Plug Power Collaborates with Carreras Grupo Logístico for Implementation of a Complete Green Hydrogen Ecosystem

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Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) is collaborating with Carreras Grupo Logístico to launch Spain's first hydrogen-powered logistics site in Masquefa, Barcelona. The project aims to replace lead-acid battery-powered forklifts with hydrogen fuel cells, improving energy efficiency, productivity, and sustainability while reducing operational costs.

If successful, Plug will deliver a complete green hydrogen ecosystem, including fuel cells, a 1 MW electrolyzer, and a hydrogen refueling station. The initiative will serve as a testing site to evaluate the advantages of Plug's technology over batteries, with insights used to potentially scale across Carreras Group's 46 warehouses in Spain.

Hydrogen fuel cells offer significant benefits over lead-acid batteries, including faster refueling times, increased productivity, and reduced carbon footprint. The global market for hydrogen fuel cell forklifts is growing, with major companies like Amazon and Walmart already adopting the technology.

Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) sta collaborando con Carreras Grupo Logístico per lanciare il primo sito logistico alimentato a idrogeno in Spagna a Masquefa, Barcellona. Il progetto mira a sostituire i carrelli elevatori alimentati da batterie al piombo con celle a combustibile a idrogeno, migliorando l'efficienza energetica, la produttività e la sostenibilità, riducendo nel contempo i costi operativi.

Se avrà successo, Plug fornirà un ecosistema di idrogeno verde completo, comprese celle a combustibile, un elettrolizzatore da 1 MW e una stazione di rifornimento di idrogeno. L'iniziativa fungerà da sito di prova per valutare i vantaggi della tecnologia di Plug rispetto alle batterie, con informazioni che potrebbero essere utilizzate per espandere l'uso nei 46 magazzini del Gruppo Carreras in Spagna.

Le celle a combustibile a idrogeno offrono vantaggi significativi rispetto alle batterie al piombo, inclusi tempi di rifornimento più rapidi, maggiore produttività e riduzione dell'impronta di carbonio. Il mercato globale per i carrelli elevatori a celle a combustibile a idrogeno è in crescita, con grandi aziende come Amazon e Walmart che stanno già adottando questa tecnologia.

Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) está colaborando con Carreras Grupo Logístico para lanzar el primer sitio logístico impulsado por hidrógeno en España en Masquefa, Barcelona. El proyecto tiene como objetivo reemplazar los carretillos elevadores alimentados por baterías de plomo con celdas de combustible de hidrógeno, mejorando la eficiencia energética, la productividad y la sostenibilidad, al tiempo que reduce los costos operativos.

Si tiene éxito, Plug entregará un ecosistema de hidrógeno verde completo, que incluirá celdas de combustible, un electrolizador de 1 MW y una estación de repostaje de hidrógeno. La iniciativa servirá como un sitio de prueba para evaluar las ventajas de la tecnología de Plug en comparación con las baterías, con información que se utilizará potencialmente para escalar a los 46 almacenes del Grupo Carreras en España.

Las celdas de combustible de hidrógeno ofrecen beneficios significativos sobre las baterías de plomo, incluidos tiempos de repostaje más rápidos, mayor productividad y una reducción de la huella de carbono. El mercado global de carretillas elevadoras con celdas de combustible de hidrógeno está en crecimiento, con grandes empresas como Amazon y Walmart que ya están adoptando la tecnología.

플러그 파워(Plug Power Inc.) (NASDAQ: PLUG)는 카레라스 물류 그룹(Carreras Grupo Logístico)과 협력하여 스페인 마스케파(Barcelona)에 최초의 수소 기반 물류 센터를 출범합니다. 이 프로젝트는 납산 배터리로 작동하는 지게차를 수소 연료전지로 전환하여 에너지 효율성, 생산성 및 지속 가능성을 향상시키고 운영 비용을 절감하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

성공할 경우, 플러그는 연료전지, 1 MW 전해조, 수소 충전소를 포함한 친환경 수소 생태계를 제공할 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 플러그의 기술이 배터리보다 나은 점을 평가하기 위한 테스트 사이트로 사용되며, 그 통찰력은 카레라스 그룹의 스페인 46개의 창고에 걸쳐 확장할 가능성을 탐색하는 데 활용될 것입니다.

수소 연료전지는 납산 배터리에 비해 연료 보충 시간이 짧고 생산성이 높으며 탄소 발자국이 감소하는 등의 상당한 이점을 제공합니다. 수소 연료전지 지게차에 대한 글로벌 시장은 성장하고 있으며, 아마존 및 월마트와 같은 대기업이 이미 이 기술을 채택했습니다.

Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) collabore avec Carreras Grupo Logístico pour lancer le premier site logistique alimenté à hydrogène en Espagne, à Masquefa, près de Barcelone. Le projet vise à remplacer les chariots élévateurs alimentés par des batteries au plomb par des batteries à hydrogène, améliorant ainsi l'efficacité énergétique, la productivité et la durabilité tout en réduisant les coûts opérationnels.

En cas de succès, Plug fournira un écosystème d'hydrogène vert complet, comprenant des cellules de combustible, un électrolyseur de 1 MW et une station de ravitaillement en hydrogène. L'initiative servira de site de test pour évaluer les avantages de la technologie de Plug par rapport aux batteries, les informations recueillies pouvant être utilisées pour éventuellement étendre l'utilisation dans les 46 entrepôts du groupe Carreras en Espagne.

Les batteries à hydrogène offrent des avantages significatifs par rapport aux batteries au plomb, notamment des temps de ravitaillement plus courts, une productivité accrue et une réduction de l'empreinte carbone. Le marché mondial des chariots élévateurs à hydrogène est en croissance, avec de grandes entreprises comme Amazon et Walmart qui adoptent déjà cette technologie.

Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) arbeitet mit Carreras Grupo Logístico zusammen, um den ersten wasserstoffbetriebenen Logistikstandort in Spanien in Masquefa, Barcelona, zu eröffnen. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, mit Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen Gabelstapler, die mit Blei-Säure-Batterien betrieben werden, zu ersetzen, um die Energieeffizienz, Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Betriebskosten zu senken.

Bei Erfolg wird Plug ein komplettes Ökosystem für grünen Wasserstoff bereitstellen, einschließlich Brennstoffzellen, einem 1 MW Elektrolyseur und einer Wasserstoff-Tankstelle. Die Initiative dient als Testgelände, um die Vorteile der Technologie von Plug gegenüber Batterien zu bewerten, wobei die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse möglicherweise für eine Ausweitung auf die 46 Lagerhäuser der Carreras-Gruppe in Spanien genutzt werden.

Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen bieten erhebliche Vorteile gegenüber Blei-Säure-Batterien, darunter schnellere Betankungszeiten, höhere Produktivität und einen geringeren CO2-Fußabdruck. Der globale Markt für Gabelstapler mit Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen wächst, wobei große Unternehmen wie Amazon und Walmart die Technologie bereits übernommen haben.

  • Collaboration with Carreras Grupo Logístico to establish Spain's first hydrogen-powered logistics site
  • Potential for scaling hydrogen fuel cell technology across 46 warehouses if project is successful
  • Opportunity to deliver a complete green hydrogen ecosystem, including 1 MW electrolyzer and refueling station
  • Expansion into the growing global market for hydrogen fuel cell forklifts
  • Project success is not guaranteed, as it is still in the testing and evaluation phase
  • Significant investment may be required to implement the complete green hydrogen ecosystem


This collaboration between Plug Power and Carreras Grupo Logístico marks a significant step towards green logistics in Spain. The implementation of a complete hydrogen ecosystem at the Masquefa site serves as a crucial proof-of-concept for the logistics industry. If successful, it could trigger a domino effect across Carreras' 46 warehouses and potentially the broader Spanish logistics sector.

The transition from lead-acid batteries to hydrogen fuel cells in forklifts offers substantial operational benefits:

  • Reduced refueling time (minutes vs. hours)
  • Increased productivity through minimized equipment downtime
  • Lower maintenance requirements and operational costs
  • Significant reduction in carbon footprint

However, the success of this project hinges on the performance and cost-effectiveness of Plug's technology. Investors should monitor the outcomes closely, as positive results could lead to expanded adoption and potentially lucrative contracts for Plug Power in the European market.

Plug Power's collaboration with Carreras Grupo Logístico represents a strategic move in expanding green hydrogen technology in Europe. The project's core components - fuel cells, a 1 MW electrolyzer and a hydrogen refueling station - showcase Plug's comprehensive ecosystem approach. This holistic solution addresses the entire hydrogen value chain, from production to utilization.

The environmental impact is noteworthy:

  • Decarbonization of logistics operations
  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Potential for scaling across multiple sites

For investors, this project serves as a litmus test for Plug's technology in the European market. Success here could open doors to similar implementations across the continent, significantly expanding Plug's market share. However, it's important to consider potential challenges such as infrastructure costs, regulatory hurdles and competition from other green technologies. The project's outcome will be a key indicator of Plug Power's ability to capitalize on the growing European hydrogen market.

Initiative to Establish First Hydrogen-Powered Logistics Site in Spain

SLINGERLANDS, N.Y., Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG), a global leader in comprehensive hydrogen solutions for the green hydrogen economy, is collaborating with Carreras Grupo Logístico to launch a complete green hydrogen ecosystem in Spain. The initiative will aim to establish, through a fuel cell technology advantages validation project, the first hydrogen-powered logistics site in Spain at Carreras Grupo Logístico's logistics center in Masquefa, Barcelona.

