Premier, Inc. Divests Ownership Position in S2S Global Through New Partnership With Prestige Ameritech

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Premier, Inc. (NASDAQ: PINC) has entered into a partnership with Prestige Ameritech, , exchanging its holdings in S2S Global for a 20% minority interest in Prestige. This increases Premier's total ownership in Prestige to approximately 24.2%. Prestige, a major domestic manufacturer of PPE, is certified as a Native American Owned Business. The combination with S2S has the potential to create one of the largest diverse medical sourcing companies in the U.S.

This move aligns with Premier's strategy to focus on core technology-enablement and smarter supply chain solutions while supporting supply chain resiliency for U.S. healthcare providers. The partnership aims to expand into product categories needing additional competition and U.S. supply to prevent shortages and enhance supply chain resilience.

Premier, Inc. (NASDAQ: PINC) ha avviato una collaborazione con Prestige Ameritech, scambiando le sue partecipazioni in S2S Global per una quota di minoranza del 20% in Prestige. Questo porta la quota totale di Premier in Prestige a circa il 24,2%. Prestige, un importante produttore nazionale di dispositivi di protezione personale (DPI), è certificato come Azienda di Proprietà Nativa Americana. La combinazione con S2S ha il potenziale per creare una delle più grandi aziende di approvvigionamento medico diversificate negli Stati Uniti.

Questa mossa si allinea con la strategia di Premier di concentrarsi su tecnologie abilitanti e soluzioni più intelligenti per la catena di approvvigionamento, supportando al contempo la resilienza della catena di approvvigionamento per i fornitori di assistenza sanitaria negli Stati Uniti. La partnership mira ad espandersi in categorie di prodotti che necessitano di una maggiore concorrenza e fornitura negli Stati Uniti per prevenire carenze e migliorare la resilienza della catena di approvvigionamento.

Premier, Inc. (NASDAQ: PINC) ha establecido una asociación con Prestige Ameritech, intercambiando sus participaciones en S2S Global por un interés minoritario del 20% en Prestige. Esto aumenta la propiedad total de Premier en Prestige a aproximadamente el 24,2%. Prestige, un importante fabricante nacional de equipos de protección personal (EPP), está certificado como Empresa de Propiedad Nativa Americana. La combinación con S2S tiene el potencial de crear una de las mayores empresas de abastecimiento médico diverso en EE. UU.

Este movimiento se alinea con la estrategia de Premier de enfocarse en la habilitación de tecnologías y soluciones más inteligentes en la cadena de suministro, al tiempo que apoya la resiliencia de la cadena de suministro para los proveedores de atención médica en EE. UU. La asociación tiene como objetivo expandirse en categorías de productos que necesitan más competencia y suministro en EE. UU. para prevenir escaseces y mejorar la resiliencia de la cadena de suministro.

프리미어 주식회사 (NASDAQ: PINC)는 Prestige Ameritech와 파트너십을 체결하고 S2S Global의 지분을 Prestige의 20% 소수 지분으로 교환했습니다. 이를 통해 프리미어의 Prestige 총 소유율은 약 24.2%로 증가했습니다. Prestige는 주요 국내 개인 보호 장비 (PPE) 제조업체로, 아메리카 원주민 소유 기업으로 인증되었습니다. S2S와의 결합은 미국에서 가장 큰 다양한 의료 조달 회사 중 하나를 창출할 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다.

이번 조치는 프리미어가 핵심 기술 활용 및 보다 스마트한 공급망 솔루션에 집중하는 전략과 일치하며, 미국 의료 제공자의 공급망 회복력을 지원합니다. 이 파트너십은 추가 경쟁과 미국 내 공급이 필요한 제품 카테고리로 확장하여 부족을 방지하고 공급망 회복력을 강화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Premier, Inc. (NASDAQ: PINC) a conclu un partenariat avec Prestige Ameritech, échangeant ses participations dans S2S Global pour un intérêt minoritaire de 20% dans Prestige. Cela porte la propriété totale de Premier dans Prestige à environ 24,2%. Prestige, un important fabricant national d'EPI (équipements de protection individuelle), est certifié comme entreprise détenue par des Amérindiens. La combinaison avec S2S a le potentiel de créer l'une des plus grandes entreprises d'approvisionnement médical diversifié aux États-Unis.

