Plumas Bancorp Director Terrance J. Reeson Retires After 40 Years of Service
Plumas Bancorp (Nasdaq:PLBC) announced the retirement of Terrance J. Reeson from its Board of Directors, effective December 31, 2024, after 40 years of service. Reeson, who joined the board in 1984, served as board secretary for over three decades and participated in various committees including Audit & Risk, Executive, and Governance & Compensation.
Chairman Daniel E West acknowledged Reeson's contributions in driving the organization forward. Plumas Bank, a subsidiary of Plumas Bancorp, operates as a community bank with 15 branch offices in Northeastern California and Northern Nevada, along with loan production offices in California and southern Oregon. The bank maintains an asset size exceeding $1.6 billion and is recognized as one of the top performing community banks in the country.
Plumas Bancorp (Nasdaq:PLBC) ha annunciato il pensionamento di Terrance J. Reeson dal suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, a partire dal 31 dicembre 2024, dopo 40 anni di servizio. Reeson, che è entrato a far parte del consiglio nel 1984, ha ricoperto il ruolo di segretario del consiglio per oltre tre decenni ed ha partecipato a varie commissioni, tra cui Audit & Risk, Esecutivo e Governance & Compensation.
Il Presidente Daniel E West ha riconosciuto il contributo di Reeson nel far progredire l'organizzazione. Plumas Bank, una filiale di Plumas Bancorp, opera come una banca di comunità con 15 filiali nel Nord-est della California e nel Nord del Nevada, insieme a uffici di produzione prestiti in California e nel sud dell'Oregon. La banca ha un patrimonio superiore a $1,6 miliardi ed è riconosciuta come una delle banche di comunità a migliore rendimento nel paese.
Plumas Bancorp (Nasdaq:PLBC) anunció la jubilación de Terrance J. Reeson de su Junta Directiva, efectiva a partir del 31 de diciembre de 2024, después de 40 años de servicio. Reeson, quien se unió a la junta en 1984, ocupó el cargo de secretario de la junta durante más de tres décadas y participó en varios comités, incluidos Auditoría y Riesgos, Ejecutivo y Gobernanza y Compensación.
El Presidente Daniel E West reconoció las contribuciones de Reeson para impulsar la organización hacia adelante. Plumas Bank, una subsidiaria de Plumas Bancorp, opera como un banco comunitario con 15 sucursales en el noreste de California y el norte de Nevada, junto con oficinas de producción de préstamos en California y el sur de Oregón. El banco mantiene un tamaño de activos que excede los $1.6 mil millones y es reconocido como uno de los bancos comunitarios de mejor rendimiento en el país.
플루마스 밴코프 (Nasdaq:PLBC)는 40년의 서비스 후 2024년 12월 31일부로 테란스 J. 리슨이 이사회에서 퇴임한다고 발표했습니다. 1984년에 이사회에 합류한 리슨은 30년 이상 이사회 비서를 역임했으며 감사 및 리스크, 집행, 거버넌스 및 보상 등 다양한 위원회에 참여했습니다.
회장인 다니엘 E. 웨스트는 리슨이 조직을 발전시키는 데 기여한 바를 인정했습니다. 플루마스 뱅크는 플루마스 밴코프의 자회사로서 북동부 캘리포니아와 북부 네바다에 15개의 지사를 두고 있으며, 캘리포니아와 남부 오리건에 대출 생산 사무소를 운영하는 커뮤니티 은행입니다. 이 은행은 16억 달러 이상의 자산 규모를 유지하고 있으며, 미국 내에서 가장 성과가 뛰어난 커뮤니티 은행 중 하나로 인정받고 있습니다.
Plumas Bancorp (Nasdaq:PLBC) a annoncé le départ à la retraite de Terrance J. Reeson de son Conseil d'Administration, effectif le 31 décembre 2024, après 40 ans de service. Reeson, qui a rejoint le conseil en 1984, a été secrétaire du conseil pendant plus de trois décennies et a participé à divers comités, y compris Audit & Risques, Exécutif, et Gouvernance & Rémunération.
Le Président Daniel E West a reconnu les contributions de Reeson à l'avancement de l'organisation. Plumas Bank, une filiale de Plumas Bancorp, fonctionne comme une banque communautaire avec 15 agences dans le nord-est de la Californie et le nord du Nevada, ainsi que des bureaux de production de prêts en Californie et dans le sud de l'Oregon. La banque maintient une taille d'actifs dépassant 1,6 milliard de dollars et est reconnue comme l'une des meilleures banques communautaires du pays.
Plumas Bancorp (Nasdaq:PLBC) gab die Pensionierung von Terrance J. Reeson aus seinem Vorstand bekannt, wirksam zum 31. Dezember 2024, nach 40 Jahren Dienstzeit. Reeson, der 1984 in den Vorstand eintrat, war über drei Jahrzehnte lang Schriftführer des Vorstands und nahm an verschiedenen Ausschüssen teil, darunter Audit und Risiko, Exekutive sowie Governance und Vergütung.
Der Vorsitzende Daniel E West erkannte Reesons Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung der Organisation an. Plumas Bank, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Plumas Bancorp, fungiert als Gemeinschaftsbank mit 15 Filialen in Nordostkalifornien und Nordnevada sowie mit Kreditproduktionsbüros in Kalifornien und Südund Oregon. Die Bank verfügt über ein Vermögen von über 1,6 Milliarden US-Dollar und wird als eine der leistungsstärksten Gemeinschaftsbanken im Land anerkannt.
- Assets exceed $1.6 billion
- Strong geographical presence with 15 branches across two states
- Recognized as top performing community bank in the country
- None.
RENO, Nev., Jan. 02, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plumas Bancorp (Nasdaq:PLBC), the bank holding company and the parent company of Plumas Bank, recently announced that after 40 years of service, Terrance J. Reeson retired from the Board of Directors of Plumas Bancorp and Plumas Bank effective December 31, 2024.
Reeson was appointed to the Plumas Bank Board of Directors in 1984 and served as the board secretary for over three decades. Additionally, he served on various board committees throughout his tenure including Audit & Risk, Executive, and Governance & Compensation.
Chairman of the Board, Daniel E West, commented, "Terry’s unwavering commitment and invaluable contributions to our organization over the past four decades have been instrumental in driving our organization forward. On behalf of the entire board, we thank him for his many years of service. While we will miss Terry’s presence at our meetings, we know his impact will continue to guide the company towards future success.”
Reeson stated, "It has been an honor and a privilege to witness the growth and success of this organization over the past 40 years. As I retire, I’m confident that the current Board of Directors, with its diverse skills and experiences, is well equipped to continue advancing Plumas Bancorp's strategic initiatives. The Board’s directives will not only enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve but will also drive shareholder value."
About Plumas Bancorp and Plumas Bank
Plumas Bank is a subsidiary of Plumas Bancorp (NASDAQ: PLBC), a bank holding company headquartered in Reno, Nev. Plumas Bank is a locally managed, award-winning community bank founded in 1980 and headquartered in Quincy, Calif. With 15 branch offices in Northeastern California and Northern Nevada, and loan production offices in California and southern Oregon, Plumas Bank is one of the top performing community banks in the country with an asset size exceeding

When did Terrance J. Reeson retire from Plumas Bancorp (PLBC) board?
What is the current asset size of Plumas Bancorp (PLBC)?
How many branch offices does Plumas Bank (PLBC) operate?
What committees did Terrance Reeson serve on at Plumas Bancorp (PLBC)?