Planet Renews Contract with the Federal Police of Brazil

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Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL) has renewed a 12-month contract with the Federal Police of Brazil for global daily monitoring of threatened rainforests. The seven-figure value contract, formalized through Planet's partner SCCON Geospatial, enables the continuation of the Brasil MAIS Program. This initiative has reportedly led to the collection of nearly $3 billion from fines, seized goods, and frozen assets related to illegal logging and mining, representing a 7,500% return on investment for the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety.

The renewed contract will allow over 100,000 users and 500 public institutions to monitor 8.6 million square kilometers of Brazilian territory and marine coast areas. Planet's daily satellite imagery helps map and monitor the country's landmass and alert users to near real-time changes in forest cover, aiding in the fight against illegal deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL) ha rinnovato un contratto di 12 mesi con la Polizia Federale del Brasile per il monitoraggio globale giornaliero delle foreste pluviali minacciate. Il contratto dal valore sette cifre, formalizzato attraverso il partner di Planet SCCON Geospatial, consente la continuazione del Programma Brasil MAIS. Questa iniziativa ha riportato la raccolta di quasi 3 miliardi di dollari in multe, beni sequestrati e beni congelati legati al disboscamento e all'estrazione illegale, rappresentando un ritorno sull'investimento del 7.500% per il Ministero della Giustizia e della Sicurezza Pubblica.

Il contratto rinnovato permetterà a oltre 100.000 utenti e 500 istituzioni pubbliche di monitorare 8,6 milioni di chilometri quadrati di territorio brasiliano e aree costiere marine. Le immagini satellitari giornaliere di Planet aiutano a mappare e monitorare la massa terrestre del paese e avvisano gli utenti sui cambiamenti in tempo quasi reale nella copertura forestale, contribuendo alla lotta contro il disboscamento illegale nella Foresta Amazzonica.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL) ha renovado un contrato de 12 meses con la Policía Federal de Brasil para el monitoreo global diario de las selvas amenazadas. El contrato de siete cifras, formalizado a través del socio de Planet SCCON Geospatial, permite la continuación del Programa Brasil MAIS. Esta iniciativa ha llevado a la recaudación de casi 3 mil millones de dólares en multas, bienes confiscados y activos congelados relacionados con la tala ilegal y la minería, representando un retorno de inversión del 7,500% para el Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad Pública.

El contrato renovado permitirá a más de 100,000 usuarios y 500 instituciones públicas monitorear 8.6 millones de kilómetros cuadrados del territorio brasileño y áreas costeras marinas. Las imágenes satelitales diarias de Planet ayudan a mapear y monitorear la masa terrestre del país y alertar a los usuarios sobre cambios en casi tiempo real en la cobertura forestal, ayudando en la lucha contra la deforestación ilegal en la selva amazónica.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL)는 브라질 연방 경찰과의 12개월 계약을 갱신했습니다. 7자리 수의 계약은 Planet의 파트너인 SCCON Geospatial을 통해 공식화되었으며, Brasil MAIS 프로그램의 지속을 가능하게 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 불법 벌목 및 광업과 관련하여 거의 30억 달러의 벌금, 압류된 자산 및 동결 자산을 수집한 것으로 보고되며, 법무부 및 공공 안전의 7,500%의 투자 수익률을 나타냅니다.

갱신된 계약은 10만 명 이상의 사용자와 500개의 공공 기관860만 평방 킬로미터의 브라질 지역과 해안 지역을 모니터링할 수 있게 합니다. Planet의 매일 위성 이미지는 국가의 육지를 매핑하고 모니터링하는 데 도움을 주며 사용자에게 숲의 변화에 대한 거의 실시간 경고를 제공하여 아마존 열대우림에서의 불법 벌목과의 전투에 도움을 줍니다.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL) a renouvelé un contrat de 12 mois avec la Police Fédérale du Brésil pour le suivi quotidien mondial des forêts tropicales menacées. Le contrat à sept chiffres, formalisé par le biais du partenaire de Planet SCCON Geospatial, permet la poursuite du Programme Brasil MAIS. Cette initiative a rapporté la collecte de près de 3 milliards de dollars en amendes, biens saisis et actifs gelés liés à l'exploitation forestière et minière illégales, représentant un retour sur investissement de 7.500% pour le Ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité publique.

Le contrat renouvelé permettra à plus de 100.000 utilisateurs et 500 institutions publiques de surveiller 8,6 millions de kilomètres carrés du territoire brésilien et des zones côtières maritimes. Les images satellites quotidiennes de Planet aident à cartographier et surveiller la masse terrestre du pays et informer les utilisateurs des changements dans la couverture forestière en quasi temps réel, contribuant à la lutte contre la déforestation illégale dans la forêt amazonienne.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL) hat einen 12-monatigen Vertrag mit der Bundespolizei von Brasilien zur globalen täglichen Überwachung bedrohte Regenwälder erneuert. Der vertragswert im siebenstelligen Bereich, der über Planet's Partner SCCON Geospatial formalisiert wurde, ermöglicht die Fortführung des Brasil MAIS Programms. Diese Initiative hat Berichten zufolge zu einer Sammlung von fast 3 Milliarden Dollar durch Geldstrafen, beschlagnahmte Waren und eingefrorene Vermögenswerte im Zusammenhang mit illegaler Abholzung und Bergbau geführt, was einen Rendite von 7.500% für das Ministerium für Justiz und öffentliche Sicherheit darstellt.

