Psychemedics Releases First-Ever Education Insights Report: Uncovering Drug Trends in Educational Institutions Through Hair Testing

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Psychemedics (NASDAQ: PMD) has released its first-ever Education Insights Report, analyzing drug trends in educational institutions through hair testing. The report reveals a 25% increase in overall drug positivity rates in the education sector over the past five years, rising from 3.9% to 4.9%. Key findings include:

- Marijuana was present in 57.6% of positive tests, followed by nicotine at 17.9%.
- 11% of 12th-grade students used Delta-8 THC in the past year.
- Challenges of marijuana legalization in preventing underage access.

The report emphasizes the importance of health and wellness-focused drug testing programs in creating safer learning environments. Psychemedics aims to provide educational institutions with tools to effectively monitor and address drug use among students and staff.

Psychemedics (NASDAQ: PMD) ha pubblicato il suo primo Education Insights Report, analizzando le tendenze relative alle sostanze stupefacenti nelle istituzioni educative attraverso il test sui capelli. Il rapporto rivela un aumento del 25% dei tassi complessivi di positività ai droghe nel settore educativo negli ultimi cinque anni, passando dal 3,9% al 4,9%. I principali risultati includono:

- La marijuana era presente nel 57,6% dei test positivi, seguita dalla nicotina al 17,9%.
- Il 11% degli studenti di 12ª classe ha utilizzato Delta-8 THC nell'ultimo anno.
- Le sfide della legalizzazione della marijuana nel prevenire l'accesso ai minorenni.

Il rapporto sottolinea l'importanza di programmi di test per droghe focalizzati sulla salute e il benessere nel creare ambienti di apprendimento più sicuri. Psychemedics mira a fornire alle istituzioni educative strumenti per monitorare e affrontare efficacemente l'uso di droghe tra studenti e personale.

Psychemedics (NASDAQ: PMD) ha lanzado su primer Education Insights Report, analizando las tendencias de drogas en instituciones educativas a través de pruebas de cabello. El informe revela un aumento del 25% en las tasas generales de positividad a drogas en el sector educativo en los últimos cinco años, pasando del 3.9% al 4.9%. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- La marihuana estuvo presente en el 57.6% de las pruebas positivas, seguida de la nicotina con un 17.9%.
- El 11% de los estudiantes de 12.º grado usó Delta-8 THC en el último año.
- Desafíos de la legalización de la marihuana en la prevención del acceso a menores.

El informe enfatiza la importancia de programas de pruebas de drogas centrados en la salud y el bienestar para crear entornos de aprendizaje más seguros. Psychemedics busca proporcionar a las instituciones educativas herramientas para monitorear y abordar de manera efectiva el uso de drogas entre estudiantes y personal.

Psychemedics (NASDAQ: PMD)는 최초의 교육 통찰력 보고서를 발표하며, 모발 검사를 통해 교육 기관의 약물 동향을 분석하였습니다. 이 보고서는 지난 5년 동안 교육 분야의 전반적인 약물 양성률이 25% 증가했다고 밝혔으며, 이는 3.9%에서 4.9%로 상승했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 마리화나는 양성 반응의 57.6%에서 검출되었으며, 니코틴은 17.9%로 뒤를 이었습니다.
- 12학년 학생의 11%이 지난 한 해 동안 Delta-8 THC를 사용했습니다.
- 미성년자의 접근을 방지하는 데 있어 마리화나 합법화의 과제.

이 보고서는 건강과 웰빙에 초점을 맞춘 약물 검사 프로그램이 보다 안전한 학습 환경을 조성하는 데 중요하다고 강조하고 있습니다. Psychemedics는 교육 기관이 학생 및 직원의 약물 사용을 효과적으로 모니터링하고 해결할 수 있는 도구를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Psychemedics (NASDAQ: PMD) a publié son tout premier Education Insights Report, analysant les tendances en matière de drogues dans les établissements d'enseignement par le biais de tests capillaires. Le rapport révèle une augmentation de 25% des taux de positivité aux drogues dans le secteur éducatif au cours des cinq dernières années, passant de 3,9% à 4,9%. Les principales conclusions incluent :

- Le cannabis a été présent dans 57,6% des tests positifs, suivi de la nicotine avec 17,9%.
- 11% des élèves de terminale ont utilisé du Delta-8 THC au cours de l'année dernière.
- Les défis de la légalisation du cannabis pour prévenir l'accès des mineurs.

Le rapport souligne l'importance des programmes de dépistage de drogues axés sur la santé et le bien-être pour créer des environnements d'apprentissage plus sûrs. Psychemedics vise à fournir aux établissements éducatifs des outils pour surveiller et traiter efficacement l'usage de drogues parmi les étudiants et le personnel.

Psychemedics (NASDAQ: PMD) hat seinen ersten Education Insights Report veröffentlicht, der die Drogentrends in Bildungseinrichtungen durch Haaranalysen untersucht. Der Bericht zeigt einen Anstieg der Gesamt-Positivitätsrate für Drogen um 25% im Bildungssektor in den letzten fünf Jahren, von 3,9% auf 4,9%. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

- Marijuana war in 57,6% der positiven Tests nachgewiesen, gefolgt von Nikotin mit 17,9%.
- 11% der Schüler der 12. Klasse haben im letzten Jahr Delta-8 THC verwendet.
- Herausforderungen der Legalisierung von Marijuana zur Verhinderung des Zugangs durch Minderjährige.

