Carbon Mapper Coalition launches Tanager-1 satellite to drive transparency of methane and CO2 super-emitters and prompt global action

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The Carbon Mapper Coalition has successfully launched Tanager-1, its first satellite, into orbit. Developed by Planet Labs (NYSE: PL) with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory technology, Tanager-1 aims to pinpoint methane and CO2 super-emitters globally. This satellite is part of a public-private partnership to drive transparency and action on emissions reduction.

Tanager-1's unique capabilities allow it to detect methane super-emitters that emit >100 kg/hour across fossil fuel, waste, and agriculture sectors. The satellite will provide high-resolution observations to empower industry, policymakers, and civil society to reduce emissions at the source. Carbon Mapper plans to make this data publicly available on its online portal, advancing transparency and accountability in emissions reduction efforts.

La Carbon Mapper Coalition ha lanciato con successo Tanager-1, il suo primo satellite, in orbita. Sviluppato da Planet Labs (NYSE: PL) con la tecnologia del Jet Propulsion Laboratory della NASA, Tanager-1 è progettato per individuare i super-emettitori di metano e CO2 a livello globale. Questo satellite fa parte di una partnership pubblico-privata per promuovere la trasparenza e l'azione nella riduzione delle emissioni.

Le capacità uniche di Tanager-1 gli permettono di rilevare i super-emettitori di metano che emettono oltre 100 kg/ora nei settori dei combustibili fossili, dei rifiuti e dell'agricoltura. Il satellite fornirà osservazioni ad alta risoluzione per consentire all'industria, ai responsabili politici e alla società civile di ridurre le emissioni alla fonte. Carbon Mapper prevede di rendere questi dati disponibili al pubblico attraverso il suo portale online, avanzando la trasparenza e la responsabilità negli sforzi di riduzione delle emissioni.

La Coalición Carbon Mapper ha lanzado con éxito Tanager-1, su primer satélite, al espacio. Desarrollado por Planet Labs (NYSE: PL) con la tecnología del Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la NASA, Tanager-1 tiene como objetivo identificar a nivel mundial a los super-emisores de metano y CO2. Este satélite es parte de una asociación público-privada para impulsar la transparencia y la acción en la reducción de emisiones.

Las capacidades únicas de Tanager-1 le permiten detectar super-emisores de metano que emiten más de 100 kg/hora en los sectores de combustibles fósiles, residuos y agricultura. El satélite proporcionará observaciones de alta resolución para empoderar a la industria, a los responsables políticos y a la sociedad civil para reducir las emisiones en su origen. Carbon Mapper planea hacer estos datos públicos a través de su portal en línea, promoviendo la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en los esfuerzos de reducción de emisiones.

카본 매퍼 연합은 최초의 위성 타나거-1을 궤도로 성공적으로 발사했습니다. NASA의 제트 추진 연구소 기술로 플래닛 연구소 (NYSE: PL)가 개발한 타나거-1은 전 세계의 메탄 및 CO2 슈퍼 방출원을 정확히 찾아내는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 위성은 배출 감소에 대한 투명성과 조치를 촉진하기 위한 공공-민간 파트너십의 일환입니다.

타나거-1의 독특한 기능은 화석 연료, 폐기물 및 농업 부문에서 시간당 100kg 이상을 배출하는 메탄 슈퍼 방출원을 탐지할 수 있게 해줍니다. 이 위성은 산업, 정책 입안자 및 시민 사회가 원천에서 배출량을 줄일 수 있도록 하는 고해상도 관측을 제공할 것입니다. 카본 매퍼는 이러한 데이터를 온라인 포털을 통해 공개할 계획으로, 배출 감소 노력의 투명성과 책임성을 높이는 데 기여할 것입니다.

La Carbon Mapper Coalition a lancé avec succès Tanager-1, son premier satellite, en orbite. Développé par Planet Labs (NYSE: PL) avec la technologie du Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la NASA, Tanager-1 vise à identifier les super-émetteurs de méthane et de CO2 à l'échelle mondiale. Ce satellite fait partie d'un partenariat public-privé pour promouvoir la transparence et l'action en matière de réduction des émissions.

Les capacités uniques de Tanager-1 lui permettent de détecter les super-émetteurs de méthane émettant plus de 100 kg/heure dans les secteurs des combustibles fossiles, des déchets et de l'agriculture. Le satellite fournira des observations haute résolution pour permettre à l'industrie, aux décideurs et à la société civile de réduire les émissions à la source. Carbon Mapper prévoit de rendre ces données accessibles au public via son portail en ligne, favorisant ainsi la transparence et la responsabilité dans les efforts de réduction des émissions.

