Revvity’s EUROIMMUN Receives CE Mark for Novel Measles Antibody Detection Assay
Revvity (NYSE: RVTY) has announced the launch of EUROIMMUN's CE-marked Anti-Measles Virus ELISA 2.0 (IgG), expanding its infectious disease diagnostics portfolio. This novel assay is designed to support measles virus infection diagnosis and immune status determination.
The test is notable as the first commercial assay validated for dried blood spots (DBS) alongside traditional serum and plasma samples. DBS testing requires only fingertip blood droplets on paper cards, offering advantages in routine testing, studies, and regions with medical infrastructure.
The assay addresses a market gap as the first commercial solution for detecting anti-measles virus IgG antibodies using DBS samples, eliminating the need for laboratories to conduct their own validations. The test can be processed both manually and automatically using EUROIMMUN's scalable solutions.
Revvity (NYSE: RVTY) ha annunciato il lancio dell'ELISA 2.0 (IgG) per il virus morbillo di EUROIMMUN, contrassegnato CE, ampliando il suo portafoglio di diagnostica per malattie infettive. Questo nuovo saggio è progettato per supportare la diagnosi di infezione da virus morbillo e la determinazione dello stato immunitario.
Il test è notevole in quanto è il primo saggio commerciale validato per spot di sangue secco (DBS) insieme ai tradizionali campioni di siero e plasma. Il test DBS richiede solo gocce di sangue prelevate dal polpastrello su schede di carta, offrendo vantaggi nei test di routine, negli studi e nelle regioni con infrastrutture mediche limitate.
Il saggio colma una lacuna di mercato come prima soluzione commerciale per la rilevazione degli anticorpi IgG anti-virus morbillo utilizzando campioni DBS, eliminando la necessità per i laboratori di condurre le proprie validazioni. Il test può essere elaborato sia manualmente che automaticamente utilizzando le soluzioni scalabili di EUROIMMUN.
Revvity (NYSE: RVTY) ha anunciado el lanzamiento del ELISA 2.0 (IgG) para el virus del sarampión de EUROIMMUN, marcado CE, ampliando su cartera de diagnóstico de enfermedades infecciosas. Este nuevo ensayo está diseñado para apoyar el diagnóstico de infección por el virus del sarampión y la determinación del estado inmunológico.
El test es notable ya que es el primer ensayo comercial validado para gotas de sangre seca (DBS) junto con muestras tradicionales de suero y plasma. La prueba DBS requiere solo gotas de sangre del dedo en tarjetas de papel, ofreciendo ventajas en pruebas rutinarias, estudios y regiones con infraestructura médica limitada.
El ensayo aborda una brecha en el mercado como la primera solución comercial para detectar anticuerpos IgG anti-virus del sarampión utilizando muestras DBS, eliminando la necesidad de que los laboratorios realicen sus propias validaciones. La prueba puede ser procesada tanto manual como automáticamente utilizando las soluciones escalables de EUROIMMUN.
Revvity (NYSE: RVTY)는 EUROIMMUN의 CE 인증을 받은 홍역 바이러스 ELISA 2.0 (IgG)의 출시를 발표하며 감염병 진단 포트폴리오를 확장했습니다. 이 새로운 검사는 홍역 바이러스 감염 진단과 면역 상태 결정을 지원하도록 설계되었습니다.
이 테스트는 전통적인 혈청 및 혈장 샘플과 함께 건조 혈액 샘플 (DBS)에 대해 검증된 첫 상업적 검사라는 점에서 주목할 만합니다. DBS 테스트는 종이 카드에 손끝에서 채취한 혈액 방울만 필요로 하여, 일상적인 검사, 연구 및 의료 인프라가 제한된 지역에서 장점을 제공합니다.
이 검사는 DBS 샘플을 사용하여 홍역 바이러스 IgG 항체를 탐지하기 위한 첫 상업적 솔루션으로서 시장의 공백을 해결하며, 실험실이 자체 검증을 수행할 필요가 없습니다. 이 테스트는 EUROIMMUN의 확장 가능한 솔루션을 사용하여 수동 및 자동으로 처리할 수 있습니다.
Revvity (NYSE: RVTY) a annoncé le lancement de l'ELISA 2.0 (IgG) pour le virus de la rougeole de EUROIMMUN, marqué CE, élargissant ainsi son portefeuille de diagnostics des maladies infectieuses. Ce nouvel essai est conçu pour soutenir le diagnostic de l'infection par le virus de la rougeole et la détermination du statut immunitaire.
Le test est remarquable car il s'agit du premier essai commercial validé pour des échantillons de sang séché (DBS) en plus des échantillons de sérum et de plasma traditionnels. Le test DBS nécessite seulement des gouttes de sang prélevées au bout des doigts sur des cartes en papier, offrant des avantages pour les tests de routine, les études et dans les régions disposant d'une infrastructure médicale limitée.
L'essai comble une lacune sur le marché en tant que première solution commerciale pour détecter les anticorps IgG anti-virus de la rougeole à l'aide d'échantillons DBS, éliminant ainsi la nécessité pour les laboratoires de réaliser leurs propres validations. Le test peut être traité manuellement ou automatiquement à l'aide des solutions évolutives d'EUROIMMUN.
