Planet Signs Contract with NATO Agency to Advance the Alliance Persistent Surveillance from Space (APSS) Program

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Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) has signed a contract with the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) to support the Alliance Persistent Surveillance from Space (APSS) program. Planet's SkySat high-resolution satellite data will be used to provide imagery for detailed tracking and analysis of foreign military activities, monitoring infrastructure, and assessing threats. This will help create an unclassified common operating picture between allies.

The APSS program, launched in February 2023, aims to enhance NATO's space-based intelligence capabilities and improve data collection and delivery efficiency. This contract highlights Planet's growing presence in the government sector, following recent expansions with other international agencies.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) ha firmato un contratto con l'Agenzia NATO per le comunicazioni e l'informazione (NCIA) per supportare il programma di Sorveglianza Persistente dall Spazio dell'Alleanza (APSS). I dati satellite ad alta risoluzione di SkySat di Planet verranno utilizzati per fornire immagini per un monitoraggio dettagliato e un'analisi delle attività militari straniere, per monitorare le infrastrutture e per valutare le minacce. Questo contribuirà a creare un quadro operativo comune non classificato tra gli alleati.

Il programma APSS, lanciato nel febbraio 2023, mira a migliorare le capacità di intelligence spaziale della NATO e a migliorare l'efficienza nella raccolta e consegna dei dati. Questo contratto evidenzia la crescente presenza di Planet nel settore governativo, dopo recenti espansioni con altre agenzie internazionali.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) ha firmado un contrato con la Agencia de Comunicaciones e Información de la OTAN (NCIA) para apoyar el programa de Vigilancia Persistente desde el Espacio de la Alianza (APSS). Los datos satelitales de alta resolución de SkySat de Planet se utilizarán para proporcionar imágenes para el seguimiento detallado y análisis de actividades militares extranjeras, monitoreo de infraestructuras y evaluación de amenazas. Esto ayudará a crear un panorama operativo común no clasificado entre los aliados.

El programa APSS, lanzado en febrero de 2023, tiene como objetivo mejorar las capacidades de inteligencia espacial de la OTAN y aumentar la eficiencia en la recolección y entrega de datos. Este contrato destaca la creciente presencia de Planet en el sector gubernamental, tras recientes expansiones con otras agencias internacionales.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL)는 NATO 통신 및 정보 기관(NCIA)와 계약을 체결하여 동맹의 우주 지속 감시 프로그램(APSS)을 지원합니다. Planet의 SkySat 고해상도 위성 데이터는 외국 군사 활동의 상세 추적 및 분석, 인프라 모니터링, 위협 평가를 위한 이미지를 제공하는 데 사용됩니다. 이는 동맹국 간에 비밀이 아닌 공통 작전 그림을 만드는 데 도움이 됩니다.

2023년 2월에 시작된 APSS 프로그램은 NATO의 우주 기반 정보 수집 능력을 강화하고 데이터 수집 및 전달 효율성을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 계약은 다른 국제 기관과의 최근 확장에 이어 정부 부문에서의 Planet의 증가하는 존재감을 강조합니다.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) a signé un contrat avec l'Agence de communication et d'information de l'OTAN (NCIA) pour soutenir le programme de Surveillance Persistante de l'Espace de l'Alliance (APSS). Les données satellites haute résolution de SkySat de Planet seront utilisées pour fournir des images permettant un suivi détaillé et une analyse des activités militaires étrangères, la surveillance des infrastructures et l'évaluation des menaces. Cela aidera à créer une image opérationnelle commune non classifiée entre les alliés.

Le programme APSS, lancé en février 2023, vise à améliorer les capacités de renseignement basées dans l'espace de l'OTAN et à améliorer l'efficacité de la collecte et de la livraison des données. Ce contrat met en avant la présence croissante de Planet dans le secteur gouvernemental, suite à des expansions récentes avec d'autres agences internationales.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) hat einen Vertrag mit der NATO-Kommunikations- und Informationsagentur (NCIA) unterzeichnet, um das Programm zur Anhaltenden Überwachung aus dem All (APSS) zu unterstützen. Die hochauflösenden Satellitendaten von Planet's SkySat werden verwendet, um Bilder für die detaillierte Verfolgung und Analyse ausländischer militärischer Aktivitäten, die Überwachung von Infrastrukturen und die Bewertung von Bedrohungen bereitzustellen. Dies wird helfen, ein unklassifiziertes gemeinsames Lagebild zwischen den Verbündeten zu schaffen.

Das APSS-Programm, das im Februar 2023 ins Leben gerufen wurde, zielt darauf ab, die raumgestützten Geheimdienstfähigkeiten der NATO zu verbessern und die Effizienz bei der Datensammlung und -bereitstellung zu steigern. Dieser Vertrag hebt die wachsende Präsenz von Planet im öffentlichen Sektor hervor, nach jüngsten Erweiterungen mit anderen internationalen Agenturen.

  • Secured a contract with NATO's NCIA for the APSS program
  • Expanding presence in the government sector
  • SkySat data to be used for critical military intelligence and threat assessment
  • Potential for increased revenue from government contracts
  • None.

Planet's contract with NATO's APSS program marks a significant advancement in space-based intelligence capabilities for the alliance. This partnership enhances NATO's ability to monitor global activities and respond to potential threats more effectively. The use of Planet's SkySat high-resolution imagery will provide crucial, timely data for decision-makers, potentially improving strategic and tactical operations.