Plug is working with Carreras to replace existing lead-acid battery-powered forklifts with hydrogen fuel cells to support decarbonization and efficiency improvements of Carreras Grupo Logístico’s operations. The transition to green hydrogen will improve energy efficiency, productivity, and sustainability while reducing operational costs.

The project at Masquefa will serve as a testing site to evaluate the improvements using Plug’s technology over batteries. Insights gained from the project will be used to scale the hydrogen fuel cell technology across other sites in Spain and integrate it into Carreras Group’s core logistics business that includes 46 warehouses.

If the project is successful, Plug will deliver to Carreras Grupo Logístico a complete green hydrogen ecosystem, including hydrogen fuel cells, a 1 MW (megawatt) electrolyzer, and a hydrogen refueling station.

"We are excited to work with Carreras Grupo Logístico to usher in a landmark moment: the first hydrogen-powered logistics site in Spain,” noted Plug CEO Andy Marsh. “This strategic collaboration highlights the transformative potential of hydrogen-powered solutions to achieve the twin goals of decarbonization and operational gains in the logistics sector.”

The benefits of hydrogen fuel cells over lead-acid batteries are vast: fuel cells can be refueled within minutes compared to several hours for batteries. The technology increases productivity by minimizing equipment downtime and requires less frequent servicing for a significantly reduced operational cost. Moreover, hydrogen fuel cell technology contributes to reducing the carbon footprint – a priority for Carreras Grupo Logístico.

The global market for hydrogen fuel cell forklifts is growing, with increasing adoption in North America, Europe, and Asia. Major companies like Amazon and Walmart have already deployed tens of thousands of hydrogen fuel cell forklifts in their operations, citing improved productivity and cost savings as key benefits.

About Plug

Plug is building an end-to-end green hydrogen ecosystem, from production, storage, and delivery to energy generation, to help its customers meet their business goals and decarbonize the economy. In creating the first commercially viable market for hydrogen fuel cell technology, the company has deployed more than 69,000 fuel cell systems and over 250 fueling stations, more than anyone else in the world, and is the largest buyer of liquid hydrogen.

With plans to operate a green hydrogen highway across North America and Europe, Plug built a state-of-the-art Gigafactory to produce electrolyzers and fuel cells and is developing multiple green hydrogen production plants targeting commercial operation by year-end 2028. Plug delivers its green hydrogen solutions directly to its customers and through joint venture partners into multiple environments, including material handling, e-mobility, power generation, and industrial applications.

For more information, visit

Plug Power Safe Harbor Statement

This communication contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve significant risks and uncertainties about Plug Power Inc. (“Plug”), including but not limited to statements about: Plug’s ability to implement a complete green hydrogen ecosystem with Carreras Grupo Logístico and establish the first hydrogen-powered logistics site in Spain; expectations that Plug’s technology will be an improvement over batteries and plans for insights from the project will be used to scale hydrogen fuel cell technology and integrate into Carreras Grupo Logístico’s core logistic business; expectations that the transition to green hydrogen will improve energy efficiency, productivity, and sustainability while reducing operational cost; and expectations that the global market for hydrogen fuel cell forklifts is growing. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in these statements. For a further description of the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the business of Plug in general, see Plug’s public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including the “Risk Factors” section of Plug’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, Plug’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024 and any subsequent filings with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof, and Plug undertakes no obligation to update such statements as a result of new information.


Fatimah Nouilati


What is Plug Power's collaboration with Carreras Grupo Logístico for?

Plug Power is collaborating with Carreras Grupo Logístico to launch Spain's first hydrogen-powered logistics site in Masquefa, Barcelona, replacing lead-acid battery-powered forklifts with hydrogen fuel cells.

What components will Plug Power (PLUG) provide if the project is successful?

If successful, Plug Power will deliver a complete green hydrogen ecosystem, including hydrogen fuel cells, a 1 MW electrolyzer, and a hydrogen refueling station to Carreras Grupo Logístico.

What are the advantages of hydrogen fuel cells over lead-acid batteries in logistics operations?

Hydrogen fuel cells offer faster refueling times (minutes vs. hours), increased productivity by minimizing equipment downtime, less frequent servicing, reduced operational costs, and a lower carbon footprint compared to lead-acid batteries.

How many warehouses could potentially adopt Plug Power's (PLUG) hydrogen technology in Spain?

If the project is successful, Plug Power's hydrogen fuel cell technology could potentially be scaled across Carreras Grupo Logístico's 46 warehouses in Spain.

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