Planet Partner BeZero Leverages Planet Imagery and Forest Carbon Products to Inform Independent Carbon Ratings

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Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) has partnered with BeZero Carbon, a global ratings agency for carbon markets, to enhance carbon market risk management. BeZero is utilizing Planet's Forest Carbon Diligence product, which provides global 30-m time series data on tree height, canopy cover, and forest carbon stocks. This data is improving BeZero's methodologies for forest project monitoring.

Planet is set to release its Forest Carbon Monitoring product later this year, offering 3-m resolution satellite-derived forest data at an individual tree level. BeZero has exclusive early access to this product. Additionally, BeZero has integrated Planet's quarterly Basemaps into its ratings platform, enabling side-by-side comparisons of carbon projects dating back to 2016.

This collaboration aims to provide sustainability leaders with data-backed insights for carbon crediting and financing decisions, leveraging Planet's extensive satellite imagery and BeZero's analytics capabilities.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) ha collaborato con BeZero Carbon, un'agenzia di rating globale per i mercati del carbonio, per migliorare la gestione del rischio nel mercato del carbonio. BeZero sta utilizzando il prodotto Forest Carbon Diligence di Planet, che fornisce dati globali in serie temporali di 30 metri su altezza degli alberi, copertura arborea e riserve di carbonio forestale. Questi dati stanno migliorando le metodologie di BeZero per il monitoraggio dei progetti forestali.

Planet prevede di lanciare il suo prodotto Forest Carbon Monitoring entro la fine dell'anno, offrendo dati forestali derivati da satelliti con risoluzione di 3 metri a livello di singolo albero. BeZero ha accesso esclusivo anticipato a questo prodotto. Inoltre, BeZero ha integrato le Basemap trimestrali di Planet nella sua piattaforma di rating, consentendo confronti affiancati dei progetti di carbonio risalenti al 2016.

Questa collaborazione mira a fornire ai leader della sostenibilità approfondimenti basati su dati per decisioni in materia di credito di carbonio e finanziamenti, sfruttando le ampie immagini satellitari di Planet e le capacità analitiche di BeZero.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) se ha asociado con BeZero Carbon, una agencia de calificación global para los mercados de carbono, para mejorar la gestión del riesgo en el mercado de carbono. BeZero está utilizando el producto Forest Carbon Diligence de Planet, que proporciona datos globales en series temporales de 30 metros sobre la altura de los árboles, la cobertura del dosel y las reservas de carbono en los bosques. Estos datos están mejorando las metodologías de BeZero para el monitoreo de proyectos forestales.

Planet tiene previsto lanzar su producto Forest Carbon Monitoring a finales de este año, ofreciendo datos forestales derivados de satélites con una resolución de 3 metros a nivel de árbol individual. BeZero tiene acceso exclusivo anticipado a este producto. Además, BeZero ha integrado los Basemaps trimestrales de Planet en su plataforma de calificación, permitiendo comparaciones lado a lado de proyectos de carbono desde 2016.

Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los líderes en sostenibilidad información respaldada por datos para las decisiones sobre créditos de carbono y financiamiento, aprovechando las extensas imágenes satelitales de Planet y las capacidades analíticas de BeZero.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL)는 탄소 시장을 위한 글로벌 등급 기관인 BeZero Carbon과 협력하여 탄소 시장 리스크 관리 향상을 목표로 하고 있습니다. BeZero는 Planet의 Forest Carbon Diligence 제품을 활용하고 있으며, 이 제품은 나무 높이, 수관 덮개 및 숲의 탄소 저장량에 대한 글로벌 30m 시계열 데이터를 제공합니다. 이 데이터는 BeZero의 숲 프로젝트 모니터링 방법론을 개선하고 있습니다.

Planet은 올해 말까지 개별 나무 수준의 3m 해상도를 제공하는 Forest Carbon Monitoring 제품을 출시할 예정입니다. BeZero는 이 제품에 대해 독점적인 조기 접근권을 가지고 있습니다. 또한, BeZero는 Planet의 분기별 Basemaps를 자사 평정 플랫폼에 통합하여 2016년부터의 탄소 프로젝트를 나란히 비교할 수 있도록 했습니다.

이 협력은 Planet의 방대한 위성 이미지와 BeZero의 분석 능력을 활용하여 탄소 크레딧 및 자금 조달 결정을 위한 데이터 기반 통찰력을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) s'est associé à BeZero Carbon, une agence de notation mondiale pour les marchés du carbone, afin d'améliorer la gestion des risques sur le marché du carbone. BeZero utilise le produit Forest Carbon Diligence de Planet, qui fournit des données mondiales de séries temporelles de 30m sur la hauteur des arbres, la couverture du couvert forestier et les stocks de carbone des forêts. Ces données améliorent les méthodologies de BeZero pour le suivi des projets forestiers.

Planet prévoit de lancer son produit Forest Carbon Monitoring plus tard cette année, offrant des données forestières dérivées des satellites avec une résolution de 3m au niveau de chaque arbre. BeZero a un accès anticipé exclusif à ce produit. De plus, BeZero a intégré les Basemaps trimestriels de Planet dans sa plateforme de notation, permettant des comparaisons côte à côte des projets de carbone remontant à 2016.

Cette collaboration vise à fournir aux leaders de la durabilité des éclairages basés sur des données pour les décisions de crédit carbone et de financement, en s'appuyant sur les vastes images satellites de Planet et les capacités d'analyse de BeZero.

Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL) hat sich mit BeZero Carbon, einer globalen Ratingagentur für die Kohlenstoffmärkte, zusammengetan, um das Risikomanagement auf dem Kohlenstoffmarkt zu verbessern. BeZero nutzt das Forest Carbon Diligence-Produkt von Planet, das globale 30-m-Zeitreihendaten über Baumhöhe, Kronenbedeckung und Kohlenstoffvorräte im Wald bereitstellt. Diese Daten verbessern die Methoden von BeZero zur Überwachung von Waldprojekten.

Planet plant, noch in diesem Jahr sein Forest Carbon Monitoring-Produkt auf den Markt zu bringen, das satellitentierte Walddaten mit einer Auflösung von 3 m auf individueller Baumebene bietet. BeZero hat exklusiven vorzeitigen Zugang zu diesem Produkt. Darüber hinaus hat BeZero die vierteljährlichen Basemaps von Planet in seine Bewertungsplattform integriert, die Vergleiche von Kohlenstoffprojekten seit 2016 ermöglicht.

Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Führungskräften im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit datenbasierte Einblicke für Entscheidungen zur Kohlenstoffbewertung und -finanzierung zu bieten, indem die umfangreichen Satellitenbilder von Planet und die Analysemöglichkeiten von BeZero genutzt werden.

  • Partnership with BeZero Carbon enhances Planet's presence in the carbon market sector
  • BeZero's integration of Planet's Forest Carbon Diligence product improves their forest project monitoring capabilities
  • Exclusive early access for BeZero to Planet's upcoming Forest Carbon Monitoring product at 3-m resolution
  • Integration of Planet's quarterly Basemaps into BeZero's ratings platform expands product utilization
  • None.

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL), a leading provider of daily data and insights about Earth, has been working closely with BeZero Carbon, a global ratings agency for carbon markets. Through this partnership, BeZero provides solutions powered by Planet data that enable market participants to manage risk in their investments, transactions and carbon claims.

BeZero was the first partner to access Planet’s Forest Carbon Diligence product, which provides global 30-m time series of tree height, canopy cover, and forest carbon stocks. This data is already enhancing BeZero’s methodologies, feeding into its dynamic baselines and monitoring for forest projects.

Later this year, Planet is set to release its Forest Carbon Monitoring product, offering partners and customers satellite-derived forest data on an individual tree level at 3-m resolution. BeZero has exclusive early access to this product, with scientists from both organizations working closely on testing and evaluation.

“Planet has built a time series of forest carbon products, available at your fingertips anywhere in the world. Combining airborne LiDAR, satellite imagery, and artificial intelligence, we deliver these thoroughly validated data feeds to partners like BeZero,” said David Marvin, Planet’s Product Lead for Forest Ecosystems. “With BeZero’s insights, sustainability leaders can make confident and data-backed decisions in carbon crediting and financing.”

Earlier this year, BeZero integrated Planet’s quarterly Basemaps into its ratings platform, providing up-to-date, cloud-minimized imagery captured by the world's largest fleet of over 200 Earth observation satellites. BeZero’s platform customers can make swift side-by-side comparisons in and around carbon projects, all the way back to 2016.

“BeZero is leveraging the latest geospatial technology to build unique solutions for carbon ratings,” shared Dr. Phil Platts, VP of Geospatial and Earth Observation at BeZero. “We are excited that our scientists have exclusive access to the world’s first global 3-m forest carbon datasets, and look forward to sharing these insights with our clients through our ratings and platform.”

In June, BeZero hosted a webinar with industry experts from BeZero, Planet, ERM, and Chevron, to share how Planet’s satellite data and BeZero’s analytics are providing tangible insights for companies looking to engage in the voluntary carbon market. This collaborative event highlighted the future of geospatial technology, artificial intelligence, and data-informed decision making in carbon markets.

About Planet

Planet is a leading provider of global, daily satellite imagery and geospatial solutions. Planet is driven by a mission to image the world every day, and make change visible, accessible and actionable. Founded in 2010 by three NASA scientists, Planet designs, builds, and operates the largest Earth observation fleet of imaging satellites. Planet provides mission-critical data, advanced insights, and software solutions to over 1,000 customers, comprising the world’s leading agriculture, forestry, intelligence, education and finance companies and government agencies, enabling users to simply and effectively derive unique value from satellite imagery. Planet is a public benefit corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange as PL. To learn more visit and follow us on X (formerly Twitter).

About BeZero

BeZero is the carbon ratings agency. Its ratings and risk products equip world-leading organisations with the knowledge, tools and confidence to make better climate decisions. Its aim is to scale investment in environmental markets that deliver a sustainable future.

Visit and follow BeZero on LinkedIn and X to learn more.

Planet Press

Lauren Neville Cottrell

Planet Investor Relations

Chris Genualdi, Cleo Palmer-Poroner

Source: Planet


What is Planet Labs PBC's stock symbol?

Planet Labs PBC's stock symbol is NYSE: PL.

What product is BeZero using from Planet Labs for forest carbon monitoring?

BeZero is using Planet's Forest Carbon Diligence product, which provides global 30-m time series data on tree height, canopy cover, and forest carbon stocks.

When is Planet Labs planning to release its Forest Carbon Monitoring product?

Planet Labs is set to release its Forest Carbon Monitoring product later this year, offering 3-m resolution satellite-derived forest data at an individual tree level.

How far back can BeZero's platform customers compare carbon projects using Planet's Basemaps?

BeZero's platform customers can make side-by-side comparisons of carbon projects all the way back to 2016 using Planet's quarterly Basemaps.

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