PennantPark Investment Corporation Announces Financial Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2024

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PennantPark Investment (PNNT) released its financial results for Q3 ended June 30, 2024. The investment portfolio was valued at $1,259.9 million, reflecting an increase from the previous quarter. Net assets stood at $491.2 million with a GAAP net asset value per share of $7.52, representing a 2.2% quarterly decrease. The regulatory debt-to-equity ratio was 1.56x. Net investment income was $15.7 million or $0.24 per share, while core net investment income per share was $0.21. The company declared distributions of $0.22 per share.

Investment purchases totaled $163.1 million compared to sales and repayments of $132.9 million. The PSLF portfolio was valued at $926.1 million. Overall, the portfolio had net unrealized appreciation of $6.9 million. Net realized and unrealized losses for the quarter were $(6.9) million and $(5.1) million, respectively, contributing to a net increase in net assets from operations of $3.7 million or $0.06 per share. PennantPark announced a conference call on August 8, 2024, to discuss these results.

PennantPark Investment (PNNT) ha pubblicato i risultati finanziari per il terzo trimestre terminato il 30 giugno 2024. Il portafoglio d'investimento è stato valutato a 1.259,9 milioni di dollari, mostrando un incremento rispetto al trimestre precedente. Le attività nette ammontavano a 491,2 milioni di dollari, con un valore netto degli attivi GAAP per azione pari a 7,52 dollari, che rappresenta una diminuzione trimestrale del 2,2%. Il rapporto debito/capitale regolamentare era di 1,56x. Il reddito netto da investimenti era di 15,7 milioni di dollari, ovvero 0,24 dollari per azione, mentre il reddito netto da investimenti core per azione era di 0,21 dollari. L'azienda ha dichiarato distribuzioni di 0,22 dollari per azione.

Gli acquisti d'investimento sono ammontati a 163,1 milioni di dollari rispetto a vendite e rimborsi di 132,9 milioni di dollari. Il portafoglio PSLF è stato valutato a 926,1 milioni di dollari. Complessivamente, il portafoglio ha registrato un apprezzamento non realizzato netto di 6,9 milioni di dollari. Le perdite nette realizzate e non realizzate per il trimestre sono state rispettivamente di (6,9) milioni di dollari e (5,1) milioni di dollari, contribuendo a un incremento netto delle attività nette da operazioni di 3,7 milioni di dollari, ovvero 0,06 dollari per azione. PennantPark ha annunciato una conferenza telefonica per l'8 agosto 2024 per discutere questi risultati.

PennantPark Investment (PNNT) publicó sus resultados financieros para el tercer trimestre que finalizó el 30 de junio de 2024. La cartera de inversiones se valoró en 1,259.9 millones de dólares, lo que refleja un aumento con respecto al trimestre anterior. Los activos netos se situaron en 491.2 millones de dólares con un valor neto de activos según GAAP por acción de 7.52 dólares, representando una disminución trimestral del 2.2%. La relación deuda-capital regulatoria fue de 1.56x. El ingreso neto por inversiones fue de 15.7 millones de dólares o 0.24 dólares por acción, mientras que el ingreso neto por inversiones principal por acción fue de 0.21 dólares. La compañía declaró distribuciones de 0.22 dólares por acción.

Las compras de inversiones totalizaron 163.1 millones de dólares en comparación con ventas y reembolsos de 132.9 millones de dólares. La cartera PSLF se valoró en 926.1 millones de dólares. En general, la cartera tuvo una apreciación no realizada neta de 6.9 millones de dólares. Las pérdidas netas realizadas y no realizadas para el trimestre fueron de (6.9) millones de dólares y (5.1) millones de dólares, respectivamente, contribuyendo a un aumento neto en activos netos por operaciones de 3.7 millones de dólares o 0.06 dólares por acción. PennantPark anunció una conferencia telefónica para el 8 de agosto de 2024 para discutir estos resultados.

PennantPark Investment (PNNT)는 2024년 6월 30일 종료된 3분기 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 투자 포트폴리오는 12억 5,990만 달러로 평가되었으며, 이전 분기에서 증가했습니다. 순자산은 4억 9,120만 달러였으며, 주당 GAAP 순자산 가치는 7.52달러로, 분기별로 2.2% 감소했습니다. 규제 부채 대비 지분 비율은 1.56배였습니다. 순투자 수익은 1,570만 달러 또는 주당 0.24달러였으며, 주당 핵심 순투자 수익은 0.21달러였습니다. 회사는 주당 0.22달러의 배당금을 선언했습니다.

