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Franklin Templeton has released 19(a) monthly distribution notices for Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust (PMM) and Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust. For PMM, the current monthly distribution is $0.0238 per share, with 83.6% from net investment income and 16.4% from return of capital. PMM's fiscal year-to-date performance shows a 1.27% annualized return at NAV with a 4.19% distribution rate. The fund estimates it has distributed more than its income and net realized capital gains, meaning a portion of distributions may be return of capital. Actual amounts for tax reporting will depend on the fund's investment experience during the remainder of its fiscal year.
Putnam Investments has released 19(a) monthly distribution notices for Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust (NYSE: PMM) and Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (NYSE: PMO). These notices provide details on the sources of the funds' monthly distributions.
For PMM, the current month's per share distribution is $0.0238, with 76.9% from net investment income and 23.1% from return of capital. For PMO, the current month's per share distribution is $0.0350, with 76.6% from net investment income and 23.4% from return of capital.
The 5-year annualized return at NAV for PMM is 1.79% with a current distribution rate of 4.07%, while PMO shows a 1.84% return and 3.57% distribution rate. Both funds estimate distributing more than their income and net realized capital gains, indicating a portion of distributions may be a return of capital.
Putnam Investments has released 19(a) monthly distribution notices for Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust (NYSE: PMM) and Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (NYSE: PMO). These notices provide details on the sources of the funds' monthly distributions. For PMM, the current month's distribution is $0.0238 per share, with 81.5% from net investment income and 18.5% from return of capital. PMO's current distribution is $0.0350 per share, with 84.9% from net investment income and 15.1% from return of capital.
The 5-year annualized return at NAV for PMM is 1.28%, with a current distribution rate of 4.14%. PMO's 5-year return is 1.27%, with a 3.62% distribution rate. Both funds have distributed more than their income and net realized capital gains, indicating a portion of distributions may be a return of capital. Shareholders are advised not to draw conclusions about investment performance from these distributions.
Putnam Investments has released 19(a) monthly distribution notices for Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust (NYSE: PMM) and Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (NYSE: PMO). These notices provide details on the sources of the funds' monthly distributions. For PMM, the current month's distribution is $0.0238 per share, with 92.4% from net investment income and 7.6% from return of capital. PMO's current distribution is $0.0350 per share, with 90% from net investment income and 10% from return of capital.
The fiscal year-to-date distributions for both funds show a higher percentage of return of capital. PMM's 5-year annualized return at NAV is 1.64%, with a current distribution rate of 4.15%. PMO's 5-year annualized return is 1.66%, with a 3.63% distribution rate. Investors are cautioned that a portion of the distribution may be a return of capital and should not be confused with yield or income.
Boston-based Putnam Investments has released the 19(a) notices for its closed-end municipal funds, specifically the Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust (NYSE: PMM) and Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (NYSE: PMO). These notices detail the sources of the funds’ monthly distributions, following the latest distribution announcements.
For PMM, the July distribution per share is $0.0238, with 80.3% from net investment income and 19.7% from return of capital. Fiscal YTD distribution stands at $0.2142 per share, with 75.6% from net investment income.
For PMO, the July distribution per share is $0.0350, with 73.4% from net investment income and 26.6% from return of capital. Fiscal YTD distribution is $0.1050 per share, with the same percentage split.
As of June 30, 2024, PMM has an annualized current fiscal return of 4.19% and a 5-year cumulative return of 21.88%, while PMO has an annualized fiscal return of 3.66% and a 5-year cumulative return of 3.32%.
These notices are estimates and not for tax reporting purposes. Final details will be provided in Form 1099-Div. More information is available on putnam.com.
Putnam Investments has released the 19(a) monthly distribution notices for the Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust (NYSE: PMM) and Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (NYSE: PMO). These notices detail the sources of the funds' monthly distributions. For PMM, the current monthly distribution is $0.0238 per share, with 72.3% from net investment income and 27.7% as a return of capital. Fiscal YTD distribution stands at $0.1904 per share. For PMO, the current monthly distribution is $0.0350 per share, with 72.6% from net investment income and 27.4% as a return of capital. Fiscal YTD distribution is $0.0700 per share. The notice clarifies that a portion of these distributions may be a return of capital and should not be considered an indicator of the funds' investment performance. Full and top 10 holdings will be available monthly on Putnam's website.
Putnam Investments announced the 19(a) monthly distribution notices for Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust (PMM) and Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (PMO). The notices provide details on the sources of the funds' monthly distributions. The estimated sources and percentages of distributions are listed for both funds. The PR also includes information on distributions, total return performance, and tax reporting.
What is the current stock price of Putnam Managed Municipal Income (PMM)?