GROUNDBREAKERS 2024: Prologis CEO, FedEx Chairman discuss Artificial Intelligence, company culture and tariffs

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Prologis (NYSE: PLD) hosted its fourth annual GROUNDBREAKERS thought leadership forum in London, featuring discussions on artificial intelligence, company culture, and global economic trends. The event included keynotes from Prologis CEO Hamid R. Moghadam and FedEx Chairman Fred Smith, who emphasized the importance of digitizing data for AI success and fostering a culture of innovation.

Panel discussions covered various topics, including:

  • The future of delivery and optimizing infrastructure
  • Changing consumer expectations in the fashion industry
  • Healthcare innovation and automation
  • Energy challenges, electrification, and decarbonization

The forum attracted hundreds of in-person attendees and thousands of virtual participants. All sessions are available for on-demand streaming, and the next GROUNDBREAKERS event is scheduled for October 2, 2025, in Los Angeles.

Prologis (NYSE: PLD) ha ospitato il suo quarto forum annuale di GROUNDBREAKERS dedicato alla leadership di pensiero a Londra, prevedendo discussioni su intelligenza artificiale, cultura aziendale e tendenze economiche globali. L'evento ha incluso interventi di Hamid R. Moghadam, CEO di Prologis, e di Fred Smith, Presidente di FedEx, che hanno sottolineato l'importanza di digitalizzare i dati per il successo dell'IA e di promuovere una cultura dell'innovazione.

Le discussioni nei pannelli hanno trattato vari argomenti, tra cui:

  • Il futuro delle consegne e l'ottimizzazione dell'infrastruttura
  • Le aspettative dei consumatori in evoluzione nell'industria della moda
  • Innovazione e automazione nel settore sanitario
  • Le sfide energetiche, l'elettrificazione e la decarbonizzazione

Il forum ha attirato centinaia di partecipanti in presenza e migliaia di partecipanti virtuali. Tutte le sessioni sono disponibili per lo streaming on-demand e il prossimo evento GROUNDBREAKERS è programmato per il 2 ottobre 2025 a Los Angeles.

Prologis (NYSE: PLD) organizó su cuarto foro anual de liderazgo de pensamiento GROUNDBREAKERS en Londres, que incluyó discusiones sobre inteligencia artificial, cultura empresarial y tendencias económicas globales. El evento contó con las ponencias de Hamid R. Moghadam, CEO de Prologis, y Fred Smith, presidente de FedEx, quienes enfatizaron la importancia de digitalizar los datos para el éxito de la IA y fomentar una cultura de innovación.

Las discusiones en paneles abarcaron diversos temas, incluyendo:

  • El futuro de las entregas y la optimización de la infraestructura
  • Las expectativas cambiantes del consumidor en la industria de la moda
  • Innovación y automatización en el sector sanitario
  • Desafíos energéticos, electrificación y descarbonización

El foro atrajo a cientos de asistentes presenciales y miles de participantes virtuales. Todas las sesiones están disponibles para streaming bajo demanda, y el próximo evento GROUNDBREAKERS está programado para el 2 de octubre de 2025 en Los Ángeles.

프로로지스 (NYSE: PLD)는 런던에서 GROUNDBREAKERS 사고 리더십 포럼의 네 번째 연례 행사를 개최하였으며, 여기에는 인공지능, 기업 문화 및 글로벌 경제 동향에 대한 논의가 포함되었습니다. 이 이벤트는 프로로지스 CEO 하미드 R. 모가담페덱스 회장 프레드 스미스의 기조 연설을 포함하였으며, 데이터 디지털화의 중요성과 혁신 문화를 조성하는 것의 중요성을 강조하였습니다.

패널 토론에서는 다양한 주제를 다루었으며, 여기에는:

  • 배송의 미래와 인프라 최적화
  • 패션 산업의 변화하는 소비자 기대
  • 헬스케어 혁신 및 자동화
  • 에너지 과제, 전기화 및 탈탄소화

포럼은 수백 명의 직접 참석자와 수천 명의 가상 참가자를 유치하였습니다. 모든 세션은 온디맨드 스트리밍으로 제공되며, 다음 GROUNDBREAKERS 이벤트는 2025년 10월 2일 로스앤젤레스를 위해 예정되어 있습니다.