투자 구매는 1억 6,310만 달러에 달했으며, 판매 및 상환은 1억 3,290만 달러였습니다. PSLF 포트폴리오는 9억 2,610만 달러로 평가되었습니다. 전체적으로 포트폴리오는 690만 달러의 순 미실현 평가 상승을 보였습니다. 분기 동안의 순실현 및 미실현 손실은 각각 (690만 달러) 및 (510만 달러)였으며, 운영으로부터 순자산 증가액은 370만 달러 또는 주당 0.06달러에 기여했습니다. PennantPark은 2024년 8월 8일에 이러한 결과를 논의하기 위한 컨퍼런스 콜을 발표했습니다.

PennantPark Investment (PNNT) a publié ses résultats financiers pour le troisième trimestre se terminant le 30 juin 2024. Le portefeuille d'investissement était évalué à 1.259,9 millions de dollars, reflétant une augmentation par rapport au trimestre précédent. Les actifs nets se sont élevés à 491,2 millions de dollars, avec une valeur nette d'actif par action selon les normes GAAP de 7,52 dollars, représentant une diminution trimestrielle de 2,2 %. Le ratio d'endettement réglementaire était de 1,56x. Le revenu net d'investissement a atteint 15,7 millions de dollars ou 0,24 dollar par action, tandis que le revenu net d'investissement de base par action était de 0,21 dollar. L'entreprise a déclaré des distributions de 0,22 dollar par action.

Les achats d'investissement ont totalisé 163,1 millions de dollars par rapport à des ventes et des remboursements de 132,9 millions de dollars. Le portefeuille PSLF était évalué à 926,1 millions de dollars. Dans l'ensemble, le portefeuille a affiché une appréciation nette non réalisée de 6,9 millions de dollars. Les pertes nettes réalisées et non réalisées pour le trimestre étaient respectivement de (6,9) millions de dollars et (5,1) millions de dollars, contribuant à une augmentation nette des actifs nets des opérations de 3,7 millions de dollars ou 0,06 dollar par action. PennantPark a annoncé une conférence téléphonique le 8 août 2024 pour discuter de ces résultats.

PennantPark Investment (PNNT) hat seine Finanzergebnisse für das zum 30. Juni 2024 endende dritte Quartal veröffentlicht. Das Investitionsportfolio wurde auf 1.259,9 Millionen Dollar bewertet, was einen Anstieg gegenüber dem vorherigen Quartal darstellt. Die Nettovermögenswerte betrugen 491,2 Millionen Dollar, mit einem GAAP-Nettovermögenswert pro Aktie von 7,52 Dollar, was einen Rückgang von 2,2 % im Quartalsvergleich bedeutet. Das regulatorische Verhältnis von Schulden zu Eigenkapital lag bei 1,56x. Das Nettoinvestitionseinkommen betrug 15,7 Millionen Dollar bzw. 0,24 Dollar pro Aktie, während das Kerneinnahmen aus Investitionen pro Aktie 0,21 Dollar betrug. Das Unternehmen erklärte Ausschüttungen von 0,22 Dollar pro Aktie.

Die Investitionskäufe beliefen sich auf 163,1 Millionen Dollar im Vergleich zu Verkäufen und Rückzahlungen von 132,9 Millionen Dollar. Das PSLF-Portfolio wurde auf 926,1 Millionen Dollar bewertet. Insgesamt hatte das Portfolio eine Nettowertsteigerung von 6,9 Millionen Dollar. Die realisierten und unrealisierte Nettoverluste für das Quartal betrugen (6,9) Millionen Dollar und (5,1) Millionen Dollar, die zu einem Nettogewinn an Nettovermögen aus dem Geschäft von 3,7 Millionen Dollar oder 0,06 Dollar pro Aktie beitrugen. PennantPark kündigte eine Telefonkonferenz für den 8. August 2024 an, um diese Ergebnisse zu diskutieren.

  • Investment portfolio increased to $1,259.9 million.
  • Net assets stood at $491.2 million.
  • Net investment income was $15.7 million or $0.24 per share.
  • Portfolio had net unrealized appreciation of $6.9 million.
  • PSLF portfolio valued at $926.1 million.
  • GAAP net asset value per share decreased by 2.2%.
  • Net realized losses for the quarter were $(6.9) million.
  • Net unrealized depreciation on investments was $(5.1) million.
  • Net increase in net assets from operations was only $3.7 million, down from previous quarters.

