Palantir Reports Q4 2024 Revenue Growth of 36% Y/Y, U.S. Revenue Growth of 52% Y/Y; Issues FY 2025 Revenue Guidance of 31% Y/Y Growth, Eviscerating Consensus Estimates
Palantir Technologies (PLTR) reported strong Q4 2024 results with revenue growing 36% year-over-year to $828 million. U.S. revenue showed remarkable growth of 52% Y/Y to $558 million, with U.S. commercial revenue up 64% Y/Y to $214 million and U.S. government revenue increasing 45% Y/Y to $343 million.
The company demonstrated robust deal momentum, closing 129 deals worth at least $1 million, including 32 deals of $10+ million. U.S. commercial total contract value reached a record $803 million, up 134% Y/Y. Q4 GAAP net income was $79 million (10% margin), with adjusted free cash flow of $517 million (63% margin).
For FY2025, Palantir projects revenue between $3.741-$3.757 billion, with U.S. commercial revenue expected to exceed $1.079 billion (54% growth). The company anticipates adjusted income from operations of $1.551-$1.567 billion and adjusted free cash flow of $1.5-$1.7 billion.
Palantir Technologies (PLTR) ha riportato risultati forti per il quarto trimestre del 2024, con un fatturato in crescita del 36% anno su anno, raggiungendo i 828 milioni di dollari. Il fatturato negli Stati Uniti ha mostrato una crescita notevole del 52% rispetto all'anno precedente, toccando i 558 milioni di dollari, con il fatturato commerciale negli Stati Uniti che è aumentato del 64% anno su anno, raggiungendo i 214 milioni di dollari, e il fatturato governativo negli Stati Uniti che è aumentato del 45% anno su anno, arrivando a 343 milioni di dollari.
L'azienda ha dimostrato una robusta spinta commerciale, chiudendo 129 affari del valore di almeno 1 milione di dollari, inclusi 32 affari di oltre 10 milioni. Il valore totale dei contratti commerciali negli Stati Uniti ha raggiunto un record di 803 milioni di dollari, con un aumento del 134% anno su anno. Il reddito netto GAAP per il quarto trimestre è stato di 79 milioni di dollari (margine del 10%), con un flusso di cassa libero rettificato di 517 milioni di dollari (margine del 63%).
Per l'anno fiscale 2025, Palantir prevede un fatturato compreso tra 3,741 e 3,757 miliardi di dollari, con il fatturato commerciale negli Stati Uniti che si prevede supererà 1,079 miliardi di dollari (crescita del 54%). L'azienda prevede un reddito rettificato dalle operazioni compreso tra 1,551 e 1,567 miliardi di dollari e un flusso di cassa libero rettificato compreso tra 1,5 e 1,7 miliardi di dollari.
Palantir Technologies (PLTR) reportó resultados sólidos en el cuarto trimestre de 2024, con ingresos creciendo un 36% en comparación al año anterior, alcanzando los 828 millones de dólares. Los ingresos en EE. UU. mostraron un notable crecimiento del 52% interanual, alcanzando los 558 millones de dólares, con ingresos comerciales en EE. UU. aumentando un 64% interanual, llegando a 214 millones de dólares y los ingresos gubernamentales en EE. UU. incrementándose un 45% interanual, alcanzando los 343 millones de dólares.
La compañía demostró un sólido impulso comercial, cerrando 129 acuerdos por un valor de al menos 1 millón de dólares, incluidos 32 acuerdos de más de 10 millones. El valor total de los contratos comerciales en EE. UU. alcanzó un récord de 803 millones de dólares, aumentando un 134% interanual. El ingreso neto GAAP del cuarto trimestre fue de 79 millones de dólares (margen del 10%), con un flujo de efectivo libre ajustado de 517 millones de dólares (margen del 63%).
Para el año fiscal 2025, Palantir proyecta ingresos entre 3,741 y 3,757 mil millones de dólares, con ingresos comerciales en EE. UU. que se espera superen los 1,079 mil millones de dólares (54% de crecimiento). La empresa anticipa un ingreso ajustado de operaciones entre 1,551 y 1,567 mil millones de dólares y un flujo de efectivo libre ajustado entre 1,5 y 1,7 mil millones de dólares.