From an investor's perspective, this contract signifies Planet's growing foothold in the government sector, particularly in defense and intelligence. It demonstrates the company's ability to secure high-profile clients, which could lead to increased revenue streams and long-term contract stability. However, investors should also consider the geopolitical sensitivities associated with such contracts and potential regulatory challenges that may arise.

Planet's SkySat technology offers NATO a game-changing capability in persistent surveillance. The sub-daily tasking feature is particularly noteworthy, as it allows for near real-time monitoring of vast areas. This level of temporal resolution is important for detecting rapid changes and movements on the ground, giving NATO a significant edge in intelligence gathering.

For investors, it's important to understand that Planet's technology differentiates itself through its frequency of image capture and rapid revisit capabilities. This unique selling point could lead to increased market share in the satellite imagery sector. However, the challenge lies in data processing and analysis of the vast amounts of imagery collected. Planet's success will depend on its ability to provide not just raw data, but actionable insights, possibly through AI and machine learning integration.

This contract between Planet and NATO underscores the growing importance of commercial space technologies in international security. It represents a shift towards greater reliance on private sector capabilities for critical defense functions. For NATO, this partnership enhances its technological edge and improves intelligence sharing among allies, which is important in the current geopolitical climate.

Investors should note that this trend could lead to increased government spending in the commercial space sector, potentially benefiting companies like Planet. However, it also raises questions about the dual-use nature of these technologies and potential regulatory challenges. The contract's emphasis on unclassified common operating pictures suggests a move towards greater transparency in intelligence sharing, which could have broader implications for international relations and conflict prevention strategies.

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL), a leading provider of daily data and insights about Earth, announced it has signed a new contract with the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA). NCIA's Alliance Persistent Surveillance from Space (APSS) program will use Planet’s SkySat high-resolution satellite data to support NATO missions.

Planet’s tasking capabilities will empower NATO decision makers by providing imagery for use with detailed tracking and analysis of foreign military capabilities and activities, monitoring of military infrastructure, detecting movements, assessing threats effectively, filling missing intelligence gaps and helping provide an unclassified common operating picture between allies.

“In a time of heightened global conflict, this ability to supply NATO is more critical than ever to reinforce multinational alliances and advance peace around the world through transparency and accountability from space,” said Will Marshall, co-founder and CEO of Planet. “We look forward to working with the APSS team as it continues to adopt new space technology to advance global security.”

Founded in February 2023, APSS is a multi-year, multinational initiative that aims to use space to collect data on any location at any given time, increase space-based intelligence sharing, improve NATO’s overall intelligence through space-based assets, and increase the speed, usability and management efficiency at which space-based data is collected, aggregated and delivered. APSS also enhances how NATO engages with future technologies including cloud solutions and AI analytical tools that will be key to better manage the growing amounts of space data available.

“Space is critical for NATO, from supporting the navigation and tracking of forces, detecting missile launches, maintaining situational awareness, to ensuring effective command and control,” said Laryssa Patten, Head of Space Technology Adoption and Resilience at NCIA. “Planet’s sub-daily tasking brings new capabilities which enable monitoring of large areas of NATO interest, bolstering our technological advantage, and fulfilling our mission of preserving peace and security for nearly one billion people.”

This contract highlights Planet’s continued business growth in the government sector this year, following a recently announced contract expansion with a US-allied International Government Agency and a pilot contract signed with an International Ministry of Defense Customer.

About Planet

Planet is a leading provider of global, daily satellite imagery and geospatial solutions. Planet is driven by a mission to image the world every day, and make change visible, accessible and actionable. Founded in 2010 by three NASA scientists, Planet designs, builds, and operates the largest Earth observation fleet of imaging satellites. Planet provides mission-critical data, advanced insights, and software solutions to over 1,000 customers, comprising the world’s leading agriculture, forestry, intelligence, education and finance companies and government agencies, enabling users to simply and effectively derive unique value from satellite imagery. Planet is a public benefit corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange as PL. To learn more visit and follow us on X (formerly Twitter) or tune in to HBO's ‘Wild Wild Space’.

Planet Press

Claire Bentley Dale

Planet Investor Relations

Chris Genualdi, Cleo Palmer-Poroner

Source: Planet


What is the purpose of Planet's contract with NATO's NCIA for the APSS program?

Planet's contract with NATO's NCIA aims to provide SkySat high-resolution satellite data for the APSS program, supporting detailed tracking and analysis of foreign military activities, monitoring infrastructure, and assessing threats to enhance NATO's space-based intelligence capabilities.

How will Planet's SkySat data benefit NATO's operations?

Planet's SkySat data will empower NATO decision-makers by providing imagery for detailed tracking of military activities, monitoring infrastructure, assessing threats, filling intelligence gaps, and creating an unclassified common operating picture between allies.

When was the APSS program launched, and what are its goals?

The APSS program was launched in February 2023. Its goals include using space to collect data on any location at any time, increasing space-based intelligence sharing, improving NATO's overall intelligence through space-based assets, and enhancing data collection and delivery efficiency.

How does the NATO contract reflect on Planet Labs PBC's (NYSE: PL) business growth?

The NATO contract highlights Planet's continued business growth in the government sector, following recent contract expansions with a US-allied International Government Agency and a pilot contract with an International Ministry of Defense Customer.

Planet Labs PBC


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