PennantPark Investment 's Q3 2024 results show mixed performance. Net investment income decreased to $15.7 million ($0.24 per share) from $23.0 million ($0.35 per share) year-over-year. This decline was primarily due to lower investment income, particularly from dividend income.

The company's investment portfolio grew to $1.26 billion, up from $1.10 billion at the end of fiscal 2023. The portfolio yield on debt investments remained relatively stable at 12.7%. However, there was an increase in non-accrual investments, now representing 2.5% of the portfolio at fair value, up from 0% at fiscal year-end 2023.

PennantPark's NAV per share decreased by 2.2% during the quarter to $7.52. The company maintained its quarterly distribution at $0.22 per share. While the current distribution appears covered by core net investment income of $0.21 per share, the trend of declining NII is concerning for dividend sustainability.

PennantPark's Q3 results reflect both opportunities and challenges in the current market environment. The increase in portfolio size to $1.26 billion demonstrates the company's ability to source new investments. However, the rise in non-accrual investments to 2.5% of fair value suggests some deterioration in credit quality that warrants monitoring.

The company's leverage ratio of 1.56x is within a reasonable range for BDCs but has increased from previous quarters, indicating more aggressive use of debt financing. This could amplify returns in a favorable environment but also increases risk.

The performance of the PSLF joint venture remains a bright spot, with its portfolio growing to $926.1 million and generating significant dividend income for PennantPark. This diversification helps offset some of the pressure on the core portfolio.

Investors should watch for any further deterioration in credit quality or NAV in coming quarters, as well as the company's ability to maintain its current distribution level given the declining trend in net investment income.

MIAMI, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PennantPark Investment Corporation (NYSE: PNNT) announced today its financial results for the third quarter ended June 30, 2024.

Quarter ended June 30, 2024 (unaudited)
($ in millions, except per share amounts)                          

Assets and Liabilities:  
Investment portfolio (1)$1,259.9 
Net assets$491.2 
GAAP net asset value per share$7.52 
Quarterly decrease in GAAP net asset value per share (2.2)%
Adjusted net asset value per share (2)$7.52 
Quarterly increase in adjusted net asset value per share (2) (2.2)%
Credit Facility$446.6 
2026 Notes$148.3 
2026-2 Notes$162.9 
Regulatory debt to equity1.56x 
Weighted average yield on debt investments 12.7%
Operating Results:  
Net investment income$15.7 
Net investment income per share$0.24 
Core net investment income per share (3)$0.21 
Distributions declared per share$0.22 
Portfolio Activity:  
Purchases of investments*$163.1 
Sales and repayments of investments*$132.9 
PSLF Portfolio data:  
PSLF investment portfolio$926.1 
Purchases of investments$56.0 
Sales and repayments of investments$54.9 


* excludes U.S. Government Securities

  1. Includes investments in PennantPark Senior Loan Fund, LLC ("PSLF"), an unconsolidated joint venture, totaling $185.6 million, at fair value.
  2. This is a non-GAAP financial measure. The Company believes that this number provides useful information to investors and management because it reflects the Company’s financial performance excluding the impact of unrealized gain on the Company's multi-currency, senior secured revolving credit facility with Truist Bank, as amended, the “Credit Facility." The presentation of this additional information is not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for financial results prepared in accordance with GAAP.
  3. Core net investment income ("Core NII") is a non-GAAP financial measure.  The Company believes that Core NII provides useful information to investors and management because it reflects the Company's financial performance excluding one-time or non-recurring investment income and expenses.  The presentation of this additional information is not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for financial results prepared in accordance with GAAP.  For the quarter ended June 30, 2024, Core NII excluded:  i) $2.5 million of PSLF special dividend income, and ii) $0.4 million of incentive fee expense.


PennantPark Investment Corporation (“we,” “our,” “us” or the “Company”) will also host a conference call at 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Thursday, August 8, 2024 to discuss its financial results. All interested parties are welcome to participate. You can access the conference call by dialing toll-free (888) 394-8218 approximately 5-10 minutes prior to the call. International callers should dial (646) 828-8193. All callers should reference conference ID #5909521 or PennantPark Investment Corporation. An archived replay will also be available on a webcast link located on the Quarterly Earnings page in the Investor section of PennantPark’s website.


