sotterranea nei prossimi giorni.
L'azienda ha evacuato tutto il personale dalle aree sotterranee colpite e sta rimuovendo l'attrezzatura sotterranea. Nonostante questo contrattempo, la transazione precedentemente annunciata con Horizon dovrebbe procedere, poiché Horizon ha confermato il suo impegno a completare l'acquisto dell'interesse di Trigon nella miniera di Kombat.
Entrambe le aziende stanno collaborando con i partner e gli stakeholder di Trigon per determinare la via da seguire. L'azienda mantiene le operazioni in Namibia, dove detiene il 100% dell'interesse nel Kalahari Copperbelt Project e l'80% in cinque licenze minerarie nelle Montagne Otavi, oltre a progetti di esplorazione di rame e argento in Marocco.
Trigon Metals (TSX-V: TM; OTCQB: PNTZF) ha suspendido las operaciones de minería subterránea en su mina Kombat en Namibia tras la falla de ambas bombas principales de desagüe el 16 de enero de 2025. Se espera que la falla de las bombas resulte en inundaciones en la mina subterránea en los próximos días.
La empresa ha evacuado a todo el personal de las áreas subterráneas afectadas y está retirando el equipamiento subterráneo. A pesar de este contratiempo, se espera que la transacción previamente anunciada con Horizon continúe, ya que Horizon ha confirmado su compromiso de completar la compra del interés de Trigon en la mina Kombat.
Ambas empresas están trabajando juntas con los socios y partes interesadas de Trigon para determinar el camino a seguir. La empresa mantiene operaciones en Namibia, donde posee un 100% de interés en el Kalahari Copperbelt Project y un 80% en cinco licencias mineras en las Montañas Otavi, así como proyectos de exploración de cobre y plata en Marruecos.
Trigon Metals (TSX-V: TM; OTCQB: PNTZF)는 2025년 1월 16일 두 개의 주요 배수 펌프가 고장난 이후 나미비아의 콤바트 광산에서 지하 채굴 작업을 중단했습니다. 펌프의 고장으로 인해 향후 몇일간 지하 광산이 침수될 것으로 예상됩니다.
회사는 영향을 받는 지하 지역에서 모든 직원을 대피시키고 지하 장비를 제거하고 있습니다. 이러한 setback에도 불구하고 Horizon과의 이전에 발표된 거래는 계속될 것으로 예상되며, Horizon은 콤바트 광산에 대한 Trigon의 지분 구매 완료를 위한 의지를 확인했습니다.
두 회사는 Trigon의 파트너 및 이해관계자와 협력하여 향후 경로를 결정하고 있습니다. 회사는 나미비아에서 운영을 유지하고 있으며, 그곳에서 Kalahari Copperbelt 프로젝트에 100%의 지분을 보유하고 있고, Otavi Mountainlands에서 80%의 지분을 가진 5개의 광산 허가를 가지고 있으며, 모로코에서 구리 및 은 탐사 프로젝트도 진행하고 있습니다.
Trigon Metals (TSX-V: TM; OTCQB: PNTZF) a suspendu les opérations minières souterraines de sa mine de Kombat en Namibie après la panne de ses deux principales pompes de déshydratation le 16 janvier 2025. La panne des pompes devrait entraîner des inondations dans la mine souterraine dans les jours à venir.
L'entreprise a évacué tout le personnel des zones souterraines affectées et retire les équipements souterrains. Malgré ce contretemps, la transaction précédemment annoncée avec Horizon devrait se poursuivre, puisque Horizon a confirmé son engagement à finaliser l'achat de l'intérêt de Trigon dans la mine de Kombat.
Les deux entreprises travaillent ensemble avec les partenaires et parties prenantes de Trigon pour déterminer la voie à suivre. L'entreprise maintient des opérations en Namibie, où elle détient 100 % d'intérêt dans le projet Kalahari Copperbelt et 80 % d'intérêt dans cinq licences minières dans les montagnes d'Otavi, ainsi que des projets d'exploration de cuivre et d'argent au Maroc.
Trigon Metals (TSX-V: TM; OTCQB: PNTZF) hat den unterirdischen Bergbau in seiner Kombat-Mine in Namibia ausgesetzt, nachdem am 16. Januar 2025 beide Hauptentwässerungspumpen ausgefallen sind. Aufgrund des Pumpenausfalls wird in den kommenden Tagen mit Überschwemmungen im unterirdischen Bergwerk gerechnet.
Das Unternehmen hat sämtliches Personal aus den betroffenen unterirdischen Bereichen evakuiert und entfernt die unterirdische Ausrüstung. Trotz dieses Rückschlags wird erwartet, dass die zuvor angekündigte Transaktion mit Horizon voranschreitet, da Horizon sein Engagement zur vollständigen Übernahme von Trigons Interesse an der Kombat-Mine bestätigt hat.
Beide Unternehmen arbeiten mit Trigons Partnern und Beteiligten zusammen, um den weiteren Kurs festzulegen. Das Unternehmen betreibt weiterhin Geschäfte in Namibia, wo es 100 % am Kalahari Copperbelt-Projekt und 80 % an fünf Bergbaulizenzen in den Otavi Mountains hält, sowie Kupfer- und Silberexplorationsprojekte in Marokko.
- Horizon confirms commitment to proceed with Kombat mine purchase despite setback
- Company maintains diversified mining portfolio across Namibia and Morocco
- Complete suspension of underground mining operations at Kombat mine
- Both main dewatering pumps failure leading to mine flooding
- Potential significant operational and financial impact due to mining suspension
All precautions are being taken to ensure safety at the Kombat site. All personnel have exited the affected areas of the underground operations and underground equipment is currently being removed.
The Company intends to complete the previously announced transaction with Horizon Corporation Ltd. (“Horizon”). Horizon is aware of the situation and has notified the Company that it is standing by its commitment to complete the purchase of Trigon’s interest in the Kombat mine. Both parties continue to work on the way forward, in conjunction with Trigon’s other partners and stakeholders.
Jed Richardson, CEO and Executive Chairman of Trigon Metals, commented, “Today’s pump failure is an untimely challenge that we are working to overcome. We applaud the team at site for acting quickly to prioritize the safety of all mine workers. Initial discussions with Horizon indicate that a transaction will go ahead with the hope of restoring operations and getting back to business in a timely manner.”
Trigon Metals Inc.
Trigon is a publicly-traded Canadian exploration and development company with its core business focused on copper and silver holdings in mine-friendly African jurisdictions. Currently, the company has operations in
Cautionary Notes
This news release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements include statements regarding the operations at the Kombat mine, the impact of the flooding at the Kombat mine, the financial viability of Trigon, the Company’s ability to complete a sale of the Kombat mine to Horizon, the Company’s strategies and the Company’s abilities to execute such strategies, the economic viability of the Kombat Mine, the Company’s expectations for the Kombat Mine, the potential transaction with Horizon and the Company’s future plans and objectives. These statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially because of factors discussed in the management discussion and analysis section of our interim and most recent annual financial statements or other reports and filings with the TSX Venture Exchange and applicable Canadian securities regulations. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable laws.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250116514081/en/
For further information:
Tom Panoulias, VP Corporate Development
+1 647 276 6002 X 1127
Website: www.trigonmetals.com
Source: Trigon Metals Inc.
What caused the suspension of operations at Trigon Metals' Kombat mine in January 2025?
Will the Horizon acquisition of PNTZF's Kombat mine still proceed after the pump failure?
What immediate actions did Trigon Metals (PNTZF) take following the Kombat mine pump failure?