NMPRC approves PNM Grid Modernization Plan

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The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC) has approved Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM)'s application to modernize its grid infrastructure. This plan, part of a longer-term deployment, aims to enhance customer service through new tools like smart meters and support New Mexico's clean energy transition. The approved six-year plan includes $344 million of investments and will enable:

  • Two-way communication on the grid
  • Customer insights into energy usage
  • Real-time grid status visibility for PNM
  • Reduced outages and proactive problem-solving

Deployment will prioritize low-income and underserved communities. Investments will be recovered through a tariff rider, reviewed annually, in line with the state's 2020 grid modernization legislation.

La Commissione Pubblica di Regolazione del Nuovo Messico (NMPRC) ha approvato la richiesta della Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) per modernizzare le infrastrutture della rete elettrica. Questo piano, parte di un dispiegamento a lungo termine, mira a migliorare il servizio clienti attraverso nuovi strumenti come i contatori smart e a supportare la transizione verso l'energia pulita nel Nuovo Messico. Il piano approvato di sei anni prevede investimenti per 344 milioni di dollari e permetterà:

  • Comunicazione bidirezionale sulla rete
  • Approfondimenti per i clienti sull'uso dell'energia
  • Visibilità in tempo reale dello stato della rete per PNM
  • Riduzione delle interruzioni e risoluzione proattiva dei problemi

Il dispiegamento darà priorità alle comunità a basso reddito e svantaggiate. Gli investimenti saranno recuperati attraverso un'adeguamento tariffario, rivisto annualmente, in conformità con la legislazione del 2020 sulla modernizzazione della rete dello stato.

La Comisión de Regulación Pública de Nuevo México (NMPRC) ha aprobado la solicitud de la Compañía de Servicios Públicos de Nuevo México (PNM) para modernizar su infraestructura de red. Este plan, que es parte de un despliegue a largo plazo, tiene como objetivo mejorar el servicio al cliente a través de nuevas herramientas como los medidores inteligentes y apoyar la transición energética limpia de Nuevo México. El plan aprobado de seis años incluye 344 millones de dólares en inversiones y permitirá:

  • Comunicación bidireccional en la red
  • Perspectivas del cliente sobre el uso energético
  • Visibilidad del estado de la red en tiempo real para PNM
  • Reducción de interrupciones y resolución proactiva de problemas

El despliegue priorizará a las comunidades de bajos ingresos y desatendidas. Las inversiones se recuperarán a través de un ajuste tarifario, revisado anualmente, de acuerdo con la legislación de modernización de la red del estado de 2020.

뉴멕시코 공공 규제 위원회(NMPRC)뉴멕시코 전력 서비스 회사(PNM)의 전력망 인프라 현대화 신청을 승인했습니다. 이 계획은 장기적인 배치의 일환으로, 스마트 미터와 같은 새로운 도구를 통해 고객 서비스를 향상시키고 뉴멕시코의 청정 에너지 전환을 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 승인된 6개년 계획은 3억 4천 4백만 달러의 투자를 포함하며 다음과 같은 내용을 가능하게 합니다:

  • 전력망에서의 양방향 통신
  • 에너지 사용에 대한 고객 통찰력
  • PNM을 위한 실시간 전력망 상태 가시성
  • 중단 감소 및 능동적인 문제 해결

배치는 저소득 및 서비스가 부족한 커뮤니티를 우선시합니다. 투자는 매년 검토되는 요금 조정으로 회수되며, 주의 2020년 전력망 현대화 법률에 따라 진행됩니다.

La Commission de Régulation Publique du Nouveau-Mexique (NMPRC) a approuvé la demande de la Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) pour moderniser ses infrastructures de réseau. Ce plan, faisant partie d'un déploiement à long terme, vise à améliorer le service client grâce à de nouveaux outils tels que les compteurs intelligents et à soutenir la transition vers une énergie propre au Nouveau-Mexique. Le plan de six ans approuvé comprend 344 millions de dollars d'investissements et permettra :

  • Communication bidirectionnelle sur le réseau
  • Insights des clients sur l'utilisation de l'énergie
  • Visibilité en temps réel de l'état du réseau pour PNM
  • Réduction des pannes et résolution proactive des problèmes

Le déploiement donnera la priorité aux communautés à bas revenus et défavorisées. Les investissements seront récupérés par le biais d'un tarif, révisé annuellement, conformément à la législation de modernisation du réseau de l'État de 2020.