“We are pleased to announce another quarter of solid Net Investment Income,” said Arthur Penn, Chairman and CEO.  “Our earnings stream continues to be robust and is driven in part by the  excellent returns generated by our PSLF Joint Venture."

As of June 30, 2024, our portfolio totaled $1,259.9 million and consisted of $675.9 million or 54% of first lien secured debt, $59.8 million or 5% of U.S. Government Securities, $65.6 million or 5% of second lien secured debt, $163.7 million or13% of subordinated debt (including $115.9 million or 9% in PSLF) and $294.9 million or 23% of preferred and common equity (including $69.7 million or 6% in PSLF). Our interest bearing debt portfolio consisted of 96% variable-rate investments and 4% fixed-rate investments. As of June 30, 2024, we had three portfolio companies on non-accrual, representing 4.2% and 2.5% percent of our overall portfolio on a cost and fair value basis, respectively. Overall, the portfolio had net unrealized appreciation of $6.9 million as of June 30, 2024. Our overall portfolio consisted of 144 companies with an average investment size of $8.3 million (excluding U.S. Government Securities), had a weighted average yield on interest bearing debt investments of 12.7%.

As of September 30, 2023, our portfolio totaled $1,101.7 million and consisted of $527.7 million or 48% of first lien secured debt, $99.8 million or 9% of U.S. Government Securities, $80.4 million or 7% of second lien secured debt, $156.2 million or 14% of subordinated debt (including $102.3 million or 9% in PSLF) and $237.6 million or 22% of preferred and common equity (including $62.1 million or 6% in PSLF). Our interest bearing debt portfolio consisted of 95% variable-rate investments and 5% fixed-rate investments. As of September 30, 2023, we had one portfolio company on non-accrual, representing 1.2% and zero percent of our overall portfolio on a cost and fair value basis, respectively. Overall, the portfolio had net unrealized depreciation of $(16.3) million as of September 30, 2023. Our overall portfolio consisted of 129 companies with an average investment size of $7.8 million (excluding U.S. Government Securities), had a weighted average yield on interest bearing debt investments of 13.0%.

For the three months ended June 30, 2024, we invested $163.1 million in 11 new and 42 existing portfolio companies with a weighted average yield on debt investments of 12.0% (excluding U.S. Government Securities).  For the three months ended June 30, 2024, sales and repayments of investments totaled $132.9 million (excluding U.S. Government Securities).  For the nine months ended June 30, 2024, we invested $752.1 million in 29 new and 65 existing portfolio companies with a weighted average yield on debt investments of 11.9% (excluding U.S. Government Securities).  For the nine months ended June 30, 2024, sales and repayment of investments totaled $380.1 million (excluding U.S. Government Securities).

For the three months ended June 30, 2023, we invested $69.9 million in three new and 43 existing portfolio companies with a weighted average yield on debt investments of 12.6%. For the three months ended June 30, 2023, sales and repayments of investments totaled $135.7 million. For the nine months ended June 30, 2023, we invested $214.4 million in 15 new and 60 existing portfolio companies with a weighted average yield on debt investments of 11.9%.  For the nine month ended June 30, 2023, sales and repayment of investments totaled $280.5 million.

PennantPark Senior Loan Fund, LLC

As of June 30, 2024, PSLF’s portfolio totaled $926.1 million, consisted of 101 companies with an average investment size of $9.2 million and had a weighted average yield interest bearing debt investments of 11.8%.

As of September 30, 2023, PSLF’s portfolio totaled $804.2 million, consisted of 90 companies with an average investment size of $8.9 million and had a weighted average yield interest bearing debt investments of 12.1%.

For the three months ended June 30, 2024, PSLF invested $56.0 million (including $37.8 million were purchased from the Company) in five new and seven existing portfolio companies at weighted average yield interest bearing debt investments of 11.5%. PSLF’s sales and repayments of investments for the same period totaled $54.9 million. For the nine months ended June 30, 2024, PSLF invested $250.2 million (of which $191.8 million was purchased from the Company) in 21 new and 16 existing portfolio companies with a weighted average yield on debt investments of 12.0%.  PSLF sales and repayments of investments for the same period totaled $133.8 million.