Die Carbon Mapper Coalition hat erfolgreich Tanager-1, ihren ersten Satelliten, in den Orbit gebracht. Entwickelt von Planet Labs (NYSE: PL) mit Technologie des Jet Propulsion Laboratory der NASA, zielt Tanager-1 darauf ab, globale Methan- und CO2-Superemittenten zu identifizieren. Dieser Satellit ist Teil einer öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaft zur Förderung von Transparenz und Maßnahmen zur Emissionsreduzierung.

Die einzigartigen Fähigkeiten von Tanager-1 ermöglichen es, Methan-Superemittenten zu erkennen, die über 100 kg/Stunde in den Bereichen fossile Brennstoffe, Abfall und Landwirtschaft emittieren. Der Satellit wird hochauflösende Beobachtungen bereitstellen, um der Industrie, den politischen Entscheidungsträgern und der Zivilgesellschaft zu helfen, Emissionen an der Quelle zu reduzieren. Carbon Mapper plant, diese Daten über sein Online-Portal öffentlich zugänglich zu machen und so Transparenz und Verantwortung bei den Bemühungen zur Emissionsreduzierung voranzutreiben.

  • Successful launch of Tanager-1 satellite to detect methane and CO2 super-emitters
  • Public-private partnership leveraging Planet Labs' (NYSE: PL) technology and expertise
  • Potential to identify and mitigate previously unknown super-emitting events
  • Plan to make emissions data publicly available for noncommercial use
  • None.

The launch of Tanager-1 represents a significant leap in methane detection technology. This satellite's ability to pinpoint super-emitters with unprecedented precision could be a game-changer for climate action. Its high-resolution imaging spectrometer can identify emissions as small as 100 kilograms per hour, far surpassing current capabilities.

The potential impact is substantial: by targeting super-emitters responsible for up to 60% of regional emissions, we could see rapid, meaningful reductions in methane levels. This precision targeting allows for more efficient and cost-effective mitigation strategies. Moreover, the public availability of this data could drive transparency and accountability across industries, potentially accelerating the adoption of cleaner technologies and practices.

The Tanager-1 launch is a pivotal moment for global climate policy. By providing accurate, real-time data on methane super-emitters, this satellite could significantly enhance the effectiveness of climate regulations and agreements. It addresses a important gap in current monitoring systems, potentially enabling more targeted and enforceable methane reduction policies.

The public-private partnership model behind this project is particularly noteworthy. It demonstrates how collaboration between government agencies, private companies and philanthropic organizations can drive innovation in climate solutions. This approach could serve as a template for future climate initiatives, potentially accelerating the development and deployment of critical technologies needed to combat climate change.

For investors, the Tanager-1 launch signals potential market shifts in the energy and environmental sectors. Companies involved in methane-intensive industries may face increased scrutiny and pressure to reduce emissions, potentially impacting their operations and bottom lines. Conversely, this could create opportunities for companies offering methane detection and mitigation technologies.

Planet Labs (NYSE: PL), as a key partner in this project, could see increased investor interest. The success of Tanager-1 might boost demand for Planet's satellite and data analytics services, potentially driving revenue growth. However, investors should also consider the competitive landscape and the company's ability to capitalize on this opportunity in the long term.

VANDENBERG SPACE FORCE BASE, Calif., Aug. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the Carbon Mapper Coalition's first satellite, Tanager-1, was successfully launched into orbit on the SpaceX Transporter-11 Rideshare mission. The satellite was developed by Planet Labs (NYSE: PL) with technology from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The launch marks a critical milestone in Carbon Mapper's work to drive local action on methane and CO2 super-emitters, globally.

The Tanager-1 satellite will grow transparency of methane super-emitters — pinpointing leaks so society can act now to stop them.

Tanager-1 is the first of a series of satellites being developed and deployed through a unique public-private partnership powered by philanthropy that brings together diverse technical, scientific, engineering and policy expertise to accomplish bold emission reduction objectives. The coalition, led by the nonprofit Carbon Mapper, includes JPL, Planet Labs, RMI and Arizona State University alongside philanthropic supporters including High Tide Foundation, Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Children's Investment Fund Foundation and Zegar Family Foundation, among others.

"There is more momentum than ever to act on climate. But a lack of public and private investment in global methane and CO2 monitoring has left gaps that leave many emissions untracked and unaddressed," said Richard Lawrence, Founder and Executive Chairman of High Tide Foundation. "With the launch of Tanager-1 we are scaling up high impact monitoring to drive transparency of super-emitters everywhere and grow society's collective capacity to be a big part of the solution." 

"Data from this satellite will dramatically improve our ability to pinpoint leaks of methane and CO2 and ensure action is taken to stop them," said Michael R. Bloomberg, the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions and Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies. "It's a great example of how new technology can lead to more transparency and faster progress in cutting emissions — which is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change."

