PNC Bank Launches Akoya Integration for PINACLE Connect® to Provide More Secure, Transparent Data Access for Corporate Clients

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PNC Bank and Akoya have expanded their integration to support corporate data sharing through the Akoya data access network. This enhancement allows PNC's corporate clients to securely share financial data with third parties, including fintechs and data aggregators, using API-based connections. The integration enables clients to authorize data sharing directly within PNC's PINACLE® platform, using existing credentials and entitlements.

Key features include the ability to monitor activity and revoke access, enhancing security for businesses. Akoya's platform is designed to improve data-sharing reliability and reduce cybersecurity risks, without storing any data. The API used is based on the Financial Data Exchange (FDX) API standard, which has been expanded to include corporate data. This initiative aligns with PNC's commitment to advancing secure, API-based data-sharing networks for both consumer and corporate clients.

PNC Bank e Akoya hanno espanso la loro integrazione per supportare la condivisione dei dati aziendali attraverso la rete di accesso ai dati Akoya. Questo miglioramento consente ai clienti aziendali di PNC di condividere in modo sicuro i dati finanziari con terze parti, comprese le fintech e gli aggregatori di dati, utilizzando connessioni basate su API. L'integrazione consente ai clienti di autorizzare la condivisione dei dati direttamente all'interno della piattaforma PINACLE® di PNC, utilizzando le credenziali e i diritti già esistenti.

Le caratteristiche principali includono la possibilità di monitorare l'attività e revocare l'accesso, migliorando la sicurezza per le aziende. La piattaforma di Akoya è progettata per migliorare l'affidabilità della condivisione dei dati e ridurre i rischi informatici, senza memorizzare alcun dato. L'API utilizzata è basata sul protocollo Financial Data Exchange (FDX), che è stato ampliato per includere i dati aziendali. Questa iniziativa è in linea con l'impegno di PNC per promuovere reti di condivisione dei dati sicure e basate su API sia per i clienti consumatori che aziendali.

PNC Bank y Akoya han ampliado su integración para apoyar el intercambio de datos corporativos a través de la red de acceso a datos de Akoya. Esta mejora permite a los clientes corporativos de PNC compartir de forma segura datos financieros con terceros, incluyendo fintechs y agregadores de datos, utilizando conexiones basadas en API. La integración permite a los clientes autorizar el intercambio de datos directamente dentro de la plataforma PINACLE® de PNC, utilizando credenciales y derechos existentes.

Las características clave incluyen la capacidad de controlar la actividad y revocar accesos, mejorando la seguridad para las empresas. La plataforma de Akoya está diseñada para mejorar la fiabilidad del intercambio de datos y reducir riesgos de ciberseguridad, sin almacenar ningún dato. La API utilizada se basa en el estándar de API Financial Data Exchange (FDX), que se ha ampliado para incluir datos corporativos. Esta iniciativa está alineada con el compromiso de PNC de avanzar en redes de intercambio de datos seguras y basadas en API para clientes tanto consumidores como corporativos.

PNC은행과 Akoya는 Akoya 데이터 접근 네트워크를 통해 기업 데이터 공유를 지원하기 위해 통합을 확장했습니다. 이 개선 사항은 PNC의 기업 고객이 재무 데이터를 안전하게 공유할 수 있게 해줍니다. 제3자, 즉 핀테크 및 데이터 집계자와 함께 API 기반 연결을 사용합니다. 이 통합을 통해 고객은 기존 자격 증명 및 권한을 사용하여 PNC의 PINACLE® 플랫폼 내에서 직접 데이터 공유를 허가할 수 있습니다.

주요 기능으로는 활동 모니터링 및 액세스 철회의 기능이 있어 기업의 보안을 강화합니다. Akoya의 플랫폼은 데이터 공유의 신뢰성을 향상하고 사이버 보안 위험을 줄이도록 설계되었으며, 어떤 데이터도 저장하지 않습니다. 사용되는 API는 Financial Data Exchange (FDX) API 표준을 기반으로 하며, 기업 데이터를 포함하도록 확장되었습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 소비자와 기업 고객 모두를 위한 안전한 API 기반 데이터 공유 네트워크를 발전시키겠다는 PNC의 헌신과 일치합니다.