For the three months ended June 30, 2023, PSLF invested $64.0 million (of which $61.8 were purchased from the Company) in eight new and one existing portfolio companies at weighted average yield on interest bearing debt investments of 12.0%. PSLF’s sales and repayments of investments for the same period totaled $20.0 million.  For the nine months ended June 30, 2023, PSLF invested $119.3 million (of which $80.2 million was purchased from the Company) in 16 new and six existing portfolio companies with a weighted average yield on debt investments of 11.8%.  PSLF's sales and repayments of investments for the same period totaled $54.0 million.


Set forth below are the results of operations during the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023.

Investment Income

For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, investment income was $37.0 million and $107.3 million, respectively, which was attributable to $25.9 million and $78.5 million from first lien secured debt, $2.1 million and $7.6 million from second lien secured debt, $0.6 million and $1.9 million from subordinated debt and $8.4 million and $19.3 million from other investments, respectively.  For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, investment income was $45.0 million and $111.3 million, respectively, which was attributable to $24.1 million and $72.7 million from first lien secured debt, $3.5 million and $10.9 million from second lien secured debt, $1.2 million and $3.4 million from subordinated debt and $16.2 million and $24.3 million from preferred and common equity, respectively. The decrease in investment income for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 was primarily due to the decrease in dividend income.


For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, expenses totaled $21.3 million and $61.7 million, respectively and were comprised of; $11.5 million and $32.9 million of debt related interest and expenses, $4.2 million and $12.4 million of base management fees, $3.3 million and $9.7 million of incentive fees, $1.5 million and $4.8 million of general and administrative expenses and $0.7 million and $1.9 million of provision for excise taxes. For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, expenses totaled $22.1 million and $61.4 million, respectively and were comprised of; $10.1 million and $30.5 million of debt-related interest and expenses, $4.0 million and $12.6 million of base management fees, $4.9 million and $10.6 million of incentive fees, $1.9 million and $4.1 million of general and administrative expenses and $1.2 million and $3.6 million of provision for excise taxes, respectively. The increase in expenses for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 was primarily due an increase in debt related interest and expenses.

Net Investment Income

For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, net investment income totaled $15.7 million and $45.7 million, or $0.24 per share, and $0.70 per share, respectively.  For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, net investment income totaled $23.0 million and $49.9 million, or $0.35 per share and $0.77 per share, respectively. The decrease in net investment income for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 was primarily due to decrease in investment income.

Net Realized Gains or Losses

For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, net realized gains (losses) totaled $(6.9) million and $(36.1) million, respectively.  For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, net realized gains (losses) totaled $(6.9) million and $(151.5) million, respectively.  The change in realized gains (losses) was primarily due to changes in the market conditions of our investments and the values at which they were realized

Unrealized Appreciation or Depreciation on Investments and Debt

For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, we reported net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments of $(5.1) million and $23.2 million, respectively. For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, the net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments totaled $13.3 million and $57.1 million, respectively. As of June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, our net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments totaled $6.9 million and $(16.3) million, respectively. The net change in unrealized depreciation on our investments was primarily due to changes in the capital market conditions of our investments and the values at which they were realized.

For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, the Truist Credit Facility had a net change in unrealized (appreciation) depreciation less than $(0.1) million and $(1.6) million, respectively.  For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, the Truist Credit Facility had a net change in unrealized (appreciation) depreciation of $(8.4) million and $(2.5) million, respectively.  As of June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, the net unrealized depreciation on the Truist Credit Facility totaled $3.9 million and $5.5 million, respectively.  Net change in unrealized appreciation was primarily due to changes in the capital markets.

Net Change in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations totaled $3.7 million and $30.5 million, or $0.06 per share, and $0.47per share, respectively.  For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations totaled $20.9 million and $(46.1) million, or $0.32 per share and $(0.71) per share, respectively. The increase in net assets from operations for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 was primarily due to a decrease in the net realized and unrealized depreciation in the portfolio primarily driven by changes in market conditions.


Our liquidity and capital resources are derived primarily from cash flows from operations, including income earned, proceeds from investment sales and repayments and proceeds of securities offerings and debt financings. Our primary use of funds from operations includes investments in portfolio companies and payments of interest expense, fees and other operating expenses we incur. We have used, and expect to continue to use, our debt capital, proceeds from of our portfolio and proceeds from public and private offerings of securities to finance our investment objectives and operations.