팔란티어 테크놀로지스 (PLTR)는 2024년 4분기 강력한 실적을 보고했으며, 매출은 지난해 대비 36% 증가하여 8억 2800만 달러에 달했습니다. 미국의 매출은 지난해 대비 52% 증가하여 5억 5800만 달러에 이르렀고, 미국 상업 매출은 지난해 대비 64% 증가하여 2억 1400만 달러, 미국 정부 매출은 지난해 대비 45% 증가하여 3억 4300만 달러로 증가했습니다.
회사는 강력한 거래 성과를 보여줬으며, 최소 100만 달러 규모의 거래를 129건 성사시켰고, 이 중 10억 달러 이상의 거래가 32건 포함됩니다. 미국 상업 총 계약 가치는 8억 300만 달러로, 지난해보다 134% 증가한 수치입니다. 4분기 GAAP 기준 순이익은 7900만 달러(10% 마진), 조정된 자유 현금 흐름은 5억 1700만 달러(63% 마진)였습니다.
2025 회계연도에 대해 팔란티어는 매출을 3741억 - 3757억 달러로 예상하고 있으며, 미국 상업 매출이 1079억 달러를 초과할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다 (54% 성장). 이 회사는 조정된 운영 수익을 1551억 - 1567억 달러 및 조정된 자유 현금 흐름을 1500억 - 1700억 달러로 예상하고 있습니다.
Palantir Technologies (PLTR) a annoncé de solides résultats pour le quatrième trimestre 2024, avec un chiffre d'affaires en hausse de 36 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 828 millions de dollars. Le chiffre d'affaires aux États-Unis a montré une croissance remarquable de 52 % d'une année sur l'autre, atteignant 558 millions de dollars, le chiffre d'affaires commercial aux États-Unis ayant augmenté de 64 % d'une année sur l'autre pour atteindre 214 millions de dollars et le chiffre d'affaires gouvernemental aux États-Unis ayant augmenté de 45 % d'une année sur l'autre pour atteindre 343 millions de dollars.
L'entreprise a démontré une dynamique commerciale robuste, concluant 129 contrats d'une valeur d'au moins 1 million de dollars, dont 32 contrats de plus de 10 millions. La valeur totale des contrats commerciaux aux États-Unis a atteint un niveau record de 803 millions de dollars, soit une augmentation de 134 % d'une année sur l'autre. Le revenu net GAAP pour le quatrième trimestre s'élevait à 79 millions de dollars (marge de 10 %), avec un flux de trésorerie disponible ajusté de 517 millions de dollars (marge de 63 %).
Pour l'exercice 2025, Palantir prévoit un chiffre d'affaires compris entre 3,741 et 3,757 milliards de dollars, avec des revenus commerciaux aux États-Unis devant dépasser 1,079 milliard de dollars (croissance de 54 %). La société anticipe un revenu opérationnel ajusté de 1,551 à 1,567 milliard de dollars et un flux de trésorerie disponible ajusté de 1,5 à 1,7 milliard de dollars.
Palantir Technologies (PLTR) hat starke Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal 2024 berichtet, mit einem Umsatzwachstum von 36 % im Jahresvergleich auf 828 Millionen Dollar. Der Umsatz in den USA zeigte ein bemerkenswertes Wachstum von 52 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr und erreichte 558 Millionen Dollar, wobei der kommerzielle Umsatz in den USA um 64 % im Jahresvergleich auf 214 Millionen Dollar anstieg und der Regierungsumsatz in den USA um 45 % im Jahresvergleich auf 343 Millionen Dollar zunahm.
Das Unternehmen zeigte ein robustes Geschäftswachstum und schloss 129 Geschäfte mit einem Wert von mindestens 1 Million Dollar ab, darunter 32 Geschäfte über 10 Millionen Dollar. Der Wert der gesamten Verträge im US-Geschäft erreichte mit 803 Millionen Dollar einen Rekord, was einem Anstieg von 134 % im Jahresvergleich entspricht. Der GAAP-Nettoeinkommen für das vierte Quartal betrug 79 Millionen Dollar (10 % Marge), mit einem bereinigten Free Cashflow von 517 Millionen Dollar (63 % Marge).
Für das Geschäftsjahr 2025 prognostiziert Palantir einen Umsatz von 3,741 bis 3,757 Milliarden Dollar, wobei erwartet wird, dass die kommerziellen Umsätze in den USA 1,079 Milliarden Dollar übersteigen (54 % Wachstum). Das Unternehmen rechnet mit einem bereinigten Betriebsergebnis von 1,551 bis 1,567 Milliarden Dollar und einem bereinigten freien Cashflow von 1,5 bis 1,7 Milliarden Dollar.