Die New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC) hat den Antrag der Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) zur Modernisierung ihrer Netz Infrastruktur genehmigt. Dieser Plan, Teil eines langfristigen Rollouts, zielt darauf ab, den Kundenservice durch neue Werkzeuge wie Smart Meter zu verbessern und den Übergang zu sauberer Energie in New Mexico zu unterstützen. Der genehmigte sechsjährige Plan umfasst 344 Millionen Dollar an Investitionen und wird Folgendes ermöglichen:

  • Zwei-Wege-Kommunikation im Netz
  • Kundenin-sights zum Energieverbrauch
  • Echtzeit-Statussichtbarkeit des Netzes für PNM
  • Reduzierung von Ausfällen und proaktive Problemlösung

Der Rollout wird den Schwerpunkt auf einkommenschwache und benachteiligte Gemeinschaften legen. Die Investitionen werden durch einen jährlich überprüften Tarifaufschlag zurückgeholt, gemäß der Gesetzgebung zur Netzmodernisierung des Staates aus dem Jahr 2020.

  • None.
  • None.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC) approved an application by Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TXNM Energy (NYSE: TXNM), designed to modernize its grid infrastructure using state-of-the art technology for a more resilient, reliable, efficient and decarbonized electric system. Modifications to the application and recommended decision were discussed during the meeting and will be included in the final order.

The approved plan is the first part of a longer-term grid modernization deployment, which will enhance service to customers through new tools, including smart meters, and enable New Mexico's clean energy transition. This plan enables two-way communication on the grid, allowing customers to gain insights over their energy usage and allowing PNM visibility into the real-time status of the distribution grid to reduce outages or eliminate problems before they occur.

"We are pleased with today's approval and are looking forward to bringing new energy management capabilities to PNM customers," said Pat Vincent-Collawn, TXNM Energy Chairman and CEO. "Modernization of the electric grid is becoming increasingly critical for providing customers with reliable, sustainable energy. At the same time, customers will be enabled with real-time information to better manage the costs associated with their energy needs."

Deployment of the smart meters and distribution system upgrades will be prioritized for low-income and underserved communities to provide these customers with timely and equal access to clean energy opportunities and customer benefits.

The filed six-year plan includes $344 million of investments supported by a cost benefit analysis. Consistent with the state's grid modernization legislation passed in 2020, the approved investments will be recovered through a tariff rider reviewed annually.

The application and related materials are available at The NMPRC order will be added once available.

TXNM Energy (NYSE: TXNM), an energy holding company based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, delivers energy to more than 800,000 homes and businesses across Texas and New Mexico through its regulated utilities, TNMP and PNM. For more information, visit the company's website at




Lisa Goodman     

Corporate Communications

(505) 241-2160

(505) 241-2743

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
Statements made in this news release for TXNM Energy, Inc. ("TXNM"), Public Service Company of New Mexico ("PNM"), or Texas-New Mexico Power Company ("TNMP") (collectively, the "Company") that relate to future events or expectations, projections, estimates, intentions, goals, targets, and strategies, including the unaudited financial results and earnings guidance, are made pursuant to the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Readers are cautioned that all forward-looking statements are based upon current expectations and estimates and apply only as of the date of this report. TXNM, PNM, and TNMP assume no obligation to update this information. Because actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements, TXNM, PNM, and TNMP caution readers not to place undue reliance on these statements. TXNM's, PNM's, and TNMP's business, financial condition, cash flow, and operating results are influenced by many factors, which are often beyond their control, that can cause actual results to differ from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. For a discussion of risk factors and other important factors affecting forward-looking statements, please see the Company's Form 10-K, Form 10-Q filings and the information included in the Company's Forms 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which factors are specifically incorporated by reference herein.

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SOURCE TXNM Energy, Inc.


What did the NMPRC approve for PNM on October 17, 2024?

The NMPRC approved PNM's Grid Modernization Plan, which includes $344 million in investments over six years to upgrade the electric grid with smart meters and other advanced technologies.

How will PNM's Grid Modernization Plan benefit customers?

The plan will provide customers with real-time information to better manage energy costs, improve service reliability, and enable faster outage detection and resolution.

Will PNM's Grid Modernization Plan support New Mexico's clean energy goals?

Yes, the plan will enable New Mexico's clean energy transition by creating a more resilient, efficient, and decarbonized electric system.

How will PNM recover the costs of the Grid Modernization Plan?

The approved investments will be recovered through a tariff rider, which will be reviewed annually, consistent with New Mexico's grid modernization legislation passed in 2020.

Which communities will be prioritized in PNM's Grid Modernization Plan deployment?

The deployment of smart meters and distribution system upgrades will prioritize low-income and underserved communities to provide timely and equal access to clean energy opportunities and customer benefits.

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