Powell Max Limited Announces Change of Chief Financial Officer
Powell Max (Nasdaq: PMAX), a Hong Kong-based financial communications services provider, has announced a change in its Chief Financial Officer position. Mr. Chun Ho Lam has resigned due to personal reasons, and the company has appointed Ms. Kam Lai Kwok as the new CFO.
Ms. Kwok brings over 30 years of experience in public accounting and financial management, including more than 20 years in the financial communications and financial printing industry. She has been an associate of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since January 1997. Prior to joining Powell Max, Ms. Kwok served as an executive director of a Hong Kong listed company in the same industry and as a financial controller of its operating subsidiary for over 8 years.
Powell Max (Nasdaq: PMAX), un fornitore di servizi di comunicazione finanziaria con sede a Hong Kong, ha annunciato un cambiamento nella posizione di Direttore Finanziario. Il Sig. Chun Ho Lam si è dimesso per motivi personali, e l'azienda ha nominato La Sig.ra Kam Lai Kwok come nuovo CFO.
La Sig.ra Kwok porta con sé oltre 30 anni di esperienza nella contabilità pubblica e nella gestione finanziaria, di cui più di 20 anni nell'industria delle comunicazioni e della stampa finanziaria. È associata all'Istituto dei Revisori dei Conti Certificati di Hong Kong dal gennaio 1997. Prima di entrare in Powell Max, la Sig.ra Kwok ha ricoperto il ruolo di direttore esecutivo di una società quotata di Hong Kong nello stesso settore e quello di controller finanziario della sua filiale operativa per oltre 8 anni.
Powell Max (Nasdaq: PMAX), un proveedor de servicios de comunicación financiera con sede en Hong Kong, ha anunciado un cambio en la posición de Director Financiero. El Sr. Chun Ho Lam ha renunciado por razones personales, y la empresa ha nombrado a La Sra. Kam Lai Kwok como nueva CFO.
La Sra. Kwok aporta más de 30 años de experiencia en contabilidad pública y gestión financiera, incluyendo más de 20 años en la industria de las comunicaciones financieras y la impresión financiera. Ha sido asociada del Instituto de Contadores Públicos Certificados de Hong Kong desde enero de 1997. Antes de unirse a Powell Max, la Sra. Kwok se desempeñó como directora ejecutiva de una empresa cotizada en Hong Kong en la misma industria y como controladora financiera de su filial operativa durante más de 8 años.
파웰 맥스 (Nasdaq: PMAX), 홍콩에 본사를 둔 금융 커뮤니케이션 서비스 제공 업체가 최고 재무 책임자(CFO) 직위의 변동을 발표했습니다. 춘 호 람 씨가 개인적인 사유로 사임하였고, 회사는 캄 라이콕 씨를 새로운 CFO로 임명했습니다.
콕 씨는 공공 회계 및 재무 관리 분야에서 30년 이상의 경력을 가지고 있으며, 그 중 20년 이상은 금융 커뮤니케이션 및 금융 인쇄 산업에서 활동해왔습니다. 그녀는 1997년 1월부터 홍콩 공인회계사 협회의 회원입니다. 파웰 맥스에 합류하기 전, 콕 씨는 같은 산업의 홍콩 상장 기업의 전무 이사와 운영 자회사의 재무 관리자로 8년 이상 근무했습니다.
Powell Max (Nasdaq: PMAX), un fournisseur de services de communication financière basé à Hong Kong, a annoncé un changement de directeur financier. M. Chun Ho Lam a démissionné pour des raisons personnelles, et la société a nommé Ms. Kam Lai Kwok comme nouvelle CFO.
Ms. Kwok apporte plus de 30 ans d'expérience en comptabilité publique et en gestion financière, dont plus de 20 ans dans l'industrie de la communication financière et de l'impression financière. Elle est associée à l'Institut des comptables publics agréés de Hong Kong depuis janvier 1997. Avant de rejoindre Powell Max, Mme Kwok a été directrice exécutive d'une entreprise cotée à Hong Kong dans le même secteur et contrôleur financier de sa filiale opérationnelle pendant plus de 8 ans.
Powell Max (Nasdaq: PMAX), ein Anbieter von Finanzkommunikationsdiensten mit Sitz in Hongkong, hat eine Veränderung in der Position des Chief Financial Officer bekannt gegeben. Herr Chun Ho Lam hat aus persönlichen Gründen sein Amt niedergelegt, und das Unternehmen hat Frau Kam Lai Kwok zur neuen CFO ernannt.
Frau Kwok bringt über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der öffentlichen Rechnungslegung und im Finanzmanagement mit, einschließlich mehr als 20 Jahren in der Finanzkommunikations- und Finanzdruckbranche. Seit Januar 1997 ist sie Mitglied des Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Vor ihrem Eintritt bei Powell Max war Frau Kwok als Geschäftsführerin eines an der Hongkonger Börse gelisteten Unternehmens in derselben Branche und als Finanzcontrollerin ihrer Tochtergesellschaft über 8 Jahre tätig.
- Appointment of a new CFO with extensive industry experience
- New CFO has over 30 years of experience in public accounting and financial management
- New CFO has been an associate of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since 1997
- Resignation of the previous CFO
HONG KONG, Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Powell Max Limited (Nasdaq: PMAX) (the “Company” or “Powell Max”), a financial communications services provider headquartered in Hong Kong, today announced the resignation of Mr. Chun Ho Lam (“Mr. Lam”) as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company due to personal reasons. The Company thanks Mr. Lam for his contributions during his tenure of office.
The Company has appointed Ms. Kam Lai Kwok (“Ms. Kwok”) as the new Chief Financial Officer.
Ms. Kwok is an associate of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (formerly known as the Hong Kong Society of Accountants) since January 1997 and has over 30 years of experience in public accounting and financial management. She also has extensive managerial experience in financial communications and financial printing industry for over 20 years. Prior to her joining of the Company, Ms. Kwok served as an executive director of a Hong Kong listed company principally engaged in financial communications and financial printing services and as a financial controller of its operating subsidiary for over 8 years.
About Powell Max Limited
Powell Max Limited is a financial communications services provider headquartered in Hong Kong. The Company engages in the provision of financial communications services that support capital market compliance and transaction needs for corporate clients and their advisors in Hong Kong. Its financial communications services cover a full range of financial printing, corporate reporting, communications and language support services from inception to completion, including typesetting, proofreading, translation, design, printing, electronic reporting, newspaper placement and distribution. The Company’s clients consist of domestic and international companies listed in Hong Kong, together with companies who are seeking to list in Hong Kong, as well as their advisors.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements. Words such as “will,” future,” “expects,” “believes,” and “intends,” or similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to inherent uncertainties in predicting future results and conditions. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law.
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Company Info:
Powell Max Limited
Investor Relations
(852) 2158 2888