- Revenue grew 36% Y/Y to $828M in Q4 2024
- U.S. commercial revenue increased 64% Y/Y to $214M
- Record U.S. commercial total contract value of $803M, up 134% Y/Y
- Customer count grew 43% Y/Y
- Strong cash flow with 63% adjusted free cash flow margin
- Positive FY2025 guidance with 31% Y/Y revenue growth
- GAAP net income of $79M in Q4 2024
- GAAP operating margin compressed to 1% in Q4 2024
- One-time SAR-related expenses impacted earnings
Palantir's Q4 2024 results reveal a transformative shift in business momentum, particularly in the high-margin U.S. commercial sector. The
The quality of growth metrics is compelling:
- Customer count increased
43% YoY, with 129 deals over$1 million - U.S. commercial RDV reached
$1.79 billion , nearly doubling YoY - Adjusted free cash flow of
$517 million represents best-in-class63% margin
Palantir's Q4 performance validates its prescient thesis on AI commoditization and demonstrates superior platform execution. The accelerating commercial adoption metrics reveal three critical insights:
- The platform's enterprise-grade AI capabilities are driving substantial competitive advantages, evidenced by the
170% QoQ surge in U.S. commercial TCV - Customer acquisition velocity is increasing, with
13% QoQ growth in customer count, indicating reduced sales friction and broader market acceptance - Large deal momentum (32 deals over
$10 million ) suggests strategic deployment of AI solutions rather than experimental use cases
The company's early focus on industrial-strength AI applications and data foundations is proving prescient as enterprises move beyond experimentation to production deployment. The combination of accelerating growth rates and expanding deal sizes indicates Palantir's AI platform is achieving network effects and increasing returns to scale, positioning it advantageously in the enterprise AI platform market.
“Our business results continue to astound, demonstrating our deepening position at the center of the AI revolution. Our early insights surrounding the commoditization of large language models have evolved from theory to fact,” said Alexander C. Karp, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Palantir Technologies Inc. “I would also like to congratulate Palantirians for their extraordinary contributions to our growth. They have earned every bit of the compensation from the delivery of their market-vesting stock appreciation rights (SARs).”
Q4 2024 Highlights
U.S. revenue grew52% year-over-year and12% quarter-over-quarter to$558 million -
U.S. commercial revenue grew64% year-over-year and20% quarter-over-quarter to$214 million -
U.S. government revenue grew45% year-over-year and7% quarter-over-quarter to$343 million
Revenue grew
36% year-over-year and14% quarter-over-quarter to$828 million -
Closed 129 deals of at least
, 58 deals of at least$1 million , and 32 deals of at least$5 million $10 million -
Closed a record-setting
of$803 million U.S. commercial total contract value (“TCV”), up134% year-over-year and170% quarter-over-quarter -
U.S. commercial remaining deal value (“RDV”) of , up$1.79 billion 99% year-over-year and47% quarter-over-quarter -
Customer count grew
43% year-over-year and13% quarter-over-quarter -
Cash from operations of
, representing a$460 million 56% margin -
Adjusted free cash flow of
, representing a$517 million 63% margin -
GAAP net income of
, representing a$79 million 10% margin-
of net income when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses, representing a$165 million 20% margin
GAAP income from operations of
, representing a$11 million 1% margin-
of income from operations when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses, representing a$142 million 17% margin
Adjusted income from operations of
, representing a$373 million 45% margin -
Rule of 40 score of
81% -
GAAP earnings per share (“EPS”) of
$0.03 -
EPS when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses$0.07
Adjusted EPS of
$0.14 -
Cash, cash equivalents, and short-term
U.S. Treasury securities of$5.2 billion
FY 2024 Highlights
U.S. revenue grew38% year-over-year to$1.90 billion -
U.S. commercial revenue grew54% year-over-year to$702 million -
U.S. government revenue grew30% year-over-year to$1.20 billion
Revenue grew
29% year-over-year to$2.87 billion -
Cash from operations of
, representing a$1.15 billion 40% margin -
Adjusted free cash flow of
, representing a$1.25 billion 44% margin -
GAAP net income of
, representing a$462 million 16% margin -
GAAP income from operations of
, representing an$310 million 11% margin-
of income from operations when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses, representing a$442 million 15% margin
Adjusted income from operations of
, representing a$1.13 billion 39% margin
Q4 and FY 2024 Financial Summary (Unaudited) |
(Amounts in thousands, except percentages and per share amounts) |
Fourth Quarter |
Full Year 2024 |
Amount |
Amount |
Revenue |
$ |
827,519 |
$ |
2,865,507 |
Year-over-year growth |
36 |
% |
29 |
% |
Amount |
Margin |
Amount |
Margin |
Income from Operations |
$ |
11,043 |
1 |
% |
$ |
310,403 |
11 |
% |
Adjusted Income from Operations |
$ |
372,522 |
45 |
% |
$ |
1,128,062 |
39 |
% |
Cash from Operations |
$ |
460,327 |
56 |
% |
$ |
1,153,865 |
40 |
% |
Adjusted Free Cash Flow |
$ |
517,385 |
63 |
% |
$ |
1,249,222 |
44 |
% |
Net Income Attributable to Common Stockholders |
$ |
79,009 |
10 |
% |
$ |
462,190 |
16 |
% |