La PNC Bank et Akoya ont étendu leur intégration pour soutenir le partage des données d'entreprise via le réseau d'accès aux données Akoya. Cette amélioration permet aux clients corporatifs de PNC de partager des données financières en toute sécurité avec des tiers, y compris des fintechs et des agrégateurs de données, en utilisant des connexions basées sur des API. L'intégration permet aux clients d'autoriser le partage des données directement au sein de la plateforme PINACLE® de PNC, en utilisant les identifiants et droits existants.

Les principales caractéristiques incluent la possibilité de surveiller l'activité et de révoquer l'accès, renforçant la sécurité pour les entreprises. La plateforme d'Akoya est conçue pour améliorer la fiabilité du partage de données et réduire les risques de cybersécurité, sans stocker de données. L'API utilisée est basée sur le standard d'API Financial Data Exchange (FDX), qui a été élargi pour inclure les données d'entreprise. Cette initiative s'inscrit dans l'engagement de PNC à promouvoir des réseaux de partage de données sécurisés et basés sur des API, tant pour les clients consommateurs que corporatifs.

Die PNC Bank und Akoya haben ihre Integration erweitert, um die gemeinsame Nutzung von Unternehmensdaten über das Akoya-Datenzugangsnetzwerk zu unterstützen. Diese Verbesserung ermöglicht es den Unternehmenskunden von PNC, finanzielle Daten sicher zu teilen mit Dritten, einschließlich Fintechs und Datenaggregatoren, unter Verwendung von API-basierten Verbindungen. Die Integration ermöglicht es den Kunden, die Datenfreigabe direkt innerhalb der PINACLE®-Plattform von PNC zu autorisieren, mithilfe vorhandener Anmeldeinformationen und Berechtigungen.

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören die Möglichkeit, Aktivitäten zu überwachen und den Zugriff zu widerrufen, was die Sicherheit für Unternehmen erhöht. Die Plattform von Akoya ist so konzipiert, dass sie die Zuverlässigkeit des Datenaustauschs verbessert und Cyberrisiken reduziert, ohne Daten zu speichern. Die verwendete API basiert auf dem Financial Data Exchange (FDX) API Standard, der erweitert wurde, um Unternehmensdaten einzuschließen. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem Engagement von PNC, sichere, auf APIs basierende Datenaustauschnetzwerke sowohl für Verbraucher- als auch für Unternehmenskunden voranzutreiben.

  • Expansion of secure data sharing capabilities for corporate clients
  • Enhanced security and reliability through API-based connections
  • Integration with PNC's existing PINACLE® platform for seamless user experience
  • Improved control for clients over their financial data sharing
  • Alignment with industry standards (FDX API) for data security and efficiency
  • None.


PNC Bank's integration with Akoya for corporate data sharing via PINACLE Connect® marks a significant advancement in secure financial data access for businesses. This API-based solution addresses critical concerns in corporate finance, including data security, transparency and control. By allowing corporate clients to authorize and manage data sharing within their existing banking platform, PNC is streamlining operations for functions like reconciliation and cash forecasting. The adoption of the FDX API standard further enhances interoperability and security. This move aligns with the broader industry trend towards API-based data access, potentially reducing reliance on less secure methods like screen scraping. For PNC, this could lead to increased client satisfaction, improved security posture and a competitive edge in corporate banking services.

The expansion of PNC's integration with Akoya to include corporate data sharing significantly enhances the security landscape for business clients. By leveraging API-based connections, this system mitigates risks associated with traditional data sharing methods, reducing vulnerabilities to cyber attacks. Akoya's approach of not storing or copying data further strengthens the security model, aligning with best practices in data protection. The ability for clients to monitor and revoke access adds an essential layer of control, empowering businesses to manage their data exposure actively. This move demonstrates PNC's commitment to robust cybersecurity measures in an era where financial data breaches are increasingly costly and damaging to corporate reputations. Overall, this integration sets a new standard for secure corporate financial data sharing in the banking industry.