Ce mouvement s'inscrit dans la stratégie de Premier d'accentuer l'activation des technologies et les solutions de chaîne d'approvisionnement plus intelligentes tout en soutenant la résilience de la chaîne d'approvisionnement pour les prestataires de soins de santé américains. Le partenariat vise à s'étendre à des catégories de produits nécessitant une concurrence et une fourniture supplémentaires aux États-Unis afin de prévenir les pénuries et d'améliorer la résilience de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

Premier, Inc. (NASDAQ: PINC) hat eine Partnerschaft mit Prestige Ameritech eingegangen und seine Anteile an S2S Global gegen einen 20% Minderheitsanteil an Prestige getauscht. Dies erhöht den Gesamtbesitz von Premier an Prestige auf etwa 24,2%. Prestige, ein bedeutender inländischer Hersteller von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA), ist als Unternehmen in Besitz von Ureinwohnern Amerikas zertifiziert. Die Kombination mit S2S hat das Potenzial, eines der größten vielfältigen medizinischen Beschaffungsunternehmen in den USA zu schaffen.

Dieser Schritt steht im Einklang mit der Strategie von Premier, sich auf technologiegestützte und intelligentere Lösungen der Lieferkette zu konzentrieren und gleichzeitig die Resilienz der Lieferkette für die Gesundheitsdienstleister in den USA zu unterstützen. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, in Produktkategorien zu expandieren, die zusätzliche Konkurrenz und US-Lieferungen benötigen, um Engpässe zu verhindern und die Resilienz der Lieferkette zu verbessern.

  • Premier increases total ownership in Prestige Ameritech to 24.2%
  • Partnership supports Premier's strategy to focus on core businesses
  • Potential creation of one of the largest diverse medical sourcing companies in the U.S.
  • Enhanced supply chain resiliency for U.S. hospitals and healthcare systems
  • Expansion into product categories needing additional competition and U.S. supply
  • Divestment of Premier's S2S Global business


This transaction represents a strategic shift for Premier, divesting its direct sourcing subsidiary S2S Global in exchange for an increased stake in Prestige Ameritech. The move aligns with Premier's focus on core technology and supply chain solutions while maintaining involvement in domestic PPE production. The increased ownership in Prestige (now ~24.2) strengthens Premier's position in supply chain resiliency, a critical factor given recent global supply disruptions. While the immediate financial impact isn't quantified, this partnership could potentially reduce operational costs and enhance long-term value through a more focused business model. For investors, this move signals Premier's commitment to streamlining operations and leveraging strategic partnerships to maintain market competitiveness in healthcare improvement solutions.

This partnership marks a significant development in healthcare supply chain resilience. By increasing its stake in Prestige Ameritech, Premier is doubling down on domestic PPE production, addressing a critical vulnerability exposed during the pandemic. The combination of S2S Global with Prestige has the potential to create a major diverse medical sourcing entity, which could lead to improved supply stability and potentially more competitive pricing for healthcare providers. The focus on U.S.-based manufacturing aligns with broader trends towards reshoring critical medical supplies. For Premier's customers, this could translate to more reliable access to essential medical products, reducing dependency on overseas suppliers. This move could position Premier favorably in an increasingly competitive healthcare improvement market.

Advances Premier’s strategy to focus on core businesses while continuing to support supply chain resiliency for U.S. hospitals and healthcare systems

CHARLOTTE, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Premier, Inc. (NASDAQ: PINC), a leading technology-driven healthcare improvement company, today announced it has entered into a partnership with Prestige Ameritech, Ltd. (“Prestige”), one of the country’s largest manufacturers of personal protective equipment (PPE). Pursuant to the partnership agreement, Premier exchanged all its holdings in the S2S Global business (“S2S”), its direct sourcing subsidiary, for a 20 percent minority interest in Prestige. This new ownership interest is in addition to an existing indirect investment that Premier made in the company in 2020, increasing Premier’s total ownership (direct and indirect) interest in Prestige to approximately 24.2 percent in the aggregate.