Adjusted Net Income Attributable to Common Stockholders |
$ |
341,947 |
$ |
1,001,849 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
379,528 |
46 |
% |
$ |
1,159,649 |
40 |
% |
GAAP EPS, Diluted |
$ |
0.03 |
$ |
0.19 |
Adjusted EPS, Diluted |
$ |
0.14 |
$ |
0.41 |
For Q1 2025, we expect:
Revenue of between
-$858 .$862 million -
Adjusted income from operations of between
-$354 .$358 million
For full year 2025, we expect:
Revenue of between
-$3.74 1 .$3.75 7 billion -
U.S. commercial revenue in excess of , representing a growth rate of at least$1.07 9 billion54% . -
Adjusted income from operations of between
-$1.55 1 .$1.56 7 billion -
Adjusted free cash flow of between
-$1.5 .$1.7 billion - GAAP operating income and net income in each quarter of this year.
CEO Letter
Palantir CEO Alex Karp’s annual letter is available through Palantir’s website at
Earnings Webcast
A live public webcast will be held at 3:00 PM MT / 5:00 PM ET today to discuss the results for our fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024 and financial outlook. The webcast can be accessed by registering online at A replay of the webcast will be available at following the event.
An investor presentation, including supplemental financial information and reconciliations of certain non-GAAP measures to their nearest comparable GAAP measures, will be available through Palantir’s Investor Relations website at
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release and statements on our earnings webcast contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, statements regarding our financial outlook, product development and related timing, distribution, and pricing, expected benefits of and applications for our software platforms, business strategy and plans (including strategy and plans relating to our Artificial Intelligence Platform (“AIP”), sales and marketing efforts, sales force, partnerships, and customers), investments in our business, market trends and market size, opportunities (including growth opportunities), our expectations regarding our existing and potential investments in, and commercial contracts with, various entities, our expectations regarding macroeconomic events, our expectations regarding our share repurchase program, and positioning. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date they were first issued and were based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections as well as the beliefs and assumptions of management. Words such as “guidance,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “should,” “believe,” “hope,” “target,” “project,” “plan,” “goals,” “estimate,” “potential,” “predict,” “may,” “will,” “might,” “could,” “intend,” “shall,” and variations of these terms or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond our control. Our actual results could differ materially from those stated or implied in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including but not limited to risks detailed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 and other filings and reports that we may file from time to time with the SEC, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024. In particular, the following factors, among others, could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements: our ability to successfully execute our business and growth strategy; the sufficiency of our available funds to meet our liquidity needs; the demand for our platforms, product offerings, and services in general; our ability to increase our number of new customers and revenue generated from customers; our ability to realize some or all of the total contract value of customer contracts as revenue, including any contractual options available to customers or contractual periods that are subject to termination for convenience provisions; our long and unpredictable sales cycle; our ability to successfully execute our channel sales and other strategic initiatives with third parties; our ability to retain and expand our customer base; the fluctuation of our results of operations and our key business measures on a quarterly basis in future periods; the seasonality of our business; the implementation process for our platforms, which may be complex and lengthy; our ability to successfully develop and deploy new technologies to address the needs of our existing or prospective customers; our ability to make our platforms and product offerings easier to install, consume, and use; our ability to maintain and enhance our brand and reputation; our ability to maintain and enhance our culture as our business grows and as we pursue our business and financial goals; news or social media coverage about us or our leadership, including but not limited to coverage that presents, or relies on, inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, or otherwise damaging information; the impact of recent or future global macroeconomic and geopolitical events, such as the
The forward-looking statements included in this press release represent our views as of the date of this press release. We anticipate that subsequent events and developments will cause our views to change. We undertake no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Additional Definitions
For the purpose of this press release, our earnings webcast, and our CEO’s letter:
- Total contract value (“TCV”) is the total potential lifetime value of contracts entered into with, or awarded by, our customers at the time of contract execution, annual contract value (“ACV”) is defined as the total value of contracts closed in the period divided by the dollar-weighted average contract duration of those same contracts, and remaining deal value (“RDV”) is the total remaining value of contracts as of the end of the reporting period. Except as noted below, TCV, ACV, and RDV each presume the exercise of all contract options available to our customers and no termination of contracts. However, the majority of our contracts are subject to termination provisions, including for convenience, and there can be no guarantee that contracts are not terminated or that contract options will be exercised. Further, RDV may exclude all or some portion of the value of certain commercial contracts as a result of our ongoing assessments of customers’ financial condition, including the consideration of such customers’ ability and intention to pay, and whether such contracts continue to meet the criteria for revenue recognition, among other factors.
- Remaining performance obligations (“RPO”) reflect the total values of contracts that have been entered into with, or awarded by, our customers, and represent non-cancelable contracted revenue that has not yet been recognized, which includes deferred revenue and, in certain instances, amounts that will be invoiced. We have elected the practical expedient, as permitted under Accounting Standards Codification 606—Revenue from Contracts with Customers, to not disclose remaining performance obligations for contracts with original terms of twelve months or less.
- The term “strategic commercial contracts” is as defined in our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024.
- “Dollar-weighted duration basis” is the total value of contracts closed in the applicable period, divided by the dollar-weighted average contract duration of those same contracts.
- The term “Rule of 40” refers to the sum of our revenue growth rate year-over-year and our adjusted operating margin for each of the periods presented.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
This press release and the accompanying tables, as well as our earnings webcast, and our CEO’s letter, contain the non-GAAP financial measures adjusted income from operations, which excludes stock-based compensation and related employer payroll taxes; adjusted operating margin; income from operations when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses, which excludes the one-time accelerated stock-based compensation expense and employer payroll taxes related to our Market-Vesting SARs; operating margin when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses; adjusted free cash flow; adjusted free cash flow margin; adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (“adjusted EBITDA”); adjusted EBITDA margin; adjusted net income attributable to common stockholders; net income when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses, which excludes the one-time accelerated stock-based compensation expense, employer payroll taxes, and income tax effects and adjustments related to our Market-Vesting SARs; EPS when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses, diluted; and adjusted EPS, diluted. Market-Vesting SARs are discussed further in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.
We believe these non-GAAP financial measures and other metrics described in this press release help us evaluate our business, identify trends affecting Palantir’s business, formulate business plans and financial projections, and make strategic decisions. We exclude stock-based compensation, which is a non-cash expense, from these non-GAAP financial measures because we believe that excluding this item provides meaningful supplemental information regarding operational performance and provides useful information to investors and others in understanding and evaluating our operating results in the same manner as our management team. We exclude employer payroll taxes related to stock-based compensation as it is difficult to predict and outside of Palantir’s control. During the year and quarter ended December 31, 2024, we also excluded the one-time accelerated stock-based compensation expense and employer payroll taxes related to our Market-Vesting SARs as each is associated with the early acceleration of such Market-Vesting SARs upon achievement of the market condition of such awards. At the time of grant, the achievement of the market condition of the Market-Vesting SARs was difficult to predict and dependent on future events that were uncertain and were not within our control. We believe separate presentation of SARs-adjusted income from operations provides useful information regarding the impacts of our Market-Vesting SARs.
Our definitions may differ from the definitions used by other companies and therefore comparability may be limited. In addition, other companies may not publish these or similar metrics. Further, these metrics have certain limitations as they do not include the impact of certain expenses that are reflected in our consolidated statements of operations. For example, adjusted free cash flow does not reflect our future contractual commitments or the total increase or decrease in our cash balances for a given period. Thus, our non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for, or in isolation from, measures prepared in accordance with GAAP.
