Plug Power Launches an Equipment Lease Financing Platform - Plug is Targeting >$150 million from a Combination of Debt Leverage & Customer Financing Solutions

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Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) has launched an equipment lease financing platform, targeting over $150 million in the near to mid-term. This initiative aims to leverage Plug's equipment asset base and provide financing solutions to customers, supporting equipment sales growth. As part of this platform, Plug has signed three sale and leaseback transactions totaling ~$44 million with GTL Leasing, a portfolio company of Antin Infrastructure Partners.

The transactions involve various gaseous and cryogenic assets for hydrogen transport and storage. This move allows Plug to retain access to important equipment while strengthening its financial position. The generated funds will be reinvested into core operations, focusing on long-term growth. The platform is expected to enhance Plug's operational efficiency and resource management, while offering partners like GTL valuable investment opportunities in the green hydrogen economy.

Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) ha lanciato una piattaforma di finanziamento per il leasing di attrezzature, puntando a raccogliere oltre 150 milioni di dollari nel breve e medio termine. Questa iniziativa mira a sfruttare la base di attrezzature di Plug e a offrire soluzioni di finanziamento ai clienti, supportando la crescita delle vendite di attrezzature. Come parte di questa piattaforma, Plug ha firmato tre transazioni di vendita e leaseback per un totale di circa 44 milioni di dollari con GTL Leasing, una società del portafoglio di Antin Infrastructure Partners.

Le transazioni coinvolgono vari beni gassosi e criogenici per il trasporto e lo stoccaggio dell'idrogeno. Questa mossa consente a Plug di mantenere l'accesso a attrezzature importanti, rafforzando al contempo la sua posizione finanziaria. I fondi generati saranno reinvestiti nelle operazioni principali, con focus sulla crescita a lungo termine. Si prevede che la piattaforma migliori l'efficienza operativa e la gestione delle risorse di Plug, offrendo nel contempo opportunità di investimento preziose a partner come GTL nel settore dell'economia dell'idrogeno verde.

Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) ha lanzado una plataforma de financiamiento para el arrendamiento de equipos, con el objetivo de recaudar más de 150 millones de dólares en el corto a mediano plazo. Esta iniciativa busca aprovechar la base de activos de equipo de Plug y proporcionar soluciones de financiamiento a los clientes, apoyando el crecimiento de las ventas de equipos. Como parte de esta plataforma, Plug ha firmado tres transacciones de venta y arrendamiento por un total de aproximadamente 44 millones de dólares con GTL Leasing, una empresa de cartera de Antin Infrastructure Partners.

Las transacciones involucran varios activos gaseosos y criogénicos para el transporte y almacenamiento de hidrógeno. Este movimiento permite a Plug mantener el acceso a equipos importantes mientras fortalece su posición financiera. Los fondos generados se reinvertirán en operaciones principales, centrándose en el crecimiento a largo plazo. Se espera que la plataforma mejore la eficiencia operativa y la gestión de recursos de Plug, al mismo tiempo que ofrece oportunidades valiosas de inversión a socios como GTL en la economía del hidrógeno verde.

플러그 파워 주식회사 (NASDAQ: PLUG)가 장비 임대 금융 플랫폼을 출시했으며, 단기에서 중기적으로 1억 5천만 달러 이상을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 플러그의 장비 자산 기반을 활용하고 고객에게 금융 솔루션을 제공하여 장비 판매 성장을 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 플랫폼의 일환으로 플러그는 GTL 리스닝과 약 4천 4백만 달러에 달하는 세 건의 매각 및 임대 거래를 체결했습니다, GTL 리스닝은 Antin Infrastructure Partners의 포트폴리오 회사입니다.

이 거래는 수소 운송 및 저장을 위한 다양한 기체 및 극저온 자산을 포함합니다. 이러한 움직임은 플러그가 중요한 장비에 대한 접근을 유지하면서 재무적 위치를 강화할 수 있게 합니다. 생성된 자금은 핵심 운영에 재투자되어 장기적인 성장에 집중할 것입니다. 이 플랫폼은 플러그의 운영 효율성과 자원 관리를 향상시키고, GTL과 같은 파트너에게는 녹색 수소 경제에서 귀중한 투자 기회를 제공할 것으로 기대됩니다.

Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) a lancé une plateforme de financement de leasing d'équipements, visant à lever plus de 150 millions de dollars à court et moyen terme. Cette initiative vise à tirer parti de la base d'actifs d'équipements de Plug et à fournir des solutions de financement aux clients, soutenant la croissance des ventes d'équipements. Dans le cadre de cette plateforme, Plug a signé trois transactions de vente et de location pour un total d'environ 44 millions de dollars avec GTL Leasing, une société de portefeuille d'Antin Infrastructure Partners.

Ces transactions concernent divers actifs gazeux et cryogéniques pour le transport et le stockage de l'hydrogène. Cette démarche permet à Plug de conserver l'accès à des équipements importants tout en renforçant sa position financière. Les fonds générés seront réinvestis dans les opérations principales, en se concentrant sur la croissance à long terme. La plateforme devrait améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle et la gestion des ressources de Plug, tout en offrant aux partenaires comme GTL d’importantes opportunités d'investissement dans l'économie de l'hydrogène vert.

Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) hat eine Finanzierungsplattform für Geräteleasing ins Leben gerufen, die im nahen bis mittelfristigen Zeitraum über 150 Millionen US-Dollar anzielt. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Gerätevermögensbasis von Plug zu nutzen und Finanzierungslösungen für Kunden anzubieten, um das Wachstum der Gerätevverkäufe zu unterstützen. Im Rahmen dieser Plattform hat Plug drei Verkaufs- und Leasinggeschäftetransaktionen im Gesamtwert von etwa 44 Millionen US-Dollar mit GTL Leasing, einem Portfolio-Unternehmen von Antin Infrastructure Partners, unterzeichnet.

Diese Transaktionen betreffen verschiedene gasförmige und kryogene Vermögenswerte für den Transport und die Lagerung von Wasserstoff. Diese Maßnahme ermöglicht es Plug, den Zugang zu wichtigen Geräten zu behalten und gleichzeitig die finanzielle Position zu stärken. Die generierten Mittel werden in die Kernbetriebe reinvestiert, mit einem Fokus auf langfristiges Wachstum. Es wird erwartet, dass die Plattform die operative Effizienz und das Ressourcenmanagement von Plug verbessert und Partnern wie GTL wertvolle Investitionsmöglichkeiten in der grünen Wasserstoffwirtschaft bietet.

  • Launched equipment lease financing platform targeting over $150 million
  • Signed initial ~$44 million in direct equipment lease financing transactions
  • Retains access to important hydrogen equipment while strengthening financial position
  • Funds generated will be reinvested into core operations and growth initiatives
  • Enhances operational efficiency and resource management
  • None.

Plug Power's new equipment leasing platform is a strategic move to enhance liquidity and support growth. The initial $44 million in sale-leaseback transactions, part of a larger $150 million target, provides immediate capital while retaining access to important equipment. This approach could improve Plug's balance sheet without diluting shareholders. However, investors should note that leasing arrangements may impact long-term profitability due to ongoing lease payments. The platform's success in reaching its $150 million goal and its impact on operational costs will be key metrics to watch. Overall, this financial engineering demonstrates Plug's proactive approach to capital management in a capital-intensive industry.

Plug Power's leasing initiative signals a maturing hydrogen infrastructure market. By monetizing its equipment assets, Plug is not only securing capital but also validating the long-term value of hydrogen transport and storage solutions. The involvement of infrastructure investors like Antin suggests growing confidence in the hydrogen economy's future. This could lead to increased investment inflows into the sector, potentially accelerating the adoption of hydrogen technologies. However, the need for such financial maneuvers may also indicate ongoing challenges in achieving profitability in the green hydrogen space. Investors should monitor how this strategy affects Plug's market position and competitiveness in the rapidly evolving clean energy landscape.