Der Bericht betont die Bedeutung von auf Gesundheit und Wellness ausgerichteten Drogen-Testprogrammen zur Schaffung sicherer Lernumgebungen. Psychemedics strebt an, Bildungseinrichtungen Werkzeuge zur Verfügung zu stellen, um den Drogenkonsum von Schülern und Personal effektiv zu überwachen und anzugehen.

  • Release of first-ever Education Insights Report, expanding market focus to educational institutions
  • Psychemedics' hair testing offers long detection windows and unmatched accuracy for schools
  • 25% increase in overall drug positivity rates in the education sector over the past five years
  • Rising challenges for schools in preventing underage access to marijuana due to legalization


The release of Psychemedics' first Education Insights Report is a significant development for the company and the education sector. The report's findings, particularly the 25% increase in overall drug positivity rates in educational settings, highlight a growing market need that Psychemedics is well-positioned to address.

This report could potentially drive increased demand for Psychemedics' hair testing services in the education sector. With marijuana detected in 57.6% of positive tests and emerging trends like Delta-8 THC use, schools may seek more comprehensive testing solutions. The company's expansion from workforce testing to education demonstrates a strategic diversification of its market focus.

However, investors should note that while this report may enhance Psychemedics' reputation and potentially lead to new contracts, the immediate financial impact may be The company's ability to capitalize on these insights and convert them into revenue growth will be important for long-term value creation.

The Education Insights Report raises important legal considerations for Psychemedics and its clients in the education sector. As marijuana legalization expands across states, schools face complex challenges in enforcing drug policies, especially for substances like Delta-8 THC that exist in legal gray areas.

This evolving legal landscape presents both opportunities and risks for Psychemedics. The company may see increased demand for its testing services as schools struggle to navigate these complexities. However, Psychemedics must ensure its testing protocols and reporting methods comply with varying state laws and privacy regulations governing student drug testing.

The focus on "health and wellness-focused drug testing programs" suggests a strategic approach to mitigate potential legal challenges. By framing testing as a safety measure rather than punitive action, Psychemedics and its educational clients may find a more legally defensible position in implementing comprehensive drug testing programs.

DALLAS, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Psychemedics Corporation (NASDAQ: PMD), a global leader in hair testing for drugs of abuse, is excited to announce the release of its first-ever Education Insights Report. This report provides an in-depth analysis of drug trends within educational institutions, shedding light on the growing challenges schools face in maintaining a drug-free environment for students and staff.

Following the success of our inaugural Workforce Insights Report earlier this year, we continue our commitment to providing groundbreaking insights based on data from hair testing. For the Education Insights Report, Psychemedics analyzed thousands of hair samples collected from students and staff in educational settings across the United States. The data offer valuable perspectives on drug use trends over the past five years, supporting schools in their efforts to combat substance abuse.

The 2024 Education Insights Report reveals key findings, including:

  • Rising Drug Positivity Rates: The overall positivity rate for drug tests in the education sector has increased by 25%, rising from 3.9% to 4.9% over the last five years.
  • Top Drugs Detected: Marijuana, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine were among the most commonly detected substances. Marijuana was present in 57.6% of positive tests, with nicotine following at 17.9%.
  • Emerging Delta-8 Trend: National data reveals that 11% of 12th-grade students used Delta-8 THC in the past year, a new and less understood substance gaining popularity among teens.
  • Challenges of Legalization: As marijuana legalization expands across states, schools are facing increased challenges in preventing underage access. The report highlights the importance of health and wellness-focused drug testing programs to create safer learning environments.

“Our Education Insights Report marks a pivotal moment for Psychemedics as we expand our focus to address the growing concerns of substance abuse within schools and universities,” said Brian Hullinger, Chief Executive Officer at Psychemedics. “By leveraging our innovative hair testing solutions, we aim to provide educational institutions with the tools they need to effectively monitor and address drug use, ensuring the safety and well-being of both students and staff.”

The report underscores the growing importance of drug testing within educational settings, as schools across the nation work to maintain safe and healthy environments. With hair testing offering long detection windows and unmatched accuracy, Psychemedics is at the forefront of helping schools manage these critical challenges.

To access the full Education Insights Report and learn more about Psychemedics’ hair testing solutions for educational institutions, visit

For more information about Psychemedics Corporation and its innovative hair testing solutions, please visit

About Psychemedics

Psychemedics Corporation is a leading global provider of innovative hair testing for drugs of abuse. With a commitment to accuracy and reliability, the company offers cutting-edge drug testing solutions. Psychemedics Corporation is dedicated to providing valuable insights and maintaining the highest standards in substance abuse testing.

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What are the key findings of Psychemedics' Education Insights Report for PMD stock?

The report reveals a 25% increase in drug positivity rates in education, with marijuana present in 57.6% of positive tests. It also highlights the emerging trend of Delta-8 THC use among 12th-grade students and challenges related to marijuana legalization.

How has the overall drug positivity rate changed in the education sector according to PMD's report?

According to Psychemedics' (PMD) Education Insights Report, the overall drug positivity rate in the education sector has increased by 25%, rising from 3.9% to 4.9% over the last five years.

What are the top drugs detected in educational institutions as per Psychemedics' (PMD) report?

The Education Insights Report by Psychemedics (PMD) identifies marijuana, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine as the most commonly detected substances in educational institutions, with marijuana present in 57.6% of positive tests.

How is Psychemedics (PMD) addressing drug use concerns in schools?

Psychemedics (PMD) is providing educational institutions with innovative hair testing solutions that offer long detection windows and unmatched accuracy to effectively monitor and address drug use among students and staff.

Psychemedics Corporation


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United States of America