We compensate for these limitations by providing a reconciliation of each of these non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measure. We encourage investors and others to review our business, results of operations, and financial information in their entirety, not to rely on any single financial measure, and to view these non-GAAP measures in conjunction with the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.
A reconciliation table of the most comparable GAAP financial measure to each non-GAAP financial measure used in this press release is included at the end of this release. A reconciliation of non-GAAP guidance measures to corresponding GAAP measures is not available on a forward-looking basis without unreasonable effort due to the uncertainty regarding, and the potential variability of, reconciling items that may be incurred in the future, such as stock-based compensation and related employer payroll taxes, the effect of which may be significant.
Available Information
Palantir uses its Investor Relations website at as a means of disclosing material non-public information and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD. Accordingly, investors should monitor Palantir’s Investor Relations website, in addition to following our press releases, SEC filings, public conference calls, and webcasts.
About Palantir Technologies Inc.
Foundational software of tomorrow. Delivered today. Additional information is available at
Palantir Technologies Inc. Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (in thousands, except per share amounts) (unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue |
$ |
827,519 |
$ |
608,350 |
$ |
2,865,507 |
$ |
2,225,012 |
Cost of revenue (1) |
174,533 |
108,639 |
565,990 |
431,105 |
Gross profit |
652,986 |
499,711 |
2,299,517 |
1,793,907 |
Operating expenses: |
Sales and marketing (1) |
288,295 |
197,363 |
887,755 |
744,992 |
Research and development (1) |
171,502 |
109,283 |
507,878 |
404,624 |
General and administrative (1) |
182,146 |
127,271 |
593,481 |
524,325 |
Total operating expenses |
641,943 |
433,917 |
1,989,114 |
1,673,941 |
Income from operations |
11,043 |
65,794 |
310,403 |
119,966 |
Interest income |
54,727 |
44,545 |
196,792 |
132,572 |
Other income (expense), net |
14,768 |
(4,092 |
) |
(18,022 |
) |
(15,447 |
) |
Income before provision for income taxes |
80,538 |
106,247 |
489,173 |
237,091 |
Provision for income taxes |
3,602 |
9,334 |
21,255 |
19,716 |
Net income |
$ |
76,936 |
$ |
96,913 |
$ |
467,918 |
$ |
217,375 |
Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests |
(2,073 |
) |
3,522 |
5,728 |
7,550 |
Net income attributable to common stockholders |
$ |
79,009 |
$ |
93,391 |
$ |
462,190 |
$ |
209,825 |
Earnings per share attributable to common stockholders, basic |
$ |
0.03 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.21 |
$ |
0.10 |
Earnings per share attributable to common stockholders, diluted |
$ |
0.03 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.19 |
$ |
0.09 |
Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding used in computing earnings per share attributable to common stockholders, basic |
2,304,883 |
2,187,214 |
2,250,163 |
2,147,446 |
Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding used in computing earnings per share attributable to common stockholders, diluted |
2,528,279 |
2,357,742 |
2,450,818 |
2,297,927 |
(1) | Includes stock-based compensation expense as follows (in thousands): |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Cost of revenue |
$ |
33,124 |
$ |
11,000 |
$ |
69,065 |
$ |
35,995 |
Sales and marketing |
97,953 |
43,689 |
239,121 |
160,645 |
Research and development |
77,533 |
32,996 |
165,065 |
98,064 |
General and administrative |
73,188 |
44,923 |
218,387 |
181,199 |
Total stock-based compensation |
$ |
281,798 |
$ |
132,608 |
$ |
691,638 |
$ |
475,903 |
Palantir Technologies Inc. Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (in thousands) (unaudited) |
As of December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
Assets |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
2,098,524 |
$ |
831,047 |
Marketable securities |
3,131,463 |
2,843,132 |
Accounts receivable, net |
575,048 |
364,784 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
129,254 |
99,655 |
Total current assets |
5,934,289 |
4,138,618 |