Prologis (NYSE: PLD) a organisé son quatrième forum annuel de leadership de pensée GROUNDBREAKERS à Londres, comprenant des discussions sur l'intelligence artificielle, la culture d'entreprise et les tendances économiques mondiales. L'événement a inclus des conférences de Hamid R. Moghadam, CEO de Prologis, et de Fred Smith, Président de FedEx, qui ont souligné l'importance de numériser les données pour le succès de l'intelligence artificielle et l'encouragement d'une culture d'innovation.

Les discussions en panels ont couvert divers sujets, y compris:

  • Le futur de la livraison et l'optimisation de l'infrastructure
  • Les attentes changeantes des consommateurs dans l'industrie de la mode
  • Innovation et automatisation dans le secteur de la santé
  • Défis énergétiques, électrification et décarbonisation

Le forum a attiré des centaines de participants sur place et des milliers de participants virtuels. Toutes les sessions sont disponibles en streaming à la demande, et le prochain événement GROUNDBREAKERS est prévu pour le 2 octobre 2025 à Los Angeles.

Prologis (NYSE: PLD) veranstaltete sein viertes jährliches GROUNDBREAKERS Forum für Gedankenführung in London, das Diskussionen über Künstliche Intelligenz, Unternehmenskultur und globale Wirtschaftstrends umfasste. Die Veranstaltung beinhaltete Reden von Hamid R. Moghadam, dem CEO von Prologis, und Fred Smith, dem Vorsitzenden von FedEx, die die Bedeutung der Digitalisierung von Daten für den Erfolg der KI und der Förderung einer Kultur der Innovation betonten.

In den Podiumsdiskussionen wurden verschiedene Themen behandelt, darunter:

  • Die Zukunft der Zustellung und die Optimierung der Infrastruktur
  • Veränderte Verbraucher-erwartungen in der Modeindustrie
  • Innovationen und Automatisierung im Gesundheitswesen
  • Energieherausforderungen, Elektrifizierung und Dekarbonisierung

Das Forum zog Hunderte von Teilnehmern vor Ort und Tausende von virtuellen Teilnehmern an. Alle Sitzungen sind für das On-Demand-Streaming verfügbar, und die nächste GROUNDBREAKERS Veranstaltung ist für den 2. Oktober 2025 in Los Angeles geplant.

  • Prologis hosted a high-profile thought leadership forum with industry leaders
  • The event attracted hundreds of in-person attendees and thousands of virtual participants
  • Discussions focused on key industry trends such as AI, delivery optimization, and energy challenges
  • None.

Event also featured Former Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair and Survival Expert Bear Grylls

LONDON, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Prologis, Inc. (NYSE: PLD), the global leader in logistics real estate, today hosted its fourth annual GROUNDBREAKERS thought leadership forum in London. GROUNDBREAKERS 2024 featured trailblazers including FedEx Chairman Fred Smith, former UK Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair and Survival Expert Bear Grylls.  

Prologis Co-founder, Chairman and CEO Hamid R. Moghadam was joined by FedEx Founder and Executive Chairman Fred Smith for the event's opening keynote. The two founders discussed technology's influence on geo-economic trends and how their companies are integrating artificial intelligence (AI).

"Manufacturing of basic items is not going to be re-introduced into the West unless robotics is introduced and changes the game," Smith said.

Moghadam said the success of AI is dependent on digitizing massive amounts of data: "The most important thing is digitizing data. If you do not have data, no amount of AI can help you in any way. Most people skip that first step."

Both leaders agreed fostering a culture of innovation is key to attracting the right talent and delivering on customer expectation.

"Culture is the only form of sustainable competitive advantage," said Moghadam. "If you explain the why to people, not only will they sign on, but they will figure out a better way to get there."

Smith added, "Most companies try to catch people doing something wrong – our culture, we try to catch people doing something right."

Panel Highlights: 

The Next Normal: The Future of Delivery
Prologis President Dan Letter engaged Dr. Stephen Peters, member of the Board of Management at Rhenus Group, Patrick Hertzke, partner at McKinsey Automotive Practice, and Alex Coates, president at Airspace, in a conversation about how consumer expectations and new technologies are changing the world of delivery.