PITTSBURGH, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PNC Bank and Akoya today announced the expansion of their existing integration to support corporate data sharing through the Akoya data access network. This feature enhances the ability of corporate clients to securely share their financial data with third parties, including fintechs and data aggregators, that power platforms they use to run their businesses, enhancing security and reliability through API-based connections.

"By expanding our relationship with Akoya, we are advancing our commitment to secure, transparent, and controlled financial data sharing for the benefit of our corporate clients," said Emma Loftus, head of PNC Treasury Management. "Securely sharing sensitive financial information between platforms can streamline our clients' day-to-day operations, including critical business functions, such as reconciliation and cash forecasting."

Through Akoya, PNC's corporate clients can authorize the sharing of their financial data directly within PNC's corporate online banking platform, PINACLE®, by using their existing PINACLE credentials and entitlements. Clients can also monitor activity and revoke access to their financial data, if needed, which further safeguards their businesses.

"Our expanded relationship with PNC gives the bank's corporate clients the same secure and reliable data-sharing solutions that its' consumer clients enjoy," said Paul LaRusso, CEO of Akoya. "As we move towards secure, API-based data access for all types of customers and financial accounts, relationships like the one we have with PNC are laying the groundwork to make this a reality."

Akoya's platform is designed to transition financial services to API-based data access, thereby improving data-sharing reliability and reducing cybersecurity risks. Akoya does not copy or store any data, ensuring maximum privacy and security for users. The API utilized is based on the Financial Data Exchange (FDX) API standard which was recently expanded to include corporate data, and is widely recognized for its security and efficiency.

"PNC was a founding member of FDX and has co-chaired our Corporate and Treasury API Task Force since its inception," said Don Cardinal, managing director for the Financial Data Exchange. "We are delighted to see two FDX members, Akoya and PNC, working together to bring businesses secure and convenient access to their financial data."

Through its relationship with Akoya and participation in other financial services industry initiatives, PNC Bank remains focused on advancing the development and adoption of a secure, API-based data-sharing network to benefit both consumer and corporate clients.

About Akoya
Akoya is revolutionizing the way financial data is accessed and shared. Through a single integration into the Akoya Data Access Network, data aggregators and fintechs can securely connect with financial institutions to obtain consumer-permissioned financial data through APIs. Akoya manages these relationships and offers an interoperable solution available to the entire financial services industry. For more information, visit or follow Akoya on LinkedIn.

About Financial Data Exchange
The Financial Data Exchange (FDX) is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to unifying the financial industry around a common, interoperable and royalty-free standard for the secure access of user permissioned financial data, aptly named the FDX API. FDX has an international membership that includes financial institutions, financial data aggregators, fintechs, payment networks, consumer groups, financial industry groups and utilities and other permissioned parties in the user permissioned financial data ecosystem. For information, visit

About PNC Bank
PNC Bank, National Association, is a member of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: PNC). PNC is one of the largest diversified financial services institutions in the United States, organized around its customers and communities for strong relationships and local delivery of retail and business banking including a full range of lending products; specialized services for corporations and government entities, including corporate banking, real estate finance and asset-based lending; wealth management and asset management. For information about PNC, visit


Whitney Wilson
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What is the new feature PNC Bank launched with Akoya for corporate clients?

PNC Bank launched an integration with Akoya to support corporate data sharing through the Akoya data access network, allowing corporate clients to securely share their financial data with third parties using API-based connections.

How does the PNC-Akoya integration benefit corporate clients?

The integration allows PNC's corporate clients to securely share financial data, authorize sharing within the PINACLE® platform, monitor activity, and revoke access if needed, enhancing security and streamlining operations like reconciliation and cash forecasting.

What security measures does Akoya implement in its data sharing platform?

Akoya's platform uses API-based data access to improve reliability and reduce cybersecurity risks. It doesn't copy or store any data, ensuring maximum privacy and security. The API is based on the Financial Data Exchange (FDX) API standard, known for its security and efficiency.

How does PNC Bank's integration with Akoya align with industry standards?

PNC Bank's integration with Akoya uses an API based on the Financial Data Exchange (FDX) API standard, which has been expanded to include corporate data. PNC was a founding member of FDX and co-chairs its Corporate and Treasury API Task Force.

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