Revvity (NYSE: RVTY) hat die Einführung des CE-zertifizierten Anti-Masernvirus ELISA 2.0 (IgG) von EUROIMMUN angekündigt und erweitert damit sein Portfolio für die Diagnostik von Infektionskrankheiten. Dieser neuartige Test ist darauf ausgelegt, die Diagnose einer Masernvirusinfektion und die Bestimmung des Immunstatus zu unterstützen.
Der Test ist bemerkenswert, da er der erste kommerzielle Test ist, der für getrocknete Blutproben (DBS) validiert wurde, neben traditionellen Serum- und Plasma-Proben. DBS-Tests erfordern nur Blutstropfen von der Fingerspitze auf Papierkarten und bieten Vorteile bei Routineuntersuchungen, Studien und in Regionen mit begrenzter medizinischer Infrastruktur.
Der Test schließt eine Marktlücke als erste kommerzielle Lösung zur Erkennung von IgG-Antikörpern gegen das Masernvirus unter Verwendung von DBS-Proben und beseitigt die Notwendigkeit, dass Labore ihre eigenen Validierungen durchführen. Der Test kann sowohl manuell als auch automatisch mit den skalierbaren Lösungen von EUROIMMUN verarbeitet werden.
- First commercial assay for measles antibody detection using dried blood spots
- Expands diagnostic capabilities in underserved markets
- CE mark approval obtained
- Offers both manual and automated processing options
- Part of early-stage portfolio expansion with several assays still in development
Revvity's CE mark approval for EUROIMMUN's Anti-Measles Virus ELISA 2.0 represents a significant technical advancement in infectious disease diagnostics. The innovation here is the validated use of dried blood spots (DBS) as sample material—a major advantage over traditional venous blood collection that requires only fingertip blood droplets.
This development addresses several critical market needs: First, the rising global measles incidence creates urgent demand for accessible testing. Second, the DBS methodology dramatically expands testing accessibility in resource- settings lacking cold chain infrastructure or trained phlebotomists. Third, the simplified collection process enables broader surveillance and epidemiological studies.
The technical capability to maintain sample stability while using minimal blood volume opens possibilities for pediatric applications and remote testing scenarios, potentially reshaping testing paradigms across EUROIMMUN's entire serological portfolio. This technology platform clearly provides Revvity competitive differentiation while addressing WHO's measles elimination goals through improved surveillance capabilities.
Notably, this approval signals just the beginning of Revvity's expansion strategy, with multiple additional DBS-validated assays in development. The mention of scalable automated processing solutions indicates the company has built an ecosystem around this technology, not merely a standalone product.
This CE mark approval strategically positions Revvity to capture increased market share in the growing infectious disease diagnostics segment. The timing is particularly advantageous given the global resurgence of measles cases, creating immediate demand for improved testing capabilities.
What's most compelling from an investment perspective is how this represents Revvity's execution on multiple strategic fronts simultaneously: expanding their infectious disease portfolio, pioneering novel sample methodology, addressing underserved markets, and building scalable processing infrastructure.
The DBS validation creates substantial differentiation in a competitive diagnostics landscape, potentially unlocking new market segments including rural healthcare facilities, mobile screening programs, and developing regions where traditional venous blood testing infrastructure is
This announcement signals the first of several upcoming assays leveraging the same technology platform, indicating a broader pipeline strategy rather than a single product release. The mention of automated processing capabilities is particularly noteworthy as it suggests Revvity is positioning for high-throughput commercial applications, reinforcing the company's commitment to both innovation and scalability in their diagnostic business.
The move aligns with healthcare's broader shift toward accessibility, minimally invasive procedures, and decentralized testing—all growth vectors in the diagnostics industry.
Company expands infectious disease diagnostics portfolio with first of several assays validated for dried blood spots as sample material
Measles is a highly contagious airborne disease that can lead to severe complications for infected individuals. With measles cases on the rise globally, improving and expanding access to testing for the measles virus supports broad surveillance and prevention efforts.
Diagnostics using DBS only require droplets of capillary blood to provide a reliable test result. Samples are typically taken from the fingertip and deposited onto a paper card, which can then be sent to a diagnostic laboratory for further analysis. Due to the minimally invasive sampling method and high stability of the sample, diagnostics using DBS are beneficial in routine testing, for use in studies, or in regions without developed medical infrastructure.
The possibility of using DBS instead of venous blood samples expands opportunities for practitioners as well as diagnostics laboratories investigating measles virus infections.
“Because there was no commercial assay for detecting anti-measles virus IgG antibodies using a DBS sample, diagnostic laboratories have had to validate DBS on their own. Now we can fill this gap by offering an IVDR-compliant solution,” explains Dr. Lars Komorowski, chief scientific officer of EUROIMMUN.
The Anti-Measles Virus ELISA 2.0 (IgG) can be processed manually or automatically using EUROIMMUN‘s scalable solutions available for DBS processing and ELISA.
About Revvity
At Revvity, “impossible” is inspiration, and “can’t be done” is a call to action. Revvity provides health science solutions, technologies, expertise, and services that deliver complete workflows from discovery to development, and diagnosis to cure. Revvity is revolutionizing what’s possible in healthcare, with specialized focus areas in translational multi-omics technologies, biomarker identification, imaging, prediction, screening, detection and diagnosis, informatics and more.
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Steve Willoughby
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Chet Murray
(781) 462-5126
Source: Revvity
What is the significance of Revvity's (RVTY) new CE-marked measles antibody detection assay?
How does the dried blood spot testing method in RVTY's new measles assay work?
What advantages does RVTY's new measles test offer over traditional testing methods?