The equipment leasing platform reveals Plug Power's strategic focus on optimizing its supply chain and logistics. By leasing important hydrogen transport and storage equipment, Plug can maintain operational flexibility while freeing up capital. This approach could lead to more efficient asset utilization and potentially faster scaling of hydrogen distribution networks. The involvement of specialized leasing companies like GTL may also bring expertise in equipment management, potentially improving overall operational efficiency. However, investors should consider the long-term implications of not owning these assets outright, especially if hydrogen transport technology rapidly evolves. The success of this strategy will depend on Plug's ability to balance operational control with financial flexibility in a dynamic market.

Concurrently, Plug Signed Definitive Agreements for an Initial ~$44 Million in Direct Equipment Lease Financing Transactions with GTL Leasing, a Portfolio Company of Antin Infrastructure Partners

SLINGERLANDS, N.Y., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG), a global leader in comprehensive hydrogen solutions for the green hydrogen economy, has announced the establishment of an equipment leasing platform and is targeting over $150 million in the near to mid-term. This platform is intended to enable Plug to access capital by leveraging its equipment asset base and to provide equipment financing solutions to Plug’s customers to support equipment sales growth. As a first step in this platform, Plug signed three separate sale and leaseback transactions equivalent to ~$44 million with GTL Leasing (“GTL”), a portfolio company of Antin Infrastructure Partners (“Antin”). The sale and leaseback transactions include various gaseous and cryogenic assets such as trailers and storage tanks for the transport and storage of hydrogen molecules.

These transactions enable Plug to retain access to crucial hydrogen equipment while strengthening its financial position. The funds generated will be reinvested into Plug’s core operations and focused on driving long-term growth and expansion initiatives.

“These initial transactions and platform mark a crucial step in building a strategic partnership with partners like GTL. It provides for immediate capital with a path to additional capital over the near term, supports our growth in the green hydrogen sector, and aligns with Plug’s financial and operational objectives. We are excited about this partnership and are optimistic about the upcoming opportunities and benefits this platform will bring with GTL and other partners,” stated Plug CFO, Paul Middleton.

This platform aims to enhance operational efficiency and resource management for Plug, while offering partners like GTL a valuable investment opportunity to expand their existing portfolios of leased assets. The platform is expected to support Plug’s ongoing commitment to its strategic initiatives and operational capabilities.

For GTL and other potential participants, this partnership with Plug offers strategic benefits, including a stable, long-term revenue stream, material expansion, and diversification of their product portfolio, which further entrenches these lessors in the green hydrogen economy, and provides a pathway for significant expansion and growth over time.

“We are pleased to participate in these three transactions with Plug Power and to support their continued growth in the green hydrogen sector. These initial transactions and the participation in Plug’s equipment leasing platform align with our goal of investing and supporting innovative and sustainable hydrogen technologies, while also providing us with a stable revenue stream. We look forward to advancing our partnership with Plug Power and exploring further lease opportunities,” stated Michael Koonce, CEO of GTL Leasing.

“When we invested in GTL earlier this year, we aimed to inject capital to diversify and strengthen the business’s equipment portfolio, and these transactions deliver exactly that,” stated Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet and Stephan Feilhauer, Senior Partner and Partner respectively at Antin Infrastructure Partners. “These transactions not only provide GTL with a robust portfolio of storage tanks and trailers—both cryogenic and gaseous—but also support some of the largest distribution centers in the U.S.” continued Kosciusko-Morizet and Feilhauer.

Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC acted as Plug Power’s financial advisor on the transactions.

About Plug Power

Plug is building an end-to-end green hydrogen ecosystem, from production, storage, and delivery to energy generation, to help its customers meet their business goals and decarbonize the economy. In creating the first commercially viable market for hydrogen fuel cell technology, the company has deployed more than 69,000 fuel cell systems and over 250 fueling stations, more than anyone else in the world, and is the largest buyer of liquid hydrogen.