As of June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, we had $450.5 million and $212.4 million in outstanding borrowings under the Credit Facility, respectively, and the weighted average interest rate was 7.7% and 7.7%, respectively.  As of June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, we had $24.5 million and $262.6 million of unused borrowing capacity under the Credit Facility, respectively, subject to leverage and borrowing base restrictions.

As of June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, we had cash and cash equivalents of $59.2 million and $38.8 million, respectively, available for investing and general corporate purposes. We believe our liquidity and capital resources are sufficient to allow us to effectively operate our business.

For the nine months ended June 30, 2024, our operating activities used cash of $167.7 million and our financing activities provided cash of $188.1 million. Our operating activities used cash primarily due to our investment activities and our financing activities provided cash primarily from borrowings under the Truist Credit Facility.

For the nine months ended June 30, 2023, our operating activities provided cash of $115.7 million and our financing activities used cash of $124.1 million. Our operating activities provided cash primarily due to our investment activities and our financing activities used cash primarily due to repayments under the Truist Credit Facility.


During the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, we declared distributions of $0.22 and $0.64 per share, for total distributions of $14.4 million and $41.8 million. During the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, we declared distributions of  $0.20 and $0.55 per share, for total distributions of $13.0 million and $35.9 million, respectively. We monitor available net investment income to determine if a return of capital for tax purposes may occur for the fiscal year. To the extent our taxable earnings fall below the total amount of our distributions for any given fiscal year, stockholders will be notified of the portion of those distributions deemed to be a tax return of capital. Tax characteristics of all distributions will be reported to stockholders subject to information reporting on Form 1099-DIV after the end of each calendar year and in our periodic reports filed with the SEC.


The Company makes available on its website its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC and stockholders may find the report on our website at

(In thousands, except share data)
 June 30, 2024  September 30, 2023 
Investments at fair value     
Non-controlled, non-affiliated investments (amortized cost—$854,364 and $816,754, respectively)$854,027  $830,808 
Non-controlled, affiliated investments (amortized cost—$56,193 and $55,787, respectively) 33,274   54,771 
Controlled, affiliated investments (amortized cost—$342,429 and $245,386, respectively) 372,574   216,068 
Total investments (amortized cost—$1,252,986 and $1,117,927, respectively) 1,259,875   1,101,647 
Cash and cash equivalents (cost—$59,151 and $38,784, respectively) 59,152   38,775 
Interest receivable 5,568   6,820 
Distribution receivable 7,964   5,079 
Due from affiliates 139   
Prepaid expenses and other assets   4,656 
Total assets 1,332,698   1,156,977 
Truist Credit Facility payable, at fair value (cost—$450,456 and $212,420, respectively) 446,554   206,940 
2026 Notes payable, net (par— $150,000) 148,345   147,669 
2026 Notes-2 payable, net (par— $165,000) 162,866   162,226 
Payable for investment purchased 64,551   99,949 
Distributions payable 5,224   13,697 
Base management fee payable 4,216   3,915 
Incentive fee payable 3,345   3,310 
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 3,218   6,754 
Interest payable on debt 3,124   6,231 
Due to affiliates 33   4,099 
Total liabilities 841,476   654,790 
Net assets     
Common stock, 65,296,094 and 65,224,500 shares issued and outstanding, respectively       
Par value $0.001 per share and 100,000,000 shares authorized 65   65 
Paid-in capital in excess of par value 746,768   746,466 
Accumulated deficit (255,611)  (244,344)
Total net assets$491,222  $502,187 
Total liabilities and net assets$1,332,698  $1,156,977 
Net asset value per share$7.52  $7.70 