Der erneuerte Vertrag wird es über 100.000 Nutzern und 500 öffentlichen Institutionen ermöglichen, 8,6 Millionen Quadratkilometer brasilianisches Territorium und Küstengebiete zu überwachen. Die täglichen Satellitenbilder von Planet helfen, das Land des Landes zu kartieren und zu überwachen und warnen die Nutzer vor fast in Echtzeit über Veränderungen der Waldflächen, was den Kampf gegen die illegale Abholzung des Amazonas-Regenwaldes unterstützt.

  • Renewed 12-month contract with seven-figure value
  • Nearly $3 billion collected from fines, seized goods, and frozen assets
  • 7,500% return on investment for the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety
  • Enables monitoring of 8.6 million square kilometers of Brazilian territory
  • Provides near real-time alerts for changes in forest cover
  • None.


This contract renewal signifies a strong commitment to combating illegal deforestation in Brazil, particularly in the Amazon Rainforest. The seven-figure value and reported $3 billion in fines and seized assets demonstrate the economic impact of satellite monitoring in environmental protection. The 7,500% return on investment is exceptionally high, indicating the program's effectiveness. The scale of monitoring, covering 8.6 million square kilometers and involving over 100,000 users across 500 public institutions, showcases a comprehensive approach to environmental law enforcement. This continued partnership between Planet Labs and the Brazilian government could potentially lead to reduced deforestation rates and improved conservation efforts in one of the world's most critical ecosystems.

Planet Labs' daily satellite imagery technology is proving to be a game-changer in environmental monitoring and law enforcement. The ability to provide near real-time alerts on forest cover changes is important for timely intervention against illegal activities. This contract renewal underscores the growing importance of Earth observation data in policy implementation and resource management. The Brasil MAIS Program's extensive user base indicates widespread adoption of this technology across various government agencies. As satellite imagery resolution and analysis capabilities continue to improve, we can expect even more effective detection and prevention of illegal deforestation. This contract not only benefits Planet Labs financially but also positions them as a key player in global environmental protection efforts.

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL), a leading provider of daily data and insights about Earth, today announced a 12-month contract renewal with the Federal Police of Brazil for its global daily monitoring over threatened rainforests. The contract has a seven-figure value and was formalized through Planet’s partner SCCON Geospatial (SCCON).

With the aid of daily satellite imagery, public agents have reported collecting nearly $3 billion from fines, seized goods, and frozen assets related to illegal logging and mining. This represents a 7,500% return on investment for the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety’s strategic initiative. Through the country’s Brasil MAIS Program, the renewed contract will enable more than 100,000 users and more than 500 public institutions to continue monitoring 8.6 million square kilometers of Brazilian territory and marine coast areas.

The Federal Police of Brazil maintains order and protects the country’s property from illegal activity. Illegal deforestation critically threatens the health of the Amazon Rainforest. Its enormous size makes it impossible for authorities to physically see or be everywhere all at once. Planet’s daily satellite imagery not only helps the RedeMAIS partners map and monitor the country’s landmass, but also now helps alert users to near real-time changes in forest cover.


Brazilian company SCCON is a leading solutions provider to the geospatial industry. They are a technology-centric company that provides scalable analytical solutions using Planet’s daily images to monitor change and deliver results that help clients achieve their Sustainable Development Goals. The SCCON platform automates processes, analyses and methodologies to deliver, through an API, dynamic alerts to users in environment, agriculture, forestry, public safety, energy, supply chain monitoring, risk analysis and environmental social governance (ESG).

About Planet Labs PBC

Planet is a leading provider of global, daily satellite imagery and geospatial solutions. Planet is driven by a mission to image the world every day, and make change visible, accessible and actionable. Founded in 2010 by three NASA scientists, Planet designs, builds, and operates the largest Earth observation fleet of imaging satellites. Planet provides mission-critical data, advanced insights, and software solutions to over 1,000 customers, comprising the world’s leading agriculture, forestry, intelligence, education and finance companies and government agencies, enabling users to simply and effectively derive unique value from satellite imagery. Planet is a public benefit corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange as PL. To learn more visit and follow us on X (formerly Twitter) or tune in to HBO's ‘Wild Wild Space’.

Planet Press

Claire Bentley Dale

Planet Investor Relations

Cleo Palmer-Poroner

Source: Planet


What is the value of Planet Labs PBC's renewed contract with the Federal Police of Brazil?

The renewed contract with the Federal Police of Brazil has a seven-figure value, though the exact amount is not specified in the press release.

How much has been collected in fines and seized assets related to illegal logging and mining in Brazil using Planet Labs PBC's (NYSE:PL) technology?

Public agents have reported collecting nearly $3 billion from fines, seized goods, and frozen assets related to illegal logging and mining using Planet Labs PBC's daily satellite imagery.

What is the return on investment for the Brasil MAIS Program using Planet Labs PBC (NYSE:PL) technology?

The Brasil MAIS Program, utilizing Planet Labs PBC's technology, has reportedly achieved a 7,500% return on investment for the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety's strategic initiative.

How many users and institutions will benefit from Planet Labs PBC's (NYSE:PL) renewed contract with Brazil?

The renewed contract will enable more than 100,000 users and more than 500 public institutions to continue monitoring Brazilian territory and marine coast areas.

Planet Labs PBC


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