With plans to operate a green hydrogen highway across North America and Europe, Plug built a state-of-the-art Gigafactory to produce electrolyzers and fuel cells and is developing multiple green hydrogen production plants targeting commercial operation by year-end 2028. Plug delivers its green hydrogen solutions directly to its customers and through joint venture partners into multiple environments, including material handling, e-mobility, power generation, and industrial applications. For more information, visit

About GTL Leasing

GTL Leasing was established in 2013 and has grown exponentially over the last ten years to become the leading lessor of high-pressure gaseous hydrogen transport and storage equipment. Though hydrogen transport represents the majority of GTL’s fleet, GTL also leases trailers that transport other industrial gases along with a diversification into cryogenic hydrogen and hydrogen compressor/dispenser equipment. GTL provides customers with short- and long-term operating leases which typically include maintenance services provided by its team of highly skilled in-house technicians. GTL has facilities in Catoosa, Oklahoma and Livermore, California. For more information, visit

About Antin Infrastructure Partners

Antin Infrastructure Partners is a leading private equity firm focused on infrastructure. With over €31 billion in assets under management across its Flagship, Mid Cap and NextGen investment strategies, Antin targets investments in the energy and environment, digital, transport and social infrastructure sectors. With offices in Paris, London, New York, Singapore, Seoul and Luxembourg, Antin employs approximately 220 professionals dedicated to growing, improving and transforming infrastructure businesses while delivering long-term value to portfolio companies and investors. Majority owned by its partners, Antin is listed on Euronext Paris (Ticker: ANTIN – ISIN: FR0014005AL0).

Plug Power Safe Harbor Statement

This communication contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve significant risks and uncertainties about Plug Power Inc. (“Plug”), including but not limited to statements about Plug’s equipment lease financing platform, including whether, when or on what terms Plug may achieve its target of over $150 million from debt leverage and customer financing solutions in the near to mid-term; the timing and release of funds to Plug with respect to its initial $44 million transactions with GTL; Plug’s intention that the platform will enable it to access capital by leveraging its equipment asset base and to provide equipment financing solutions to Plug’s customers to support equipment sales growth; Plug’s belief that these transactions will enable Plug to retain access to crucial hydrogen equipment while strengthening its financial position and the use of funds to drive long-term growth and expansion initiatives; Plug’s belief that these initial transactions and platform will provide for immediate capital with a path to additional capital over the near term; Plug’s aim for the platform to enhance operational efficiency and resource management for Plug and offer partners a valuable investment opportunity; Plug’s expectation that the platform will support its ongoing commitment to strategic initiatives and operational capabilities; Plug’s belief that partnerships with GTL and other potential participants offers strategic benefits, including a stable, long-term revenue stream, material expansion, and diversification of their product portfolio and provides a pathway for significant expansion and growth over time. You are cautioned that such statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results as such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual performance or results may differ materially from those expressed in these statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, the following: our ability to achieve our business objectives and to continue to meet our obligations, which is dependent upon our ability to maintain a certain level of liquidity and will depend in part on our ability to manage our cash flows, and the risk that we will need to raise additional capital to fund our operations and such capital may not be available to us. For a further description of the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the business of Plug in general, see Plug’s public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the “Risk Factors” section of Plug’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024, as well as any subsequent filings. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections as well as the beliefs and assumptions of management. We disclaim any obligation to update forward-looking statements except as may be required by law.


Fatimah Nouilati


What is Plug Power's new equipment lease financing platform targeting?

Plug Power's new equipment lease financing platform is targeting over $150 million in the near to mid-term from a combination of debt leverage and customer financing solutions.

How much has Plug Power (PLUG) secured in initial lease financing transactions?

Plug Power (PLUG) has secured approximately $44 million in initial direct equipment lease financing transactions with GTL Leasing, a portfolio company of Antin Infrastructure Partners.

What types of assets are included in Plug Power's (PLUG) sale and leaseback transactions?

Plug Power's (PLUG) sale and leaseback transactions include various gaseous and cryogenic assets such as trailers and storage tanks for the transport and storage of hydrogen molecules.

How will Plug Power (PLUG) use the funds generated from these lease financing transactions?

Plug Power (PLUG) will reinvest the funds generated from these lease financing transactions into its core operations, focusing on driving long-term growth and expansion initiatives.

Plug Power Inc.


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Electrical Equipment & Parts
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