Property and equipment, net |
39,638 |
47,758 |
Operating lease right-of-use assets |
200,740 |
182,863 |
Other assets |
166,217 |
153,186 |
Total assets |
$ |
6,340,884 |
$ |
4,522,425 |
Liabilities and Equity |
Current liabilities: |
Accounts payable |
$ |
103 |
$ |
12,122 |
Accrued liabilities |
427,046 |
222,991 |
Deferred revenue |
259,624 |
246,901 |
Customer deposits |
265,252 |
209,828 |
Operating lease liabilities |
43,993 |
54,176 |
Total current liabilities |
996,018 |
746,018 |
Deferred revenue, noncurrent |
39,885 |
28,047 |
Customer deposits, noncurrent |
1,663 |
1,477 |
Operating lease liabilities, noncurrent |
195,226 |
175,216 |
Other noncurrent liabilities |
13,685 |
10,702 |
Total liabilities |
1,246,477 |
961,460 |
Stockholders’ equity: |
Common stock |
2,339 |
2,200 |
Additional paid-in capital |
10,193,970 |
9,122,173 |
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net |
(5,611 |
) |
801 |
Accumulated deficit |
(5,187,423 |
) |
(5,649,613 |
) |
Total stockholders’ equity |
5,003,275 |
3,475,561 |
Noncontrolling interests |
91,132 |
85,404 |
Total equity |
5,094,407 |
3,560,965 |
Total liabilities and equity |
$ |
6,340,884 |
$ |
4,522,425 |
Palantir Technologies Inc. Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (in thousands) (unaudited) |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
Operating activities |
Net income |
$ |
467,918 |
$ |
217,375 |
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation and amortization |
31,587 |
33,354 |
Stock-based compensation |
691,638 |
475,903 |
Noncash operating lease expense |
41,239 |
47,019 |
Unrealized and realized (gain) loss from marketable securities, net |
19,306 |
13,160 |
Noncash consideration |
(52,521 |
) |
(46,609 |
) |
Other operating activities |
24,795 |
(34,255 |
) |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities: |
Accounts receivable, net |
(211,157 |
) |
(106,159 |
) |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
7,202 |
(6,197 |
) |
Other assets |
4,681 |
3,242 |
Accounts payable |
(18,841 |
) |
(31,832 |
) |
Accrued liabilities |
115,634 |
52,895 |
Deferred revenue, current and noncurrent |
22,356 |
79,512 |
Customer deposits, current and noncurrent |
54,440 |
64,347 |
Operating lease liabilities, current and noncurrent |
(48,966 |
) |
(49,630 |
) |
Other noncurrent liabilities |
4,554 |
58 |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
1,153,865 |
712,183 |
Investing activities |
Purchases of property and equipment |
(12,634 |
) |
(15,114 |
) |
Purchases of marketable securities |
(5,395,913 |
) |
(5,636,406 |
) |
Proceeds from sales and redemption of marketable securities |
5,073,507 |
2,889,268 |
Other investing activities |
(5,615 |
) |
51,072 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(340,655 |
) |
(2,711,180 |
) |
Financing activities |
Proceeds from the exercise of common stock options |
745,396 |
218,238 |
Repurchases of common stock |
(64,196 |
) |
— |
Taxes paid related to net share settlement of equity |
(218,280 |
) |
— |
Other financing activities |
444 |
601 |
Net cash provided by financing activities |
463,364 |
218,839 |
Effect of foreign exchange on cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash |
(6,745 |
) |
2,930 |
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash |
1,269,829 |
(1,777,228 |
) |
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash - beginning of period |
850,107 |
2,627,335 |
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash - end of period |
$ |
2,119,936 |
$ |
850,107 |
Palantir Technologies Inc. Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Financial Measures (unaudited) |
Non-GAAP Reconciliations Adjusted Income from Operations and Adjusted Operating Margin (in thousands, except percentages) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Income from operations |
$ |
11,043 |
$ |
65,794 |
$ |
310,403 |
$ |
119,966 |
Add: stock-based compensation |
281,798 |
132,608 |
691,638 |
475,903 |
Add: employer payroll taxes related to stock-based compensation |
79,681 |
10,953 |
126,021 |
36,907 |
Adjusted income from operations |
$ |
372,522 |
$ |
209,355 |
$ |
1,128,062 |
$ |
632,776 |
Adjusted operating margin |
45 |
% |
34 |
% |
39 |
% |
28 |
% |
Income from Operations When Excluding One-Time SAR-Related Expenses and Operating Margin When Excluding One-Time SAR-Related Expenses (in thousands, except percentages | |||||||