(In thousands, except share data)
 Three Months Ended June 30,  Nine Months Ended June 30, 
 2024  2023  2024  2023 
Investment income:           
From non-controlled, non-affiliated investments:           
Interest$17,383  $23,189  $61,353  $72,179 
Payment-in-kind 1,904   5   2,093   16 
Dividend income 977   11,786   2,292   12,917 
Other income 392   595   2,595   1,428 
From non-controlled, affiliated investments:           
Interest      81 
Payment-in-kind   297   347   310 
From controlled, affiliated investments:           
Interest 7,966   4,392   19,389   10,898 
Payment-in-kind 995   361   2,484   2,150 
Dividend income 7,387   4,386   16,765   11,344 
Total investment income 37,004   45,011   107,318   111,323 
Interest and expenses on debt 11,482   10,139   32,906   30,455 
Base management fee 4,216   3,993   12,357   12,635 
Incentive fee 3,345   4,870   9,684   10,591 
General and administrative expenses 1,030   1,032   3,623   2,707 
Administrative services expenses 450   840   1,189   1,373 
Expenses before provision for taxes 20,523   20,874   59,759   57,761 
Provision for taxes on net investment income 735   1,181   1,902   3,631 
Net expenses 21,258   22,055   61,661   61,392 
Net investment income 15,746   22,956   45,657   49,931 
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and debt:           
Net realized gain (loss) on investments and debt:           
Non-controlled, non-affiliated investments (1,590)  (5,193)  (444)  (15,742)
Non-controlled and controlled, affiliated investments (5,305)    (35,474)  (133,098)
Debt extinguishment       (289)
Provision for taxes on realized gain on investments   (1,700)  (177)  (2,417)
Net realized gain (loss) on investments and debt (6,895)  (6,893)  (36,095)  (151,546)
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:           
Non-controlled, non-affiliated investments (1,614)  13,056   (15,412)  (33,513)
Non-controlled and controlled, affiliated investments (3,483)  223   38,592   90,634 
Provision for taxes on unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments     (680)  896 
Debt appreciation (depreciation) (8)  (8,393)  (1,578)  (2,474)
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and debt (5,105)  4,886   20,922   55,543 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) from investments and debt (12,000)  (2,007)  (15,173)  (96,003)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations 3,746   20,949  $30,484   (46,072)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations per common share$0.06  $0.32  $0.47  $(0.71)
Net investment income per common share$0.24  $0.35  $0.70  $0.77 


PennantPark Investment Corporation, or the Company, is a business development company that invests primarily in U.S. middle-market companies in the form of first lien secured debt, second lien secured debt, subordinated debt and equity investments. PennantPark Investment Corporation is managed by PennantPark Investment Advisers, LLC.


PennantPark Investment Advisers, LLC is a leading middle market credit platform, managing $7.7 billion of investable capital, including available leverage.  Since its inception in 2007, PennantPark Investment Advisers, LLC has provided investors access to middle market credit by offering private equity firms and their portfolio companies as well as other middle-market borrowers a comprehensive range of creative and flexible financing solutions.  PennantPark Investment Advisers, LLC is headquartered in Miami and has offices in New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and Amsterdam.


This press release may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You should understand that under Section 27A(b)(2)(B) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E(b)(2)(B) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 do not apply to forward-looking statements made in periodic reports PennantPark Investment Corporation files under the Exchange Act. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release are forward-looking statements and are not guarantees of future performance or results and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including those described from time to time in filings with the SEC. PennantPark Investment Corporation undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statement made herein. You should not place undue influence on such forward-looking statements as such statements speak only as of the date on which they are made.

We may use words such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “seeks,” “plans,” “estimates” and similar expressions to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on currently available operating, financial and competitive information and are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from our historical experience and our present expectations.

The information contained herein is based on current tax laws, which may change in the future. The Company cannot be held responsible for any direct or incidental loss resulting from applying any of the information provided in this publication or from any other source mentioned. The information provided in this material does not constitute any specific legal, tax or accounting advice. Please consult with qualified professionals for this type of advice.

Contact:Richard T. Allorto, Jr.
 PennantPark Investment Corporation
 (212) 905-1000


What were PennantPark's net investment income results for Q3 2024?

PennantPark reported a net investment income of $15.7 million or $0.24 per share for Q3 2024.

How did PennantPark's GAAP net asset value per share change in Q3 2024?

The GAAP net asset value per share decreased by 2.2% to $7.52 in Q3 2024.

What was the value of PennantPark's investment portfolio as of June 30, 2024?

As of June 30, 2024, PennantPark's investment portfolio was valued at $1,259.9 million.

What were PennantPark's net realized and unrealized losses in Q3 2024?

PennantPark reported net realized losses of $(6.9) million and net unrealized depreciation of $(5.1) million in Q3 2024.

What was the value of the PennantPark Senior Loan Fund (PSLF) portfolio as of June 30, 2024?

The PSLF investment portfolio was valued at $926.1 million as of June 30, 2024.

What distributions did PennantPark declare for Q3 2024?

PennantPark declared distributions of $0.22 per share for Q3 2024.

Pennant Investment Corp


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