Prestige is one of the largest domestic manufacturers of medical and industrial face masks in the United States, supplying thousands of hospitals, physician offices, clinics and senior living facilities with products produced at a facility in Texas that is U.S. FDA-registered and International Organization for Standardization-certified. Prestige is certified as a Native American Owned Business, and the combination with S2S has the potential to create one of the largest diverse medical sourcing companies in the country.

“This expanded partnership will enable Premier to hone our focus on our core technology-enablement and smarter supply chain solutions as we continue to drive value for our members, partners, stockholders and other stakeholders,” said Michael J. Alkire, Premier’s President and CEO. “Additionally, our increased ownership of Prestige represents the next step in our supply chain resiliency strategy, which has been tremendously effective in ensuring that Premier members have differentiated access to domestically produced essential medical products, reducing their reliance on overseas manufacturing. We are confident that this transaction will ensure our continued alignment with Prestige as a partner in strategy while they take the S2S business to the next level.”

“Prestige Ameritech is proud to assume Premier’s ownership in the S2S Global business and build on our highly successful, long-standing partnership. With the size and scale of S2S’s assets, we believe we will be able to expand into product categories that need additional competition and U.S. supply to avoid shortages and enhance supply chain resiliency,” said Dan Reese, Prestige founder and CEO. “We look forward to continuing to work strategically with Premier as we provide innovative products that continue to deliver savings, while meeting and exceeding patient care needs.”

About Premier, Inc.

Premier, Inc. (NASDAQ: PINC) is a leading healthcare improvement company, uniting an alliance of more than 4,350 U.S. hospitals and health systems and approximately 325,000 other providers to transform healthcare. With integrated data and analytics, collaboratives, supply chain solutions, consulting and other services, Premier enables better care and outcomes at a lower cost. Premier plays a critical role in the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, collaborating with members to co-develop long-term innovations that reinvent and improve the way care is delivered to patients nationwide. Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Premier is passionate about transforming American healthcare. Please visit Premier’s news and investor sites on; as well as X, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and Premier’s blog for more information about the company.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Statements made in this release that are not statements of historical or current facts, including but not limited to those related to Premier’s ability to advance its long-term strategies and develop innovations for, transform, and improve healthcare, the potential benefits of the Prestige Ameritech transaction and the potential performance of S2S Global as part of Prestige Ameritech's business, and the financial impacts of the Prestige Ameritech transaction and future ownership of an increased minority interest in Prestige Ameritech, are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from historical results or from any future performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may include comments as to Premier’s beliefs and expectations as to future events and trends affecting its business and are necessarily subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside Premier’s control. More information on risks and uncertainties that could affect Premier’s business, achievements, performance, financial condition and financial results is included from time to time in the “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements,” “Risk Factors,” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of Premier’s periodic and current filings with the SEC. Premier's periodic and current filings with the SEC are made available on Premier’s website at Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and Premier undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or future events that occur after that date, or otherwise.

Investor contact:

Ben Krasinski

Senior Director, Investor Relations


Media contact:

Amanda Forster

Vice President, Integrated Communications


Source: Premier, Inc.


What is Premier's new ownership stake in Prestige Ameritech after the partnership?

Premier's total ownership (direct and indirect) interest in Prestige Ameritech increased to approximately 24.2% after the partnership agreement.

How does this partnership affect Premier's S2S Global business?

Premier exchanged all its holdings in the S2S Global business for a 20% minority interest in Prestige Ameritech.

What is the main goal of Premier's partnership with Prestige Ameritech?

The partnership aims to support supply chain resiliency for U.S. hospitals and healthcare systems while allowing Premier to focus on its core technology-enablement and smarter supply chain solutions.

How might this partnership impact the medical sourcing industry?

The combination of Prestige Ameritech and S2S Global has the potential to create one of the largest diverse medical sourcing companies in the United States.

Premier, Inc.


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