Three Months Ended
Years Ended
Income from operations |
$ |
11,043 |
$ |
310,403 |
Add: accelerated stock-based compensation expense related to Market-Vesting SARs |
115,776 |
115,776 |
Add: employer payroll taxes related to Market-Vesting SARs |
15,528 |
15,528 |
Income from operations when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses |
$ |
142,347 |
$ |
441,707 |
Operating margin when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses |
17 |
% |
15 |
% |
Adjusted Free Cash Flow and Adjusted Free Cash Flow Margin (in thousands, except percentages) | |||||||||||||||
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
$ |
460,327 |
$ |
301,172 |
$ |
1,153,865 |
$ |
712,183 |
Add: cash paid for employer payroll taxes related to stock-based compensation |
60,164 |
8,440 |
107,991 |
33,455 |
Less: purchases of property and equipment |
(3,106 |
) |
(4,860 |
) |
(12,634 |
) |
(15,114 |
) |
Adjusted free cash flow |
$ |
517,385 |
$ |
304,752 |
$ |
1,249,222 |
$ |
730,524 |
Adjusted free cash flow margin |
63 |
% |
50 |
% |
44 |
% |
33 |
% |
Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA Margin (in thousands, except percentages) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income attributable to common stockholders |
$ |
79,009 |
$ |
93,391 |
$ |
462,190 |
$ |
209,825 |
Add: net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests |
(2,073 |
) |
3,522 |
5,728 |
7,550 |
Less: interest income |
(54,727 |
) |
(44,545 |
) |
(196,792 |
) |
(132,572 |
) |
Add: other (income) expense, net |
(14,768 |
) |
4,092 |
18,022 |
15,447 |
Add: provision for income taxes |
3,602 |
9,334 |
21,255 |
19,716 |
Add: depreciation and amortization |
7,006 |
7,972 |
31,587 |
33,354 |
Add: stock-based compensation |
281,798 |
132,608 |
691,638 |
475,903 |
Add: employer payroll taxes related to stock-based compensation |
79,681 |
10,953 |
126,021 |
36,907 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
379,528 |
$ |
217,327 |
$ |
1,159,649 |
$ |
666,130 |
Adjusted EBITDA margin |
46 |
% |
36 |
% |
40 |
% |
30 |
% |
Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted Earnings Per Share, Diluted (in thousands, except per share amounts and percentages) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Years Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income attributable to common stockholders |
$ |
79,009 |
$ |
93,391 |
$ |
462,190 |
$ |
209,825 |
Add: stock-based compensation |
281,798 |
132,608 |
691,638 |
475,903 |
Add: employer payroll taxes related to stock-based compensation |
79,681 |
10,953 |
126,021 |
36,907 |
Less: income tax effects and adjustments (1) |
(98,541 |
) |
(47,312 |
) |
(278,000 |
) |
(151,026 |
) |
Adjusted net income attributable to common stockholders, diluted |
$ |
341,947 |
$ |
189,640 |
$ |
1,001,849 |
$ |
571,609 |
Adjusted weighted-average shares used in computing adjusted earnings per share, diluted |
2,528,279 |
2,357,741 |
2,450,818 |
2,297,928 |
Adjusted earnings per share, diluted |
$ |
0.14 |
$ |
0.08 |
$ |
0.41 |
$ |
0.25 |
(1) |
Income tax effect is based on long-term estimated annual effective tax rates of |
Net Income When Excluding One-Time SAR-Related Expenses and Earnings Per Share When Excluding One-Time SAR-Related Expenses, Diluted (in thousands, except per share amounts and percentages) | |||
Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 |
Net income attributable to common stockholders |
$ |
79,009 |
Add: accelerated stock-based compensation expense related to Market-Vesting SARs |
115,776 |
Add: employer payroll taxes related to Market-Vesting SARs |
15,528 |
Less: income tax effects and adjustments related to Market-Vesting SARs (1) |
(45,599 |
) |
Net income when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses |
$ |
164,714 |
Net income when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses margin | 20 |
% | |
Adjusted weighted-average shares used in computing earnings per share when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses, diluted |
2,528,279 |
Earnings per share when excluding one-time SAR-related expenses, diluted |
$ |
0.07 |
(1) |
Income tax effect is based on long-term estimated annual effective tax rates of |
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Investor Relations
Source: Palantir Technologies Inc.