Methane is over 80 times more powerful at retaining heat in the atmosphere than CO2, contributing to about 30% of global temperature rise to date. Given its outsized climate impact and relatively short lifespan (methane lasts about a decade in the atmosphere), addressing methane is best down payment society can make today to slow the rate of global temperature rise.  

Tanager's unique capabilities complement other emissions-detecting sensors in orbit by zooming in on methane super-emitters — facilities or equipment that emit >100 kilograms per hour — across the fossil fuel, waste and agriculture sectors. The Tanager-1 satellite will provide observations with unprecedented granularity to empower industry, policymakers, regulators, and civil society to take actions that reduce emissions at the source. In addition to slowing climate change, mitigating methane will dramatically improve air quality by reducing co-emitted toxic air pollutants, protecting vulnerable communities and improving public health.

"Methane super-emitters represent a disproportionate climate risk and opportunity — contributing up to 20–60% of a region's total emissions in some sectors. We have shown that finding and fixing these emissions can result in large reductions that, with sustained monitoring, can stay mitigated," said Riley Duren, Carbon Mapper Co-Founder and CEO. "Observations from Tanager will enable Carbon Mapper to grow its publicly available data, and this first satellite is an exciting step toward our goal to scale up a full constellation of satellites to detect and track up to 90% of super-emitting sources globally with daily frequency or better."

Through years of regional demonstration pilots leveraging aircraft equipped with imaging spectrometers (including Arizona State University Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science's Global Airborne Observatory and JPL's AVIRIS-NG), Carbon Mapper found that nearly half of super-emitting events flagged for state agencies and operators were previously unknown, and once identified, were able to be mitigated.

"The launch of Tanager-1 continues the crucial work of locating greenhouse gas emissions sources with a degree of resolution that will enable stakeholders to take action," said James Graf, director of JPL's Earth Science and Technology Directorate. "We are excited to see the JPL imaging spectrometer technology providing direct societal impact. We also see great promise in tackling other environmental challenges through public-private partnerships as demonstrated by the Carbon Mapper Coalition."

"The Tanager-1 mission will use incredible technology to pinpoint emitters and guide action to stop them. This is a remarkable coalition that we are incredibly proud to be a part of," said Will Marshall, Co-Founder and CEO of Planet. "Combining cutting-edge imaging spectrometer technology from JPL with an innovative smallsat bus from Planet and data processing from Carbon Mapper, the consortium itself is a powerful example of actors coming together to solve hard world challenges. We expect its impact on methane emitters to have a lasting, positive impact on the planet."

A core part of Carbon Mapper's mission is making its methane and CO2 data and insights available on its public online portal for noncommercial use. Today, the portal includes tens of thousands of plumes observed from air and space and soon will include methane data from Tanager-1. With this powerful tool, the organization is advancing data transparency and accessibility that can strengthen societal awareness on the exact sources of emissions, prompt mitigation action, improve accountability, prioritize solutions and investments, and help us reduce emissions quickly to meet bold climate goals.

Special Note to Reporters:
More information, including image and video footage can be found in our press package here.

About Carbon Mapper
Carbon Mapper is a nonprofit based in Pasadena, CA with the mission to drive greenhouse gas emissions reductions by making methane and carbon dioxide data accessible and actionable. Carbon Mapper is focused on filling gaps in the emerging ecosystem of methane and CO2 monitoring systems by delivering data at facility scale that is precise, timely, and accessible to empower science-based decision making and action. The organization leads a public-private partnership including Planet Labs, PBC, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Air Resources Board, RMI, and Arizona State University among others focused on developing and deploying a constellation of satellites capable of detecting, quantifying, and verifying methane emissions worldwide. Data from these satellites will offer the next major step in scaling up the thousands of methane plumes and CO2 plumes already publicly available on the Carbon Mapper data portal. Learn more at, view our data at, and follow us on Twitter @carbonmapper.

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SOURCE Carbon Mapper Inc.


What is the purpose of Planet Labs' (PL) Tanager-1 satellite?

Tanager-1 is designed to detect and pinpoint methane and CO2 super-emitters globally, providing high-resolution observations to drive transparency and prompt action on emissions reduction.

How will Tanager-1 impact Planet Labs' (PL) business?

Tanager-1 showcases Planet Labs' technology and expertise in satellite development, potentially strengthening its position in the environmental monitoring market and contributing to its business growth.

What are the capabilities of the Tanager-1 satellite developed by Planet Labs (PL)?

Tanager-1 can detect methane super-emitters that release over 100 kg/hour across fossil fuel, waste, and agriculture sectors, providing unprecedented granularity in emissions monitoring.

How does the Tanager-1 mission align with Planet Labs' (PL) business strategy?

The Tanager-1 mission aligns with Planet Labs' strategy by demonstrating its ability to develop innovative satellite technology for environmental monitoring, potentially opening new market opportunities.

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