"It's honestly exciting when you think about what AI and data analytics can do to improve or optimize the infrastructure that we have around delivery," said Coates. "Can we squeeze more efficiency out of today's infrastructure to get that right product to that right person at the right time?"

Fashion Forward: Everyone is Unique
Vogue Business Editor Kirsty McGregor sat down with Paolo Zannoni, executive deputy chairman at Prada, and Andy Ruben, founder and executive chairman at Trove, to explore trends and innovations disrupting the fashion industry.

Zannoni said consumers' expectations are changing – and creating complexity for his company and the industry: "We are facing the change from the way traditional customers shopped for luxury, even in the luxury group business. What is making our job more complex is that we have different cohorts – different cohorts are looking for different experiences."

Better Health Through Innovation and Design
Healthcare experts came together to examine how innovation in the supply chain is impacting patient health and outcomes. Naomi Grimley, senior communications lead at Oxford's Ellison Institute of Technology moderated a panel with Dr. Josh Makower, the Byers Family director and co-founder of the Stanford Mussallem Center for Biodesign, Dr. Kristin-Anne Rutter, executive director at Cambridge University Health Partners, and Peter Skillman, global head of design at Philips.

On the topic of automation, Rutter said: "There needs to be a lot coming in the automation space because of the healthcare industries coming onto this are so inefficient on how they manage process and manage patients through the systems. If we want to have sustainable healthcare systems, we're going to have to automate both the AI and robotics that we heard about."

Energy Forward: Partnerships, Democratization and Digitization
Prologis Chief Energy and Sustainability Officer Susan Uthayakumar connected with Jean-Pascal Tricoire, chairman at Schneider Electric, Toby Ferenczi, founder and CEO at Granular Energy, and Amund Vik, senior advisor at Eurasia Group. The energy experts focused on driving electrification, decarbonization and profitable business outcomes.

"At the core of energy, there are two contradictory but essential challenges: progress and sustainability," said Tricoire. "In the next 25 years, we have to provide energy to five billion more people on the planet. At the same time, we must reduce emissions by a factor of two."

Ferenczi commented: "With deployment of clean energy, the price of electricity at certain times of the day is negative. That means businesses can be paid to consume energy, and we need a total rethink of what we mean by energy efficiency. It's not only about reducing consumption but how we participate as a system of connected energy networks."

Additional panels explored racing, endurance and adaptability, and AI.

Watch the GROUNDBREAKERS 2024 Replay
Hundreds gathered in-person, and thousands virtually, for the forum, which included additional LinkedIn Live half-time and post-show commentary. All sessions from GROUNDBREAKERS 2024 are available to stream on-demand here.

GROUNDBREAKERS 2025 will be held on Oct. 2, 2025, in Los Angeles.

Prologis, Inc. is the global leader in logistics real estate with a focus on high-barrier, high-growth markets. At June 30, 2024, the company owned or had investments in, on a wholly owned basis or through co-investment ventures, properties and development projects expected to total approximately 1.2 billion square feet (115 million square meters) in 19 countries. Prologis leases modern logistics facilities to a diverse base of approximately 6,700 customers principally across two major categories: business-to-business and retail/online fulfillment.

Prologis. (PRNewsFoto/Prologis, Inc.) (PRNewsFoto/Prologis, Inc.)




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What was the main focus of GROUNDBREAKERS 2024 hosted by Prologis (PLD)?

GROUNDBREAKERS 2024 focused on artificial intelligence, company culture, and global economic trends, featuring discussions with industry leaders on topics such as the future of delivery, healthcare innovation, and energy challenges.

Who were the key speakers at Prologis' (PLD) GROUNDBREAKERS 2024 event?

Key speakers included Prologis CEO Hamid R. Moghadam, FedEx Chairman Fred Smith, former UK Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair, and Survival Expert Bear Grylls.

When and where will Prologis (PLD) host GROUNDBREAKERS 2025?

GROUNDBREAKERS 2025 is scheduled to be held on October 2, 2025, in Los Angeles.

What did Prologis (PLD) CEO Hamid R. Moghadam say about AI at GROUNDBREAKERS 2024?

Moghadam emphasized that the success of AI depends on digitizing massive amounts of data, stating, 'The most important thing is digitizing data. If you do not have data, no amount of AI can help you in any way.'



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